View Full Version : 1st Amendment ... No Problem ... 13 Years For Chalk on Sidewalk

26th June 2013, 05:01 PM
Bear in mind ... this is from Russia Today. I would like to see a couple of similar articles from domestic sources.


Jeff Olson, the 40-year-old man who is being prosecuted for scrawling anti-megabank messages on sidewalks in water-soluble chalk last year now faces a 13-year jail sentence. A judge has barred his attorney from mentioning freedom of speech during trial.

According to the San Diego Reader, which reported on Tuesday that a judge had opted to prevent Olson’s attorney from "mentioning the First Amendment, free speech, free expression, public forum, expressive conduct, or political speech during the trial,” Olson must now stand trial for on 13 counts of vandalism.

In addition to possibly spending years in jail, Olson will also be held liable for fines of up to $13,000 over the anti-big-bank slogans that were left using washable children's chalk on a sidewalk outside of three San Diego, California branches of Bank of America, the massive conglomerate that received $45 billion in interest-free loans from the US government in 2008-2009 in a bid to keep it solvent after bad bets went south.

The Reader reports that Olson’s hearing had gone as poorly as his attorney might have expected, with Judge Howard Shore, who is presiding over the case, granting Deputy City Attorney Paige Hazard's motion to prohibit attorney Tom Tosdal from mentioning the United States' fundamental First Amendment rights.

"The State's Vandalism Statute does not mention First Amendment rights," ruled Judge Shore on Tuesday.

Upon exiting the courtroom Olson seemed to be in disbelief.

"Oh my gosh," he said. "I can't believe this is happening."

Tosdal, who exited the courtroom shortly after his client, seemed equally bewildered.

"I've never heard that before, that a court can prohibit an argument of First Amendment rights," said Tosdal.

Olson, who worked as a former staffer for a US Senator from Washington state, was said to involve himself in political activism in tandem with the growth of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

On October 3, 2011, Olson first appeared outside of a Bank of America branch in San Diego, along with a homemade sign. Eight days later Olson and his partner, Stephen Daniels, during preparations for National Bank Transfer Day, the two were confronted by Darell Freeman, the Vice President of Bank of America’s Global Corporate Security.

A former police officer, Freeman accused Olson and Daniels of “running a business outside of the bank,” evidently in reference to the National Bank Transfer Day activities, which was a consumer activism initiative that sought to promote Americans to switch from commercial banks, like Bank of America, to not-for-profit credit unions.

At the time, Bank of America’s debit card fees were among one of the triggers that led Occupy Wall Street members to promote the transfer day.

"It was just an empty threat," says Olson of Freeman’s accusations. "He was trying to scare me away. To be honest, it did at first. I even called my bank and they said he couldn't do anything like that."

Olson continued to protest outside of Bank of America. In February 2012, he came across a box of chalk at a local pharmacy and decided to begin leaving his mark with written statements.

"I thought it was a perfect way to get my message out there. Much better than handing out leaflets or holding a sign," says Olson.

Over the course of the next six months Olson visited the Bank of America branch a few days per week, leaving behind scribbled slogans such as "Stop big banks" and "Stop Bank Blight.com."

According to Olson, who spoke with local broadcaster KGTV, one Bank of America branch claimed it had cost $6,000 to clean up the chalk writing.

Public records obtained by the Reader show that Freeman continued to pressure members of San Diego’s Gang Unit on behalf of Bank of America until the matter was forwarded to the City Attorney’s office.

On April 15, Deputy City Attorney Paige Hazard contacted Freeman with a response on his persistent queries.

"I wanted to let you know that we will be filing 13 counts of vandalism as a result of the incidents you reported," said Hazard.

Arguments for Olson’s case are set to be heard Wednesday morning, following jury selection.

26th June 2013, 05:09 PM

midnight rambler
26th June 2013, 05:32 PM
Bear in mind ... this is from Russia Today. I would like to see a couple of similar articles from domestic sources.


26th June 2013, 05:45 PM
Yes free speech is unlawful unless you are getting paid (off) like the judge.

Here is some free speech ,direct from the horses mouth,maybe they could play this at the court case..hahaha


27th June 2013, 03:59 AM
About the only tactic that might stand a chance for this guy is to plead guilty to the facts but not the controversy.

The facts appear to be that he did mark up a sidewalk or more but so what ... he was within his rights to do so. The record gets closed. He gets convicted (or not) and he gets them on appeal.

In any case he has to get away from this court and his own attorney as fast as possible minimum damage.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
27th June 2013, 08:25 AM
Maybe if Bank of America was solvent they could clean up a little sidewalk chalk.

27th June 2013, 08:29 AM
Maybe if Bank of America was solvent they could clean up a little sidewalk chalk.

I am surprised B of A has not dissolved considering that they are in solvent.

27th June 2013, 11:10 AM
I am surprised B of A has not dissolved considering that they are in solvent.

They have a LOT of illegal inventory.

27th June 2013, 01:42 PM
the real message here is that peasants should not be challenging their joo overlords...

27th June 2013, 02:04 PM
the real message here is that peasants should not be challenging their joo overlords...

And the peasants seem slow at learning