View Full Version : “Believe It or Not!”13 Mindblowing Facts About America’s Tax-Dodging Corporations

30th June 2013, 09:50 PM
“Believe It or Not!”13 Mindblowing Facts About America’s Tax-Dodging Corporations (http://blog.ourfuture.org/20130628/believe-it-or-not13-mind-blowing-facts-about-tax-evading-corporations)
http://caf.blob.core.windows.net/blogourfuture/wp-content/uploads/avatars/26262/1368148928-bpfull.jpg By Richard Eskow (http://blog.ourfuture.org/author/reskowourfuture-org) | June 28, 2013

A judicious writer avoids adjectives like “mindblowing,” especially when covering political or economic issues. But no other word seems to describe the stunning reality of corporate taxation in modern America, which cries out for the italics-heavy, exclamation-point-driven format made famous by Ripley’s Believe It or Not.
Stylistic overkill? Read these thirteen facts and you may change your mind.
1. We’re told we can’t “afford” full Social Security benefits, even though closing corporate tax-haven loopholes would pay for Obama’s “chained CPI” benefit cut more than ten times over!
Abusive offshore tax havens cost the US $150 billion in lost tax revenue every year (via FACT Coalition (http://tjn-usa.org/storage/documents/FACT_Sheet_By_the_Numbers_Final1112nt.pdf)). That’s $1.5 trillion over the next ten years.
The “chained CPI” cut, proposed by President Obama and supported by Republicans, is projected to “save” a total of $122 billion to $130 billion over the same time period by denying benefits to seniors and disabled people.
It’s true. “Serious” politicians and pundits are demanding that ordinary people sacrifice earned benefits, while at the same time allowing corporations to avoid more than ten times as much in taxes.
2. Corporate tax rates are near their 60-year low, even though profits are at a 60-year high!
Need we say more?
(Source: Americans for Tax Fairness (http://www.ctj.org/corporatetaxdodgers/CorporateTaxDodgersReport.pdf).)
3. Wells Fargo got $8 billion in tax breaks, even as executives at its subsidiary Wachovia avoided indictment for laundering money for the Mexican drug cartels!
That’s right. Wells Fargo paid a negative tax rate of -1.4 percent between 2008 and 2010 while Wachovia, a Wells Fargo subsidiary, admitted to laundering more than $378 billion for Mexican drug gangs.
We’re talking about crazed killers (http://blog.ourfuture.org/20130311/an-etiquette-lesson-for-elizabeth-warren-from-el-loco) like “El Loco” and gangs like “Los Zetas” – gangs who cut people’s heads off and toss them out onto disco dance floors or display them in the town square.
Wachovia bankers ignored repeated warnings from law enforcement officials, and continued to launder money for cartels that have murdered tens of thousands.
And yet no criminal indictments were handed down because, as a Senate investigator told Bloomberg News (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-06-29/banks-financing-mexico-s-drug-cartels-admitted-in-wells-fargo-s-u-s-deal.html), “”There’s no capacity to regulate or punish them because they’re too big to be threatened with failure.”
4. Some other huge corporations paid less than nothing, too.
Pepco Holdings (-57.6% tax rate)
General Electric (-45.3%)
DuPont (-3.4%)
Verizon (-2.9%)
Boeing (-1.8%)
Honeywell (-0.7%)
(Source: Citizens for Tax Justice (http://www.ctj.org/corporatetaxdodgers/CorporateTaxDodgersReport.pdf))
5. The amount of money US corporations are holding offshore (http://ctj.org/ctjreports/2012/12/fortune_500_corporations_holding_16_trillion_in_pr ofits_offshore.php#.Uc4il_lwrTa) is an estimated one trillion dollars!
Rather than tax these profits the way other countries do, corporate politicians are promoting a tax “repatriation” break that would let corporations “bring this money home” while paying even less than their currently low rates.
They tried that in 2004 and it didn’t create any jobs. In fact, corporations took the tax break and then fired thousands of people. (http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2011/05/14/173951/repatriation-flashback/) What “repatriation” did do is line a lot of wealthy investors’ pockets.
So, naturally, they want to do it again.
6. One building in the Cayman Islands is the official location of 18,857 corporations!
According to the Government Accountability Office (http://www.gao.gov/highlights/d08778high.pdf), a five-story building called “Ugland House” is home to nearly twenty thousand corporations. That’s impressive, especially for such a small edifice. (Perhaps it has supernatural half-floors and space-time defying “mind tunnels” like the office (http://www.dvdbeaver.com/film3/blu-ray_reviews56/being_john_malkovich_blu-ray_/large/large_being_john_malkovich_blu-ray_07.jpg) in Being John Malkovich.)
While impressive, Ugland House’s distinction pales next to that of 1209 North Orange Street in Wilmington, Delaware. According to one investigation, (http://tjn-usa.org/storage/documents/FACT_Sheet_By_the_Numbers_Final1112nt.pdf) that address is home to 217,000 corporations.
That’s because Delaware has very generous tax rules – and, as a result, is home to more than half of all the corporate subsidiaries in the United States.That’s startling, since only 1/342th of the nation’s population lives in that state (917,092 residents, out of a national total of 313,914,040, according to the latest census results (http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/10000.html)).
7. Conservatives complain about the “official” corporate tax rate in this country, but corporations actually pay roughly one-third of the official rate in actual taxes.
The official, or “statutory,” corporate tax rate is 35 percent. But the actual rate paid by American corporations is only 12 percent, less than that paid by many middle-class Americans.
(Source: The FACT Coalition (http://tjn-usa.org/storage/documents/FACT_Sheet_CORPTAX_DRAFT.pdf).)
In fact, US Corporations pay less tax as a percentage of the GDP than corporations in Canada. Or Japan …
… or South Korea. Or Norway. Or Luxembourg, New Zealand, Israel, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Belgium, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Finland, and Italy.
(Source: OECD StatsExtract (http://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=REV) interactive database.)
8. Corporations used to pay 30 percent of Federal taxes, and now they pay less than 7 percent!
That’s because the corporate tax rate has plunged since Dwight D. Eisenhower was President and is now the lowest it’s been in modern history.
(Source: FACT Coalition (http://tjn-usa.org/storage/documents/FACT_Sheet_CORPTAX_DRAFT.pdf).)
9. Big corporations paid $216 million to Congress and got $223 billion in tax breaks!
As Citizens for Tax Justice and USPIRG reported (http://www.uspirg.org/reports/usp/loopholes-sale), 280 large and profitable corporations contributed $216 million to Congressional campaigns over four election cycles and got nearly a quarter of a trillion dollars in tax breaks.
That’s a terrific investment for them – a return of more than a thousand to one – but it’s a bad deal for the American people.
10. We don’t even know who owns some corporations, even though that makes it easier to evade taxes, dodge creditors, avoid paying alimony or child support, and even fund terrorism!
Here are some examples of investments that might represent a terror threat (http://tjn-usa.org/storage/documents/FACT_Sheet_Beneficial_Ownership_7-5-11.pdf). Corporate interests are blocking disclosure rules that would help protect our national security.
11. Bank of America committed foreclosure fraud, was bailed out by the government, and then paid no taxes on $4.4 billion in profit!
That’s right. In 2010, while BofA was negotiating a sweet settlement deal for its foreclosure fraud, it paid nothing in taxes. (Source: FACT Coalition (http://tjn-usa.org/storage/documents/FACT_Sheet_CORPTAX_DRAFT.pdf).) Zero, on $17.2 billion in offshore earnings. (Source: Americans for Tax Fairness (http://www.americansfortaxfairness.org/files/Corporate-Tax-Dodgers-Report-Final.pdf).)
Its $4.1 billion tax break came on the heels of the bank’s taxpayer-funded bailout, immunity from prosecution for its criminal employees, and a cushy government settlement for its foreclosure fraud.
Now David Dayen reports that the bank has apparently continued to defraud customers in violation of its government settlement. Whistleblowers have stated in affidavits (http://www.salon.com/2013/06/18/bank_of_america_whistleblowers_bombshell_we_were_t old_to_lie/) that they were “told to lie” to customers, continued to deceive homeowners before foreclosing on them, and flipped customers to new servicing companies (http://www.salon.com/2013/06/28/new_bank_of_america_whistle_blower_emerges_more_cu stomer_abuse/) to invalidate previous homeowner agreements.
12. What they call “tax reform” would actually prevent our elected representatives from giving businesses financial incentives to improve our lives!
The word “reform” is an honorable one that’s been put to some dishonorable uses lately. “Entitlement reform,” for example, is merely a euphemism for gutting Social Security and Medicare.
Similarly, corporate-backed politicians are pushing a formula for permanent corporate tax breaks and calling it “tax reform.” They insist their “reform” be “revenue neutral” and say it will “broaden the base while lowering the rate.”
Here’s an English translation: The current, unsustainably low rates for corporations would be made permanent, while eliminating many tax deductions in the name of “simplification.”
Here’s what that really means: The domestic tax credit for creating jobs? Gone. Tax breaks for protecting the environment with clean energy, rather than harming other people’s health and leaving a mess for the rest of us to clean up? Gone.
All in all we’d lose dozens of important policies that make our lives better, while permanently fixing corporate taxes at today’s cushy giveaway rates.
“Reform”? Ripoff is more like it.
13. Despite their greed, mismanagement, and freeloading, tax-dodging corporations are using shell organizations like “Fix the Debt” and “the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget” to tell ordinary Americans they have to sacrifice even more to preserve corporate wealth!
These organizations are using the heads of failed banks – people like Chase’s Jamie Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs – to dispense “advice on the economy.” That’s like getting navigation tips from the captain of the Exxon Valdez.
(Tax breaks for Exxon Mobil: $4.1 billion between 2008 and 2010. The company paid no taxes at all in 2009.)
These executives and their paid spokespeople tell the rest of us we need to “sacrifice” and “tighten our belts” so that their party can go on forever. And too often they’re treated as credible sources, rather than as corrupting influences on our public life.
It’s all true – and there are many more astonishing facts to be found in the world of corporate taxation. To fix the economy more people will need to learn about them – and demand that they be changed.
The writer and analyst in me wants to apologize for all the italicizing and all those exclamation points. But the American citizen in me wants to shout the truth out for all the world to hear – believe it or not!


30th June 2013, 09:55 PM
Let's get rid of income tax altogether rather than whine that someone else is not paying their fair share. That is Marxist hide the sausage.

Twisted Titan
1st July 2013, 12:02 AM
That is why the tax burdsen is so crushing on us..because they get away scott free

Then have the gall the cry in your face about giving a 50 cent raise.

When the burning times start many people are going to bring their own gas can to the event,

1st July 2013, 05:02 AM
Think about it a bit. Do you want something that lacks existence to actually pay more? If a corporation is a legal fiction then it is not real. It is an artificial construct and nothing more. What substance is it going to pay in? More legal fiction (fiat)?

Maybe a better plan would be to sign on to an AFFIDAVIT OF NON-EXISTENCE for that corporation and then treat them as if they actually did not exist. This is how you treat any entity that has chosen to be bankrupt.

1st July 2013, 05:29 AM
JQP nailed it. NO man has the right to 'tax' another man.

Of course 'Corporations' are legal creations of 'Government', but we wouldnt say that a father can rape his child because he is the creator of her, would we? REAL wealth is being extracted by force, regardless of the silly legal terms and political rituals.

But ALL of these large 'Corporations' make their huge profits from 'Government' monopoly and COULD NEVER make this amount of money in the real 'free market'.

Twisted Titan
1st July 2013, 05:36 AM
"Competition is a Sin."

Norman Rockerfeller

1st July 2013, 05:36 AM
...COULD NEVER make this amount of money in the real 'free market'.
What you call 'money' is no more real than the corporate world itself. I call those little pieces of paper 'corporate coupons' rather than money. Fiat is intended for the corporate world. You don't hold on to one without actually becoming a corporation yourself.

1st July 2013, 10:13 AM
What you call 'money' is no more real than the corporate world itself. I call those little pieces of paper 'corporate coupons' rather than money. Fiat is intended for the corporate world. You don't hold on to one without actually becoming a corporation yourself.

Your right, ONLY if you give legitimacy to Pirates and THIEVES. I choose not to.

'Money' is defined as a medium of exchange. Is a 'FRN' a medium of exchange?

1st July 2013, 10:39 AM
[/B][/COLOR]'Money' is defined as a medium of exchange. Is a 'FRN' a medium of exchange?

No it is not. Believe it or not you have never bought a single thing in your lifetime with a federal reserve note.

If you have a pound of flour and I presented you with an IOU for $5 would ownership of the flour have changed hands by your acceptance of my IOU?

3rd July 2013, 06:07 AM
Your right, ONLY if you give legitimacy to Pirates and THIEVES. I choose not to.

'Money' is defined as a medium of exchange. Is a 'FRN' a medium of exchange?

No it is not. Believe it or not you have never bought a single thing in your lifetime with a federal reserve note.

If you have a pound of flour and I presented you with an IOU for $5 would ownership of the flour have changed hands by your acceptance of my IOU?
In my world I take no answer as an affirmative. Thank you for agreeing with me.

Currency is either money of exchange or money of account. Fiat is supposed to be money of account. Exchange of goods for money is accomplished by something that actually has value rather than the moving by an accountant from one column to another in an accounting book.

7th trump
3rd July 2013, 07:57 AM
In my world I take no answer as an affirmative. Thank you for agreeing with me.

Currency is either money of exchange or money of account. Fiat is supposed to be money of account. Exchange of goods for money is accomplished by something that actually has value rather than the moving by an accountant from one column to another in an accounting book.

In your pathetic world!
Fiat is a medium of exchange...............end of story.
Heres how it works Palani.....its very simple so please pay close attention as there is no conspiracy theory injected in this scenario for you to latch onto a twist it around.

If I had a pound of flour and you gave me a $5 fiat bill for it and I accepted then you get the pound of flour. I then take this $5 I received from you for the pound of flour and go buy $5 worth of gasoline.
What happened palani?

Heres what happened if you are incapable of not injecting some sort of conspiracy "money of account" bullshit.
The pound of flour turned into gasoline through the medium of exchange called a fiat paper bill.
Hey looky there......a simple definition to "medium of exchange" wasnt it palani?

Its a shame you are infected with a mind set that theres a conspiracy behind eveything.
But some people just have to surround themselves with conspiracy drama!

3rd July 2013, 08:02 AM
Fiat is a medium of exchange

Thank you for your OPINION. Too bad reality is different from your perception of it.

7th trump
3rd July 2013, 08:24 AM
Thank you for your OPINION. Too bad reality is different from your perception of it.

No its not an opinion palani............people use fiat as a "medium of exchange" over the combersome process of bartering the flour for gasoline that involves many more people in the real world palani.

To bad you're infected with an insufficient broken thought process.

Hows the appartment handyman bussiness working out for you?
I take it you are getting the use of a free vehicle supplied by the land lord with that free room and board for fixing leaky appartment pipes.
You've mentioned before you were homeless.....its a step up....keep up the good work.

3rd July 2013, 08:29 AM
No its not an opinion...........people use fiat as a "medium of exchange"
Not correct. Corporations use fiat rather than people. One legal fiction deserves another.

Say I discover your vehicle parked in front of the Blue Moon Oyster Bar some evening. Am I to presume that you are there for a 'straight' activities? Your use of fiat money speaks volumes concerning your viewpoint on issues of morality.

7th trump
3rd July 2013, 10:30 AM
Not correct. Corporations use fiat rather than people. One legal fiction deserves another.

Say I discover your vehicle parked in front of the Blue Moon Oyster Bar some evening. Am I to presume that you are there for a 'straight' activities? Your use of fiat money speaks volumes concerning your viewpoint on issues of morality.

Hahahahaha.....you must have tied a real good drunk on last night
So......according to your reasoning...since corporations use fiat then that makes the fiat not a medium of exchange huh?
Hahahaha.... what retarded backward reasonong!

Treasury notes (lawful money, according the whackoos) were once used by corporations before the US government decided to stop printing them. And they were used to purchase things on the individual basis as well.....just like reserve notes today.
What morality is there when theres no difference in operation between a Treasury note and a fiat reserve note?
I can use a $5 silver certificate to purchase the same amount of flour as I can with a reserve note.
Heck I can even purchase the same flour with a $5 gold Treasury coin as well as a $5 US treasury note or even a $5 reserve note.

Look palani........you just want a conspiracy so you build your case around a conspiracy.
You lost this argument because its doesnt matter if I use a $5 gold coin or a $5 fiat reserve note.....the point is you got flour for what ever medium of exchange you so desire to use.......you could even get the flour by bartering hog shit for it.
Fiat is a medium of exchnge so get over it you conspiracy twit!

3rd July 2013, 01:21 PM
Didnt tax start with a tax on profits from business ,now huge corporations.

Then they switched it to taxing the workers and now the corps pay little if anything.

This tax on workers isnt a tax on profits but a tax on labor.

you can see why they donate heaps at election time ,wouldnt you ,its a small price to pay if the government isnt going to tax you.

Its totally obscene.

7th trump
3rd July 2013, 02:14 PM
Didnt tax start with a tax on profits from business ,now huge corporations.

Then they switched it to taxing the workers and now the corps pay little if anything.

This tax on workers isnt a tax on profits but a tax on labor.

you can see why they donate heaps at election time ,wouldnt you ,its a small price to pay if the government isnt going to tax you.

Its totally obscene.

No, the tax on labor didn't start until 1939, a vast majority of the private sector anyway. Before 1940 they mainly taxed the government employees starting in 1862 as a result of the Civil War. Between 1862 and 1939 there are various private sector jobs that were hit as if they were government employees. These were jobs like teachers, public workers and such. And there were other temporary impositions on labor, that were imposed on everyone, such as taxes during war time to supplement the war effort.
1940 was a doubling of filed 1040's from roughly 7 million to 14million (new first time filers) as a result of Social Security (chapter 21) being added to Title 26.
The deductions and withholdings started in 1939 for tax year ending in 1939 and filed by April 15, 1940.

3rd July 2013, 04:24 PM
In my world I take no answer as an affirmative. Thank you for agreeing with me.

Currency is either money of exchange or money of account. Fiat is supposed to be money of account. Exchange of goods for money is accomplished by something that actually has value rather than the moving by an accountant from one column to another in an accounting book.


Now your acting like a CHILD.

We disagree on almost everything. Why would i continue to waste both of our time? You have spent many years researching CRIMINALS 'Laws', i choose to not imagine those have any bearing on reality whatsoever. You disagree. You think 'man made law' has some sort of cosmic relevance, and you can have that opinion.

Are we done here yet?

3rd July 2013, 05:15 PM
We disagree on almost everything. And how would I presume this if you go silent?

Why would i continue to waste both of our time? Are you on a time schedule?

You have spent many years researching CRIMINALS 'Laws', i choose to not imagine those have any bearing on reality whatsoever. I have done WHAT? Why would I waste my time on such a subject?

You think 'man made law' has some sort of cosmic relevance, and you can have that opinion. Are you clairvoyant then? Do you base your reasons on what you think I think?

Are we done here yet? You tell me.

3rd July 2013, 05:23 PM
So......according to your reasoning...since corporations use fiat then that makes the fiat not a medium of exchange huh?
Fiat has always been a medium of account.

what retarded backward reasonong! You know your insults would be more effective if you would learn to spell.

What morality is there when theres no difference in operation between a Treasury note and a fiat reserve note? So in your (weak) mind my IOU is on a par with a Treasury note?

I can use a $5 silver certificate to purchase the same amount of flour as I can with a reserve note. Is 'purchase' supposed to be synonymous with ownership?

I can even purchase the same flour with a $5 gold Treasury coin as well as a $5 US treasury note or even a $5 reserve note. Is 'purchase' synonymous with ownership in your (weak) mind?

you just want a conspiracy I care about $.02 worth what you do. Haven't you figured that out yet? You are responsible for your own actions or non-actions. What you choose to say or do has absolutely no impact upon my actions or non-actions. If you want to see a conspiracy then have at it. Personally I see none.

7th trump
3rd July 2013, 05:56 PM
Fiat has always been a medium of account.

You know your insults would be more effective if you would learn to spell.

So in your (weak) mind my IOU is on a par with a Treasury note?

Is 'purchase' supposed to be synonymous with ownership?
Is 'purchase' synonymous with ownership in your (weak) mind?

I care about $.02 worth what you do. Haven't you figured that out yet? You are responsible for your own actions or non-actions. What you choose to say or do has absolutely no impact upon my actions or non-actions. If you want to see a conspiracy then have at it. Personally I see none.

Treasury notes, gold/silver coinage, horse biscuits, or even fiat reserve notes are all examples of mediums of exchange.

Don't quit your apartment complex handyman job for free room and board.

3rd July 2013, 06:07 PM
Treasury notes, gold/silver coinage, horse biscuits, or even fiat reserve notes are all examples of mediums of exchange. Why? Because you believe this to be the case? Because someone else has chosen to accept fiat for exchanges does that mean that YOU must?

Don't quit your apartment complex handyman job for free room and board.
And if I were you I wouldn't seek employment based upon your debating skills. You have none.

7th trump
3rd July 2013, 07:14 PM
Why? Because you believe this to be the case? Because someone else has chosen to accept fiat for exchanges does that mean that YOU must?

And if I were you I wouldn't seek employment based upon your debating skills. You have none.

Because fiat is no different in operation than US Treasury notes or the gold/silver coinage the mint coins.
A $5 gold piece from the 1800's is only worth $5 of bubble gum to $5 worth of manure numistically.
A $5 Treasury note is worth $5 of the same bubble gum to $5 worth of manure.
Just as $5 fiat is worth $5 of same bubble gum to $5 worth of manure.

There's no difference....hence the phrase "medium of exchange".

Hey palani what's heavier?
A pound of feathers or a pound of rocks?

Here's one for you.

3121(a) "wages"

(a) Wages
For purposes of this chapter, the term “wages” means all remuneration for employment, including the cash value of all remuneration (including benefits) paid in any medium; other than cash except that such term shall not include—

3121(a) "wages" can be the cash value of all remuneration paid in any medium.
Maybe a farmer wants to be paid in the medium of good top soil instead of accepting fiat currency or even gold currency. Doesn't matter what medium it is though does it palani?
Nope it doesn't matter, but the cash value sure does.

3rd July 2013, 08:49 PM
palani, I think you are just derailing this thread. Let's go back to america's corporations who not only pay no tax, but pay NEGATIVE tax, i.e. get money from the taxmen "back".

3rd July 2013, 09:10 PM
heres the op again

“Believe It or Not!”13 Mindblowing Facts About America’s Tax-Dodging Corporations (http://blog.ourfuture.org/20130628/believe-it-or-not13-mind-blowing-facts-about-tax-evading-corporations)

http://caf.blob.core.windows.net/blogourfuture/wp-content/uploads/avatars/26262/1368148928-bpfull.jpg By Richard Eskow (http://blog.ourfuture.org/author/reskowourfuture-org) | June 28, 2013

A judicious writer avoids adjectives like “mindblowing,” especially when covering political or economic issues. But no other word seems to describe the stunning reality of corporate taxation in modern America, which cries out for the italics-heavy, exclamation-point-driven format made famous by Ripley’s Believe It or Not.
Stylistic overkill? Read these thirteen facts and you may change your mind.
1. We’re told we can’t “afford” full Social Security benefits, even though closing corporate tax-haven loopholes would pay for Obama’s “chained CPI” benefit cut more than ten times over!
Abusive offshore tax havens cost the US $150 billion in lost tax revenue every year (via FACT Coalition (http://tjn-usa.org/storage/documents/FACT_Sheet_By_the_Numbers_Final1112nt.pdf)). That’s $1.5 trillion over the next ten years.
The “chained CPI” cut, proposed by President Obama and supported by Republicans, is projected to “save” a total of $122 billion to $130 billion over the same time period by denying benefits to seniors and disabled people.
It’s true. “Serious” politicians and pundits are demanding that ordinary people sacrifice earned benefits, while at the same time allowing corporations to avoid more than ten times as much in taxes.
2. Corporate tax rates are near their 60-year low, even though profits are at a 60-year high!
Need we say more?
(Source: Americans for Tax Fairness (http://www.ctj.org/corporatetaxdodgers/CorporateTaxDodgersReport.pdf).)
3. Wells Fargo got $8 billion in tax breaks, even as executives at its subsidiary Wachovia avoided indictment for laundering money for the Mexican drug cartels!
That’s right. Wells Fargo paid a negative tax rate of -1.4 percent between 2008 and 2010 while Wachovia, a Wells Fargo subsidiary, admitted to laundering more than $378 billion for Mexican drug gangs.
We’re talking about crazed killers (http://blog.ourfuture.org/20130311/an-etiquette-lesson-for-elizabeth-warren-from-el-loco) like “El Loco” and gangs like “Los Zetas” – gangs who cut people’s heads off and toss them out onto disco dance floors or display them in the town square.
Wachovia bankers ignored repeated warnings from law enforcement officials, and continued to launder money for cartels that have murdered tens of thousands.
And yet no criminal indictments were handed down because, as a Senate investigator told Bloomberg News (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-06-29/banks-financing-mexico-s-drug-cartels-admitted-in-wells-fargo-s-u-s-deal.html), “”There’s no capacity to regulate or punish them because they’re too big to be threatened with failure.”
4. Some other huge corporations paid less than nothing, too.
Pepco Holdings (-57.6% tax rate)
General Electric (-45.3%)
DuPont (-3.4%)
Verizon (-2.9%)
Boeing (-1.8%)
Honeywell (-0.7%)
(Source: Citizens for Tax Justice (http://www.ctj.org/corporatetaxdodgers/CorporateTaxDodgersReport.pdf))
5. The amount of money US corporations are holding offshore (http://ctj.org/ctjreports/2012/12/fortune_500_corporations_holding_16_trillion_in_pr ofits_offshore.php#.Uc4il_lwrTa) is an estimated one trillion dollars!
Rather than tax these profits the way other countries do, corporate politicians are promoting a tax “repatriation” break that would let corporations “bring this money home” while paying even less than their currently low rates.
They tried that in 2004 and it didn’t create any jobs. In fact, corporations took the tax break and then fired thousands of people. (http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2011/05/14/173951/repatriation-flashback/) What “repatriation” did do is line a lot of wealthy investors’ pockets.
So, naturally, they want to do it again.
6. One building in the Cayman Islands is the official location of 18,857 corporations!
According to the Government Accountability Office (http://www.gao.gov/highlights/d08778high.pdf), a five-story building called “Ugland House” is home to nearly twenty thousand corporations. That’s impressive, especially for such a small edifice. (Perhaps it has supernatural half-floors and space-time defying “mind tunnels” like the office (http://www.dvdbeaver.com/film3/blu-ray_reviews56/being_john_malkovich_blu-ray_/large/large_being_john_malkovich_blu-ray_07.jpg) in Being John Malkovich.)
While impressive, Ugland House’s distinction pales next to that of 1209 North Orange Street in Wilmington, Delaware. According to one investigation, (http://tjn-usa.org/storage/documents/FACT_Sheet_By_the_Numbers_Final1112nt.pdf) that address is home to 217,000 corporations.
That’s because Delaware has very generous tax rules – and, as a result, is home to more than half of all the corporate subsidiaries in the United States.That’s startling, since only 1/342th of the nation’s population lives in that state (917,092 residents, out of a national total of 313,914,040, according to the latest census results (http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/10000.html)).
7. Conservatives complain about the “official” corporate tax rate in this country, but corporations actually pay roughly one-third of the official rate in actual taxes.
The official, or “statutory,” corporate tax rate is 35 percent. But the actual rate paid by American corporations is only 12 percent, less than that paid by many middle-class Americans.
(Source: The FACT Coalition (http://tjn-usa.org/storage/documents/FACT_Sheet_CORPTAX_DRAFT.pdf).)
In fact, US Corporations pay less tax as a percentage of the GDP than corporations in Canada. Or Japan …
… or South Korea. Or Norway. Or Luxembourg, New Zealand, Israel, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Belgium, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Finland, and Italy.
(Source: OECD StatsExtract (http://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=REV) interactive database.)
8. Corporations used to pay 30 percent of Federal taxes, and now they pay less than 7 percent!
That’s because the corporate tax rate has plunged since Dwight D. Eisenhower was President and is now the lowest it’s been in modern history.
(Source: FACT Coalition (http://tjn-usa.org/storage/documents/FACT_Sheet_CORPTAX_DRAFT.pdf).)
9. Big corporations paid $216 million to Congress and got $223 billion in tax breaks!
As Citizens for Tax Justice and USPIRG reported (http://www.uspirg.org/reports/usp/loopholes-sale), 280 large and profitable corporations contributed $216 million to Congressional campaigns over four election cycles and got nearly a quarter of a trillion dollars in tax breaks.
That’s a terrific investment for them – a return of more than a thousand to one – but it’s a bad deal for the American people.
10. We don’t even know who owns some corporations, even though that makes it easier to evade taxes, dodge creditors, avoid paying alimony or child support, and even fund terrorism!
Here are some examples of investments that might represent a terror threat (http://tjn-usa.org/storage/documents/FACT_Sheet_Beneficial_Ownership_7-5-11.pdf). Corporate interests are blocking disclosure rules that would help protect our national security.
11. Bank of America committed foreclosure fraud, was bailed out by the government, and then paid no taxes on $4.4 billion in profit!
That’s right. In 2010, while BofA was negotiating a sweet settlement deal for its foreclosure fraud, it paid nothing in taxes. (Source: FACT Coalition (http://tjn-usa.org/storage/documents/FACT_Sheet_CORPTAX_DRAFT.pdf).) Zero, on $17.2 billion in offshore earnings. (Source: Americans for Tax Fairness (http://www.americansfortaxfairness.org/files/Corporate-Tax-Dodgers-Report-Final.pdf).)
Its $4.1 billion tax break came on the heels of the bank’s taxpayer-funded bailout, immunity from prosecution for its criminal employees, and a cushy government settlement for its foreclosure fraud.
Now David Dayen reports that the bank has apparently continued to defraud customers in violation of its government settlement. Whistleblowers have stated in affidavits (http://www.salon.com/2013/06/18/bank_of_america_whistleblowers_bombshell_we_were_t old_to_lie/) that they were “told to lie” to customers, continued to deceive homeowners before foreclosing on them, and flipped customers to new servicing companies (http://www.salon.com/2013/06/28/new_bank_of_america_whistle_blower_emerges_more_cu stomer_abuse/) to invalidate previous homeowner agreements.
12. What they call “tax reform” would actually prevent our elected representatives from giving businesses financial incentives to improve our lives!
The word “reform” is an honorable one that’s been put to some dishonorable uses lately. “Entitlement reform,” for example, is merely a euphemism for gutting Social Security and Medicare.
Similarly, corporate-backed politicians are pushing a formula for permanent corporate tax breaks and calling it “tax reform.” They insist their “reform” be “revenue neutral” and say it will “broaden the base while lowering the rate.”
Here’s an English translation: The current, unsustainably low rates for corporations would be made permanent, while eliminating many tax deductions in the name of “simplification.”
Here’s what that really means: The domestic tax credit for creating jobs? Gone. Tax breaks for protecting the environment with clean energy, rather than harming other people’s health and leaving a mess for the rest of us to clean up? Gone.
All in all we’d lose dozens of important policies that make our lives better, while permanently fixing corporate taxes at today’s cushy giveaway rates.
“Reform”? Ripoff is more like it.
13. Despite their greed, mismanagement, and freeloading, tax-dodging corporations are using shell organizations like “Fix the Debt” and “the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget” to tell ordinary Americans they have to sacrifice even more to preserve corporate wealth!
These organizations are using the heads of failed banks – people like Chase’s Jamie Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs – to dispense “advice on the economy.” That’s like getting navigation tips from the captain of the Exxon Valdez.
(Tax breaks for Exxon Mobil: $4.1 billion between 2008 and 2010. The company paid no taxes at all in 2009.)
These executives and their paid spokespeople tell the rest of us we need to “sacrifice” and “tighten our belts” so that their party can go on forever. And too often they’re treated as credible sources, rather than as corrupting influences on our public life.
It’s all true – and there are many more astonishing facts to be found in the world of corporate taxation. To fix the economy more people will need to learn about them – and demand that they be changed.
The writer and analyst in me wants to apologize for all the italicizing and all those exclamation points. But the American citizen in me wants to shout the truth out for all the world to hear – believe it or not!

http://blog.ourfuture.org/20130628/b...g-corporations (http://blog.ourfuture.org/20130628/believe-it-or-not13-mind-blowing-facts-about-tax-evading-corporations)

4th July 2013, 04:28 AM
Let's go back to america's corporations who not only pay no tax, but pay NEGATIVE tax, i.e. get money from the taxmen "back".

Ok. Lets do that then.

Did you know carrying fiat money in your wallet qualifies you as being such a corporation (albeit de facto in nature)? Did you know that accepting welfare and unemployment or healthcare or any other insurance or OSHA qualifies as a NEGATIVE tax; i.e., a BENEFIT?

That is how we got on the topic of FIAT from the OP. Most people think corporations are THE OTHER GUY NOT US. Better look at the closest mirror and see if you find a corporation staring back at you.

I think you are just derailing this thread. Have I prevented anyone from posting? Have at it, friends.

4th July 2013, 04:50 AM
Because fiat is no different in operation than US Treasury notes or the gold/silver coinage the mint coins.

Hold the bus! The legislature went fishin' and they caught a big one in you. If there were no difference between specie and paper then why this little piece of Iowa legislation that instructed the county treasurers to keep two sets of book ... one for specie and one for fiat?

This act effectively creates two states. What you choose to keep in your pocket determines which state you are in.


No need to answer because you will have no intelligible response. If you had been intended to see you would have done so by now. If I have a message it is not intended to be received by you. There has to be eyes to see and ears to hear.

7th trump
4th July 2013, 07:33 AM
Hold the bus! The legislature went fishin' and they caught a big one in you. If there were no difference between specie and paper then why this little piece of Iowa legislation that instructed the county treasurers to keep two sets of book ... one for specie and one for fiat?

This act effectively creates two states. What you choose to keep in your pocket determines which state you are in.


No need to answer because you will have no intelligible response. If you had been intended to see you would have done so by now. If I have a message it is not intended to be received by you. There has to be eyes to see and ears to hear.

I think I know why you don't want me to answer.
This act doesn't support your position at all Palani, in fact, it doesn't support my position either.
This has to do on the level of Iowa county treasuries and all it says is one account for paper and one account for species, but there's no reason as to why or purpose.
Hey you know what, I have tool drawer just for my wrenches and a separate drawer for screw drivers and third for sockets and so on and so forth.
Basically palani what was your intent in posting this because having two accounts doesn't make two states....you're making that up.
Having multiple drawers in my tool box doesn't in any way imply I have multiple garages, one garage for every drawer of the tool box.
Why do you post crap like this that makes you look like an idiot when you are trying really hard to look intelligent?

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe back in those days paper money was a relatively new concept and it was just easier to have a separate account to keep track of it all?
You know a better accounting practice?
Probably not as you don't think unbiased and honest anyway. You look for conspiracies in every crack and corner.
Hey here's a thought you twit.....why don't you do some research on the subject of the two accounts before opening your mouth and assuming you have an answer....or a correct one anyway?
Its pretty arrogant of you in assuming if county treasuries had two accounts meant there's two separate states.

7th trump
4th July 2013, 07:57 AM
Ok. Lets do that then.

Did you know carrying fiat money in your wallet qualifies you as being such a corporation (albeit de facto in nature)? Did you know that accepting welfare and unemployment or healthcare or any other insurance or OSHA qualifies as a NEGATIVE tax; i.e., a BENEFIT?

That is how we got on the topic of FIAT from the OP. Most people think corporations are THE OTHER GUY NOT US. Better look at the closest mirror and see if you find a corporation staring back at you.

Have I prevented anyone from posting? Have at it, friends.

Do you have any viable proof that carrying fiat reserve notes in your pocket qualifies anyone as a corporation?
Any statute, law, court cite...anything that can be looked up to verify your premise palani?

The only statutes I found related to persons as a corporation is that all US citizens operate within the commerce clause of the US Constitution. Every state has this language codified in their state statutes. But most Americans don't understand that "US citizens" are politically different from the "People of the United States of America".
California's state tax board is referred to as a franchise tax board. Franchise to what....... and what is a franchise is what you should be researching palani?

4th July 2013, 08:15 AM
all it says is one account for paper and one account for species, but there's no reason as to why or purpose.

Law is reason. For there to be a law there must be a reason. I presented you the law. It is the law today as much as it was in 1866. The state of Iowa is operating under the same constitution and this law has never been repealed. I presented it to rebut your 'belief' as you expressed it below

Because fiat is no different in operation than US Treasury notes or the gold/silver coinage the mint coins.

Why would there be a requirement for two accounts if there were no difference?

I have tool drawer just for my wrenches and a separate drawer for screw drivers and third for sockets and so on and so forth.
We are discussing accounting principles rather than tool chests. Would you admit that the STATE OF IOWA is a singular entity? Would you admit that when a singular entity keeps two sets of books the practice is viewed in the business world as a CRIMINAL ACTIVITY?

what was your intent in posting this because having two accounts doesn't make two states....you're making that up. Which is it? A singular entity gets to keep one set of books or a singular entity gets to keep as many sets of books as it wants? One is CRIMINAL and the other is recognized practice.

You know a better accounting practice? At the end of the day the book had better balance. How's that for better accounting?

why don't you do some research on the subject before opening your mouth and assuming you have the correct answer? Have you actually SEEN me open my mouth?

Its pretty arrogant of you in assuming if county treasuries had two accounts meant there's two separate states. If a town has two churches does that mean they are the same denomination? It is one town after all. Doesn't that mean everyone worships after the same manner?

4th July 2013, 08:26 AM
Do you have any viable proof that carrying fiat reserve notes in your pocket qualifies anyone as a corporation? Any statute, law, court cite...anything that can be looked up to verify your premise Sure do. Here ya go, direct from the worlds greatest lawbook.

Leviticus 19:36 You are to have honest balances, honest weights, an honest dry measure, and an honest liquid measure

The only statutes I found related to persons as a corporation is that all US citizens operate within the commerce clause of the US Constitution.

Do you need any more proof?

7th trump
4th July 2013, 08:54 AM
Law is reason. For there to be a law there must be a reason. I presented you the law. It is the law today as much as it was in 1866. The state of Iowa is operating under the same constitution and this law has never been repealed. I presented it to rebut your 'belief' as you expressed it below

Why would there be a requirement for two accounts if there were no difference?

We are discussing accounting principles rather than tool chests. Would you admit that the STATE OF IOWA is a singular entity? Would you admit that when a singular entity keeps two sets of books the practice is viewed in the business world as a CRIMINAL ACTIVITY?
Which is it? A singular entity gets to keep one set of books or a singular entity gets to keep as many sets of books as it wants? One is CRIMINAL and the other is recognized practice.

At the end of the day the book had better balance. How's that for better accounting?

Have you actually SEEN me open my mouth?

If a town has two churches does that mean they are the same denomination? It is one town after all. Doesn't that mean everyone worships after the same manner?

You're grasping at straws made up of the opinion of palani.
Provide the necessary law, statute, court decision ......anything that can be looked up for verification.

As far as your Bible quote.....reread it and use your head this time.
A $5 fiat note has the equivalent purchasing power of a $5 gold piece...........both have the same purchasing power.
Anyway that Bible quote you used was used out of context.....it was never aimed at paper vs gold.
Fiat is honest in weight and measure because $5 is still $5 no matter if its gold, paper, tulips or cow manure.

4th July 2013, 11:24 AM
Anyway that Bible quote you used was used out of context.....it was never aimed at paper vs gold. Care to bet on that?

MONEY. Gold, silver, and some other less precious metals, in the progress of civilization and commerce, have become the common standards of value; in order to avoid the delay and inconvenience of regulating their weight and quality whenever passed, the governments of the civilized world have caused them to be manufactured in certain portions, and marked with a Stamp which attests their value; this is called money.

Fiat is honest in weight and measure because $5 is still $5 no matter if its gold, paper, tulips or cow manure.
Then why is a soda now $1 when I can remember purchasing them for $.10 when I was a child?

Why was $1 a day a living wage during the 'GREAT' depression and people have difficulty living today for $100 a day?

You seem to have selective amnesia on certain topics and would seem to pick and choose facts to support your position while ignoring facts that destroy your position.

4th July 2013, 11:45 AM
If this mind bowing , I feer for civilization.

7th trump
4th July 2013, 06:54 PM
Care to bet on that?

Then why is a soda now $1 when I can remember purchasing them for $.10 when I was a child?

Why was $1 a day a living wage during the 'GREAT' depression and people have difficulty living today for $100 a day?

You seem to have selective amnesia on certain topics and would seem to pick and choose facts to support your position while ignoring facts that destroy your position.

No where in the Bible does it say money must be gold and silver.
All God says is the system of weights and measures must be honest.
Money as far as God is concerned can be anything.

You're kidding right?
Back then the average wage was way below what it is now stupid. So the price is past onto the consumer you two bit twit.
Really, did you think a company can sell a 10 cent soda from 30 years ago when today it costs well over 10 cents to even make it?
You're confusing the ever increasing cost of manufacturing with "weights and measures" and saying its not honest.....wow are you ever confused!

A dollar is still 100 cents.
A $1 gold piece is still 100 cents as is a $1 fiat reserve note as is a $1 treasury note......they are all worth 100 cents.

4th July 2013, 07:20 PM
No where in the Bible does it say money must be gold and silver.
All God says is the system of weights and measures must be honest.
Money as far as God is concerned can be anything. Would you bring to Him an offering of BRASS then rather than GOLD or SILVER? Mighty generous of you.

Back then the average wage was way below what it is now I suppose your headstone will be larger than your Grandfathers as a result?

So the price is past onto the consumer you two bit twit. The word is PASSED you MORON.

Really, did you think a company can sell a 10 cent soda from 30 years ago when today it costs well over 10 cents to even make it? Would it cost more than 10 cents if your wages were a dollar a day?

You're confusing the ever increasing cost of manufacturing with "weights and measures" and saying its not honest.....wow are you ever confused! I believe your presence might be best described as a disinformation artist. Either that or you are going to extremes to confront your major problem.

A dollar is still 100 cents.
I thought it was a promise to pay.

A $1 gold piece is still 100 cents as is a $1 fiat reserve note as is a $1 treasury note......they are all worth 100 cents.
Explain this then

$0.0207589 is the melt value for the 1909-1982 copper cent on July 04, 2013


Do you NOT detect any fraud when a PENNY can be worth $.0207?????

How is this equal weights and measures?

A hundred pennies are valued at $2.07 but you said there are 100 cents in a dollar.

7th trump
4th July 2013, 07:41 PM
Would you bring to Him an offering of BRASS then rather than GOLD or SILVER? Mighty generous of you.

I suppose your headstone will be larger than your Grandfathers as a result?

The word is PASSED you MORON.

Would it cost more than 10 cents if your wages were a dollar a day?

I believe your presence might be best described as a disinformation artist. Either that or you are going to extremes to confront your major problem.

I thought it was a promise to pay.

Explain this then


Do you NOT detect any fraud when a PENNY can be worth $.0207?????

How is this equal weights and measures?

A hundred pennies are valued at $2.07 but you said there are 100 cents in a dollar.

You really are a dumb twit to use the cost of metal to set the value of a dollar.
Doesn't matter anyway....a fiat note is still set at 100 cents, despite the cost of the metal, as is a $1 gold piece as is a treasure note.

You're just playing stupid games you're known for.....like I said you build a conspiracy by looking in every crack and corner. And if you cant you'll make it up.

Where in the Bible does it say money must be gold and silver?

What's really bad is someone trying to put words in His mouth like you did with that "money" definition.
What ever you used isn't in the Bible.
You'll be questioned for that.
There's a stern warning from God about adding and subtracting the Word of the Bible.

4th July 2013, 10:54 PM
The supply of the top is the bottom and so if you increase taxes or the demand of yield from the top the taxes or yield of power demanded from the bottom will have to be increased.

Taxing the rich is taxing the poor.

If the US Government demands more mud bricks from the mud brick corporation the slaves in the mud brick pits will have to work harder to supply the demand.

Increasing the taxes is the same as whipping the backs of slaves.

Do you think it is possible to get what I want from you without using money at all?

like just fooling you into thinking I'm not stealing from you.

I take more power from you than I give.

I have a surplus and you have a deficit but you are ignorant.

In fact after I have robbed you of your soul you shake my hand and are happy.

Worship me as Lord and master and I'll tax the rich servants who will have to tax the poor slaves to supply my demand for the power to deceive you all.

That is how Satan rises up in power attempting to defeat GOD to obtain absolute power over all and everything.

Except that GOD is the supply of power to all the ignorant followers of Satan that supply Satan with the power to deceive people into following Satan and supply the demand for power.

All of you in the hierarchy are supplied with power from GOD but you supply it to Satan to fight GOD and protect you from GOD.

Of course until Satan demands more power than all of Satan's followers can supply and then GOD defeats Satan.

But Satan's followers are devout worshipers of the just think positive ignore negative religion.

The embrace lies and delusion reject Truth equation.

They keep telling me...If at first you do not succeed defeating Truth with lies...Try try again.

But they never will defeat GOD.

Because you would need a greater power than infinite power to defeat GOD to obtain absolute power over all and everything and turn Satan or a lie into GOD or Truth.

No such power exists.

But of course Satan says that nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it.

I say that knowing Truth is possible but defeating Truth is not.

Satan of course knows this. The followers do not.

Ignorance of Truth is the root of all evil.

4th July 2013, 11:51 PM
Satan prefers Golden Fiat to God's Silver.

5th July 2013, 02:09 AM
GOD does not require money to sustain the existence of GOD.

Satan does in order appear to be GOD.

That is what Satan uses money for.

To make Satan appear to be GOD.

Or a lie to appear to be Truth.

Or what Satan uses power for.

If you were starving and I gave you food I would appear good to you.

Without food...money has no value.

Without power there will be no food.

Power is the medium of exchange.

Money can be created and destroyed.

GOD can not.

Lies can be created and destroyed...they are finite and fragile.

While Truth is infinite and indestructible.

There is not enough Gold to supply the servants of Satan with an income so silver is used and slaves are given no money....Lots of slaves in the olden days.

Credit is an invention to expand the money supply.

The current WAR machine fighting against GOD attempting to defeat GOD and obtain absolute power over all and everything is the best attempt yet that is going to fail to defeat GOD.

That is failing to.

and always will.

like in 1971 when the USA ran out of gold to supply the world with gold to sustain the war against GOD.

So Satan changed the rules of the game you all are playing.

To keep it from ending in defeat.

To postpone arrival at the logical conclusion of the take more power than you give equation for as long as possible.

That is what lies do to sustain their existence as long as possible.

They take more power than they give until they require infinite power to sustain the war against Truth.

Then they require GOD to supply them with infinite power to turn them into GOD.

But it only causes lies to self destruct and delusions to shatter.

since to obtain infinite power requires the defeat of GOD.

Which then requires greater than infinite power.

So lies self destruct and delusions shatter when they are defeated since there is no such thing as greater than infinite power.

It's why civilizations keep collapsing to oblivion.

When a lie requires Truth to sustain it's continued existence as Truth.

It is revealed as a lie.

The apocalypse or lifting of the veil is the result.

5th July 2013, 03:58 AM
You really are a dumb twit to use the cost of metal to set the value of a dollar.

Then perhaps Congress was being a dumb twit to pass the following act that actually DEFINES a dollar

Act of April 2, 1792, 1 Story's L. U. S. 229.

1. 9. That there shall be from time to time, struck and coined at the said mint, coins of gold, silver, and copper, of the following denominations, values, and descriptions, viz: Eagles; each to be of the value of ten dollars, or units, and to contain two hundred and forty-seven grains and four-eighths of a grain of pure, or two hundred and seventy grains of standard, gold. Half eagles; each to be of the value of five dollars, and to contain one hundred and twenty-three grains and six-eighths of a pure, or one hundred and thirty-five grains of standard gold. Quarter eagles; each to be of the value of two dollars and a half dollar, and to contain sixty-one grains and seven-eighths of a grain of pure, or sixty-seven grains and four-eighths of a grain of standard gold. Dollars, or units; each to be of the value of a Spanish milled dollar, as the same is now current, and to contain three hundred and seventy-one grains and four-sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver. Half dollars; each to be of half the value of the dollar or unit, and to contain one hundred and eighty-five grains and ten-sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or two hundred and eight grains of standard, silver. Quarter dollars; each to be of one-fourth the value of the dollar, or unit, and to contain ninety-two grains and thirteen-sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or one hundred and four grains of standard, silver. Dimes; each to be of the value of one-tenth of a dollar, or unit, and to contain thirty-seven grains and two sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or forty-one grains and three-fifth parts of a grain of standard, silver. Half dimes; each to be of the value of one-twentieth of dollar, and to contain eighteen grains and nine-sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or twenty grains and four-fifth parts of a grain of standard, silver. Cents; each to be of the value of the one-hundredth part of a dollar, and to contain eleven pennyweights of copper. Half cents; each to be of the value of half a cent, and to contain five pennyweights and, a half a pennyweight of copper.

It certainly is funny that you who spend your life idolizing every word of Congress refuses to actually understand any of them.

Where in the Bible does it say money must be gold and silver?

Genesis 24:22
So it was, when the camels had finished drinking, that the man took a golden nose ring weighing half a shekel, and two bracelets for her wrists weighing ten shekels of gold ...29 Now Rebekah had a brother whose name was Laban, and Laban ran out to the man by the well. 30 So it came to pass, when he saw the nose ring, and the bracelets on his sister’s wrists, and when he heard the words of his sister Rebekah, saying, “Thus the man spoke to me,” that he went to the man. And there he stood by the camels at the well. 31 And he said, “Come in, O blessed of the Lord! Why do you stand outside? For I have prepared the house, and a place for the camels.”

Now what do you suppose the reaction to a $100 dollar bill would have been?

7th trump
5th July 2013, 04:13 AM
Then perhaps Congress was being a dumb twit to pass the following act that actually DEFINES a dollar

It certainly is funny that you who spend your life idolizing every word of Congress refuses to actually understand any of them.

Now what do you suppose the reaction to a $100 dollar bill would have been?

Awesome....you cant see past your nose can you?
So Congress defines a dollar?......big ass deal!
That same "dollar" whether its a Treasury note, gold piece, silver piece or a reserve note is still 100 cents....
The measure of a dollar is still 100 cents.

That Bible quote is not saying that money must be gold and silver.....try again you fool!

5th July 2013, 04:17 AM
So Congress defines a dollar?......big ass deal!
That is more than you have done:

7th: "A dollar is 100 cents. A cent is 1/100th of a dollar."

Now THAT is the definition made up by a true IDIOT!!!! IT IS CIRCULAR.

That same "dollar" whether its a Treasury note, gold piece, silver piece or a reserve note is still 100 cents....
The measure of a dollar is still 100 cents. See my point?

That Bible quote is not saying that money must be gold and silver.....try again! The bible uses parables. Why do you suppose that is?

7th trump
5th July 2013, 06:08 AM
That is more than you have done:

7th: "A dollar is 100 cents. A cent is 1/100th of a dollar."

Now THAT is the definition made up by a true IDIOT!!!! IT IS CIRCULAR.

See my point?

The bible uses parables. Why do you suppose that is?
I never said the definition to a dollar is 100 cents. All I said was the dollar is equal to 100 cents.
IS not the dollar Congress defined equal to 100 cents?
Or are you going to twist this around and convince everyone that it is not equal to 100 cents.
Is not a $1 gold piece equal to 100 cents?
Is not a $1 Treasury note equal to 100 cents?
Is not a $1 reserve note equal to 100 cents?
Congress hasnt changed the definition to the dollar. So why are you taking the commodity market value of the metal and twisting what Congress has deemed a dollar?
Are you an insurgent enemy to the People of the United States of America engaging in a terroristic act of economic instability?

Yeah sure God uses parables. Not going to argue there. But the passage you used is not a parable, nor is it scripture about money being only gold and silver or any other precious metal.
All God says is we must use an honest measure and an honest balance.......money can be any medium of exchange we decide its going to be.
Back to what we were discussing about money being a medium of exchange because everyone knows the dollar Congress defined is equal to 100 cents.

5th July 2013, 06:32 AM
I think there was something about the short weight and the long weight, and that just weights and measures were to be held by those wishing redemption. I also think I read in there somewhere that cheating the scale was an abomination unto God. I don't have all the relevant cites, but I need only muster the spirit of the Word, for I have already all the wealth of the world in my back yard. Jesus.

5th July 2013, 11:48 AM
I never said the definition to a dollar is 100 cents. All I said was the dollar is equal to 100 cents.
IS not the dollar Congress defined equal to 100 cents?
Or are you going to twist this around and convince everyone that it is not equal to 100 cents.
Is not a $1 gold piece equal to 100 cents?
Is not a $1 Treasury note equal to 100 cents?
Is not a $1 reserve note equal to 100 cents?
A=$1 gold
B=$1 Treasury note
C=$1 Federal Reserve note

Then A≠B≠C no matter how convinced you are that each includes 100 cents. You use of A makes you a people while your use of B and C make you a rem, a thing, a possession.

Congress hasnt changed the definition to the dollar. So why are you taking the commodity market value of the metal and twisting what Congress has deemed a dollar? A dollar is the value of a Spanish milled dollar by the Act of 1790. 12 USC 411 makes it clear that FRNs are for internal accounting use only. Why are you being paid in them?

Are you an insurgent enemy to the People of the United States of America engaging in a terroristic act of economic instability? I must not be because if I were there would be a declared state of war. Do you know of any declared wars that the U.S. is presently engaged in?

Yeah sure God uses parables. Not going to argue there. But the passage you used is not a parable, nor is it scripture about money being only gold and silver or any other precious metal.
We have already established that you have neither the use of eyes or ears. Why do you insist upon pretending that you understand anything?

All God says is we must use an honest measure and an honest balance.......money can be any medium of exchange we decide its going to be. Keep playing around with the credit of foreign potentates and you will find out what the reason for honest weights and measures is.

Back to what we were discussing about money being a medium of exchange because everyone knows the dollar Congress defined is equal to 100 cents.
Must you always choose to finish on a STUPID note?

5th July 2013, 12:13 PM
I think there was something about the short weight and the long weight, and that just weights and measures were to be held by those wishing redemption. I also think I read in there somewhere that cheating the scale was an abomination unto God. I don't have all the relevant cites, but I need only muster the spirit of the Word, for I have already all the wealth of the world in my back yard. Jesus.

Einstein would say its relative, or God's Silver = amount of food.

Just as HT's relation to the top could mean his relation to City Union Leaders.

7th trump
5th July 2013, 03:00 PM
A=$1 gold
B=$1 Treasury note
C=$1 Federal Reserve note

Then A≠B≠C no matter how convinced you are that each includes 100 cents. You use of A makes you a people while your use of B and C make you a rem, a thing, a possession.

A dollar is the value of a Spanish milled dollar by the Act of 1790. 12 USC 411 makes it clear that FRNs are for internal accounting use only. Why are you being paid in them?

I must not be because if I were there would be a declared state of war. Do you know of any declared wars that the U.S. is presently engaged in?

We have already established that you have neither the use of eyes or ears. Why do you insist upon pretending that you understand anything?

Keep playing around with the credit of foreign potentates and you will find out what the reason for honest weights and measures is.

Must you always choose to finish on a STUPID note?

Proof please that the use of treasury notes and reserve notes makes anyone a possession.
Heck......are you saying the Chinese, the Russians and any country for that matter are possessions of the US government when they have federal reserve note fiat in their pockets?
Funny thing is those countries don't pay US federal taxes......reasoning says you're delusional!

No twit....why are you avoiding the question.
Are not all three dollars (reserve note, treasury note and $1 gold piece) worth 100 cents each?
Each have a measure of 100 cents and all three have the same potential value not rising over 100 cents.
Am I right or wrong you dumb ass!

No, that passage you used is not a passage about money being only gold and silver.....sorry try again grasshopper.

Where does it say in 12usc 411 that frn's are for internal accounting ONLY?
Here's 12usc 411 reproduced.

Federal reserve notes, to be issued at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the purpose of making advances to Federal reserve banks through the Federal reserve agents as hereinafter set forth and for no other purpose, are authorized. The said notes shall be obligations of the United States and shall be receivable by all national and member banks and Federal reserve banks and for all taxes, customs, and other public dues. They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, or at any Federal Reserve bank

Show everyone where 12usc 411 specifically states frn's are for internal accounting?
Come on lets hear your bullshit palani.

5th July 2013, 04:02 PM
Proof please that the use of treasury notes and reserve notes makes anyone a possession.
Heck......are you saying the Chinese, the Russians and any country for that matter are possessions of the US government when they have federal reserve note fiat in their pockets?
Funny thing is those countries don't pay US federal taxes...... If these countries have or use a federal reserve note aren't they agreeing with 12 USC 411?

reasoning says you're delusional! Have you exhibited any evidence that you know how to reason?

why are you avoiding the question. The answers are right in front of you. You lack ears to hear or eyes to see. Don't blame yourself. You were born to be an idiot.

Are not all three dollars (reserve note, treasury note and $1 gold piece) worth 100 cents each? A Spanish milled dollar is also a dollar isn't it? This coin is divided into pieces rather than cents though.

Each have a measure of 100 cents and all three have the same potential value not rising over 100 cents.
Am I right or wrong And those cents are not EQUAL to each other. Stop being moronic. Point has been raised and answered.

that passage you used is not a passage about money being only gold and silver If the nose ring and bracelets had been made of camelhair do you suppose as much would have been made of the transaction?

Show everyone where 12usc 411 specifically states frn's are for internal accounting?

"for the purpose of making advances to Federal reserve banks..and for no other purpose"

Got it, Dummy?

7th trump
5th July 2013, 04:35 PM
If these countries have or use a federal reserve note aren't they agreeing with 12 USC 411?

Have you exhibited any evidence that you know how to reason?

The answers are right in front of you. You lack ears to hear or eyes to see. Don't blame yourself. You were born to be an idiot.

A Spanish milled dollar is also a dollar isn't it? This coin is divided into pieces rather than cents though.

And those cents are not EQUAL to each other. Stop being moronic. Point has been raised and answered.

If the nose ring and bracelets had been made of camelhair do you suppose as much would have been made of the transaction?

"for the purpose of making advances to Federal reserve banks..and for no other purpose"

Got it, Dummy?
So your method of operation is seen again............ refusing to answer a simple question by asking another question.
Just answer the simple question proving that having frn's in your pocket makes anyone a possession.

What does a foreign currency have to do with US currency?
Stop playing games and answer the question are all three US dollars worth 100 cents each?

How aren't the cents equal?
I'm not talking about the market value of the gold the $1 is made of.....it has no relation to a dollar equaling 100 cents as the gold standard has been suspended.

Like I said earlier, that passage has no bearing on God saying all money must be gold or silver.
So please find another passage that specifically stated money must be precious metal.

Hey stupid!
I already brought it up to your attention that 411 has three aspects to it. All three aspects are separated by a semicolon in the title.
Here I'll reproduce it for you since you practically refuse to do anything to support yourself.
Here's the Title to 12usc 411:

12 USC § 411 - Issuance to reserve banks; nature of obligation; redemption

Are you color blind?
Here's how it works.

Federal reserve notes, to be issued at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the purpose of making advances to Federal reserve banks through the Federal reserve agents as hereinafter set forth and for no other purpose, are authorized. The said notes shall be obligations of the United States and shall be receivable by all national and member banks and Federal reserve banks and for all taxes, customs, and other public dues. They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, or at any Federal Reserve bank.

To properly read the statute is not to mix the colors up....which you are doing to convince yourself and others there's a conspiracy.
FRN's have one purpose only between the reserve board and the banks....at that level!
You are not a reserve bank nor are you an agent.
Google "reserve agent" because what comes up is not an everyday person with FRN's in their pocket.
Got it now!
Or are you retarded enough to continue on with this denial of yours?

5th July 2013, 04:49 PM
What does a foreign currency have to do with US currency?

The ONLY thing I got out of your last post was that somehow in that tiny brain of yours you concocted a theory that I made some allusion to foreign currency. I have never made such a statement.

Seek help, buddy. You are a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

7th trump
5th July 2013, 09:19 PM
The ONLY thing I got out of your last post was that somehow in that tiny brain of yours you concocted a theory that I made some allusion to foreign currency. I have never made such a statement.

Seek help, buddy. You are a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
Yeah keep telling yourself you didn't get nothing out of my post.
It really pisses you off when I show everyone how incompetent you are at understanding the law.

It was you who brought up the Spanish dollar. All I asked was what does a foreign coin have to do with the American dollar thats equal to 100 cents?
And now you are doing the "palani" and turning it around.

Make no mistake about it, you sure are a wantabe lip service slick lawyer apartment complex janitor.....aren't you!

5th July 2013, 10:04 PM
Get a fucking room you two!

6th July 2013, 03:53 AM
It was you who brought up the Spanish dollar. All I asked was what does a foreign coin have to do with the American dollar thats equal to 100 cents?

That wasn't ME who brought up the Spanish milled dollar. That was CONGRESS in
Act of April 2, 1792, 1 Story's L. U. S. 229.

" Dollars, or units; each to be of the value of a Spanish milled dollar, as the same is now current, and to contain three hundred and seventy-one grains and four-sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver."

7th trump
6th July 2013, 06:35 AM
That wasn't ME who brought up the Spanish milled dollar. That was CONGRESS in
Act of April 2, 1792, 1 Story's L. U. S. 229.

" Dollars, or units; each to be of the value of a Spanish milled dollar, as the same is now current, and to contain three hundred and seventy-one grains and four-sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver."

No....it was you who brought up the Spanish dollar as if it had anything to do with 100 cents.
Problem with that premise is the US suspended the Gold Standard and eventually went off the Silver standard...so bringing up the gold/silver issue is moot.
Heck even over at quatloos.com, the other side, provided a court case where frns were lawful money.

Ever notice when the government went off the silver standard the Treasury stop printing silver certificates?
That's what I keep telling you redeeming lawful money whackoos. You fruitcakes think by stamping 12usc 411 on the frn you magically turn the frn into lawful money.

Not one of you fruitcakes can read into 12usc 411 and see that its divided into three parts. You take what you want to read from a part of 411 that doesn't apply but between the banks and the board of governors and use it out of context to build a conspiracy theory and then scream at the top of your lungs your a victim.
Then whats even crazier is that you take the same out of context information and use as proof for other conspiracies like taxes and state having two account ledgers and other stupid dipshit theories that none of you freaks can prove.

Why do you think I keep asking you for the law?
I ask it because if its true then there will be a statute or even a court case that will side with what you say.
But guess what?
You never bring forth any evidence because the crap you say is just that.....its a load of half true bullshit that only a person wanting to believe in the conspiracy would push!
It seems the more people you can convince the more you believe in your own lies and bullshit.
Its pathetic and not even honest.

You have a gift of eloquent speech to capture the audience....and that's all.

7th trump
6th July 2013, 06:46 AM
That wasn't ME who brought up the Spanish milled dollar. That was CONGRESS in
Act of April 2, 1792, 1 Story's L. U. S. 229.

" Dollars, or units; each to be of the value of a Spanish milled dollar, as the same is now current, and to contain three hundred and seventy-one grains and four-sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver."

What the mint coins in silver is beyond the face value.
The US went off the gold standard and stopped minting silver quarters and dimes decades ago.
Precious metal is a commodity that the markets out priced the money at face value.
The dollar no matter what its made out of is still equal to 100 cents. And if you are foolish enough to use a $1 gold piece to buy a pack of gum well then a fool and his money will soon be departed.
Sorry....there just isn't enough gold and silver for all the paper out there.
We all work, millions of us on a weekly basis for decade after decade...so it would be impossible to fulfill each paycheck with silver and gold.
Paper made this country very wealthy and a superpower that it is....be grateful for that.
Take it and run!

6th July 2013, 07:15 AM
even over at quatloos.com, the other side, provided a court case where frns were lawful money.
You bringing up that fringe group hardly adds any credence to your case. If you can't come up with a single way to castrate yourself that outfit will come up with a hundred ways.

Court cases settle nothing. Why should I let reason be dictated by irrational people like yourself?

6th July 2013, 07:16 AM
Paper made this country very wealthy and a superpower that it is....be grateful for that.
Take it and run!
And your motto is A COKE SPOON FOR EVERY NOSE?

I asked it before and it was never answered : Do you want your headstone to be larger than your grandfathers?

6th July 2013, 07:42 AM
given how immoral the US gov. has become, i think not paying individual income tax is a moral choice.

most of what the US gov. does, i have no desire to finance.

as far as corporations in the US, the reward structure is set up to reward managers who maximize net profits.

which a corporation does - by not paying federal income taxes.

corporations don't care much about "what is moral". how can they be blamed for using US laws to avoid paying US taxes ?

so we're left with a country with 3 primary arguments regarding the paying of taxes -
* Apple (or other large corporation) is not paying taxes, so why should i ?
* most of what the US gov. does is ineffective or immoral, so how is it our obligation to finance it ?
* the US gov. exhibits strong preferential hiring of Jews for managerial & other higher paying positions. Jews employed by the Jew-S gov. practice a very selective form of "who benefits from government" - they prosecute Gentile pig farmers in Michigan for growing hairy pigs (literally), yet Jewish banksters who steal $Trillions escape prosecution. how is it any Gentile's obligation to finance these shenanigans ?

long story short - the United States is Dead. or Dying. all the concepts of 'fairness', on which the paying of taxes depends, are done & dusted. gone.

Dogman might not like to hear it, but he's been perma-banned, unfortunately. (i didn't think he was such a bad guy. mainly, i thought he was a real person, & not a troll. but it's a moot point now.)

it looks like the US gov will be printing money, in lieu of taxes, as long as that flashy version of toilet paper is accepted as currency, in digital or paper form.

7th trump
6th July 2013, 07:49 AM
You bringing up that fringe group hardly adds any credence to your case. If you can't come up with a single way to castrate yourself that outfit will come up with a hundred ways.

Court cases settle nothing. Why should I let reason be dictated by irrational people like yourself?

Because you're a conspiracy theory provocateur nutcase. Court cases settle a lot. They rule with what the law states.
In a way they clarify the law.
Take for instance the courts say the 16th gave congress the ability to tax incomes....and I agree. The courts also was the 16th gave Congress no new taxing powers....and I agree.
But 99.99% the idiot conspiracy nutcases are to lazy to do the research and play slick lawyers on the internet. And when one does decide to do some research they are biased going into the research. This results in even more confusion.
The 16th didn't give Congress any new powers to tax incomes from what the Constitution grants them......this is true, I agree with the courts!
But when the courts say that Congress can tax incomes the conspiracy freaks get a vapor lock between their brain and asshole that keeps them in mental suspension for years and years.
They are stuck, because of sheer laziness, between the two court rulings and just cry, bitch and moan the system is corrupt when in reality the system is not.
Yes, congress can tax incomes, but only incomes when the employee is participating in Social Security.
And No, Congress doesn't have the power to tax incomes across the board where the employee IS NOT participating in Social Security.
Every individual has the power to allow the Government to tax your income or not.
A W4 is not compelling when the W4 requires a signature.
But most people don't research the law surrounding the W4. If they did they would quickly understand that a W4 is for authorizing the employer to treat the employees earnings as 3121(a) "wages" which participating in Social Security.

But you palani will remain in your pathetic little conspiracy mindset and continue to lead everyone down your primrose path to confusion because your to damn lazy to read statutes that you admit not reading in the first place.
Not only are you to damn lazy, but you are biased to only hearing what you want to hear.
Your armchair lawyerism rocket blew up on the launch pad before ever taking off.

6th July 2013, 08:04 AM
you will remain in your pathetic little conspiracy mindset and continue to lead everyone down your primrose path to confusion because your to damn lazy to read statutes that you admit not reading in the first place.

And YOU are a headcase who is delusional. I believe in no conspiracy. I believe in facts. You read words and cannot comprehend them so apply a meaning to them from whatever notion happens to be floating through your tiny brain at that particular instant.

I am not now nor have I ever advocated anyone choosing to do what I do (not accept FRNs). My actions are founded on my observations and my reasons and nobody elses. You cannot accept this concept because it is truly freedom and you were born to be a slave. You work for a corporation. You LIVE in a corporation. Your county is corporate. Your city is corporate. Your state is corporate. Your federal government is corporate. You work for a corporation and eat corporately produced food and spend corporate coupons as if they were actually your possessions. YOU are as corporate as any of these entities that you actually believe share existence with you. They are all dead entities and the same comment goes for your existence.

6th July 2013, 08:10 AM
Because you're a conspiracy theory provocateur nutcase. Court cases settle a lot. They rule with what the law states.

Your armchair lawyerism rocket blew up on the launch pad before ever taking off.

sometimes i'm glad to be cognitively impaired.

i don't have a clue what you guys are arguing about.

6th July 2013, 08:19 AM
i don't have a clue what you guys are arguing about.

No argument on my part. In a nutshell my viewpoint is that using FRNs make you as much of a corporation as the outfit that printed them. 7th appears to believe that because a dollar can be divided into 100 cents that this makes a FRN equal to a US note or a gold dollar coin.

If I had a rhubarb pie and divided it into 100 pieces and if I had an apple pie and divided it into 100 pieces .... I guess using 7th reasoning if someone asked for apple it wouldn't make any difference what variety of pie I actually gave him.

7th trump
6th July 2013, 11:50 AM
And YOU are a headcase who is delusional. I believe in no conspiracy. I believe in facts. You read words and cannot comprehend them so apply a meaning to them from whatever notion happens to be floating through your tiny brain at that particular instant.

I am not now nor have I ever advocated anyone choosing to do what I do (not accept FRNs). My actions are founded on my observations and my reasons and nobody elses. You cannot accept this concept because it is truly freedom and you were born to be a slave. You work for a corporation. You LIVE in a corporation. Your county is corporate. Your city is corporate. Your state is corporate. Your federal government is corporate. You work for a corporation and eat corporately produced food and spend corporate coupons as if they were actually your possessions. YOU are as corporate as any of these entities that you actually believe share existence with you. They are all dead entities and the same comment goes for your existence.

Hahahaha.....there you go folks from a guy who cant look up one law to verify his fallacies are based in and of the law.

You said "facts" are evil after I said I base the law on facts and facts on the law. So "facts" are evil when someone else uses facts and not evil when you use them.
Wow palani you say so much you cant even keep your bullshit straight.

7th trump
6th July 2013, 12:11 PM
No argument on my part. In a nutshell my viewpoint is that using FRNs make you as much of a corporation as the outfit that printed them. 7th appears to believe that because a dollar can be divided into 100 cents that this makes a FRN equal to a US note or a gold dollar coin.

If I had a rhubarb pie and divided it into 100 pieces and if I had an apple pie and divided it into 100 pieces .... I guess using 7th reasoning if someone asked for apple it wouldn't make any difference what variety of pie I actually gave him.

And all I asked of palani is to show the law, statute or court cite that stipulates having frn's in ones pocket makes them a possession of a corporation.
To this day he hasn't yet found any law to any one of his theories.
Bout all he does is answer questions with a question that gets the person who questioning him to have doubts and start questioning themselves.
Hes slick, but not that slick.

What do you mean "appear"?
Is not a $1 gold piece equal to 100 US cents?
Is not $1 reserve note equal to 100 US cents?
Is not a $1 Treasury note equal to 100 US cents?

All three can buy a $1 piece of bubble gum. Or all three can 100 1 cent pieces of bubble gum.
All three are US currency having the same exact purchasing power.
The common denominator between all three is "dollar".

Palani is confusing the commodity market value of the gold $1 coin with what the government deems as a $1.
Palani trying to fit round pegs into square holes by saying since the gold is worth more resulting from the market fluctuation of gold that the governments "weights and measures" is corrupt.
I say bullshit because a $1 gold piece is still equal to 100 cents as a FRN is equal 100 cents as is a $1 Treasury note is equal to 100 cents.
He's trying his very best at getting everyone on board his conspiracy wagon so he can feel better about himself.
He has a lack of understanding just about everything he talks about.

6th July 2013, 12:18 PM
You said "facts" are evil after I said I base the law on facts and facts on the law. So "facts" are evil when someone else uses facts and not evil when you use them.

Are YOU the only one who may decide what is an evil deed and what is not?

Where did I say I never judged facts?

Identifying one attribute of a fact as an evil deed does not preempt my right to determine what is a fact (evil deed) and what is not a fact (not an evil deed).

Again ... YOU ARE A HEAD CASE. You can take that statement to the bank with you on your next visit.

6th July 2013, 12:20 PM
He has a lack of understanding just about everything he talks about.

Have you ever actually SEEN me talking?

7th trump
6th July 2013, 12:58 PM
Have you ever actually SEEN me talking?
See people this is the kind of reply you get from people like palani.

So how's the life of an apartment building custodian that gets free room and board for fixing leaky pipes?
I can imagine the use of a run down rusty pickup truck every now then to get janitor supplies is "hitting the town".

Did you really think you could pass that "property administrator" bullshit story of your was believable?

You're a joke palani...a pathetic joke!

7th trump
6th July 2013, 01:02 PM
Are YOU the only one who may decide what is an evil deed and what is not?

Where did I say I never judged facts?

Identifying one attribute of a fact as an evil deed does not preempt my right to determine what is a fact (evil deed) and what is not a fact (not an evil deed).

Again ... YOU ARE A HEAD CASE. You can take that statement to the bank with you on your next visit.

Wow......what a freak!
What old ancient book was it that you got the idea that "facts" are evil deeds?

6th July 2013, 02:14 PM
You're a joke

Have you ever actually HEARD a joke?

6th July 2013, 02:15 PM
What old ancient book was it that you got the idea that "facts" are evil deeds?

Have you picked up those fries you are missing .. you know .. the ones needed to complete your Happy Meal?

7th trump
6th July 2013, 02:26 PM
Have you picked up those fries you are missing .. you know .. the ones needed to complete your Happy Meal?

You supplied a reference to this "evil deed" thingy you were peddling at that time. I believe it was a book...an old book!
Yeah you have so many stories you probably cant remember them all.

7th trump
6th July 2013, 02:30 PM
Have you ever actually HEARD a joke?
Isnt it a "double standard" how Palani is asking if I ever heard him tell a joke for me to call him a joke and yet Palani refuses to supply any positive proof behind any of his theories.

We can add "double standard" to palani's resume.

6th July 2013, 02:37 PM
I believe it was a book...an old book!
Do your own research ... if you are able.

6th July 2013, 02:38 PM
Isnt it a "double standard"
Does a double state deserve a 'double standard'?

3rd July 2016, 12:22 PM
And all I asked of palani is to show the law, statute or court cite that stipulates having frn's in ones pocket makes them a possession of a corporation. To this day he hasn't yet found any law to any one of his theories. Bout all he does is answer questions with a question that gets the person who questioning him to have doubts and start questioning themselves. Hes slick, but not that slick. What do you mean "appear"? Is not a $1 gold piece equal to 100 US cents? Is not $1 reserve note equal to 100 US cents? Is not a $1 Treasury note equal to 100 US cents? All three can buy a $1 piece of bubble gum. Or all three can 100 1 cent pieces of bubble gum. All three are US currency having the same exact purchasing power. The common denominator between all three is "dollar". Palani is confusing the commodity market value of the gold $1 coin with what the government deems as a $1. Palani trying to fit round pegs into square holes by saying since the gold is worth more resulting from the market fluctuation of gold that the governments "weights and measures" is corrupt. I say bullshit because a $1 gold piece is still equal to 100 cents as a FRN is equal 100 cents as is a $1 Treasury note is equal to 100 cents. He's trying his very best at getting everyone on board his conspiracy wagon so he can feel better about himself. He has a lack of understanding just about everything he talks about.

https://s19.postimg.org/76pu1ifoj/image.png (https://s19.postimg.org/76pu1ifoj/image.png)

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