View Full Version : Washington Is Driving The World To The Final War — Paul Craig Roberts

29th June 2013, 10:20 AM
“V For Vendetta,” a film that portrays evil in a futuristic England as a proxy for the evil that exists today in America, ends with the defeat of evil. But this is a movie in which the hero has super powers. If you have not seen this film, you should watch it. It might wake you up and give you courage. The excerpts below show that, at least among some filmmakers, the desire for liberty still exists.
Whether the desire for liberty exists in America remains to be seen. If Americans can overcome their gullibility, their lifelong brainwashing, their propensity to believe every lie that “their” government tells them, and if Americans can escape the Matrix in which they live, they can reestablish the morality, justice, peace, freedom, and liberty that “their” government has taken from them. It is not impossible for Americans to again stand with uplifted heads. They only have to recognize that “their” government is the enemy of truth, justice, human rights and life itself.

Can mere ordinary Americans triumph over the evil that is “their” government without the aid of a superhero? If ideas are strong enough and Americans can comprehend them, good can prevail over the evil that is concentrated in Washington. What stands between the American people and their comprehension of evil is their gullibility.

If good fails in its battle with Washington’s evil, our future is a boot stamping on the human face forever.

If you, an American, living in superpower America lack the courage to stand up to the evil that is “your” government, perhaps the courage of Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, and tiny Ecuador will give you heart.
A US senator from New Jersey, Robert Menendez, the Democratic chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told the Ecuadoran government that he would block the import of vegetables and flowers from Ecuador if Ecuador gives asylum to Edward Snowden. The cost to Ecuador would be one billion dollars in lost revenues.
Menendez’s statement–”Our government will not reward countries for bad behavior”–is ironic. It equates bad behavior with protecting a truth-teller and good behavior with betraying a truth-teller. Menendez’s statement is also a lie. The US government only rewards bad behavior. The US government consistently rewards those who conspire against the elected governments of their own countries, setting them up as dictators when Washington overthrows the elected governments.

Menendez’s threat did not work, but the senator did succeed in delivering yet another humiliating blow to Washington’s prestige. The Ecuadoran President, Rafael Correa, beat Menendez to the punch and cancelled the trade pact with the US on the grounds that the pact was a threat to the sovereignty of Ecuador and to moral principles and was being used by Washington to blackmail Ecuador. “Ecuador doesn’t accept pressure or threats from anyone,” added Communications Secretary Fernando Alvarado who then offered Washington foreign aid to provide human rights training to combat torture, illegal executions and attacks on peoples’ privacy.

Washington, exposed with its hand in the cookie jar devouring the privacy of the entire world and prevented by its hubris from acknowledging its illegal behavior and apologizing, has so mishandled the Snowden affair that Washington has done far more damage to itself than occurred from Snowden’s revelations. Washington has proven conclusively that it has no respect for anyone’s human rights, that it has no respect for any country’s sovereignty, that it has no respect for any moral principles, especially those it most often mouths, and that it relies on coercion and violence alone. The rest of the world now knows who its enemy is.

Washington’s presstitutes, by helping Washington demonize Snowden, Glenn Greenwald, Manning, Assange, and Ecuador, have demonstrated to the world that the US media is devoid of integrity and that nothing it reports can be believed. The US print and TV media and NPR comprise a ministry of propaganda for Washington’s immoral agendas.

On June 24, the Stasi State’s favorite whore, the Washington Post, denounced three times democratically-elected Rafael Correa as “the autocratic leader of tiny, impoverished Ecuador,” without realizing that the editorial not only demonstrated the Washington Post’s lack of any ethics whatsoever but also showed the entire world that if “tiny, impoverished Ecuador” can stand up to Washington’s threats, so can the rest of the world.

President Correa replied that the Washington Post “managed to focus attention on Snowden and on the ‘wicked’ countries that support him, making us forget the terrible things against the US people and the whole world that he denounced.” Correa added that Washington’s “world order isn’t only unjust, it’s immoral.”

The reason Washington hates Correa has nothing to do with Snowden. That Ecuador is considering asylum for Snowden is just an excuse. Correa is hated, because in the second year of his first term he repudiated the $3 billion dollar foreign debt that corrupt and despotic prior regimes had been paid to contract with international finance. Correa’s default threat forced the international financial gangsters to write down the debt by 60 percent.

Washington also hates Correa because he has been successful in reducing the high rates of poverty in Ecuador, thus building public support that makes if difficult for Washington to overthrow him from within.
Yet another reason Washington hates Correa is because he took steps against the multinational oil companies’ exploitation of Ecuador’s oil resources and limited the amount of offshore deposits in the country’s banks in order to block Washington’s ability to destabilize Ecuador’s financial system.

Washington also hates Correa for refusing to renew Washington’s lease of the air base in Manta.
Essentially, Correa has fought to take control of Ecuador’s government, media and national resources out of Washington’s hands and the hands of the small rich elite allied with Washington. It is a David vs. Goliath story.
In other words, Correa, like Venezuela’s Chevez, is the rare foreign leader who represents the interests of his own country instead of Washington’s interest.

Washington uses the various corrupt NGOs and the puppet government in Colombia as weapons against Correa and the Ecuadoran government. Many believe that it is only a matter of time before Washington succeeds in assassinating Correa.
American patriots, who feel that they should be on “their” government’s side regardless of the facts, would do well to remember what true patriotism is. For Americans, patriotism has always meant allegiance to the Constitution, not to the government. The oath is to defend the Constitution against enemies domestic and foreign. The Bush and Obama regimes have proven themselves to be the Constitution’s worst enemies. It is not possible for a true patriot to support a government that destroys the Constitution. The United States is the Constitution. Our country is not the Obama regime, the Bush regime, or some other administration. Our country is the Constitution. The Constitution is our country.

Beyond obligations to one’s own country, all humans have a responsibility to human life itself. Washington’s puppet states, such as the NATO countries, Japan, and Colombia, by providing cover and support for Washington’s aggression are enabling Washington to drive the world into World War III.

The temptation of Washington’s money easily overwhelms weak characters such as Tony Blair and David Cameron. But the governments of NATO countries and other accommodating states are not only selling out their own peoples by supporting Washington’s wars of aggression, they are selling out humanity. Washington’s hubris and arrogance grow as Washington bumps off country after country. Sooner or later Russia and China, will realize that they themselves are targets and will draw firmer lines. Arrogance will prevent Washington from acknowledging the lines, and the final war will be launched.

Washington’s hegemonic impulse is driving the world to destruction. The peoples of the world should realize this and force their governments to stop enabling Washington’s aggression.


29th June 2013, 10:58 AM
Good article, love it........but.........people must learn that the real enemy of the people is not the government itself but the ones controling it from behind the curtain.......at least people now know (what I have known for a long time) hos it is being done.........people must learn that those who are spying on the American people are the Zionist by taking over our intelligence system..........I say......all those in congress, and other government people, are being blackmailed by the Zionist from the state of Israel....................... WAKE UP PEOPLE.


29th June 2013, 12:40 PM
hard to figure out PCR.

he was an insider for a long time.

29th June 2013, 12:48 PM
But Ponce, its like a Pyramid now.

Won't we will have to go through one step at a time, until we reach the top?

29th June 2013, 03:57 PM
You have assumed he is a truth teller if you claim he is. He is lying to you all just as much anyone is lying to those who are looking for support for or to promote their cherished delusions.

The greatest enemy you face can be found by looking into a mirror.

29th June 2013, 05:43 PM
The government has always lied to us, I don't know why people are going all crazy about it now. It is frustrating, had people stepped up when this all started then it would be a lot different, maybe. It also isn't like the government hasn't dropped hints. I mean Bush came right out and said they were tapping phones.

29th June 2013, 06:38 PM
You have assumed he is a truth teller if you claim he is. He is lying to you all just as much anyone is lying to those who are looking for support for or to promote their cherished delusions.

The greatest enemy you face can be found by looking into a mirror.

Oh here comes Hyper Tiger with his infinite wisdom on who is to blame.

The mirror? Really? One of these days, you might just have to take your head and remove it from your own ass. How can any one of us be blamed when we voted for a politician who fought his entire career to remove Washington's corruption? Only to have his votes completely removed from the count in numerous jurisdictions the country over. Yeah that was our fault. PCR Might be a truth teller, he might be a liar. I sure as hell don't need you to tell me what he is or isn't. Half the time I even wonder if you even know what you're talking about.

29th June 2013, 06:45 PM
Oh here comes Hyper Tiger with his infinite wisdom on who is to blame.

The mirror? Really? One of these days, you might just have to take your head and remove it from your own ass. How can any one of us be blamed when we voted for a politician who fought his entire career to remove Washington's corruption? Only to have his votes completely removed from the count in numerous jurisdictions the country over. Yeah that was our fault. PCR Might be a truth teller, he might be a liar. I sure as hell don't need you to tell me what he is or isn't. Half the time I even wonder if you even know what you're talking about.

You have to have a really big mirror........................

Hatha Sunahara
29th June 2013, 06:51 PM
The United States is the Constitution. Our country is not the Obama regime, the Bush regime, or some other administration. Our country is the Constitution. The Constitution is our country.

That has the ring of truth. To me, at least.

Hypertiger is right. But he didn't go far enough. It's not just delusions we have, it's an almost universal lack of courage to challenge the evil bastards who abuse the power we give them. Best place to challenge them is in public meetings. Don't support them against your fellow citizens. Conformity and obedience are hard habits to shake, but easier than getting that jackboot off your neck.


29th June 2013, 07:00 PM
That has the ring of truth. To me, at least.

Hypertiger is right. But he didn't go far enough. It's not just delusions we have, it's an almost universal lack of courage to challenge the evil bastards who abuse the power we give them. Best place to challenge them is in public meetings. Don't support them against your fellow citizens. Conformity and obedience are hard habits to shake, but easier than getting that jackboot off your neck.


Not at all, how can you challenge a system that changes the rules to suit it's own needs? Take Ron Paul's votes being thrown out for example. By all accounts and apparently even Obama's. It was known that Ron Paul won the state of Maryland. He had a strong following and showing, yet came in 3rd, behind Romney and Obama. Obama is even on tape saying that they did not want Ron to win.

So Hatha, HT, how is it that we are to blame if you question the accuracy of the count and are told the ballots have been destroyed? Please enlighten me on how we can even hope to salvage what this is without a call to arms?

This system is broken, it's infiltrated to the highest offices where if you've been paying attention long enough to know that even the president is nothing more than a fucking puppet. That is not a lack of will of challenging them, as it moves on. It turns into self preservation. Look at the whistle blowers, and people who have exposed this system.

No cowardice here, and if I had info to expose I would in a heart beat. However all of you have to realize that this system is collapsing due to it's own bloated weight of corruption. It actively will go after, kill and intimidate anyone it deems fit. Technology has allowed it to run longer, and deeper than even Russia or Nazi Germany could ever of imagined. It's been exposed that the CIA has silent weapons that make it look like you died of a heart attack, they can remotely hack your vehicle causing you to crash and erasing all evidence from the vehicle ECM.

I refuse to view my thoughts, actions, and attitude towards this system as the problem when I work extremely hard to remove myself from it. To be insulted by the likes of anyone who preaches from an ivory tower while their own actions are also to blame is the epitome of hypocrisy.

29th June 2013, 08:08 PM
The only way to have a "final" war is to no longer have humans on Earth........as long as there are two of us there will be a war...a la Cain and Abel.


29th June 2013, 08:47 PM
I'm in your ass taking to you. Presidents are installed. The election is to sustain the illusion of freedom of course until a dictatorship is required and the illusion of freedom costs too much to finance.

29th June 2013, 09:19 PM
I'm in your ass taking to you. Presidents are installed. The election is to sustain the illusion of freedom of course until a dictatorship is required and the illusion of freedom costs too much to finance.

Still never detailed how it is we who are at fault, especially on a blog such as this to where everyone here (at least everyone should know by now) that presidents are puppets, and that freedom is an illusion. That much is obvious, and has been obvious for those willing to look. However I would wager that each of us, including you HT do our own part to have as little to do with this system as possible. Some even work to promote other agendas and systems for sustainability. I myself look and research to remove as much of myself from this system as possible. We all know that its a corrupt fraud, nothing more than a failing scam. But to come here and say that the fault of the system is to look in the mirror and blame ourselves is nothing more than a cop out. I blame those who are at fault, the people (the top as you call them) who run this giant human labor farm. It is not my fault they are there, they devised a system that enriched and ensured their own power and survival on the backs of ordinary people who are content just living their life with the thought of just leave me the fuck alone.

I think you're intelligent enough to realize that there will be blood in the streets before this is all over. Whose, and how much is the only question remaining.

29th June 2013, 10:04 PM
The United States is the Constitution. Our country is not the Obama regime, the Bush regime, or some other administration. Our country is the Constitution. The Constitution is our country.

That has the ring of truth. To me, at least.

Hypertiger is right. But he didn't go far enough. It's not just delusions we have, it's an almost universal lack of courage to challenge the evil bastards who abuse the power we give them. Best place to challenge them is in public meetings. Don't support them against your fellow citizens. Conformity and obedience are hard habits to shake, but easier than getting that jackboot off your neck.


It is truth or close to it.

The constitution creates the government, the government doesn't create the constitution. The United States would not exist without the constitution so in a way the statement is correct.

29th June 2013, 10:19 PM
It is truth or close to it.

The constitution creates the government, the government doesn't create the constitution. The United States would not exist without the constitution so in a way the statement is correct.

Unfortunately, there are two (actually several) constitutions. The current constitution that we now use is a statute passed at gunpoint during reconstruction in 1871 for the district of Columbia and the territories.

Read what Ed has to say: http://www.edrivera.com/

Gold Rules
29th June 2013, 10:22 PM
I'm in your ass taking to you. Presidents are installed. The election is to sustain the illusion of freedom of course until a dictatorship is required and the illusion of freedom costs too much to finance.

As long as the GDP ( generaly dumb public ) keep reelecting duals the US as we know it is screwed

Still never detailed how it is we who are at fault, especially on a blog such as this to where everyone here (at least everyone should know by now) that presidents are puppets, and that freedom is an illusion. That much is obvious, and has been obvious for those willing to look. However I would wager that each of us, including you HT do our own part to have as little to do with this system as possible. Some even work to promote other agendas and systems for sustainability. I myself look and research to remove as much of myself from this system as possible. We all know that its a corrupt fraud, nothing more than a failing scam. But to come here and say that the fault of the system is to look in the mirror and blame ourselves is nothing more than a cop out. I blame those who are at fault, the people (the top as you call them) who run this giant human labor farm. It is not my fault they are there, they devised a system that enriched and ensured their own power and survival on the backs of ordinary people who are content just living their life with the thought of just leave me the fuck alone.

I think you're intelligent enough to realize that there will be blood in the streets before this is all over. Whose, and how much is the only question remaining.

Very well said & spot on.......

Hatha Sunahara
29th June 2013, 11:01 PM
I can empathize with your argument Ares. I can understand people hanging back and not risking anything by opposing the system, having faith that it will eventually rot itself to death with corruption. That, most frequently is my own excuse for not putting up active opposition. Then I begin to grasp that the system pays me to be quiet. We'll keep on paying you as long as you keep your mouth shut about how corrupt we are, and you do things as we order to hide that from the world. So, I keep my mouth shut, and they pay me, and I keep my job, and I know they will eventually run out of money to pay everybody to keep quiet. But then I begin to grasp that they will never run out of money to pay people with to shut up. They create the money. So, as long as I will shut up for money, the system is safe. They pay 'enforcers' to deal with people who won't shut up about corruption for money, and these people disappear. I can see the carrot and the stick, and I choose the carrot. It's not a lack of courage. It's called 'Using my brains.' The goal is to survive. But then the question arises, 'At what level of enslavement, degredation, and indignity will it no longer be worth surviving? Yes, for sure I'm being paid, but look at what I have to put up with to get that paycheck. And then the day comes when I reach that level where I can no longer put up with it, and I speak out. I lose my job. And it gets worse from there. You can see it all around you and in the news. You conform and obey and keep your mouth shut, and you will never hear from us.

As I already mentioned. It's not a lack of courage. Just using your brains. And that's how they have us trained. The smarter you are, the more passive you are. Just using your brains. Just keeping that paycheck coming. Yowsah bawss! You can count on me to zip my lips. Aint neva gunna say nottin bad bout yew, bawss. You can count on dat.

And PCR is telling us if we keep up the passivity, 'da bawss gonna treat us like animals.' He's telling us to stand up like human beings and do what's good and what's right. He's holding up that mirror that Hypertiger spoke of for us. What I wrote above is what I saw, looking in that mirror.


29th June 2013, 11:45 PM
Forward they cried from the rear...and the front rank died.

Look at how Scarface bought it and all the people that came from the front.

29th June 2013, 11:50 PM
As for fault

The absolute capitalist system is a servant owned by the master and all within it are slaves.

The slaves at the bottom support the slaves at the top who are ruled by the servant owned by the master.

The master is not in the absolute capitalist hierarchy. All in the absolute capitalist hierarchy suffer the negative consequences.

30th June 2013, 07:02 AM
A passing thought... of a vast maze where in every corner is a monitor with flickering shows of joy or misery showing me the destinations that I might reach if I just keep moving.
But when I look to the left all I can see are walls or another corner and when I look to the right, I see the flickering monitor of the show I've already watched. The end.
But wait, this can't be true... because I can also see sky and clouds high above.

Fuck it. I'm going outside to feed the chickens and take a piss in the dirt. :)

30th June 2013, 08:10 AM
Washington’s hubris and arrogance grow as Washington bumps off country after country. Sooner or later Russia and China, will realize that they themselves are targets and will draw firmer lines. Arrogance will prevent Washington from acknowledging the lines, and the final war will be launched.

That is a grim prophecy, but very likely how it will play out. A grand conflict with China and/or Russia truly could be the final war.

30th June 2013, 08:20 AM
However all of you have to realize that this system is collapsing due to it's own bloated weight of corruption. It actively will go after, kill and intimidate anyone it deems fit. Technology has allowed it to run longer, and deeper than even Russia or Nazi Germany could ever of imagined. It's been exposed that the CIA has silent weapons that make it look like you died of a heart attack, they can remotely hack your vehicle causing you to crash and erasing all evidence from the vehicle ECM.

I refuse to view my thoughts, actions, and attitude towards this system as the problem when I work extremely hard to remove myself from it. To be insulted by the likes of anyone who preaches from an ivory tower while their own actions are also to blame is the epitome of hypocrisy.

I think HT tries to empower us by making us feel like trapped mice. :)

30th June 2013, 10:43 AM
Fuck it. I'm going outside to feed the chickens and take a piss in the dirt. :)

have you ever tried feeding them watermelon ?

mine love watermelon. today, they are getting watermelon & worms, plus they are pecking at the leaves on my baby corn plants.

30th June 2013, 02:50 PM

1st July 2013, 12:39 AM

1st July 2013, 02:17 AM
The occult black magic spell they shove down our throats is in the end a pathetic attempt to trick us into being their servants.

It means they have some sort of philosophy that agrees with their selfishness but really has little meaning because they end up worshiping pain and suffering and greed ,they want us to do the same.

The small difference is they dont have any pain because they are psychopaths but we do.

Their religion is basically something for them to hide behind so they can become ugly with greed ,cruelty mixed with basic stupidity.These people maybe smart but they are also incredibly stupid.ie nuc reactors scattered all around the world ,450 roughly all waiting for a natural disaster that will make the planet unlivable for how long?idiots blinded by greed mixed with stupidity. there are many more examples as you know.

Even if everyone in the world believed in their religion it dosnt make it truth ,it just means they have forced everyone to believe what they believe.

Its so pathetic because as people wake up a bit they may find that believing in things is more of the mind ,where as becoming truly conscious ,the things of the mind are secondary ,it is the heart connecting to your awareness can illuminate the awareness more.

We become conscious beings in our everyday life existing in the present moment, this is what the return of Jesus is about ,to me that is,its the awakening of a more fuller awareness or Christ /cosmic /god consciousness in everyone.This is the awareness of people living more in their higher mind and seeing thru the foolishness.

In the end its simply becoming yourself because in the end thats all there is,will ever be.

With every person that wakes up and sees,is another piece of light fading their treasured darkness.


That is what a person can do the most to defeat all this ,beyond fear is peace.

We are immortal ,it is important .

anything I think ,I realise is a thought our real selves exist just behind this......thoughts are just that thoughts.

Concepts are made from thoughts ,beliefs in a way also. Reality ISNT our thought process.

Reality is conscious awareness, thats it.

Throw in some emotion combined with thought and people can believe in anything and do ,but is it real or only as real as the mind makes it and then we believe it.

Thats why I always say there is absolutely nothing to believe in necessarily as it is of our own thoughts and they are not REAL.. Our mind produces thoughts so we can do stuff and not to be wasted believing in fairy stories.

it will always be like this ......

Blame it on the Unobtanium ,Im inhaling it. hahaha

1st July 2013, 04:04 AM
http://www.zengardner.com/wp-content/uploads/Enlightenment.jpg (http://www.zengardner.com/wp-content/uploads/Enlightenment.jpg)

2nd July 2013, 08:15 AM
Blame it on the Unobtanium ,Im inhaling it. hahaha

Everything you've ever needed was available to you when you were a child.

Unfortunately some create sock puppets to get back there. :)