View Full Version : Seriously, just got a call and was asked to be a felon again.

General of Darkness
20th June 2013, 08:21 PM
This is seriously fucking funny. FYI, I've never been a felon or in any trouble but I keep being asked to be one. I mean, GTFO.

In the last 3 years this is the second time this has happened to me.

First time I was asked by a felon to buy him a gun.

And tonight it was someone who I consider a fucking retard that called me up out of the blue and basically said, "If you do it, (there was no description of IT) I'll give you magazines". I cut the conversation off on the premise of working my dogs.

Now the last call, there was no caller id, he said he didn't have internet, or email and was a fucking retard on the gun forum like calguns.

Dunno what to make of it, but I know my nationalistic views and involvement are apart of this whole mess. I'm surprised people would ask me to do something stupid because I'm not an idiot.

The reason I'm posting it here is for documentation.

Any thoughts? Am I just being paranoid, or actually being asked to set myself up?

midnight rambler
20th June 2013, 08:29 PM
Bearing in mind that ALL our conversations are subject to being monitored, I'd certainly SCREAM at such retards: "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND?!?!? YOU'RE WANTING ME TO COMMIT A FELONY?? GFY!!!" Then hang up on them.

Anytime someone starts talking about committing a felony, even if it's unilaterally on their own, I say something to the effect of, "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME! I do NOT need that sort of shit in my life!" I've heard it many times and I immediately dissociate myself from such fuckups.

General of Darkness
20th June 2013, 08:43 PM
Bearing in mind that ALL our conversations are subject to being monitored, I'd certainly SCREAM at such retards: "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND?!?!? YOU'RE WANTING ME TO COMMIT A FELONY?? GFY!!!" Then hang up on them.

Anytime someone starts talking about committing a felony, even if it's unilaterally on their own, I say something to the effect of, "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME! I do NOT need that sort of shit in my life!" I've heard it many times and I immediately dissociate myself from such fuckups.

MR, I KNOW. You and I have had hour long conversations concerning dogs etc. And it never went to a stupid place, but fuck me. This is the second time it's happened to me. The first time it was very Randy Weaver like if you know what I mean.

20th June 2013, 08:56 PM
Remember how they kept asking Randy Weaver to saw off a shotgun?

20th June 2013, 09:17 PM
In this day and age I wouldn't build a dang slingshot for anybody that isn't one of my own children. Call me paranoid, but I just flat out don't trust anybody these days.

willie pete
20th June 2013, 09:21 PM
sounds like a set-up

21st June 2013, 12:02 AM
Why don't you ask them to identify what part of the government they are working for? Remind them of entrapment laws. If it was me, I would quote them the scriptures and remind them they are going to hell without Jesus Christ. That usually shuts people up real quick

21st June 2013, 12:35 AM
Why don't you ask them to identify what part of the government they are working for? Remind them of entrapment laws. If it was me, I would quote them the scriptures and remind them they are going to hell without Jesus Christ. That usually shuts people up real quick

you ever out religious the religious door knockers? I don't suppose myself to be a learned christ-ian but some of my door k-nockers have been pretty limitted in what they know. Maybe they just want to knock and run, I don't know. And I'm not controversial but I hoped some level of knowledge would be there. Maybe they only want to converse when I go to their temple. A tough job. Well at least I don't get pestered. I would like to hear the bells tolling from my local churches of a sunday again. Too many alternative religions in my area. rambling thoughts

21st June 2013, 03:23 AM
Imagine how my grandmother felt when she made a chicken sale during WWI (phase deuce). Rationing was real then and she was taking a chance whenever she sold a dressed out fryer.

21st June 2013, 04:59 AM
You're getting set up. End of conversation..

21st June 2013, 05:50 AM
You're getting set up. End of conversation..

It is a set up. Play it cool. Invite them to have a discussion... and find a born again christian to join you with lessons on the last days. Let them know that they will hit pay dirt.

Why don't you ask them to identify what part of the government they are working for? Remind them of entrapment laws. If it was me, I would quote them the scriptures and remind them they are going to hell without Jesus Christ. That usually shuts people up real quick

When they show up, encourage them to be completely honest and look at some good possibilities with you. Then hit them with the gospel. Let them know that the best weapons are spiritual and let loose with some demon-stabbing (kinda like dick-stabbing) comments. If you keep hitting them with scripture you will drive the demons away.... and their human hosts.

21st June 2013, 05:57 AM
quit being a jerk and just do the guy a favor already!

I'm just joking, it sounds quite like a set up, and even if it isn't, it doesn't mean you should have anything to do with it anyway.

21st June 2013, 06:09 AM
Then hit them with the gospel. Let them know that the best weapons are spiritual and let loose with some demon-stabbing (kinda like dick-stabbing) comments. If you keep hitting them with scripture you will drive the demons away.... and their human hosts.

I like this idea. Next time, tell them they need to be saved. Invite them down to the river to pray.

Like this....


Hatha Sunahara
21st June 2013, 08:36 AM
If I were going to commit a felony, it would be in pursuit of my own agenda, and nobody other than me would know about it. You never know of course what sort of normal behavior today has become a felony though. It's that GD war on terror that blurs the distinction between your actions and your intention. Just posting an opinion on a forum like this could be a felony if some career conscious prosecutor got alerted to it. You can keep the sheep in line by threatening them with surprise felonies.


21st June 2013, 09:57 AM
NSA Agent: "Operation 'BanProof' has hit a snag."

NSA Chief: "What gives?"

NSA Agent: "The General won't bite. He suspects something - I can sense it."

NSA Chief: "The standard bait will not work. What now?"

NSA Agent: "I will tell him that I need him to move some stolen cases of brandy (http://gold-silver.us/wiki/Brandy) slivovitz (http://gold-silver.us/wiki/Slivovitz)."

NSA Chief: "Ah! The Feech La Manna Gambit. Frickin' Serbs can never resist good hooch."

NSA Agent: "Yep! He'll swallow it hook, line and sinker!"

NSA Chief: "Barry's gonna love it. Good hunting!"

21st June 2013, 10:00 AM

Do YOU think that if you bought a gun for someone else that you would be committing a crime?

(I dont want to hear anything else except for your personal opinion)

This is nothing more than legitimizing the oppressors and there decrees. A voluntary transaction CAN NEVER be a crime.

21st June 2013, 11:31 AM

Do YOU think that if you bought a gun for someone else that you would be committing a crime?

(I dont want to hear anything else except for your personal opinion)

This is nothing more than legitimizing the oppressors and there decrees. A voluntary transaction CAN NEVER be a crime.

If YOU got a call from a random stranger, would you buy them a gun merely at their insistence?

21st June 2013, 11:32 AM
Sounds like a total set up

21st June 2013, 11:42 AM
Now the last call, there was no caller id, he said he didn't have internet, or email and was a fucking retard on the gun forum like calguns.?

How could he be on the calguns forum if he doesn't have internet?

GoD, is your private phone number out there on the internets? How did he get your number?

21st June 2013, 02:51 PM
If YOU got a call from a random stranger, would you buy them a gun merely at their insistence?

Absolutely not. But I also would not IMAGINE it to be a crime if I did.

How about you Gonzo?

21st June 2013, 03:09 PM
I am of the impression private contractors are not working under the same laws as Gov.