View Full Version : Hey Fatso

19th June 2013, 05:21 PM
AMA has reclassified obesity from a ‘condition’ to a ‘disease.’The AMA’s policy-making House of Delegates, which this week endorsed recognizing obesity as a disease, said they wanted to see the association’s backing of such a resolution as spurring more treatment options and better reimbursement for treating overweight Americans to create better health outcomes.

Though the AMA’s backing has no force of law or guarantee of a prescription, let alone insurance coverage for such drugs, it puts the word out to scores of member doctor groups that obesity requires “a range of interventions to advance obesity treatment and prevention,” as the resolution said.

Linky (http://www.forbes.com/sites/brucejapsen/2013/06/19/amas-obesity-as-disease-vote-should-boost-diet-drugs/)

http://smileys.emoticonsonly.com/emoticons/f/fat_man-2170.gif IT AIN'T GLUTTONY...IT'S A DISEASE. SIGN UP FOR DISABILITY BENEFITS AND GET A FREE SCOOTER "AT NO COST TO YOU".

19th June 2013, 05:38 PM

Hey American fatasess, Your newly founded disability includes free upgrade to first class seating with larger seats. Handicap parking for your heavy laden heart. Hate crime convictions for anyone who questions your girth, etc. ...All paid for by your hard working trim neighbor.



19th June 2013, 06:11 PM
That fat guy at the top must be the 18 years old blond miss high school that I was talking to yesterday.....no wonder she wanted me to send her a box of chocolate to show that I loved her hahhaahahahahahah.


19th June 2013, 06:39 PM
A disease huh? You don't just "catch" obesity like you do the common cold. As far as I know, in almost all cases, obesity is due to choices made by the obese individual.

19th June 2013, 07:20 PM
If obesity is the disease, then food is a cause.

Ban food, problem solved.

mick silver
19th June 2013, 07:31 PM
that mean more people on ssi

19th June 2013, 09:23 PM
If obesity is the disease, then food is a cause.

Ban food, problem solved.

They created the "disease" by feeding the population crap foods, loaded with HFCS, MSG, and everything else big business felt to push through the FDA for profits.

Instead of insulting fat Americans, we should focus on the root of the problem. Fat American's are the victims. It's easy to ridicule them, but this isn't, or shouldn't be a grammer school playground where everyone picks on the fat kid.

Uncle Salty
19th June 2013, 09:41 PM
James Gandolfini died of that disease.

20th June 2013, 05:35 AM
I think a lot of it goes right back to refined sugar (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?67895-Sugar-The-Bitter-Truth-(excellent)&p=617657&viewfull=1#post617657).

20th June 2013, 06:22 AM
i had a friend in San Diego who got quite hefty.

she was 200 when we met. got up to about 340.

actually, that closely matches the price action of gold sovereigns.

anyway, she played on-line non-video games, some kind of game where people do role playing and type a lot.

she met some guy from Pennsylvania, who liked hefty babes.

he moved in with her. a few years later they got married.

her drug of choice ? caramel popcorn.

20th June 2013, 02:58 PM
Instead of insulting fat Americans, we should focus on the root of the problem. Fat American's are the victims. It's easy to ridicule them, but this isn't, or shouldn't be a grammar school playground where everyone picks on the fat kid.


How many daily donuts did you eat before the police department divorced you Hitch?


20th June 2013, 03:01 PM

that cop's belly is hanging over near 11 inches. could be a foot.

now THAT'S an overhang.

look at the bright-side - he'll never get sun-burned on top of his feet. :)

20th June 2013, 03:46 PM
I think a lot of it goes right back to refined sugar (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?67895-Sugar-The-Bitter-Truth-(excellent)&p=617657&viewfull=1#post617657).

John? if sugar was the reason I then would weight 750 lbs.

20th June 2013, 05:46 PM
John? if sugar was the reason I then would weight 750 lbs.

Some people who eat a lot of sugar don't get visibly fat, but they still get fat in their organs (especially liver), and this is the cause of a lot of heart disease, type II diabetes, etc. The fat under your skin (that makes you look fat) is not necasarily the fat that kills you. Do you have a perfectly flat stomach? Any pouch is a sign of organ fat. Since I stopped eating sugar (as much as possible) around the time I posted the video by Robert Lustig, I have had to punch an additional hole in my belt (not to say a miracle, but there is a change in the right direction) because my pants were falling down! I am not really fat, but most of what I have is around the middle.

Sugar does drive fattening up in some people once they also get insulin insensitivity issues (metabolic disorder). Once this happens, glucose is converted to fat much faster.

20th June 2013, 05:54 PM
that cop's belly is hanging over near 11 inches. could be a foot.

You guy's views on cops is fucked up, if you don't mind me saying so.

My defense tactics instructor, was an international champion in martial arts, destroying a Russian for the title.

Everyone I knew was lean and ready for battle, I dropped 20 lbs in academy. Nobody ate any donuts, it was banned. Our FTO hadn't had a donut in 20 years, he'd run your ass off for even mentioning.

You boys don't know shit about LE. LE is prepared, for battle. Free advise, from me.

20th June 2013, 06:07 PM
yeah, looks like it. In the most recent pics of his, one could tell that he had gained lots of weight

James Gandolfini died of that disease.

20th June 2013, 06:07 PM
How many daily donuts did you eat before the police department divorced you Hitch?[/SIZE]

You obviously have no clue what testosterone does to a man. It makes your vision sharp, and your body a calorie burning machine. :)

You try chasing bad guys for a living. Maybe, you'd know what having a pair of balls is about.

20th June 2013, 06:12 PM
They created the "disease" by feeding the population crap foods, loaded with HFCS, MSG, and everything else big business felt to push through the FDA for profits.

Instead of insulting fat Americans, we should focus on the root of the problem. Fat American's are the victims. It's easy to ridicule them, but this isn't, or shouldn't be a grammer school playground where everyone picks on the fat kid.

The sheep keep going back to the trough even after being warned. I have no sympathy.

midnight rambler
20th June 2013, 06:22 PM
The sheep keep going back to the trough even after being warned. I have no sympathy.

Sorta like the resignation people have with being spied on, or getting 0bomber alerts via ATT..."So what can ya do about it??"

20th June 2013, 06:27 PM
"Were you born a fat, slimy, disgusting fat body... or did you have to work on it?"

20th June 2013, 06:33 PM
The sheep keep going back to the trough even after being warned. I have no sympathy.

I have sympathy.

The sheep don't know about the food they eat. They are fed lies from the media, and big business stuffs HFCS down their throats.

osoab, we shouldn't bash the victim. The problem is they are mis-guided, they don't know any better. They are 'products' of the environment that's been created.

20th June 2013, 06:43 PM
found a funny wav. file... lol



20th June 2013, 06:57 PM
I have sympathy.

The sheep don't know about the food they eat. They are fed lies from the media, and big business stuffs HFCS down their throats.

osoab, we shouldn't bash the victim. The problem is they are mis-guided, they don't know any better. They are 'products' of the environment that's been created.

We all wised up at one time or another. There is no longer time for hand holding and coddling. It's time to wise the @$*& up and smell the roses.

I know it's salty, but our opponent gives no quarter.

20th June 2013, 07:22 PM
I know it's salty, but our opponent gives no quarter.

No, he doesn't give quarter. This is what makes us different. We must not lose sight of what is just and what is right.

Folks, front sight.

20th June 2013, 07:36 PM
I have sympathy.

The sheep don't know about the food they eat. They are fed lies from the media, and big business stuffs HFCS down their throats.

osoab, we shouldn't bash the victim. The problem is they are mis-guided, they don't know any better. They are 'products' of the environment that's been created.

Please, get a tourniquet for your chest before the thread fills up from your bleeding heart.


20th June 2013, 07:45 PM
[QUOTE=Horn;641444]Please, get a tourniquet for your chest before the thread fills up from your bleeding heart.[QUOTE]

Piss off, Horn.

20th June 2013, 08:02 PM
I have sympathy.

The sheep don't know about the food they eat. They are fed lies from the media, and big business stuffs HFCS down their throats.

osoab, we shouldn't bash the victim. The problem is they are mis-guided, they don't know any better. They are 'products' of the environment that's been created.

Today, with the internet bringing free information to anyone willing to look, this excuse doesn't hold up anymore. Anyone who wants to know REALLY how to lose weight can find out how, and it's not by adhering to the Standard American Diet (SAD). If this information wasn't freely available to everyone with a 'net connection, you'd have a point.

20th June 2013, 08:06 PM
They ain't sheep, Hitcher.


20th June 2013, 08:16 PM
found a funny wav. file... lol



I must have an ear infuction... I can't hear it.

20th June 2013, 11:33 PM
You try chasing bad guys for a living. Maybe, you'd know what having a pair of balls is about.

Oh. That's right. You were a police officer. You remind us all the time. Why did they let you go?


21st June 2013, 06:24 AM
LOL. Book's online posting integrity..

Post 11. Make a cop comment, bait hitcher.

Post 30. Blame hitcher for reminding the forum he was a cop.

Book, do you cheat at cards too?

(do us a favor, don't remind me, to remind you, to remind the forum I was a cop. Also, trolling is against the forum rules. Many thanks going forward).

Jewboo. I reported you to the mods for trolling. Just out of principle. I'm a little pissed off at your lack of integrity. You've managed to 'push my buttons'.

21st June 2013, 07:20 AM
Once you understand the methodology, you just need to apply a little internet judo. Or use the ignore button.

21st June 2013, 09:16 AM
...Also, trolling is against the forum rules...I reported you to the mods for trolling. Just out of principle. I'm a little pissed off at your lack of integrity. You've managed to 'push my buttons'.


To funny. Little wonder why the police department let you go Hitch.

:) This is MY thread

21st June 2013, 09:35 AM

Hey American fat asses, Your newly founded disability includes free upgrade to first class seating with larger seats. Handicap parking for your heavy laden heart. Hate crime convictions for anyone who questions your girth, etc. ...All paid for by your hard working trim neighbor.


Back on topic: Don't forget prescription Food Stamps to treat his disability.

21st June 2013, 10:05 AM

To funny. Little wonder why the police department let you go Hitch.

:) This is MY thread

Liar. It's your thread, but that doesn't give you the right to lie and troll.

The PD did not let me go. I quit. Go on....make up things out of thin air. That is trolling. You are worse than Magnes.

Trolling is against the rules of this forum.

Does integrity mean anything to you Book? Will you stoop so low as to insult, lie, and troll?

I honestly don't know how some of you sleep at night. I couldn't live with myself if I acted like you.

21st June 2013, 10:11 AM
Dude, seriously....


21st June 2013, 10:14 AM
It takes surprisingly little effort to maintain a normal "human" body shape, even for a cubicle worker. We're takin' 45 minutes/three times weekly... a couple hours of your time a week. Of course, if someone has been lazy and has neglected this for years, they've got an enormous amount of catching up to do. I feel no sympathy for those who made the choice to neglect themselves month after month, year after year (300lbs+ doesn't happen overnight); it's not rocket science. Where did they think this choice would lead them? I'll take it further and say it's a symptom of not having love for themselves, and since a universal truth is that you can't share something you don't yourself possess, it limits the love they can share with others (or that "love" takes the form of co-dependency to some degree, which is not love). This upside-down world tries to teach that it's bad and egotistical to love yourself more than others, and just look around at people today to see how that's working out. No excuses from those who live to make a new indention in the couch cushions. Self-respect is key.

21st June 2013, 10:17 AM
I must have an ear infuction... I can't hear it.

If you have an ear disability, those with good ears must pay...

21st June 2013, 10:18 AM
I honestly don't know how some of you sleep at night. I couldn't live with myself if I acted like you.

You're generalizing, Hitcher. (Like calling all fat people pigs)

All alone, or in two's,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall. "Isn't this where...."

Keep doing that, and you'll end up Book's minion. :)

21st June 2013, 10:39 AM
Dude, seriously....


I say ban his troll ass and be done with it. We have a no trolling rule for a reason.

21st June 2013, 11:14 AM
Been here longer than you, maybe you should start your own forum

21st June 2013, 11:22 AM
Been here longer than you, maybe you should start your own forum

I have been here since day 1. Well maybe day 5. ;)

Seen this forum lose a lot of members because of trolling. If this forum has no integrity, that what it will end up having....only members with no integrity.

21st June 2013, 05:28 PM
I have been here since day 1.

6 SOCKS , making threats, spokesperson for the police, you talk out of two sides of your face and when that is brought up, you don't like your own words being force fed to you, even though they came out of your mouth.

There is nothing right with you.

I have never seen anyone make the threats you make and get away with it.

You even get mad when people tell you that you are a spokesperson for the police.

Even though that is exactly what you are, spokesperson for wrong doing.

Nothing I have said about your gang is wrong, even Gaillo calls you a troll, Beefsteak
tells you that you talk two sides of your face, " troll coddling mods " Beefsteak, Gaillo
had enough of you, called you a troll, now he is gone.

Good possibility you are still on the job .

Solid Goldust MO, JEW TROLL from day one.

Never outs the Jews, what's wrong out there, bringing awareness, always supporting Jew trolls like Joe King, gim admin Dogman, to this they are in chat with Joe King, mayhem in the past, they did plot and were reported.

And they still got Gaillo and many other great posters who left or less active cause of them.

I am not even in threads and I am being told I am being attacked, like this one, administration here is on his side, no rules, watch your posts quoting him as he blatantly threatens people,
going way back.

We are not here to promote MSM garbage like you, you are worse than MSM.

What a joke this place has become. To the point of argue with a troll get banned as he makes blatant threats of physical violence.

He stands for nothing that matters, what is new from the troll gang.


You stand for nothing full of contradictions !

Imagine a forum full of this guy, impossible, parasites need hosts !


You guy's views on cops is fucked up, if you don't mind me saying so.

You boys don't know shit about LE. LE is prepared, for battle. Free advise, from me.

" You insulted me questioning my competence as a former police officer. "

Liquid/BoatingAccident/Solid/Slowbell/5thSock nobody outed but me/Hitcher

He has a sock going on here right now ready to activate after he blows himself up again.

John knows this, did not deny it, when it was outed.

Funny thing is, his own " friends " call the police " pigs " , I don't, dogman and osoab ,
maybe madfranks, maybe, lol,
but he only has a problem with those that out the Jews good. Some of his " friends "
may do this too, but he calls others " haters " and threatens them with violence ,
like Lucky Strike recently, and my signature, in past, threatens violence to win arguments,
what is in my signature was the third time, not first, third , John ask me to document the
previous 2 and I did, took a while but I did what John asked, go into my signature , follow links.

21st June 2013, 05:36 PM
6 SOCKS , making threats, spokesperson for the police, you talk out of two sides of your face and when that is brought up, you don't like your own words being force fed to you, even though they came out of your mouth. There is nothing right with you. I have never seen anyone make the threats you make and get away with it. You even get mad when people tell you that you are a spokesperson for the police. Even though that is exactly what you are, spokesperson for wrong doing. Nothing I have said about your gang is wrong, even Gaillo calls you a troll, Beefsteak tells you that you talk two sides of your face, " troll coddling mods " Beefsteak, Gaillo had enough of you, called you a troll, now he is gone. Good possibility you are still on the job . Solid MO, JEW TROLL from day one. Never outs the Jews, what's wrong out there, bringing awareness, always supporting Jew trolls like Joe King, gim admin Dogman, to this they are in chat with Joe King, mayhem in the past, they did plot and were reported. And they got Gaillo and many other great posters who left cause of them. I am not even in threads and I am being told I am being attacked, like this one, administration here is on his side, no rules, watch your posts quoting him as he blatantly threatens people. We are not here to promote MSM garbage like you, you are worse than MSM. What a joke this place has become. To the point of argue with a troll get banned as he makes blatant threats of physical violence. He stands for nothing that matters, what is new from the troll gang. NICE THREADS SOLID GOLDUST , ROFL ! You stand for nothing full of contradictions ! http://www.swollenpickles.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/silverman.jpg

I think this post might break a record....most amount of personal attacks in one post.

Magnes, I outed you as a coward.

There are two types of people, those that want to be left alone, and those that wont leave others alone.

Your sig says to all you will not leave me alone. I offered bygones long ago. This forum should no longer be our battleground

If violence will protect my freedom from you, then violence is what I stand behind

21st June 2013, 05:43 PM
i think this post might break a record....most amount of personal attacks in one post.

Magnes, i outed you as a coward.

There are two types of people, those that want to be left alone, and those that wont leave others alone.

Your sig says to all you will not leave me alone. I offered bygones long ago. This forum should no longer be our battleground

if violence will protect my freedom from you, then violence is what i stand behind


I say this guy is a provocateur looking for a like minded response, his accounts are worth
shit by his own admissions and behavior, they are throw away accounts, from day one.

Cowards like you have 6 sock puppets, you stand for nothing but wrong, trolls, bad cops.

You should try leaving this forum alone. You are nothing but a parasite, we built this forum.

More threats of violence, you ain't to blame, John is !

What kind of a spokesperson for the police makes constant threats of violence.

John told me long ago he will PERM BAN you for this, seems your dirty friends
and maybe the fact you are still working on the job have something to do with
his credibility being destroyed here.

I am told by people in PM you blatantly swear at people, mods don't see that.

Me arguing with you and the rest of the troll gang earns me a ban and threats of ban.

More violence, here, nothing will be done, collector above will get an invite.

Does the Oakland California Police Department know they have an " officer "
here making constant threats of violence.

I don't have your personal info , another bogus red herring to ban me in past,


And you hide your past, the reason for your 6 socks, and the admin here helped you do this.

if violence will protect my freedom from you, then violence is what i stand behind

What freedom is that, you had the freedom to post knowledge on here,
but you used it to be a troll supporter and troll, your posts and very existance
on here are a joke, PARASITE.

21st June 2013, 05:55 PM
Seen this forum lose a lot of members because of trolling.


Yeah. We "lost" really respected and valued members like Solid and Liquid and BoatingAccident and Slowbell and at least two others because of your drama...lol.


21st June 2013, 05:57 PM
Nice try asshole. Just shows me how weak and incompetent you really are....

Show the forum your true colors. Post my personal info!!! You've got it.

You will not meet me in person though....for that, yes you are a coward!

21st June 2013, 06:03 PM

Yeah. We "lost" really respected and valued members like Solid and Liquid and Slowbell and at least two others because of your drama...lol.


It would be really great if we lost a valued and respected member like yourself.

This thread proves you are a troll. For that, you should be banned. Gaillo knew this, why you got your perma ban...


21st June 2013, 06:03 PM
The PD did not let me go. I quit.


Uh huh. If you say so. How did you like those Anger Management classes?


21st June 2013, 06:05 PM

Uh huh. If you say so. How did you like those Anger Management classes?


We called them stand up for yourself classes, or dont be a pussy, classes. You should take one sometime.

21st June 2013, 06:14 PM
Magnes, agree to meet me in person?

I would like to look you in the eye, man to man....if you are a man.

This thread has been fun boys. I actually feel like fighting! This is a good prep forum.

21st June 2013, 06:14 PM
I say ban his troll ass and be done with it. We have a no trolling rule for a reason.


:) Will JQP be announcing your GSUS promotion anytime soon?

21st June 2013, 06:20 PM

:) Will JQP be announcing your GSUS promotion anytime soon?

You dont need me. You just need Gaillo fo come back! :)

21st June 2013, 06:21 PM
Uh huh. If you say so. How did you like those Anger Management classes?


I actually feel like fighting!

21st June 2013, 06:27 PM


21st June 2013, 06:32 PM
Magnes, agree to meet me in person?

I would like to look you in the eye, man to man....if you are a man.

This thread has been fun boys. I actually feel like fighting! This is a good prep forum.

That's because you are a Jew full of rage , can't control yourself, ROID RAGE !

You are motivated to troll and waste your time, posting right on que, like here, like
the monitor you have always been, I noticed this long ago, you never leave the forums.

What does the Oakland California Police Department have to say about this Officer ?

Do they condone people like you ?

This guy is active in meeting people in real life, allied with Jew trolls, Joe King, Mayhem, Dogman = GIM Admin.

Anonyimity ! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?64413-Anonyimity-%21)

Mayhem had over 10 socks, solid is up to 6, he is always leaving but still here.
Imagine what 100 skyvike drama queen rats could do. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?26288-Imagine-what-100-skyvike-drama-queen-rats-could-do)

A concluding thread to my threads, and reason for us, the forum, being targeted.

It's the Jews, Stupid!!! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?62745-It-s-the-Jews-Stupid%21%21%21)

Remember, " Magnes is the troll " and he has " Magnes has 4 sock puppets on here " .

How about I use these quotes to bump my threads for some comedy, total contrast, etc .

ON GIM, any legit serious poster would of liked to pop Juristic Person in the nose,
but we argued issues and never made threats, they didn't even make threats,
sometimes it was even funny, and the exchanges were even valuable, I'll speak
here to myself and Masonic Plot, MP didn't make me angry, he was a bit of an enigma
on some issues and we studied those later, Juristic Person was one of the most
vile posters mocking the dead of 9/11, Halophyte was his tag team partner,
that is Joe King, but Halo was not as bad and as stupid and as blatant, yes
he did mock us, point is we never resorted to blatantly threatening and they didn't
as well, the big names arguing with them then, are absent now, I was not one of them, then, AND IT NEVER WOULD OF BEEN TOLERATED, on here they have been
encouraged, NO RULES, ONE WAY RULES ! All posts here are fair game, only trolls
and retards don't understand this. It's your duty to out deceit and feed the words
back to the trolls. Who have I been wrong about, this gang has never stopped and
they have become more blatant, ignored by admin, and they helped create a new forum.
People are watching, apathy and burn out has been accepted as compliance. I am being
told just recently, Solid continues to make threats, in other threads, attacks, threads
I am not in, constantly, if I am getting an email link and PM on this, how many more ?
Like this thread, most are not even clicking on threads like this, I got a message for this
one too. John is responsible here, he ain't taking care of business, yet is off starting new
forums that are strange. Keep it up !

This place only should have one real rule at this point.

No Blatant Personal Attacks, but it must be applied evenly, if it is not,
there is no law.

This is supposed to be a freedom forum, what a joke, NO JUSTICE !

I am not alone, April 25 and May 2nd, over 40 people from here joined.
By invitation mostly, the right people speaking out against trolls, they
may not post much anymore but at least you are having a conversation
with an honest person, quite a varied bunch, Shami is there, Ponce, SirGonzo,
just some recent joins, USE YOUR REAL NAME ! Or send me PM.
Post your best stuff if you want respect. We just beat up Hitler, me, hoarder,
it is not a " nazi " forum. If you had an argument with me on here, join your
friends on here , they all have at one point or another, I will welcome you.
If you support these people, you are not welcome, I will be on your case.
Glad to have found this place (http://www.truthinourtime.com/forum/general-discussion/6955-glad-have-found-place.html)

21st June 2013, 06:40 PM
Magnes, I will never understand you....why you are always coming at me. Why your sig trolls me.

You don't want to fight?!?


21st June 2013, 06:52 PM
Book and Magnes.

If you will not back your online posts in person....your attacks. Shut the fuck up, and find someone else to troll.

21st June 2013, 07:07 PM
Magnes, I will never understand you....why you are always coming at me. Why your sig trolls me.

You don't want to fight?!?


You need to be held accountable, I already explained it to you and Serpo twice.

Before DMac left he gave it to you good, OHL also had something to say about " socks " ,
so did many other good people, many are silent, you are not legit , you talk out of two
sides of your lying face, Beefsteak told you this, so did Gaillo. Go after your own friends,
your buddy Dogman and Osoab, " pig " " pig " " pig ", I don't talk like that, go after your
own friends, the forum " nazi " or the " TNB " users, I do neither, instead you threaten
Luckystrike, me , Book, the forum, with violence and call us haters, you are the hater,
Gaillo told you " you are confused " , you are the wolf posting by your own admissions
playing troll lowering yourself deliberately to a very very low level. You write about this.
You playing this whole forum here for fools, why do they even talk to you ? You lie.
I have your link post to gim ii, and a screen ,
I already posted it. WTF IS JOHN DOING ?

We are here to be spit on or set up ? Threatened ? You looking for a like minded Response ?

You gonna do something about those words ? Is that your game ? Your buddy Dogman posted his phone number on here in open forum and he even threatened to call the cops in real life even though he himself is directly offering a shotgun to people, yet I make general comments, no name, " shoot trolls coming to your house " , and get threatened by a ban.

Somebody here that hates somebody here invited themselves into their house ?

Why is this deceit allowed ?

People out wrong doing out there, in real world, WTF do you think this forum is about ?

Why should this be accepted on here ? Especially when it is blatant.

Kissing Ass . Go start your own , " the police are great " forum .

I don't even go after the cops on here, I do specific issues, it's a leadership issue mostly.

They gave you a badge and a gun ?

You gave up a 100,000 K a year job ?

Good job on being a spokesperson for the police on here Officer.

21st June 2013, 07:24 PM
I will never be able to post what I really think about the police on this forum.

Folks will not listen to me, and you know that.

You going to keep trolling me, or do you have the ballls to back up your posts?

It has come to that. Do you want to keep the whole forum involved in our dispute? We should settle this like men.

21st June 2013, 07:30 PM
You need to be held accountable, I already explained it to you and Serpo twice.

Before DMac left he gave it to you good, OHL also had something to say about " socks " ,
so did many other good people, many are silent, you are not legit , you talk out of two
sides of your lying face, Beefsteak told you this, so did Gaillo. Go after your own friends,
your buddy Dogman and Osoab, " pig " " pig " " pig ", I don't talk like that, go after your
own friends, the forum " nazi " or the " TNB " users, I do neither, instead you threaten
Luckystrike, me , Book, the forum, with violence and call us haters, you are the hater,
Gaillo told you " you are confused " , you are the wolf posting by your own admissions
playing troll lowering yourself deliberately to a very very low level. You write about this.
You playing this whole forum here for fools, why do they even talk to you ? You lie.
I have your link post to gim ii, and a screen ,
I already posted it. WTF IS JOHN DOING ?

We are here to be spit on or set up ? Threatened ? You looking for a like minded Response ?

You gonna do something about those words ? Is that your game ? Your buddy Dogman posted his phone number on here in open forum and he even threatened to call the cops in real life even though he himself is directly offering a shotgun to people, yet I make general comments, no name, " shoot trolls coming to your house " , and get threatened by a ban.

Somebody here that hates somebody here invited themselves into their house ?

Why is this deceit allowed ?

People out wrong doing out there, in real world, WTF do you think this forum is about ?

Why should this be accepted on here ? Especially when it is blatant.

Kissing Ass . Go start your own , " the police are great " forum .

I don't even go after the cops on here, I do specific issues, it's a leadership issue mostly.

They gave you a badge and a gun ?

You gave up a 100,000 K a year job ?

Good job on being a spokesperson for the police on here Officer.Hi shit head , yes I do and have given my phone no. Because I am real and have nothing to hide , unlike you I have nothing to hide.. What about you ? You really remind me of cockroaches...! Only come out in the dead of night to spread their crap.

Twist words like you are and expert at doing, I would like to meet you myself! It could be fun!

But carry on spreading the filth you call "truth".

Dam dingle head!

21st June 2013, 07:32 PM
You going to keep trolling me Coward?

The forum is waiting

Or here's a thought. Back up your posts. Meet me in person so I can stuff your head in. You fucking online coward. No balls.

21st June 2013, 07:50 PM
Hi shit head , yes I do and have given my phone no. Because I am real and have nothing to hide , unlike you I have nothing to hide.. What about you ? You really remind me of cockroaches...! Only come out in the dead of night to spread their crap.

Twist words like you are and expert at doing, I would like to meet you myself! It could be fun!

But carry on spreading the filth you call "truth".

Dam dingle head!

Dogman, he isn't going to back up his posts.

Coward is going to keep trolling us. I do not understand men these days. Nothing is eye to eye. There is no reason why magnes and i cant resolve our differences like normal men.

21st June 2013, 07:59 PM
Dogman, he isn't going to back up his posts.

Coward is going to keep trolling us. I do not understand men these days. Nothing is eye to eye. There is no reason why magnes and i cant resolve our differences like normal men.He does have a self inflated ego. So one can never tell what that kind of psychopath will do.

Also I do not give a flying shit/fuck any more. He is more like a piss ant in my world view...LoL Pathetic really if you like cockroaches.

My advice and I have told you before Ignore his baiting, tho I am a sorry one to give advice.. He still can piss me off, not so much tword me , that was never the thing, it was more on the way he went after some very good honest people. I think at least they were.

I will respond to him, sometimes he reminds me of some shit heads in my past that I have known, most are in prison now because they acted on their beliefs with the community's that I have lived in.

Bedside it is fun to confront evil..He may think God is on his side , but so did Hitler.

21st June 2013, 09:19 PM
Dogman, these guys are pussies, complete cowards.

These shrimp dicks are just online assholes. They will never man up, all BS posts with no balls to back it up.

Someone needs to call these pricks out in the open....

21st June 2013, 09:49 PM
I will never be able to post what I really think about the police on this forum.


Go ahead Hitch. Let it all out. Share your soul with us. You'll feel better and then we can finally return MY thread back on topic of making fun of fat people.


21st June 2013, 09:51 PM
These shrimp dicks are just online assholes. They will never man up, all BS posts with no balls to back it up. Someone needs to call these pricks out in the open...


21st June 2013, 10:12 PM
So glad I started playing candy crush on her tablet ! mindless entertainment.

Edit to add...... It is a full moon tonight !

21st June 2013, 10:21 PM
Also, kim and kanyes daughter is named North....... North West. LOL

21st June 2013, 10:47 PM

Let's see if I am allowed in my own thread to return ON TOPIC without the trolls derailing it again.


22nd June 2013, 07:30 AM

Let's see if I am allowed in my own thread to return ON TOPIC without the trolls derailing it again.


Post 11 is when the trolling starts. Nice to see you try to get this worthwhile topic back on track. By the way, who was the asshole troll posting gay pics in your thread? Oh, that's right, you derailing your own thread and blaming others.

22nd June 2013, 07:35 AM
Go ahead Hitch. Let it all out. Share your soul with us. You'll feel better and then we can finally return MY thread back on topic of making fun of fat people.

gay pics are Ban-worthy. no one hear wants to see them.

but that picture of the Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide body chair was interesting.


this chair will take up to 450 pounds.

22nd June 2013, 07:42 AM
gay pics are Ban-worthy. no one hear wants to see them.

but that picture of the Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide body chair was interesting.


this chair will take up to 450 pounds.

Trolling is against the forum rules too.

That chair, interesting that customers also bought treadmill lube along with it.

22nd June 2013, 09:56 AM
Hitcher, you are the only one on this forum who constantly takes the troll bait and gives them a good laugh while they keep tugging you and pulling your strings. I am so tired of hearing you challenge magnes, book, whoever to a real world fight, for fucks sake man! You are like the little brother who's being teased by the big brother, getting mad all the while the big brother keeps teasing you and laughing, and you give it to them every time! JQP told you to ignore them earlier in this thread, and yet here you are again following the same formula as before, and they know it! Book knows all he has to do to get you into full-tantrum mode is make fun of your past as a cop, and every time sure enough you give him exactly what he wants.

And book, stop it with the posting gay pictures. Absolutely no more pictures of one man touching another man inappropriately.

Thread closed.