View Full Version : Pelosi Distorts July 4 To Celebrate “health Independence”

29th June 2013, 07:20 PM
Pelosi Distorts July 4 To Celebrate “health Independence” June 29, 2013 by B. Christopher Agee (http://www.westernjournalism.com/author/bca/) 5 Comments (http://www.westernjournalism.com/pelosi-distorts-july-4-to-celebrate-health-independence/#comments)




In a desperate effort to prop up an utterly unpopular law, Democrat hack and former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi seeks to redefine Independence Day with a shameless Obamacare plug (http://washingtonexaminer.com/nancy-pelosi-on-the-fourth-of-july-celebrate-obamacare/article/2532463).

While Americans across the nation take time to reflect on the sacrifice made by our founders to grant us the freedom — such as it is — we enjoy today, Pelosi claims “we’ll also be observing health independence.”

She is referring, of course, to the abysmal and falsely labeled Affordable Care Act, which was unfortunately upheld by the Supreme Court about one year prior to her recent comments.

Without cracking a smile, which is admittedly tough given her penchant for cosmetic surgery, she said the law “captures the spirit of our founders.”

There is nothing in our Constitution on which she could possibly base that absurd allegation, but history has proven that Pelosi and her cohorts on the lunatic left care little about backing up their reckless rhetoric.

Obamacare offers the exact opposite of “health independence,” as those subjected to its coverage are completely at the mercy of federal regulators. Pelosi did not stop with the requisite propaganda in support of her party; she also threw in a few jabs aimed at the right.

“If Paul Revere were here today,” she speculated, “we would need someone like him to be running through the streets saying, ‘Sequester is coming!’”

Reckless spending is somehow equated with liberty to the faulty mind of a leftist like Pelosi. In that regard, it is no wonder she will be spending Independence Day expressing gratitude for the most bloated, wasteful, and unnecessary bill in American history.

Twisted Titan
29th June 2013, 08:00 PM
Jan 1 2014 is going to be a doozy because most dont know
Jan 1 2015 is going to be absolutely apeshit when the penalties get assessed on tax returns

29th June 2013, 09:15 PM
Jan 1 2014 is going to be a doozy because most dont know
Jan 1 2015 is going to be absolutely apeshit when the penalties get assessed on tax returns

Time to report under poverty and get in the system...

Twisted Titan
30th June 2013, 03:31 AM
What do you think those 12,000 new IRS agents are for ??

To find those people that realize this is a no win situation.

30th June 2013, 08:20 AM
Merriam-Webster defines independent as:

a (1) : not subject to control by others
b (1) : not requiring or relying on something else
c (1) : not requiring or relying on others

Sounds like the exact OPPOSITE of obamacare to me.

30th June 2013, 10:26 AM
Yes- it is precisely DEPENDENCE day for this corrupt batch of commies running Amerika.

Do not plan to get into poverty and join the system as a free-loader. It is NOT free. They will exact a price you won't want to pay. It is better to die than to take bread from their poisonous hands. Get right with God and He will supply all your needs.

As this unfolds, I will be looking to get outside the system entirely. If I take no devil coin then I owe nothing to the devil. I will not profit from others but have equal trades if it comes to that.... otherwise I work by gifting as the Lord God Almighty places on the hearts of me and those around me. I have an escape from this beast. Hallelu YAH!

30th June 2013, 10:39 AM
has she read the fucking thing yet ?

30th June 2013, 10:44 AM
has she read the fucking thing yet ?

I think we have to live it to see what is in it. Pelosi has a special place when the judgment day comes along. The whole batch of them were assembled for this day and they are doing their parts. Amerika is being judged. The judgment is to have the devils leading the people by the choice of the people.

In these days we must harken to the call of YHWH when He says: "my people... come out of that unclean thing."