5th July 2013, 10:03 AM
I figured that I should make you all aware of a gold/silver dealer who has not yet been brought up here, but who is very much "up our alley". ( b6e058)
They are called Amagi Metals (, and I believe that they are based out of Colorado.
Their prices are better than Apmex, and they accept bitcoins in addition to common payment methods! I like that you can view prices in bitcoins too, along with other major currencies. So right now, one ounce of silver is going for: ฿0.2920
Give 'em a try! ( b6e058)
In case you were wondering, here is some background on the name "amagi": from
Ama-gi is a Sumerian ( word (written ama-gi4 ₼℄, also ama-ar-gi4) meaning, literally translated, "return to the mother," and used to refer to "The restoration of persons and property to their original status" including the remission of debts.[1] ( Many libertarian economists consider the symbol to be the first written expression of the concept of liberty.[2] ( ( b6e058)
They are called Amagi Metals (, and I believe that they are based out of Colorado.
Their prices are better than Apmex, and they accept bitcoins in addition to common payment methods! I like that you can view prices in bitcoins too, along with other major currencies. So right now, one ounce of silver is going for: ฿0.2920
Give 'em a try! ( b6e058)
In case you were wondering, here is some background on the name "amagi": from
Ama-gi is a Sumerian ( word (written ama-gi4 ₼℄, also ama-ar-gi4) meaning, literally translated, "return to the mother," and used to refer to "The restoration of persons and property to their original status" including the remission of debts.[1] ( Many libertarian economists consider the symbol to be the first written expression of the concept of liberty.[2] (