View Full Version : Holy shit. Is this real? If it is, I think this is the best news I've heard in my en

30th June 2013, 12:00 PM
you tube comments

Holy shit. Is this real? If it is, I think this is the best news I've heard in my entire life!

Obama To Be Arrested? Bush Put On Trial? Russia Today & The TruthSeeker – Video Report
Friday, June 28, 2013 14:23


Is Barack Obama about to be arrested? What about George W. Bush, is he about to be arrested and put on trial? This hopeful report from RussiaToday (http://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=http://www.youtube.com/user/RussiaToday?feature=watch) argues just that. I say bring it on! Couldn’t happen to two ‘nicer guys’ and they certainly deserve it for their crimes upon America and Americans and their war crimes around the world. It’s gotten to the point where it’s either America ‘going down’, or these two, and America is TOO big to fail! http://beforeitsnews.com/contributor/upload/5385/images/3481.jpg
“We’ll get Bush in the US” the world’s top war crimes prosecutor tells The Truthseeker after Dubya’s deputies warn him against travel, lawyers file for Obama’s arrest tomorrow when he hits South Africa, huge secret wars in America’s name being masked from the folks funding them. Seek truth from facts with Yousha Tayob of the Muslim Lawyers Association, leading war crimes prosecutor Francis Boyle, Senior Staff Attorney Katherine Gallagher of New York’s Center for Constitutional Rights which stopped Bush’s first trip after his waterboarding admission, Marjorie Cohn, author of Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law, and former NSA intelligence officer Scott Rickard.



30th June 2013, 12:10 PM
That's what justice is all about, no matter what your station in life is........first thing that I would do to show that I really mean business it to take away the Nobel Peace Medal away from Obama..........after he is taken to trial and found guilty then all the laws that he made (or were made because of him) should be thrown out........ and idiot Bush? just shoot him and get it over with......I still can't believe that he was ever in the White House.


30th June 2013, 12:13 PM
I heard they were both found guilty or were charged and arrest warrants were issued a while back. Now need to grab them and put them on trial. This could be why everything is going nuts at the moment. Definite internal problems.

30th June 2013, 12:17 PM
I believe that the US government itself should arrest them......that would be a hit around the world and would people kow that we love peace and freedom........ but then we still have the Zionists, a final solution that we will have to work on...


30th June 2013, 12:18 PM
WH Insider – Obama Openly Weeping: ‘They’re Going To Impeach Me’
Does Barack Obama already know his fate? According to this story from Conservative America Online (http://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=http://conservativeamericaonline.blogspot.com/2013/06/insider-obama-openly-weeping-theyre.html?utm_source=America%27s+Conservative+Ne ws&utm_campaign=7ff6b24ae4-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c28c63c891-7ff6b24ae4-257154269#more) and a White House ‘Insider’, Obama has even been talking with his friends about the ‘I’ word. Barack has NOBODY to blame but himself if impeachment comes to fruition. He was given a mandate to bring ‘change’ to America and he merely brought us Bush’s 3rd and 4th terms, endless wars, drone strikes on innocent children, and continues building something resembling a ‘police state’ in America. Even mainstream liberals are now calling for Obama’s impeachment now as shared by Christopher Greene in the video below. I KNOW you know how to contact me Barack, I’ll be more than happy to give you a few words of advice… it’s sure starting to seem you’ll need them. (BTW FYI – While Obama was in high school in Hawaii back in 1979, I dated a girl who went to the same school, Punahou (http://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=http://www.punahou.edu/page.cfm?p=1786), and still keep in touch with her. Hi Penny!) A White House insider claims that Barack Obama has confided to friends, “They’re going to impeach me.” That’s the revelation coming from the Globe (http://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=http://www.globemagazine.com/story/1019) which also claims that a distressed Obama “can’t eat or sleep” and “has been walking the White House’s halls at night, bizarrely staring at the portrait of Abraham Lincoln for inspiration.” According to the tabloid, an “inside source” claims; “Numerous times his aides and friends have seen him openly weeping” and Obama “is petrified that he will have to resign in disgrace or be thrown out of office in disgrace.”
Of course, talk of impeachment is not confined to the tabloids. Andrew B Wilson recently opened an article, “Impeach Obama?” for the American Spectator (http://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=http://spectator.org/archives/2013/06/03/impeach-obama) by posing the question: “Don’t even think it, Rush says. But let’s think it anyway.”
On the liberal side of the world, Michael Tomasky, writing for the Daily Beast (http://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/05/12/the-coming-attempt-to-impeach-obama.html) recently spoke at length on the subject in an article titled “The Coming Attempt to Impeach Obama:”
“[T]he double-barrel revelations that the White House hasn’t quite been telling the whole story on Benghazi and that some mid-level IRS people targeted some Tea Party groups for scrutiny are guaranteed to ramp up the crazy [on impeachment]… and the people in the White House damn well better fear the same…”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=uO6ESVk3ouk#at=289 https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=uO6ESVk3ouk#at=289


30th June 2013, 12:19 PM
What the Hell Is Wrong with Obama?

by David Galland, Casey Research (http://www.caseyresearch.com/cdd/what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-obama):
http://d1w116sruyx1mf.cloudfront.net/ee-assets/channels/cdd_image/130628frontimage1.jpg In recent polls, 65% of Americans said they were against the US government becoming involved in Syria. Yet, the Obama administration has made it abundantly clear that it will now actively support the rebels there.
Disturbingly, our so-called allies in this fight – the anti-Assad rebels – are the sort of people who use suicide bombers to achieve their goals. Which is not surprising given that Al-Qaeda has openly taken a leading role in the opposition the Obama administration now sees fit to support.
And so it is that the very same Al-Qaeda that the US claims is Enemy #1 will soon be receiving weapons from the US, and probably already has.
In one particularly notable display of the world view of our new friends, a prominent rebel leader named Sunni al-Hamad was videotaped snacking on the lung of a dead enemy soldier. The highly placed member of the intelligence community whom I briefly referenced in my last missive told me that the most favorable interpretation of this barbaric act the analysts could come up with was that the fellow was actually trying to eat the heart, but ate the lung instead. This was taken as “favorable” because Commander Cannibal’s lack of basic human anatomy suggested that eating internal organs was not a regular practice among our new BFF.


(http://sgtreport.com/2013/06/what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-obama/)3 comments to What the Hell Is Wrong with Obama?

http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/614e5c2bfd2a0fa49dda9ff9a9e7aa99?s=55&d=identicon&r=R dan
June 29, 2013 at 4:05 pm (http://sgtreport.com/2013/06/what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-obama/#comment-102295) · Reply (http://sgtreport.com/2013/06/what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-obama/?replytocom=102295#respond)
Obama ,just like Bush…is outside the Constitution and its requirements that maintain Congress to authorize conflict and $$$ to pay for same….we as Americans do not get any authority from the UN..nada ,none….or from a self appointed tyrant…those in congress and the country that strand for this type of power are enablers of TREASON….plain and simple….imho

http://1.gravatar.com/avatar/5dfa17e5d8e06f7fe5ae22e08149909a?s=55&d=identicon&r=R 8Ball
June 29, 2013 at 5:12 pm (http://sgtreport.com/2013/06/what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-obama/#comment-102299) · Reply (http://sgtreport.com/2013/06/what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-obama/?replytocom=102299#respond)
Obama is a reflection of what is wrong with America… You asked the wrong question.
America is a corrupted and degenerate society, the leaders are a direct result of what the people have become.

http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/606f0e548edc0058881ceb408dc86573?s=55&d=identicon&r=R rich

June 29, 2013 at 7:42 pm (http://sgtreport.com/2013/06/what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-obama/#comment-102314) · Reply (http://sgtreport.com/2013/06/what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-obama/?replytocom=102314#respond)

Fixers Indicated That Hillary Was a Key Player in the Marc Rich Pardon Deal
The Clintons and the Rich Women
President-in-waiting Hillary Clinton has never addressed her role in the midnight pardon of billionaire fugitive Marc Rich, who died this week. In fact, she’s rarely been asked her opinion on the free pass given to one of the world’s most wanted fugitives, a man who violated embargoes against Iran and South Africa and fled the country rather than face trial in what was billed as “the biggest tax evasion case in history.” The senator has variously said that she was “unaware” of the decision and “surprised” by it. When pressed, she merely cackles.
Even though 300 pages of core documents relating to the pardon decision remain under seal at the Clinton Library, a review of the available record tells a much different story. In fact, the Rich legal team viewed Hillary as a secret weapon, and as one door after another closed on their search for a pardon they focused more and more on invoking what Rich lawyer Robert Fink called the “HRC option.”
Who is Marc Rich? And why did he need a presidential pardon?
“He bought Swiss loyalty,” says Shawn Tulley, a financial crimes reporter for Fortune magazine, who covered the Rich case. “He really put out the charm and the money.”
In order to buy alumina from the new leftist government of Jamaica for less than half the market price, Rich wired $50 million to Jamaican President Michael Manley in an hour of acute distress for the embattled ruler.(WHAT A TRADE)
Even as he neared the top of the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted list, Rich also didn’t see any reason to abandon his operations in the United States. In fact, his hand is seen orchestrating one of the most savage crackdowns on organized labor in recent decades. In 1989, Rich secretly acquired the controlling interest in a West Virginia-based company called Ravenswood Aluminum. Ravenswood was embroiled in a tumultuous battle between management and workers at the plant when in 1990, under Rich’s long-distance orders, the company tried to bust the union.
Meanwhile, back in Lucerne, Rich was beginning to cultivate the Israeli government. He established the Rich Foundation in Tel Aviv, which would distribute more than $100 million to Israeli causes over the next decade. To oversee the foundation, Rich selected a former high-ranking Mossad official named Avner Azulay, whose ties to the intelligence agency probably never totally evaporated. Azulay was a useful conduit to Israel’s political elite. He was close to Yitzak Rabin, Ehud Barak, Shimon Peres and Ehud Olmert. A decade later, Azulay would play a key role in securing Rich’s pardon from the Clintons.


30th June 2013, 12:23 PM
My God I hope he doesn't get impeached! If he does he will officially be recognized as legitimate to hold office and all the laws he passed will stay. Think about that for a minute, they are spinning it so people want him impeached, I want him ousted as the ineligible puppet he is.

30th June 2013, 12:35 PM
General Wesley Clark: Whistleblower, Warrior

June 30, 2013
http://www.thesleuthjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/General_Wesley_Clark-214x300.jpg (http://www.thesleuthjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/General_Wesley_Clark.jpg)
Once a warrior, always one. Clark hasn’t forgotten. His credentials are notorious. He’s a war criminal. He’s also a whistleblower. More on that below.
He formerly commanded NATO. From March 24 – June 19, 1999, he led naked aggression against Yugoslavia. For 78 days, hundreds of warplanes attacked mercilessly. About 3,000 sorties were flown.
Thousands of tons of ordnance were dropped. Hundreds of ground-launched cruise missiles were used.
Nearly everything was struck. Massive destruction and disruption followed. An estimated $100 billion in damage was caused. A humanitarian disaster resulted. Environmental contamination was extensive.
Many thousands were killed, injured or displaced. Two million people lost livelihoods. Homes and communities were destroyed.
Lawless aggression was called humanitarian intervention. It was prelude for worse to come.
An avenue to Eurasia was opened. A permanent US military presence was established. America’s imperium claimed another trophy. It had many others in mind.
It did so at the expense of mass killing and destruction. Clark’s a retired four-star general. He’s a Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient. He received numerous other awards. They include honorary knighthoods. America and complicit allies honor their worst.
Clark’s at it again. On June 17, he headlined his New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/18/opinion/to-get-a-truce-be-ready-to-escalate.html?_r=1&) op-ed “To Get a Truce, Be Ready to Escalate.” More on that below.
On October 3, 2007, Clark spoke at San Francisco’s Commonwealth Club (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha1rEhovONU). He said America underwent a post-9/11 transformation. A “policy coup” occurred. With no public debate or acknowledgement, hardliners usurped power.
Ten days post-9/11, he visited Defense Secretary Rumsfeld. They met at the Pentagon. “No one will tell us where or when to bomb”, he was told. Military commanders said Iraq will be attacked.
“I walked out of there pretty upset,” said Clark. On a second visit, he learned more. He was told plans were to “destroy the governments in seven countries.” Besides Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran would be targeted.
He knew a decade earlier. In 1991, he wore one star. He visited Under Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz. He did so at the Pentagon. They met after Operation Desert Storm.
He was stunned by what he heard. America intended multiple premeditated wars. Policymakers want the Middle East destabilized. They want it redrawn. They want it turned upside down.
They want unchallenged US control. They want America’s military might used destructively. They want it used “to start wars and change governments. It’s not to deter conflicts,” said Clark. It’s not about liberation and spreading democracy.
Wolfowitz said “we should have gotten rid of Saddam Hussein….But one thing we did learn. We can use our military anywhere in the Middle East and the Soviets won’t stop us.”
“And we’ve got about five or 10 years to clean out those old Soviet client regimes.” He named Syria, Iran, and Iraq. He suggested other countries. He called multiple wars essential “before the next great superpower comes along to challenge us.”
In his book, “Winning Modern Wars (http://www.amazon.com/Winning-Modern-Wars-Terrorism-American/dp/B000C4SXXA),” Clark discussed what’s explained above. Did Congress debate it, he asked? Did presidents explain it? Did America’s media report it? “Was there a full-fledged (public discussion)? Absolutely not, and there still isn’t.”
“And what about the real sources of terrorists – US allies in the region like Egypt, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia?”
“Wasn’t it repressive policies of the first, and the corruption and poverty of the second, that were generating many of the angry young men who became terrorists?”
“And what of the radical ideology and direct funding spewing from Saudi Arabia?”
“It seemed that we were being taken into a strategy more likely to make us the enemy – encouraging what could look like a ‘clash of civilizations’ – not a good strategy for winning the war on terror.”
“And that’s why we’re failing,” he added. Perhaps he forgot his earlier assessment. It doesn’t surprise. He’s a warrior, not peacemaker. He’s trained to kill and destroy.
He was 1966 West Point valedictorian. He’s smart enough to know better. He claims “open(ing) an opportunity for concerted diplomacy” and peace depends on war.
Orwell said it better saying “war is peace.” According to Clark, ravaging Yugoslavia showed US-led NATO’s “resolve to escalate.” He stopped short of explaining mass killing and destruction.
He ignored his direct responsibility. He was silent on premeditated naked aggression. He’s mindless about Yugoslavia’s dismemberment. He said nothing about exploitive neoliberal harshness. He’s unconcerned about human misery.
Bring it on. Replicate Yugoslavia’s ravaging. “(I)naction is not an option,” he said. He called 1999 “a limited NATO air campaign.” He claimed it followed “failed” diplomatic talks. He lied on both counts.
Yugoslavia was balkanized and destroyed. According to Michael Parenti (http://www.michaelparenti.org/yugoslavia.html), it was “turn(ed) into a privatized, deindustrialized, recolonized, beggar-poor country of cheap labor, defenseless against capital penetration, so battered that it will never rise again, so shattered that it will never reunite, not even as a viable bourgeois country.”
“When the productive social capital of any part of the world is obliterated, the potential value of private capital elsewhere is enhanced – especially when the crisis faced today by western capitalism is one of overcapacity.”
Yugoslavia’s productive capacity was destroyed. Doing so “extend(ed) the monopolizing dominance of the western media (supported) cartels.”
“The aerial destruction of Yugoslavia’s social capital served that purpose.” Serbia’s valued underground water was contaminated. Surrounding areas are affected.
At the time, Clark boasted about his accomplishments. He succeeded in “demolish(ing), destroy(ing), devastat(ing), degrad(ing), and ultimately eliminat(ing) (Yugoslavia’s) essential infrastructure.”
Human carnage didn’t matter. It doesn’t now. Escalate, urges Clark. Peace depends on war. Wage it while conducting diplomacy, he urges.
Suggesting it reflects oxymoronic reasoning. It’s hegemonic, ruthless and unprincipled. It’s lawless aggression. Clark wants conflict ended by force. Once a warrior, always one.
He wants Assad ousted. He wants Syrians having no say. He wants paramilitary peacekeepers occupying Syria. He wants its military disarmed.
He wants US client state puppet leadership replacing sovereign Syrian independence. He says doing so will “halt Syria’s agony.”
He calls war the road to peace. What else would a four-star warrior say? Especially an American one. Imperial priorities alone matter. Clark didn’t become NATO commander ignoring them.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. His new book is titled “Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity.” www.claritypress.com/LendmanII.html (http://www.claritypress.com/LendmanII.html) Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. It airs Fridays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening. www.progressiveradionetwork.com/the-progressive-news-hour (http://www.progressiveradionetwork.com/the-progressive-news-hour)


30th June 2013, 01:20 PM
My God I hope he doesn't get impeached! If he does he will officially be recognized as legitimate to hold office and all the laws he passed will stay. Think about that for a minute, they are spinning it so people want him impeached, I want him ousted as the ineligible puppet he is.

i'd settle for the impeachment of Obama & Biden.

Boehner would become pResident then, right ?

30th June 2013, 01:29 PM
i'd settle for the impeachment of Obama & Biden. (all the illegal laws stay)

Boehner would become pResident then, right ? I thought it was supposed to be Piglosy?

30th June 2013, 01:58 PM
I thought it was supposed to be Piglosy?

i thought the Republicans were House Majority & DemocRats were Senate majority.

i apologize to rodents everywhere for using the word 'Rat' as a pejorative. Rats are far more honest & hard-working than American politicians.

30th June 2013, 02:16 PM
I believe that the US government itself should arrest them......that would be a hit around the world and would people kow that we love peace and freedom........ but then we still have the Zionists, a final solution that we will have to work on...


http://www.veteransnewsnow.com/2013/06/29/earths-alpha-predator-zionist-mhttp://leaksource.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/israel-purim-twin-towers-costume.jpg?w=604afia/ (http://www.veteransnewsnow.com/2013/06/29/earths-alpha-predator-zionist-mafia/)

30th June 2013, 03:22 PM

30th June 2013, 04:04 PM
I absolutely love black entertainers, this guy might even be better than Bill Cosby or Chris Rock...

30th June 2013, 04:14 PM
it's appealing to think that Obama doesn't have a soul - and that we do.

personally i think that is a case of pretending to have knowledge that we don't have. if the 'soul' is that which exists when the mortal body perishes, to find out if we really have one, we have to pay the Ultimate Price.

of course, some religions tell us that we do have a Soul, and paint differing though similar versions of the Afterlife.

personally, i believe in God.

as far as Obama, what we can say for sure is that he is Sold Out. that he has compromised all his core integrity.

30th June 2013, 05:28 PM
Apparently he never had integrity. Gay Alien and is now liar and chief, only the jews could pull this off.

30th June 2013, 06:26 PM
http://www.veteransnewsnow.com/2013/06/29/earths-alpha-predator-zionist-mhttp://leaksource.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/israel-purim-twin-towers-costume.jpg?w=604afia/ (http://www.veteransnewsnow.com/2013/06/29/earths-alpha-predator-zionist-mafia/)

very cute

I guess the thing to think about is who will fill his shoes if he is impeached. I think protocol says the VP gets the gong.

30th June 2013, 06:36 PM
VP is a douche too.

30th June 2013, 08:31 PM
Obama is banker installed...He showed up at the right place and time. Just like money in an account.

30th June 2013, 09:55 PM
VP is a douche too.

In politics you always get at least 2 choices.


1st July 2013, 12:04 AM
very cute

I guess the thing to think about is who will fill his shoes if he is impeached. I think protocol says the VP gets the gong.

I think it was in Israel ,they won first prize in the fancy dress............................................. ...........

1st July 2013, 12:06 AM
In politics you always get at least 2 choices.


Except in OZ where we had Pauline Hanson ..................oh thats right they locked her up

Heres O getting used to his future surroundings....................
