View Full Version : Worldcoin Tracking thread (heads up)

21st June 2013, 01:55 AM
Just a heads up for you guys. Worldcoin is in my opinion one of the better of the new batch of Alt coins.

Should be some big announcements today. Not sure what, but if you have some BTC for speculation this might be a good trade or buy and hold.

Can be bought at mcxnow.com and bter.

Check out the forum, lots of stuff going on there.


I've been mining it at multipool.in

Currently WDC is trading at .00010197 BTC just over 1 cent a piece.

30th October 2013, 11:39 PM
Just an update.

WDC had few major problems over the last few months, promises not kept and took a huge dive in price.

They have a new management team now and price has recovered nicely. It sounds like they have some substantial projects in the works for it.

Including https://scharmbeck.com/

From what I have heard they are waiting on FINCEN approval to launch the exchange which will be a WDC/USD pairing like coinbase is to BTC.

8 WorldCoin $ 850,734 $ 0.03 28,284,269 WDC +55.29 %


31st October 2013, 09:07 AM
The coin received a patch and now has a very aggressive coin production taper. Coin production started at 64 per block after the patch. Coin production is reduced by 1% each week now so it has a fast but smooth reduction in production of coins. Unlike block rewards halving in other coins every 2 years or something like that.

*Note - Week 1 is the start of the new reward mechanism, which happened at 600,000. The currency was about 11 weeks old at that point.

Also I should mention that the coin is fast with block times of 30 seconds and is usually fully confirmed in about 1 minute which makes it much better suited for commerce then BTC with block times of 5 minutes I think.

31st October 2013, 01:04 PM
I've mined a few world coins. You mining any?

31st October 2013, 04:08 PM
I recently stopped mining, too much competition and the rewards are not what they used to be. Have to factor in electricity costs as well which also went up. I have been trading and investing to increase my stash.

31st October 2013, 06:09 PM
I recently stopped mining, too much competition and the rewards are not what they used to be. Have to factor in electricity costs as well which also went up. I have been trading and investing to increase my stash.

When difficulty went up on LTC and the price went down, I started looking for more profitable coins to mine. I came across middlecoin.com. It mines the most profitable script based coins, automatically sells them, and pays you in bitcoins. Pool fee is 3.8%. (Factoring in exchange fee on top of the pool owners fee)

31st October 2013, 10:30 PM
When difficulty went up on LTC and the price went down, I started looking for more profitable coins to mine. I came across middlecoin.com. It mines the most profitable script based coins, automatically sells them, and pays you in bitcoins. Pool fee is 3.8%. (Factoring in exchange fee on top of the pool owners fee)

What sort of yield are you getting?

1st November 2013, 05:17 PM
What sort of yield are you getting?

about 3-4 bucks a day..

2nd November 2013, 06:42 PM
WDC sustained and recovered from a 51% attack. Price has held pretty steady throughout.


For price MCX is the official exchange of WDC.


2nd November 2013, 06:43 PM
I recently stopped mining, too much competition and the rewards are not what they used to be. Have to factor in electricity costs as well which also went up. I have been trading and investing to increase my stash.

Started mining again just to support WDC and help it recover from the 51% attack.

3rd November 2013, 03:07 PM
Started mining again just to support WDC and help it recover from the 51% attack.

You look at GoldCoin? Supposedly it's supposed to be 51% attack resistant. Just read the white paper last night. Interesting security measure and concept. Although they are currently having bugs with mining at the moment. Trying to have high hashers mine yet have the clients know that it's not a 51% attack. Should be pretty interesting and valuable if they can get it worked out.

3rd November 2013, 06:20 PM
I haven't read the whitepaper on Goldcoin but I have heard that it has measures to stop a 51% attack.

The guys working on WDC are talking about implementing something similar but are still trying to figure out how to do it without causing new problems.

24th November 2013, 10:32 PM
Well a lot has happened in the last few weeks.

WDC is now in the 8-10 cent range.

At these prices mining is definitely profitable again.

30th November 2013, 09:45 AM
Looks like WDC could be hitting $1 before the end of the week.

4th December 2013, 07:54 AM
WDC now $0.80 according to http://coinmarketcap.com/

4th December 2013, 08:07 AM
We got a new logo!


4th December 2013, 10:32 AM
If anyone Wants to check out WDC chat you can connect to #worldcoin IRC chat here: http://www.worldcoinfoundation.org/contact

8th December 2013, 02:20 PM
One of them is not like the others....

8th December 2013, 02:27 PM
One of them is not like the others....

Worldcoin is awesome. But you left infinite coin off the pic (100% right now).

8th December 2013, 03:47 PM
Yeah infinite coin is doing awesome. Looks like you made some good picks, I saw your post the other day.

My point was subtle but what I was getting at is if you look at the 7 day chart of the top 10 only one of them is up for the week. WDC!

20th December 2013, 11:41 AM

20th December 2013, 01:05 PM

That should push WDC up to at least a couple dollars each. At under 50 cents each right now, I think that's a good bet you can quadruple your money in a couple months.

That being said, I am about to put 3 BTC worth into worldcoin.

31st December 2013, 02:13 PM
You can now buy silver with WDC directly!!


I have not used them but the reports in the WDC chat from trusted members is that the site is legit. One guy said he has already done the equivalent of $1500 worth of purchases.

Also lots of new projects have been completed.

We have a new client with it's own look and some tweaks to get rid of the long loading time that was becoming an annoyance. I have the Mac version and can confirm that it is fast to load and works well.

Also an Android app is available although it sounds like it won't be fully functional for the general public until Scharmbeck opens to the public on Feb 20th.


31st December 2013, 08:29 PM
Well this is good news. I've mined a little over 500 WDC's. I was thinking of stopping but looks like I'll keep mining them for a little while longer while the difficulty is easy.

1st January 2014, 10:39 AM
First Run of physical WDC's pre-order will be open in about a half hour or so.

Sorry for short notice I just found out myself.

Only 500 available and you have to purchase in WDC. 5 per customer limit I have been told.


1st January 2014, 11:22 AM
Almost sold out I think.

2nd January 2014, 12:31 PM
First Run of physical WDC's pre-order will be open in about a half hour or so.

Sorry for short notice I just found out myself.

Only 500 available and you have to purchase in WDC. 5 per customer limit I have been told.


Hmm, too pricey for my liking. You get 5 WDC with the silver coin, but it costs 82 WDC?? That's a 77 coin difference! When I bought my silver litecoins, you got 10 LTC with the coin, and it cost 28, for a difference of 18 coins.

10th January 2014, 09:29 PM
If any of you guys feel like having some fun check out http://www.wdcspin.com

Part of the house take goes to the worldcoin foundation.

You can bet pretty much any amount you want. It goes down to like 8 decimal places so micro bets are no problem.

24th January 2014, 09:12 PM
Can't wait to get my grubby hands on these. Supposed to be shipping soon.

http://s28.postimg.org/w5v30n5jh/Physical_WDC.jpg (http://postimage.org/)
photo hosting (http://postimage.org/)