View Full Version : Will Germany Grant Citizenship To Their Asset Snowden?

1st July 2013, 10:13 AM
Will Germany Grant Citizenship To Their Asset Snowden? (http://germanywatch.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/will-germany-grant-citizenship-to-their.html)
"...And so we come back to Snowden.

A German Green Party MP, has suggested Snowden should be granted German citizenship and protection from US prosecution for "services to Europe and Germany".
Merkel's aides are saying the US is worse than China and Russia for democratic rights.
And so the propaganda continues to try and paint Germany as the angel, and the US as the devil.

If Germany grants citizenship for Snowden, it will be a great day. Because whilst the above makes the US and UK suspicious enough of Germany to spy so heavily on them, Germany or the EU granting citizenship to Snowden will seriously wake up the US defense planners who are still asleep to the threat posed by a German Europe.

Der Spiegel, comparing the US with Russia and China, says today;
"Just imagine what would happen if Russian or Chinese intelligence services were found to be hoarding vast amounts of data from Germany every month. An army of investigators would hunt down the spies. It would be a first-class scandal, and rightly so."

If Germany hunts down American intelligence officers in Europe, that could get very interesting indeed!

Several Germans are calling the US spying on them, equivalent to a Cold War. Well if Germany keeps up its current behaviour, it could find itself in a Hot War sooner than it thinks - and German support for the 9/11 terrorists (amongst many other horrific things) will come out in major media...."

1st July 2013, 11:10 AM
i would agree, Snowden has done Germany and a lot of countries a favor.

personally i would have trouble living in a country that persecutes people for telling the truth about the Holohoax.

1st July 2013, 11:31 AM
If the whole truth were to come out it would only bring distrust among everyone and it would separated them.... I do believe that that's one of the tactics that the Zionist is to separate everyone.....so, could he be the straw man for the Zionists?........never take anything at face value but also for what could be behind it.


1st July 2013, 11:34 AM
i would agree, Snowden has done Germany and a lot of countries a favor.

personally i would have trouble living in a country that persecutes people for telling the truth about the Holohoax.

You mean you would not want to live outside the US (or maybe Iran)?

1st July 2013, 11:38 AM
Public? and what's wrong with Iran? Iran is a very modern country where in many places the night life is like in the US and where people go to the mountains in a day out and on picnicks..... most of what you read in the US is Zionist propaganda that they give out by means of the 93% of the media that they own.


1st July 2013, 12:57 PM
Public? and what's wrong with Iran? Iran is a very modern country where in many places the night life is like in the US and where people go to the mountains in a day out and on picnicks..... most of what you read in the US is Zionist propaganda that they give out by means of the 93% of the media that they own.


I am saying the US and Iran are the two main countries where you can question the holocaust.