15th June 2013, 03:02 PM
The school went on lockdown mode without even bothering to inform me, her parent, and while it turned out to be nothing at all, the impression left on my child that day will not soon be forgotten.
In 2005, a federal court upheld that our nation’s public schools trump parent rights (
Parents and politicians alike were shocked when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled on Nov. 2 that parents’ fundamental right to control the upbringing of their children “does not extend beyond the threshold of the school door,” and that a public school has the right to provide its students with “whatever information it wishes to provide, sexual or otherwise.
The court went on to clarify:
Parents have no due process or privacy right to override the determinations of public schools as to the information to which their children will be exposed.
What this decision essentially says is that, as a parent, your rights to control what your children are being taught end at the school door.
Mainstream media reports continue to reveal the larger government indoctrination agenda at work in America’s public school system.
One California elementary school hosted a “toy gun buyback program” last week aimed at scaring kids into getting rid of anything even resembling a fake gun, and ultimately, to scare them away from active self defense, real gun ownership and the natural right to bear arms protected by our 2nd Amendment.
According to a CBS affiliate in San Francisco (, the school’s principal held the event “as a lesson for children who may see guns as part of everyday life”:
“As they get older, it becomes just a natural thing,” [Principal] Hill told KPIX 5. “If they have a real gun in their hand, they’ll pull the trigger just as quick. I mean, they don’t fear it.”
The key word there? Fear. As in, ‘they don’t fear guns’ enough…yet.
These programs are popping up at schools and churches across the nation following the Sandy Hook shooting last December. Since the tragedy, schools have gone overboard hyping the fear of guns and pushing gun control programming into overdrive, with young kids being suspended and arrested all over the country for paper guns (, pink bubble guns ( and even making their fingers into the shape of a gun ( the playground during a harmless game of ‘cops and robbers’.
Likewise, schools across the country like my daughter’s have begun jumping at ghosts, going into lockdown mode for almost any reason and putting the kids on a perpetual fear roller coaster akin to the atomic bomb drills following World War II.
While fear rules the day at our nation’s public schools, the flipside to this coin is a continual normalization of total compliance with the system.
CBS Los Angeles ( recently reported that new palm scanners in two local schools would “speed up the lunch lines”. These schools join others ( who have implemented similar biometric payment systems that read vein patterns connected to the children’s meal plans with an infrared light.
Parents in Louisiana spoke out against the new palm scanners in their children’s school cafeteria, calling the program the Mark of the Beast ( School officials there were quick to defend the system, saying these palm scans are just more “technology that is used throughout our lives. Everywhere.”
Everywhere, indeed. Poor argument actually, because if it is the Mark of the Beast, then wouldn’t it technically need to be everywhere?
Elsewhere in Florida, one school district was testing a new iris scanning software without even informing the parents at all. When the parents found out and protested, and the program got shut down, the media reported that it “could keep kids safer, (” as if to imply the parents were just not as concerned for their children’s safety as the school was that they would deny their kids the ability to have their irises scanned every time they get on a school bus.
Other schools are forcing students to wear RFID tracking chips that trace their every step via computer. It began in one San Antonio, Texas school district, and when a student spoke out because she felt the practice infringed on her religious beliefs (, she was kicked out of school for refusal to be chipped. Her case went all the way to federal court before being struck down, setting a precedent that student rights — religious or otherwise — no longer matter once our children set foot on school grounds.
There’s a reason Rutherford Institute founder and constitutional lawyer John Whitehead refers to schools as one more part of America’s ever-expanding ‘electronic concentration camp (‘. Our kids are being taught that giving up privacy and basic freedom to go about their daily lives chipped, tracked and trace is normal.
Many American parents cannot afford private schools and do not have the time or ability to homeschool their kids, leaving their children at the mercy of public schools as their only viable education option. The Obama Administration has been toying with the idea of a federal preschool program ( and longer school days with less summer vacation ( That means that, all waking hours considered, students will spend more time for more of their adolescent lives at school than at home with their families. Parents will have to work extra hard on building up their children’s critical thinking skills, to help them wade through a river of government propaganda to find the kernels of truth.
(H/T to Sharon on the iris scan story tip!)
MELISSA MELTON ( is a co-founder of (, where this article first appeared ( She is an experienced researcher, graphic artist and investigative journalist with a passion for liberty and a dedication to truth. Her aim is to expose the New World Order for what it is — a prison for the human soul from which we must break free.
In 2005, a federal court upheld that our nation’s public schools trump parent rights (
Parents and politicians alike were shocked when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled on Nov. 2 that parents’ fundamental right to control the upbringing of their children “does not extend beyond the threshold of the school door,” and that a public school has the right to provide its students with “whatever information it wishes to provide, sexual or otherwise.
The court went on to clarify:
Parents have no due process or privacy right to override the determinations of public schools as to the information to which their children will be exposed.
What this decision essentially says is that, as a parent, your rights to control what your children are being taught end at the school door.
Mainstream media reports continue to reveal the larger government indoctrination agenda at work in America’s public school system.
One California elementary school hosted a “toy gun buyback program” last week aimed at scaring kids into getting rid of anything even resembling a fake gun, and ultimately, to scare them away from active self defense, real gun ownership and the natural right to bear arms protected by our 2nd Amendment.
According to a CBS affiliate in San Francisco (, the school’s principal held the event “as a lesson for children who may see guns as part of everyday life”:
“As they get older, it becomes just a natural thing,” [Principal] Hill told KPIX 5. “If they have a real gun in their hand, they’ll pull the trigger just as quick. I mean, they don’t fear it.”
The key word there? Fear. As in, ‘they don’t fear guns’ enough…yet.
These programs are popping up at schools and churches across the nation following the Sandy Hook shooting last December. Since the tragedy, schools have gone overboard hyping the fear of guns and pushing gun control programming into overdrive, with young kids being suspended and arrested all over the country for paper guns (, pink bubble guns ( and even making their fingers into the shape of a gun ( the playground during a harmless game of ‘cops and robbers’.
Likewise, schools across the country like my daughter’s have begun jumping at ghosts, going into lockdown mode for almost any reason and putting the kids on a perpetual fear roller coaster akin to the atomic bomb drills following World War II.
While fear rules the day at our nation’s public schools, the flipside to this coin is a continual normalization of total compliance with the system.
CBS Los Angeles ( recently reported that new palm scanners in two local schools would “speed up the lunch lines”. These schools join others ( who have implemented similar biometric payment systems that read vein patterns connected to the children’s meal plans with an infrared light.
Parents in Louisiana spoke out against the new palm scanners in their children’s school cafeteria, calling the program the Mark of the Beast ( School officials there were quick to defend the system, saying these palm scans are just more “technology that is used throughout our lives. Everywhere.”
Everywhere, indeed. Poor argument actually, because if it is the Mark of the Beast, then wouldn’t it technically need to be everywhere?
Elsewhere in Florida, one school district was testing a new iris scanning software without even informing the parents at all. When the parents found out and protested, and the program got shut down, the media reported that it “could keep kids safer, (” as if to imply the parents were just not as concerned for their children’s safety as the school was that they would deny their kids the ability to have their irises scanned every time they get on a school bus.
Other schools are forcing students to wear RFID tracking chips that trace their every step via computer. It began in one San Antonio, Texas school district, and when a student spoke out because she felt the practice infringed on her religious beliefs (, she was kicked out of school for refusal to be chipped. Her case went all the way to federal court before being struck down, setting a precedent that student rights — religious or otherwise — no longer matter once our children set foot on school grounds.
There’s a reason Rutherford Institute founder and constitutional lawyer John Whitehead refers to schools as one more part of America’s ever-expanding ‘electronic concentration camp (‘. Our kids are being taught that giving up privacy and basic freedom to go about their daily lives chipped, tracked and trace is normal.
Many American parents cannot afford private schools and do not have the time or ability to homeschool their kids, leaving their children at the mercy of public schools as their only viable education option. The Obama Administration has been toying with the idea of a federal preschool program ( and longer school days with less summer vacation ( That means that, all waking hours considered, students will spend more time for more of their adolescent lives at school than at home with their families. Parents will have to work extra hard on building up their children’s critical thinking skills, to help them wade through a river of government propaganda to find the kernels of truth.
(H/T to Sharon on the iris scan story tip!)
MELISSA MELTON ( is a co-founder of (, where this article first appeared ( She is an experienced researcher, graphic artist and investigative journalist with a passion for liberty and a dedication to truth. Her aim is to expose the New World Order for what it is — a prison for the human soul from which we must break free.