midnight rambler
26th June 2013, 06:10 PM
General of Darkness
26th June 2013, 06:18 PM
We need people like Henry Ford and Charles Lindberg to be reincarnated.
26th June 2013, 07:05 PM
Rand Paul on Snowden. From Makow. No link, just on his main page.
We have no leaders Dept. Ayn Rand Paul latest Gaffe by Tony Blizzard
June 23, 2013
http://henrymakow.com/upload_images/rand.jpgWe have no leaders Dept. Ayn Rand Paul latest Gaffe by Tony Blizzard
"Ayn Rand" Paul, concerning Snowden flying to Moscow, said: "If he cozies up to either the Russian government, the Chinese government, or any of these governments that are perceived still as enemies of ours, I think that will be a real problem for him in history."
Perceived as enemies of ours by whom?
Just why are Russia and China "still perceived" as enemies of the U.S.? If that is so why the hell is almost every last thing you can buy in this country made in China? And why are we so pissed off when Russia refuses our chemically laden meat? Apparently it's not just the government which is nuts in this country, it's also the corporations and even the people at large.
Every last other country in the whole world seems to be perceived as an enemy of the U.S. How many wars in how many of them are we fighting, right now, today? Talk about a damned bully who needs to have his block knocked off!
Truth be known, the U.S. has not a single "enemy" in the world that has not been created by our wholesale bombing and murdering in other nations - almost all of them at the behest of Israeli Talmudic Jews and their alien army of infiltrators who literally run this nation from the finance houses of New York and the government offices of Washington DC. Or possibly those empire minded thugs in collaboration with others of the same ilk who are interested in other nations' lands solely for the sake of their treasure of oil, gas and minerals.
Guys like Snowden, Manning, etc. are, plainly and simply, just letting the truth be known. Much more power to them. If we, America's citizens, are lucky their giving us the truth of what is going on will bring down the whole, rotten to the core, house of cards and the Israeli legions now buying and selling traitors for their profit will flee to Israel. Hopefully forever and several days. And may they take the greed driven corporate scum with them. Drop them off in the middle of the Atlantic, full clothed. See if we care.
General of Darkness
26th June 2013, 07:21 PM
Their products flow freely to this country so how would they be considered "enemies"? STFU Rand.
27th June 2013, 12:35 AM
I can not post this image on to a social networking site... that sucks
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