View Full Version : Ohio officer shoots 5 kittens in family backyard as child watches in horror

General of Darkness
12th June 2013, 03:54 PM
NOW if the people did that, they would be in jail.


Twisted Titan
12th June 2013, 04:15 PM
The pig was scared of some pussy.

12th June 2013, 05:42 PM
Yeah I thought it was against the law to empty out your gun in a back yard full of kids. Humane officer? LOL!

12th June 2013, 07:01 PM
We have people in our township who are employed to destroy vermin like birds, feral animals. People need to think through their actions though because things might end up just as bad or worse. A recent experience was these vermin guys were called in to destroy some pidgeons that were making a racket on the roof. Pidgeons are like rabbits and they are noisy when they are at it. So anyway, my advice was you might just want to put up with the pidgeons. Can't do that apparently. They had to go. So we have 1 week of no pidgeons banging away on the roof. Then the crows moved in. I've noticed this the past 6 or 7 years. Many many crows in my city. Never seen so much.

Which do you think it worse? Pidgeons or Crows? The crows are breaking off bits of metal, brick, wood, plastic, dropping things onto cars and roofs. They also make elephant sized messes if you get my meaning. People assume that pidgeons would be scared off by crows but this is not the case. Pidgeons are extremely viscious members of the animal kingdom.

So now there is talk of getting rid of the crow infestation. How do we think that will work out? I'm warning those guys if this keeps up we are going to get infested with owls and that will just be the start of our problems.

General of Darkness
12th June 2013, 07:16 PM
We have people in our township who are employed to destroy vermin like birds, feral animals. People need to think through their actions though because things might end up just as bad or worse. A recent experience was these vermin guys were called in to destroy some pidgeons that were making a racket on the roof. Pidgeons are like rabbits and they are noisy when they are at it. So anyway, my advice was you might just want to put up with the pidgeons. Can't do that apparently. They had to go. So we have 1 week of no pidgeons banging away on the roof. Then the crows moved in. I've noticed this the past 6 or 7 years. Many many crows in my city. Never seen so much.

Which do you think it worse? Pidgeons or Crows? The crows are breaking off bits of metal, brick, wood, plastic, dropping things onto cars and roofs. They also make elephant sized messes if you get my meaning. People assume that pidgeons would be scared off by crows but this is not the case. Pidgeons are extremely viscious members of the animal kingdom.

So now there is talk of getting rid of the crow infestation. How do we think that will work out? I'm warning those guys if this keeps up we are going to get infested with owls and that will just be the start of our problems.

Cycle of life, you fuck with it, it fucks with you. Just imagine when the white race has been eradicated. I'm thinking 100 as a long shot. Just like in South Africa. Some blacks are begging for whites to giving back control and to bring back Apartheid.

History will show that the REAL white man looked out for everyone's interests, not the jew that looks white.
