View Full Version : Feds Say: 'Pilots Have No Rights'

14th June 2013, 02:55 PM

He also told us that during the training he was taught that the pilots were to be treated as though they had no right to refuse the search. “What they taught law enforcement officers and agents was that all aircraft can be detained since they all fall under the . . . authority of the FAA.” He continued that, “this in effect gives them complete search authority of any aircraft.”

The agents teaching the course admitted during instruction that the stops had a very low rate of success in finding drug traffickers. Our source said one agent admitted that the stops involved “a lot of empty work but when you get a bite, it’s a big bite.”

Neither Homeland Security nor Customs and Border Protection have responded to Flying’s requests to confirm the account or to provide further details of the program.

OK, let that sink in. The jew DHS says private pilots have no rights because we "fall under the authority of the FAA".

Well, I guess we all fall under the "authority" of some alphabet agency according to them, don't we? (except Palini) The Zionists are chewing this country up and spitting it out. I don't take lightly a loaded gun pointed at me when I'm just legally going about my business, so I think I anticipate a bad day coming up.

Twisted Titan
14th June 2013, 03:09 PM
None of us have no rights.

Except the one we willing to assert through force of arms.

Its been that way for a very long time.

14th June 2013, 03:35 PM
Well, I guess we all fall under the "authority" of some alphabet agency according to them, don't we? (except Palini)

I don't know that I am the sole exception. The FAA was after my hide once for not returning a registration slip to them. I told them it was probably lost in the accident and sent them $2 to replace it and, oh, by the way, keep it because I have no further need for it.

Feds operate in a reification mode. That means they THOUGHT the registration slip WAS the airplane and as such would be capable of flying into tall buildings.

They think YOU are the birth certificate. I suggest you lose it.

15th June 2013, 09:38 AM
Feds operate in a reification mode. That means they THOUGHT the registration slip WAS the airplane and as such would be capable of flying into tall buildings.

They think YOU are the birth certificate. I suggest you lose it.

This reminds me of an incident a boat captain that I know had with the coast guard. He was stopped and boarded for almost 4 hours so they could train the newbies how to do whatever it is they do. They were running the vessel documentation search on his boat's name and asked what was the boat's previous name. He replied smugly, "tree". The head negro in charge said they didn't have any record of a vessel named "tree" matching the description of his boat. He said he wasn't surprised because before it was a boat and was a tree it wasn't documented with the coast guard.

15th June 2013, 10:10 AM
I haven't even started my jetboat since October (I know, not good)... just got sick of being boarded and searched EVERY single time I'm on the water. I'm wiring up the avionics in a flying boat I've built since then, but realizing the bastards are closing down that bit of freedom too.

You have the "freedom" to choose to give money to one of their corporations for a fake homoginized adventure (a Disney park, a Carnival cruise, etc.), but God help you if aspire for any real adventure/freedom in life.

midnight rambler
15th June 2013, 10:37 AM
God help you if aspire for any real adventure/freedom in life.

They're merely trying to protect you* (from yourself).

*this is normally referred to as racketeering, as in running a protection racket - my favorite example being when a cop writes up ANYONE in a car for not wearing a seatbelt, the cop is just presenting a bill for services rendered (since everyone is now considered TOO FUCKING STUPID to take responsibility for themselves)

15th June 2013, 11:19 AM
must not be many Jewish pilots.

15th June 2013, 11:37 AM
must not be many Jewish pilots.
Quite a few pilots are masons though, and masons are goyjews, whether they realize it or not. Sort of like JudeoChristians. Most of them don't realize they're jewgoys,
even though the term makes the claim.

15th June 2013, 12:01 PM

An acquaintance building the same plane as I am, is a big time mason. Here's his "dragon". Can't see it in this pic, but he painted two huge masonic logos in the front. He seems very libertarian minded and a bit anti-government... I have to ask him what level he is next time I see him. I says the Masons are benign and good, so that might be a bit suspicious.

15th June 2013, 02:49 PM
^ I do like his faa numbers camoflaged into the paint scheme.

15th June 2013, 03:58 PM
^ I do like his faa numbers camoflaged into the paint scheme.
Me too, but the FAA won't upon inspection for flight cert... they're not going to let that fly. You don't ever want to paint your registration numbers on, for many reasons, but the FAA regs are fairly clear about exact size and shape, and them not being camoflaged; he'll end up having to put block decal numbers on somewhere. I'm a bit scared for this guy... he's not building by the book and using highly experimental parts, engine, prop, etc.... even using only I-pads for instrumentation. I guess it will be interesting to see if it ever gets off the ground.

15th June 2013, 04:29 PM
I am sure Pee-Wee appreciates you posting his stuff all over the intarwebs, including his membership in a "club".

15th June 2013, 04:58 PM
This reminds me of an incident a boat captain that I know had with the coast guard. He was stopped and boarded for almost 4 hours so they could train the newbies how to do whatever it is they do.

For some reason, 4th amendment rights are not recognized by the coast guard. Never have been boarded, but everything is up to date and should pass with flying colors. It's bothersome however that they can pull up, demand 4 hours of your time, and search, basically take over your vessel. Not to mention, there's lots of stories of coasties damaging boats doing their boardings...their seamanship skills are very basic.

They are really just kids, most of them harmless and quite friendly, but still kids.

midnight rambler
15th June 2013, 05:10 PM
including his membership in a "club".

I'm sure you meant 'fraternal service organization'.