View Full Version : Default (Force Majeure) is Just Months Away

27th June 2013, 03:21 AM
Sounds a likely story ..............

Default (Force Majeure) is Just Months Away! That is Why They are Crashing the Paper Gold & Silver Price!

JP Morgan and Comex are rapidly running out of Gold in their vaults.

According to zerohedge:

"Whoever is "running the JPM vault" shows no sign of relenting. At this pace, the world's biggest gold vault located below 1 CMP, and just next to the Fed's own gold vault, will be empty in about 1.5-2 months." (emphasis added)

http://[link to www.zerohedge.com]
Also, the Comex vault is emptying at a similarly alarming rate:

http://[link to srsroccoreport.com]The Feds have abandoned any effort to keep the paper price in line with the physical price. They are purposely breaking the link between paper and physical for one purpose and one purpose only: When the vaults run out and Force Majeure is declared, all paper contracts will be cash settled at the fake, manipulated, driven down, low balled, paper price.

People who think that they own Gold, but do not posses it, will be forced to settle with freshly printed $ at the fake low ball price.

Zerohedge says that JP Morgan's vault will be empty within 2 months at the present rate of depletion.

Prepare for Imminent Force Majeure!


27th June 2013, 04:01 AM
Underlying truth ... the Federal Reserve must go away after 99 years. Legal fictions do not exist for longer than this and their charter started in 1913. The Federal Reserve simply does not exist in 2013.

27th June 2013, 06:31 AM
I thought their charter was renewed?

27th June 2013, 06:38 AM
I thought their charter was renewed?

At a minimum this would require public notice.

I have seen no such notice.


Federal Reserve in Washington, DC is a private company categorized under Banks.

Employees 10 to 19

27th June 2013, 06:44 AM
At a minimum this would require public notice.

I have seen no such notice.


they're criminals. they have their own 'special' set of laws. they have the Zio-media, like Yahoo run by Jew Marissa Mayer, to make them seem legit.

27th June 2013, 06:53 AM
they have their own 'special' set of laws.

With people who are used to illusions perhaps it is not hard to deceive them. Their laws are not quite as important to me as my own rules. The illusions will always exist until you develop the habit of challenging them.

Somewhat similar to my rule that a singular judicial actor has no authority. It takes a panel of judges to come to a decision. That does not mean that a single cross dresser will not attempt to convince you that he does have sufficient authority.

7th trump
27th June 2013, 07:30 AM
At a minimum this would require public notice.

I have seen no such notice.


Just because you havent seen it doesnt mean its not renewed.
You have a habit of not looking at all.

Then again if you seen it you might not know what it was......yeah you have a habit of doing that as well......12usc 411 delusion comes to mind.

Twisted Titan
27th June 2013, 07:47 AM
King kong vs Godzilla.

There can only be one.

27th June 2013, 08:03 AM
Just because you havent seen it doesnt mean its not renewed.
You have a habit of not looking at all.

Are you asking me to intentionally INJURE myself?

Why would I go around looking for notice when to actually discover it causes me to exercise my right to inquire? Isn't it far easier to deny notice has occurred and adjust my actions accordingly?

27th June 2013, 08:38 AM
The taxes that you pay for your home is composed of two parts......the part that says "Property Taxes" goes to the IMF ie: The Federal Reserve.........the other day I asked ten people (at random) if they new this and none of them did...their words were REALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? They didn't even know about the changes of the law in 1933.


Hatha Sunahara
27th June 2013, 09:02 AM
Jim Willie talks about a new hundred dollar bill being issued this coming October. This will allow the government to create internal dollars and external dollars--sort of like what the Soviet Union had. That would qualify as a force majeur, I think. Shami Amourae posted the Jim Willie videos here:

