View Full Version : THE LOST PYRAMIDS OF PERU.............. v

5th July 2013, 09:35 AM
This civilization existed 1,500 years ago and yet......they knew about dinosaurs and the different types that there were, how did they know this?......the same as the rock paintings from Mexico.......we are younger and older than what we really are.
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5th July 2013, 01:56 PM
These ancient civilizations all seemed to build pyramids .
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-YO4MmOxO6nw/UdTiyTrm0HI/AAAAAAAAAmw/uRhcuTTbhLo/s640/part-1-caral.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-YO4MmOxO6nw/UdTiyTrm0HI/AAAAAAAAAmw/uRhcuTTbhLo/s600/part-1-caral.jpg)
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jrF66eVA5b8/UdTiwAXV34I/AAAAAAAAAlw/IakSQkki4Ag/s640/4457790165_9073ccfb3a_o.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jrF66eVA5b8/UdTiwAXV34I/AAAAAAAAAlw/IakSQkki4Ag/s640/4457790165_9073ccfb3a_o.jpg)

5th July 2013, 03:00 PM
This civilization existed 1,500 years ago and yet......they knew about dinosaurs and the different types that there were, how did they know this?......the same as the rock paintings from Mexico.......we are younger and older than what we really are.

Have you seen the Ica Stones? They are from Peru and show guys riding on dinosaurs and being attacked by dinosaurs. Pretty cool stuff!




5th July 2013, 03:09 PM
That guy at the top is smoking a pipe , wonder whats in it.

5th July 2013, 04:18 PM
That guy at the top is smoking a pipe , wonder whats in it.

It's obviously not cannabis, that's illegal.

5th July 2013, 05:44 PM
THAT's the ones......The Incas Stones..........I read that they were not real but the one guy alone could never had done all of them and specially considering the material.


28th November 2015, 03:25 PM

28th November 2015, 03:30 PM

I fixed it... enjoyable diversion

if people'd stop endorsing the mainstream version of history, wars would have been cast as obsolete a long while ago

28th November 2015, 04:05 PM
the dating of the eras is completely corrupt and I do not know by how much... in order to hide our past. Those who control history control the present and future.

Civilization is much older that what history books claim

This civilization existed 1,500 years ago and yet......they knew about dinosaurs and the different types that there were, how did they know this?......the same as the rock paintings from Mexico.......we are younger and older than what we really are.
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28th November 2015, 04:51 PM
Miraflores: hallan cuatro tumbas prehispánicas en la huaca PucllanaMiraflores:there are four prehispanic graves in Huaca Pucllana

Luis Pérez / Revista Rumbos
En la cima de la imponente pirámide de la huaca Pucllana deMiraflores (http://larepublica.pe/turismo/rutas-cortas/713871-las-cuatro-rutas-turisticas-que-tienes-que-hacer-en-miraflores), se han descubierto cuatro entierros de la época prehispánica. El hallazgo es el fruto de un trabajo de excavación que se inició en julio, con el objetivo de seguir develando los misterios históricos de los ichma, un pueblo que se desarrolló en los valles medio y bajo de los ríos Lurín y Rímac, entre los 1000-1470 d.C.

At the top of the towering pyramid of Huaca Pucllana in Miraflores, they have discovered four graves of thepre-hispanic era. The finding is the result of excavation that began in July, with the objective of further unraveling the mysteries of the historical ichma, a town that was developed in the middle and lower valleys of the rivers Lurin and Rimac between 1000-1470 AD.

PUEDES VER: Barranco: noche de los museos se realizará este sábado (http://larepublica.pe/turismo/rutas-cortas/721092-barranco-noche-de-los-museos-se-realizara-este-sabado)
YOU CAN SEE: Barranco: Night of the museums will take place this Saturday

Los personajes hallados en las tumbas ichmas (o ychsma, como sugiere la historiadora Maria Rostworowski), están en cuclillas. A su lado, unos soportes de carrizo los mantienen en esa posición. El ajuar fúnebre incluía vasijas e instrumentos textiles, como punzones y espinas de cactus.

The charachters found in the ichmas graves (or Ychsma, as suggested by historian Maria Rostworowski) are squatting. At her side some reed supports to maintain her in that position. The funeral parphernalia included pottery and textile tools such as punches and cactus spines.

“La pirámide trunca es un centro ceremonial de gran envergadura. Fue construida por la cultura lima para realizar ofrendas a sus divinidades”, explicó la arqueóloga Isabel Espinoza, directora del Museo de Sitio Huaca Pucllana y del Proyecto de Investigación, Conservación y Puesta en Valor Huaca Pucllana.

"The truncated pyramid is a large ceremonial center. It was built by the Lima culture to make offerings to their gods", said archeologist Isabel Espinoza, director of the Huaca Site Museum and the Project of Research, Conservation and Enhancemant of Value in Huaca Pucllana.

La cultura Lima –cuenta Espinoza- utilizó la segunda, tercera y cuarta plataforma para enterrar a sus personajes de elite. Cuando abandonaron el lugar, la zona sería ocupada por los waris. Ellos emplearon la quinta plataforma. Pero no serían los últimos pobladores. Los ichmas tomarían posesión de la huaca, realizando sacrificios humanos en la sexta plataforma. También ofrendaron sapos a sus dioses. Era su manera de invocar por la lluvia.

The Lima culture - recounts Espinosa, used the second, third and fourth platform to bury their elite. When they left the place the area would be occupied by the Waris. They employed the fifth platform. But they would not be the last populators. The ichmas would take possesssion of the Huaca, making human sacrifices to their gods on the sixth platform. They also offerd up frogs to their gods. It was their way of calling for the rain.

A su turno, Mirella Ganoza, la arqueóloga responsable del área de 100 metros donde se produjo el hallazgo, relató que al iniciar la excavación encontraron los huesos de las piernas. Después, definieron la matriz de las tumbas y la forma que podrían tener.

In turn Mirella Ganoza, the archeologist responible for the area of 100 meters where the finding was made, reported at the beginning of the excavation the finding of the leg bones. Afterwards they defined the matrix of the graves and how they might be.

La especialista señala que en el primer mes hallaron dos tumbas y, la semana pasada, las otras dos. Este descubrimiento arqueológico que evidencia las raíces ancestrales de Miraflores y Lima, fue presentado ayer a la prensa nacional e internacional.

The specialis noted that in the first month they found two graves and a week later the other two. This archeological discovery was presented yesterday to the anational andinternational press.

“Esperamos encontrar más tumbas en las otras áreas”, comenta Ganoza con optimismo. Luego agrega que en diciembre culmina la temporada de excavación y que en enero se analizarán los materiales. “Estos estudios corresponden desde la infraestructura del lugar, hasta los materiales encontrados en los hoyos”, concluye la arqueóloga quien espera seguir develando los misterios del pasado.

"We hope to find more tombs in other areas" commented Ganoza with optomism. Then she added th in December the excavation season ends and that in January they will analyze the materials. These studies correspond from the ifrastructure of the location, to the materials found in the pits says the archeologist who looks forward to revealing the mysteries.

El dato

The data

El Proyecto de Investigación, Conservación y Puesta en Valor Huaca Pucllana se inició en 1981, en virtud del compromiso entre la Municipalidad de Miraflores y el entonces Instituto Nacional de Cultura (INC) –hoy Ministerio de Cultura-. Se prevé que las investigaciones continúen 30 años mas.

The Project of Research, Conservation and Enhancement Huaca Pucllana started in 1981 between the compromise of the Municipality of Miraflores and then National Institute of Culture- today Ministry of Culture. It is anticipated that the investigations will continue 30 years more.



El lugar: La Huaca Pucllana está en la cuadra 8 de la calle General Borgoño,

The place: The Huaca Pucllana is in block 8 of General Borgño Street, Miraflores.

La visita: De miércoles a lunes de 9:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.

The Visit: From Wednesday to Monday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

El costo: Entrada general S/. 12.00. Entrada reducida (estudiantes de educación superior –con carné vigente–, menores de 18 años y docentes con acreditación), S/. 5.00. Entrada especial (niños hasta 12 años, adultos mayores de 60 años y escolares), S/. 1.00.

The cost: General admission S/. 12.00 Reduced admission (students in higher education) S/. 5.00



28th November 2015, 05:30 PM
In English:

Pre-Columbian tombs discovered in Lima residential neighborhood

Published November 27, 2015EFE (http://www.efe.com/)

A team of Peruvian archaeologists found four pre-Columbian tombs 1,100 years old at Huaca Pucllana, one of Lima's principal archaeological sites, located in the upscale residential district of Miraflores, archaeologist Mirella Ganoza said.

The four human remains discovered are of three women and a man of the Ichma culture, whose tombs were found at the peak of the stepped pyramid that forms part of the ancient Huaca Pucllana ceremonial center, Ganoza said.

The specialist said the bodies were placed in a seated position facing southeast, wrapped in fabrics, cords and accompanied by such offerings as ceramic receptacles.

"We also found in the tombs instruments like needles, rolls of thread and lengths of cloth, which tells us they worked in the textile industry," Ganoza said.

The director of the Huaca Pucllana Site Museum and of the archaeological project, Isabel Flores, told EFE that discovering the bodies on sacred ground indicates the importance these people had for their community.
Flores noted that the find gives us a better idea about the history of ancient Peru, new data about the Ichma culture and in particular about the life of the Miraflores district's first inhabitants.

The data obtained also provides further confirmation of the presence of the Ichma culture at Huaca Pucllana between the years 1000 and 1450.

The ceremonial center was constructed around the year 400 by the Lima culture - developed between the years 100 and 600 - and was later invaded by the Huari culture from the Peruvian mountains between the years 550 and 900, to be finally settled by the Ichma, its last pre-Columbian occupants.

The Huaca Pucllana archaeological project was launched 35 years ago with the support of the Miraflores Municipality in coordination with Peru's Culture Ministry.

The excavations carried out at Huaca Pucllana confirm that members of the Ichma culture settled at the foot of west side of the stepped pyramid where they could dry their crops and where they made offerings of ceramic containers and food. EFE

