View Full Version : The Case of the Missing Ancestor....

24th June 2013, 05:15 PM
The article is to long to post but you should go to the link to read it.....it reads like a mistry detective story where you will be wondering and to when the second part will be published..........love it.

All this makes me wonder.....did Adam and Eve looked like monkeys or were they white blond who spoke English?..I kow that I sound like a wise ass (as usual) but.......think about it.

The Case of the Missing Ancestor
DNA from a cave in Russia adds a mysterious new member to the human family.

In the Altay Mountains of southern Siberia, some 200 miles from where Russia touches Mongolia, China, and Kazakhstan, nestled under a rock face about 30 yards above a little river called the Anuy, there is a cave called Denisova. It has long attracted visitors. The name comes from that of a hermit, Denis, who is said to have lived there in the 18th century. Long before that, Neolithic and later Turkic pastoralists took shelter in the cave, gathering their herds around them to ride out the Siberian winters. Thanks to them, the archaeologists who work in Denisova today, surrounded by walls spattered with recent graffiti, had to dig through deep layers of goat dung to get to the deposits that interested them. But the cave’s main chamber has a high, arched ceiling with a hole near the top that directs shimmering shafts of sunlight into the interior, so that the space feels holy, like a church.


24th June 2013, 06:40 PM
Great article Ponce, what lead you to it if I may ask?

I've been thinking about Denisovan man for some time. The next question to ask would be how much Denisovan DNA is contained within Mungo Mans sequence? Go look up Mungo Man Ponce. I'm sure you'll find that interesting as well....

24th June 2013, 08:08 PM
To tell you the truth I go to about 100 different sites a day, mainly about news and the new usually leads to articles like this one.....I like I say "I'd never stop learning because I will never stop reading",,,,,knowledge is the reason why I can say what will happen before it happens..............Ponce<--------smart freaking ass... (smart ass) hahahahahahahah.

By the way, the real secret of life will be found in the poles, as soon as the ice melts some more.


25th June 2013, 08:06 PM
Ok so this story is about the missing link of human evolution. That's all well and good but I didn't know the missing links name is Denis.

So we have Homoerectus, Neanderthal and Denis.

25th June 2013, 08:19 PM
Ok so this story is about the missing link of human evolution. That's all well and good but I didn't know the missing links name is Denis.

So we have Homoerectus, Neanderthal and Denis.

Denis, haha.

What the article is hypothesising is that the lineage that evolved to Denisovan Man and Neanderthal Man split from the lineage of our human ancestors about 500,000 years ago and made their way into Europe/Eurasia while the ancestor of modern humans stayed behind in Africa. It isn't so much about a 'missing link' as it is about the admixing that plausibly went on with these early homo species and early man as he made his way out of Africa into Europe circa 100,000 to 75,000 years ago.

The DNA from these finds (and they are rather extensive for a 40,000 year old fossil) can be found in small amonnts of around 2% in Melanesian populations and around 5% in Australian Aborginals. They have no known occurance within the rest of the extant human population nor from any other ancient DNA exrtacted from the fossils of our modern humans ancestors, hence the conclusion that this was a destinct homo lineage. Little skeletal remians survive that gives us any indiction what they may have looked like, this is a mystery.

General of Darkness
25th June 2013, 08:33 PM
Denis, haha.

What the article is hypothesising is that the lineage that evolved to Denisovan Man and Neanderthal Man split from the lineage of our human ancestors about 500,000 years ago and made their way into Europe/Eurasia while the ancestor of modern humans stayed behind in Africa. It isn't so much about a 'missing link' as it is about the admixing that plausibly went on with these early homo species and early man as he made his way out of Africa into Europe circa 100,000 to 75,000 years ago.

The DNA from these finds (and they are rather extensive for a 40,000 year old fossil) can be found in small amonnts of around 2% in Melanesian populations and around 5% in Australian Aborginals. They have no known occurance within the rest of the extant human population nor from any other ancient DNA exrtacted from the fossils of our modern humans ancestors, hence the conclusion that this was a destinct homo lineage. Little skeletal remians survive that gives us any indiction what they may have looked like, this is a mystery.

Even early humans ran from Africans. LMAO.

In all honesty the ONLY reason the jew says that civilization started in Africa is because it's in their interests to do so. All I know is that something happened in the history of this planet that doesn't make sense from the Pyramids, the Assyrians etc. They had knowledge back then that somehow evaporated. I think we're possibly an alien race and over time the dumb fucks stayed in Africa etc etc. Kinda like Idiocracy but going back 10,000 year. And what do they say? History repeats itself. Hey, just putting it out there.

25th June 2013, 08:36 PM
Updated evolutionary path for modern man

26th June 2013, 12:11 AM
the menace

26th June 2013, 12:19 AM
I ain't getting into a pissing match with anyone here.

Believe what you will. As the saying goes...

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but their not entiltled to their own facts

Facts are facts. Its the one thing the jew despises, once there is irrevocable proof it is pretty hard to defend a counter position without resorting to straw man arguments or chrarcter assasination. Mark and I have been here before some seven odd years ago, when I got banned at GIM1.

As far as advanced knowledge goes, there was none, thats why we don't find any nuclear reactors, MRI machines or even simple typeset during archaeological digs. The best they've got are the Antikythera mechanism and the Bagdad battery, a simple cogged device and a battery that pulls about 1/2 volt at best. The only advanced knowledge back then was how to manipulate men, in that sense nothing has changed under the sun.

26th June 2013, 12:28 AM
As far as advanced knowledge goes, there was none, thats why we don't find any nuclear reactors, MRI machines or even simple typeset during archaeological digs. The best they've got are the Antikythera mechanism and the Bagdad battery, a simple cogged device and a battery that pulls about 1/2 volt at best. The only advanced knowledge back then was how to manipulate men, in that sense nothing has changed under the sun.

I think I would say it like this:As far as advanced technology goes, there was none (as we recognize technology).

I think there was advanced knowledge but not of a silicon based technical nature like we have now. I prefer to think that they had advanced knowledge of energy back then, hence the multitude of pyramids all over the planet that link on energy lines which we may or may not have over drawn with our own lines on a map/parchment. Our own lines being longditude and latitude lines which sometimes coincide with the energy lines.

We also have a multitude of concepts, methods and practices that can best be described as ancient knowledge although they have also been described as new age, witch craft, natural healing or plain old crack pot rubbish.

Not sure about pissing matches though......

26th June 2013, 12:31 AM
In the effort for civility whats up with the comment of which you thanked serpo in some king of vague understanding?

26th June 2013, 12:36 AM
I think I would say it like this:As far as advanced technology goes, there was none (as we recognize technology).

I think there was advanced knowledge but not of a silicon based technical nature like we have now. I prefer to think that they had advanced knowledge of energy back then, hence the multitude of pyramids all over the planet that link on energy lines which we may or may not have over drawn with our own lines on a map/parchment. Our own lines being longditude and latitude lines which sometimes coincide with the energy lines.

We also have a multitude of concepts, methods and practices that can best be described as ancient knowledge although they have also been described as new age, witch craft, natural healing or plain old crack pot rubbish.

Not sure about pissing matches though......

I know what you think, but you seem to be clutching at straws. To your credit you got one thing right.;)

For what its worth I was merely explainging the purport of the article, I didn't write it, its not MY idea...flame away if you must...

26th June 2013, 12:47 AM
In the effort for civility whats up with the comment of which you thanked serpo in some king of vague understanding?

Denis the menace...................man is the manace

takes time to understand people here ,Im still working on it;D

26th June 2013, 12:53 AM
sensitive? I know you didn't write it, or even post it. I'm just having a laff. I thought Denis the Missing link was classic.

not flaming, commenting. not sure what the beef is there aeondaze. perhaps I'm getting/giving the wrong vibe. I think there are many ways to achieve the same end. I see that nature can invoke electricity at will without running huge spinning objects past large coils of wire to induce an electrical current.

Nature can do it one way but we do it using another way according to our current knowledge and our current knowledge requires that we use brute strength to invoke electricity. I am pretty confident there would be other ways to invoke electricity. I use the word invoke as in the idea casting a spell. I think that is what we do alot, but because we followed the mechanical knowldge/technology path and not other paths such as spiritual, this is where we are at. Heck we don't even know where electricity comes from. We know how to invoke it and harness it but we still don't know what it is.

I sometimes use an analogy of some computer games but it doesn't work unless the other person has played at least one of these types of games. The games I am talking about at the ones where you play as one type of race (from a selection). These races usually have a specific set of abilities. Often there will be a mechanical tech race, a spell casting race and maybe an organic/insect like race - e.g. mass cloning. Each uses different methods to induce the same or similar ability/attack.

I think this works in the real world and I think previous versions of our societies were on different knowledge paths. It is probable that some of those are still on those paths and the rest of use are on the tech path.

26th June 2013, 01:10 AM
Denis the menace...................man is the manace

takes time to understand people here ,Im still working on it;D

I'll take you at your word here. I have my eight month old clambering around my legs as I eat, the lesson here is there are more important things in life I guess.

Sensitive Glass? Yeah a little. In the past GoD and I have gotten into pissing matches over these very same things, a LONG time ago when he was Mkinla, if you were ever at GIM1 around 2006 then you may have seen it.

I an honest effort to try and get you to reapraise your position, I don't think brute force actually describes electrical generation. It is subtle. you can generate it walking on carpet on a dry day, ergo static. If you look at the periodic table you'll find all sort of elements that ionise into +'ve and -'ve particles, the universe is filled with these things, its simply a physical property.

I like you guys and have been reading you for years. I don't plan on making any enemies just because we view the physical world any differently, there is enough shit flying out there as it is without destroying any common ground we share. Peace

26th June 2013, 01:30 AM
This one big family ,but you know what families are like ....hahahha

26th June 2013, 01:32 AM
Ok, while we're out in left field, let me just go way out there.

What do you guys think of the theory that a special group from the caucuses (kazar jews) have significant amounts of neanderthal dna (unique among any other group)? It could potentially explain aggression, tribalism, etc.

That's the theory that these guys put forth which I briefly saw a number of years ago and thought it was crazy. But I've had it in the back of my mind ever since:


Check out the pictures in the first link. This guy disagrees with some of the pics though:


But another Jew, one of my own age and our generation, Michael Bradley, may just exceed these humane Jewish-human patriots with the scope and profundity his stunning hypothesis.

Jews are the remnants of the Neanderthals, he says, nearly rubbed out by the Cro-Magnons 7500 years ago, and nursing a deathless hatred of their enemies, who today are all the non-Jews of the world.

Bradley, a Jewish writer, warns us:

“It is time for the non-Semitic peoples of the world to come together in a multi-racial alliance under one banner in order to severely limit Semitic activities before they put an end to us and everything else on the planet. . . . However, I will warn everyone that it may well be too late.”

In two astonishing books, Bradley writes of the Cro-Magnon slaughter of Neanderthals c. 5600 BC. Remnants of the nearly extinct hunchbacks retreated to deep in the impenetrable mountains of the Caucasus, where their vengeful retribution has been felt in every area of human endeavor ever since.

Bradley figures monotheism is a Neanderthal plot to more efficiently control the people who are targeted as the hosts of their parasitic perversities, with the implication that all of human civilization has been influenced by the predispositions of Neanderthal DNA. DNA samples prove that Semitic populations are possessed of up to 70 percent of Neanderthal DNA, which accounts for why what is now the nation of Israel has been the epicenter of world violence since most ancient times, Bradley concludes.


26th June 2013, 01:56 AM
Ok, while we're out in left field, let me just go way out there.

What do you guys think of the theory that a special group from the caucuses (kazar jews) have significant amounts of neanderthal dna (unique among any other group)? It could potentially explain aggression, tribalism, etc.

That's the theory that these guys put forth which I briefly saw a number of years ago and thought it was crazy. But I've had it in the back of my mind ever since:


Check out the pictures in the first link. This guy disagrees with some of the pics though:

I think it extends to a lot of the Middle East actually, not only Jews. Modern man and Neanderthals are tought to have coexisted for the longest time in this area, and you see quite a lot of people here in Turkey that appears to have Neanderthal features. Short stocky thick boned bodies, slanted foreheads, especially the country side folks. As I understand it the genetic distance between Neanderthal and Cro Magnon isn't that big, even less than between some races today, so they could have had offspring, and they most likely did...

26th June 2013, 01:58 AM
I have thought about this myself. This is where most of the hybridisation would've occured. There are some phsyical traits that the kazars have that definately make me think of the neanderthal, take the ghoul kissinger as one example, his forehead is other worldly.

problem is there is so little info regarding the kazar tribes. From what I've gathered there were two ethnically distinct tribes, the white kazars and the black kazars thats about it though, considering they lived as a single cultural unit their dissappearnce around 1000 AD, there is scant info regarding their ethnicity or cultural traits which i find in and of itself strange.

Taking this theory once step further, there is evidence that some neanderthal skulls found in the Levant (israel specifically) from 75,000 to 100,000 years ago show hybridisation with humans, this is obviously a bottleneck region where north was the neanderthal and south were the ancestors of modern humans.

26th June 2013, 02:51 AM
I think Neanderthal genes are wide spread in general in everyone out side Africa.........

the jews do act like Neanderthals however......;D

Over 60,000 years ago, the first modern humans—people physically identical to us today—left their African homeland and entered Europe, then a bleak and inhospitable continent in the grip of the Ice Age. But when they arrived, they were not alone: the stocky, powerfully built Neanderthals had already been living there for hundred of thousands of years. So what happened when the first modern humans encountered the Neanderthals? Did we make love or war? That question has tantalized generations of scholars and seized the popular imagination. Then, in 2010, a team led by geneticist Svante Paabo announced stunning news. Not only had they reconstructed much of the Neanderthal genome—an extraordinary technical feat that would have seemed impossible only a decade ago—but their analysis showed that "we" modern humans had interbred with Neanderthals, leaving a small but consistent signature of Neanderthal genes behind in everyone outside Africa today. In "Decoding Neanderthals," NOVA explores the implications of this exciting discovery. In the traditional view, Neanderthals differed from "us" in behavior and capabilities as well as anatomy. But were they really mentally inferior, as inexpressive and clumsy as the cartoon caveman they inspired? NOVA explores a range of intriguing new evidence for Neanderthal self-expression and language, all pointing to the fact that we may have seriously underestimated our mysterious, long-vanished human cousins.


26th June 2013, 05:58 AM
I still would like to kow what Adam a Eve looked like.....remember that they were the first ones on Earth.


26th June 2013, 06:55 AM
In two astonishing books, Bradley writes of the Cro-Magnon slaughter of Neanderthals c. 5600 BC. Remnants of the nearly extinct hunchbacks retreated to deep in the impenetrable mountains of the Caucasus, where their vengeful retribution has been felt in every area of human endeavor ever since.

It vas zee original holocaust, I tell you... Oy ve...an estimated 6 million poor jewish Neanderthals were thrown into zee ovens by zee anti-semites from Africa. LOL