View Full Version : Snowden's father: My son may return to US, being manipulated by WikiLeaks

28th June 2013, 06:05 AM
Snowden's father: My son may return to US, being manipulated by WikiLeaks Get short URL (http://rt.com/usa/snowden-father-return-usa-377/)
Published time: June 28, 2013 11:27
Edited time: June 28, 2013 12:02

NSA leaks (http://rt.com/trends/nsa-leaks-snowden-surveillance/) Tags
Intelligence (http://rt.com/tags/intelligence/), Snowden (http://rt.com/tags/snowden/), USA (http://rt.com/tags/usa/)

Edward Snowden's father says his son could return to back to the US if certain conditions are met, NBC reports. Snowden wants to remain at large before trial and choose where it would take place. The father insists his NSA-leaker son was manipulated.

Edward Snowden also would like prosecutors not to file a so-called gag order, which bans information or any comments from being made public, Lonnie Snowden said.

The channel reports Snowden Snr. intends to send a letter to the US Justice Department and attorney General Eric Holder through his lawyer later on Friday.

Lonnie Snowden, who has not spoken to his son since April, believes his son was manipulated by third parties, including WikiLeaks.

“I think WikiLeaks, if you've looked at past history, you know, their focus isn't necessarily the Constitution of the United States. It's simply to release as much information as possible,” Snowden Snr. told NBC’s Today.

Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee and ex-staff member of a private contractor working for the NSA, fled the United States to Hong Kong in May prior to disclose secret documents about US surveillance.

Snowden was charged with espionage by US federal prosecutors on Friday and currently remains in Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport transit zone after he left Hong Kong for Russia.

28th June 2013, 07:10 AM
Dad doesn't know the constitution? Difficult position to be in as a father I suppose.

28th June 2013, 10:31 AM
"You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged.
And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it."

Twisted Titan
28th June 2013, 01:02 PM
He dont know what the Hell he is saying.

If he believes his son is going to get anything other then a black bag and bullet in his head he is dreaming.

Im surprised they havent character assinated his whole family yet.

28th June 2013, 06:40 PM
It's been said that Snowden has this information secreted with other people. I think the wikileaks guy did the same didn't he? And his mate deleted everything and went on the tv circuit. I'm waiting for that to happen here.

28th June 2013, 07:57 PM


29th June 2013, 07:39 AM
Mexican News Just Reported that Ecuador Accepted SnowdenJim Stone, 6/26/2013 PermalinkIf the Mexican television is accurate, Ecuador just accepted Snowden. Ecuadorian President Correa delivered a scathing statement, which loosely translates as this:"I find it appalling that the media coverage of Snowden has focused on villainizing Snowden and the countries who support him, rather than the real issue - the egregious crimes by the world's elite that Snowden has exposed. Ecuador will stand as a sovereign nation and NOT consider whether or not America is happy about what we do to protect people who have the courage and morality to stand up for what is right. The world order is not only unjust, it is immoral".
America responded by making threats to destroy Ecuador economically by applying pressure to prevent the renewal of Ecuador's membership in the Generalized System of Preferences, or GSP, which allows duty free trade between Ecuador and the U.S., as well as refusal to renew other trade agreements. America also issued scathing statements about Ecuador killing journalists and committing human rights violations, but you know, as I see it, America talks all kinds of bunk about even Mexico that is patently false. In this case, hot on the heels of murdering Hastings, it is America that has a credibility issue.
Snowden is lacking travel documents so it is yet to be seen how all of this will play out, but if I was Snowden, I'd be on the phone with the World Service Authority RIGHT NOW. Ecuador has accepted the WSA passport on a defacto basis in the past.
Ecuador has officially waived trade rights over Snowden, and are accepting him regardless of consequence.
And about that other "NSA leaker" - He is the real diversion. If the NSA is watching and recording EVERYTHING, OF COURSE this means supreme court justices, Presidential candidates, and everyone else. The new "leaker" that the alternative press is stating is deflecting America's attention away from the real issue - that the spying is happening against EVERYONE, which by default includes the people the new leaker is talking about. The new leaker is totally irrelevant, because Snowden already said it.

14th September 2013, 03:06 PM
I get the feeling the whole Snowden thing is a psy-op.

14th September 2013, 07:40 PM
I get the feeling the whole Snowden thing is a psy-op.

In politics nothing happens by accident, to paraphrase FDR.