View Full Version : The Department Of Justice Cuts Off Funds For Youth Programs That Mention God

26th June 2013, 11:59 AM
The Department Of Justice Cuts Off Funds For Youth Programs That Mention God

Written By : John Hawkins
June 26, 2013

The military has become hostile to Christianity under Obama, he attacked the Catholic Church in Obamacare and now the Department of Justice is cutting off funding for youth programs that mention God (http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarnes/top-stories/doj-defunds-young-marines-chapter-that-referenced-god.html).
ADVERTISEMENT http://fellowshipofminds.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/fly.jpg?w=251&h=344 (http://www.rightwingnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/obamasocialsecurity.jpg)

A Louisiana lawman is livid over the federal government’s decision to cut off funds for two programs to help troubled young people, all, he says, because he refused to sign a pledge to bar prayer or any mention of God at their meetings.

Julian Whittington, the sheriff of Bossier Parish, La., told Fox News the Department of Justice Office of Civil Rights defunded $30,000 for their Young Marines chapter as well as a youth diversion program. Federal officials objected to a voluntary student-led prayer in the department’s youth diversion program and an oath recited by the Young Marines that mentions God, according to Whittington, who blasted what he considers the government’s “aggression and infringement of our religious freedoms.”
“We were informed that these are unacceptable, inherently religious activities and the Department of Justice would not be able to fund the programs if it continued,” Whittington told Fox News. “They wanted a letter from me stating that I would no longer have voluntary prayer and I would also have to remove ‘God’ from the Young Marine’s oath.”

The DOJ and the Office of Civil Rights are aware of the controversy but did not return phone calls seeking comment.

Fox News obtained an email written by an attorney for the DOJ’s Office of Civil Rights raised questions about references to God and church along with the phrase “love of God.” The attorney also raised questions about one of the five elements of the Young Marines Creed – “Keep myself clean in mind by attending the church of my faith.”

…The sheriff said the programs have been in place for at least ten years and until now – the prayers and the mention of God have never been an issue.

…The Young Marines was founded in 1958 and has more than 10,000 members in 300 chapters. The organization focuses on character-building, leadership and promotes a drug-free lifestyle.

Mike Kessler, the national executive director of Young Marines, told Fox News that he was disappointed to hear about the controversy surrounding the Bossier Parish chapter.

“I’m saddened the DOJ felt it necessary to pull whatever funding they provide because clearly when a sheriff’s office takes the kids in – they are looking at the program as a way to help kids who might otherwise get into trouble,” he said.

Kessler said Young Marines does not promote a specific religious faith. He said he could not fathom why the DOJ would take issue with portions of their creed that mentions God and attending the church of their faith.

“That’s such a generic statement,” he said. “We’re not talking about the local Baptist church. We’re not talking about a specific religion. I don’t understand how much more generic we can be.”

Never before in American history have Christians faced a man as hostile to their faith as Barack Obama in the White House.

midnight rambler
26th June 2013, 12:04 PM
One can only worship the state, it cannot be more clear than that.

26th June 2013, 12:11 PM
One must bow to the Emperor Obamus Bidenus.

26th June 2013, 12:14 PM
God isnt very popular amongst the luciferians (http://startpage.com/do/search?cmd=process_search&cat=web&query=luciferians&language=english_au&no_sugg=1&ff=&abp=1).........

mick silver
26th June 2013, 12:15 PM
the ones in my family that have left this world would not know it . the turning point for this country is getting closer every day

26th June 2013, 01:23 PM
America has now turned into people bitching that the Feds wont support them. GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK.

So this guy wont sign a paper stating he wont use the word 'God', but he finds it perfectly acceptable to take STOLEN money from the Feds to use for his own purpose?

Where the fuck is the moral principle in this country?

midnight rambler
26th June 2013, 01:28 PM
Where the fuck is the moral principle in this country?

It caught the last train to Clarksville.

26th June 2013, 01:38 PM
monies were previously earmarked for chabad... more for them, none for you!

26th June 2013, 01:42 PM
The satanists are firmly in control of this country. Most of the people are practicing Christians and can't even recognize the stanic works in front of their own eyes. I'm not a Christian and it's obvious to me what is happening.

26th June 2013, 03:27 PM
This stuff bothers me, and I'm an atheist. Christianity is the foundation of Western civilization.

26th June 2013, 03:43 PM
"Department Of Justice"..... sounds to me like "Homeland Security"......all that they need is a blk uniform with the star of David on their arms.........someday this will be so...remember.


26th June 2013, 05:50 PM
"Department Of Justice"..................yes its only a department of justice , to get full justice go to sleep and dream about it.

General of Darkness
26th June 2013, 06:12 PM