View Full Version : Hasta la (Alta) Vista: Yahoo pulls the plug on services you forgot existed.

30th June 2013, 04:48 PM
I thought this was long gone myself.
Yet one more thing Ponce has outlasted.

As companies make acquisitions and try out new products, they inevitably accumulate a roster of services that they no longer care to maintain. Every once in awhile, a much-loved product like Google Reader gets the axe, but normally these "spring cleaning" lists close down products and services that you assume have been gone for years.

Such was the case when Yahoo announced its latest round of closures today. Among the products being shuttered: the Yahoo Axis plug-in and browser app, which was launched just over a year ago, will disappear immediately. The FoxyTunes music plugin, which as of this writing has actually been "disabled by an administrator" in the Firefox add-on database, takes its official leave on July 1. The Yahoo Local and Term Extraction APIs will vanish on September 28. And AltaVista, which was already just a skin over Yahoo's search engine anyway, will shut down on July 8.


30th June 2013, 04:57 PM
They used to have local chat rooms, and paid phone service and a bunch of other shit which makes you go to the conglomerates pay (much more) service.

30th June 2013, 05:00 PM
I used to like Yahoo auctions. No charge.

30th June 2013, 05:08 PM
Now they spy on us.

30th June 2013, 05:09 PM
i'm so bummed :(

to where should i send the flowers ? /sarc

30th June 2013, 05:21 PM
To the liar and thief:

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

30th June 2013, 05:24 PM
Now they spy on us.

yes, Katherine Albrecht noted that recently- I think either May or June 1st they forced users into their "new" yahoo mail, which in accepting, also accepted the scanning of all your correspondence for... you name it!





It was 5-6 years ago I read a story at "cryptome" or some such site, sort of a predecessor to wikileaks/anonymous, revealing that Y! & hotmail, maybe a few others, had been for years already giving "law enforcement" carte blanche acceptance to LE's requests to see users' email.

If the upcoming "startmail (https://startmail.com/)" is all KAlbrecht touts, it'll be really nice- but you'll have to nag all your friends to get accounts as well to send from and to @startmail accounts. It's pointless if you're using startmail but they're on gmail/etc- your shite is still an open book to the ziospooks.



30th June 2013, 05:33 PM
From Pats above link

As you are typing words in google (gmail)a little window pops up and says .....no you cant type that....

I had one of those trackers to see who was spying on web movements and google stood out.

Anything google from an add to a little google link ,same with facebook , was a tracking device.