View Full Version : fukushima was destroyed by israel

Large Sarge
29th June 2013, 05:59 AM

29th June 2013, 06:31 AM
Then, as predictable, as it has happened every single time a major program has asked to have me on, they canceled at the last minute. I can understand one or two canceling, but unanimous cancellations by all broadcasters after initial contact only proves that SOMEONE is applying enormous pressure to keep me off the air. That is what happens when you go for the jugular and never back off, I have certainly upset a lot of powerful people.

The key report is the Fukushima report, which scientifically documents that the Japan earthquake did not happen as stated, that the tsunami was nuclear, and that Fukushima was destroyed by Israel via 2 planted nuclear weapons and the Stuxnet virus. The Fukushima investigation took over 500 hours and included interviews with the General Electric engineers who designed Fukushima #3. Want to know why I am banned from all major broadcasts? It is because I proved in irrefutable terms that 3/11 was Japan's 9/11, compliments of Israel. This is the type of report you would expect from ex-(white hat) NSA. I am one of the good guys from the past, before the NSA went rogue.


seems like a tidal wave of truth is building up that is going to make these squirming rats run for their lives.

I hate lies and anyone that lies is a lier and so cannot be trusted.http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/stuxnet-1024x656.gif

29th June 2013, 05:51 PM
Fukushima is not yet as clear to me as 9-11.

but the lack of damage to buildings following a HUGE quake, supposedly an 8.8 or 9.0, is striking. you see the tsunami rolling in, striking buildings that are completely intact.

obviously, the psychopaths who did 9-11 are still running around.

it took me a while to figure out 9-11, and it will take me a while to figure out Fukushima.

but one thing is clear - Israel and Israel supporters are very bad for our health.

29th June 2013, 07:18 PM
Perhaps it was Jackie or the driver? No?

29th June 2013, 07:28 PM
Perhaps it was Jackie or the driver? No?

It wasn't the driver.

I doubt it was nuclear bombs as much as it could have been HAARP.

30th June 2013, 01:50 AM
I believe it was nuked exactly like jim stone said

The evidence is how shall we say.....overwhelming


i mean how the heck did a reactor blow up when they had nothing in it.


30th June 2013, 01:51 AM
Perhaps it was Jackie or the driver? No?

Dont rule Jackie out either