View Full Version : Law requires Obama administration to cut off Egyptian aid

5th July 2013, 05:58 PM
Law requires Obama administration to cut off Egyptian aid 6:05 PM 07/05/2013

The $1.5 billion (http://defenddemocracy.org/media-hit/how-egypts-coup-could-impact-us-foreign-assistance/) in U.S. foreign aid slated for Egypt next year is in jeopardy after the Egyptian army deposed democratically elected President Mohamed Morsi on Wednesday.

Section 508 (http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/cpquery/?&sid=cp105t3thy&refer=&r_n=hr825.105&db_id=105&item=&sel=TOC_564277&) of the decades-old Foreign Assistance Act stipulates that “none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available pursuant to this Act shall be obligated or expended to finance directly any assistance to any country whose duly elected head of government is deposed by a military coup or decree.”
A clause in the 2011 omnibus bill strengthens the provision, excluding from American aid any nation experiencing a “coup d’etat or decree in which the military plays a decisive role.”

Although events in Egypt appear to conform perfectly to these criteria, it’s unclear whether the Obama administration will cut off revenue to the strategically important nation anytime soon.

“Given today’s developments, I have directed the relevant departments and agencies to review the implications under U.S. law for our assistance to the Government of Egypt,” President Barack Obama said in a statement (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/07/03/1221043/-President-Obama-s-statement-on-Egypt) released Wednesday evening.

But the president also refused to call the takeover a coup, indicating his administration’s wariness to label events in Egypt before deciding how to proceed.
Time reports (http://swampland.time.com/2013/07/03/apparent-egyptian-military-coup-puts-obama-in-bind-on-military-aid/#ixzz2Y1NnApZT) that the $1.3 billion marked for the Egyptian military in 2014 is around 20 percent of that organization’s total budget. Without that money, the army may be unable to keep the peace should an extended confrontation develop between Morsi’s supporters and opposition activists.

“The Egyptian military has long been a key partner of the United States and a stabilizing force in the region, and is perhaps the only trusted national institution in Egypt today,” House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said in a statement (http://jpupdates.com/2013/07/03/house-majority-leader-cantor-statement-on-egypt-situation/) Wednesday.

The ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee echoed that sentiment.

“In determining the future of U.S. assistance, the administration should look at the regional picture with our national security interests in mind,” Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker said in a Wednesday announcement (http://www.chattanoogan.com/2013/7/3/254495/Corker-Comments-On-Situation-In-Egypt.aspx). “Our long-standing cooperation with Egypt, which is essential for stability in the region, should remain a priority.”
Their comments indicate that the administration would face little protest from congressional Republicans if they decide to ignore or circumvent the law on foreign assistance.

But politicians from the president’s own party may be less forgiving.

“Our law is clear: U.S. aid is cut off when a democratically elected government is deposed by military coup or decree,” said (http://www.leahy.senate.gov/press/_-comment-of-senator-patrick-leahy--d-vt-chairman-of-the-budget-committee-for-the-state-department-and-foreign-assistance--on-the-military-takeover-in-egypt----) Vermont Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy, chair of the budget committee which oversees foreign aid.

John Bellinger, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, pointed out in his blog (http://www.lawfareblog.com/2013/07/will-obama-administration-cut-off-foreign-assistance-to-egypt/) on Thursday that unlike many parts of the Foreign Assistance Act, the provision restricting foreign aid “does not include Presidential waiver authority.”

Tags: Barack Obama (http://dailycaller.com/buzz/barack-obama/), Egypt (http://dailycaller.com/buzz/egypt/), Foreign aid (http://dailycaller.com/buzz/foreign-aid/), Mohammed Morsi (http://dailycaller.com/buzz/mohammed-morsi/)
Next Page (http://dailycaller.com/2013/07/05/law-requires-obama-administration-to-cut-off-egyptian-aid/2/)

5th July 2013, 06:40 PM
The military runs Egypt.

The ruling power is still in power.

5th July 2013, 06:44 PM
The military runs Egypt.

The ruling power is still in power.

The USI military? What's the fuss about then?

5th July 2013, 06:55 PM
The USI military? What's the fuss about then?

kabuki theatre.

5th July 2013, 07:03 PM
As if the rule of law means anything to this administration...

5th July 2013, 07:04 PM
You mean any administration since the '60s

Twisted Titan
6th July 2013, 11:10 AM
Well the people werent get a single dime of that 1.5 billion. So it really makes not one iota of difference.

Actually their situation will improve. The less foreign dollars the better.

6th July 2013, 12:42 PM
Well folks, remember that the state of Israel is NOT supposed to get any "aid" from the US because they have nukes and haven't declared them........so?


7th July 2013, 12:48 PM
"The terrorist attack in Benghazi is far more disturbing than previously thought. Although it has not been reported in the U.S. media, the possibility exists that the Egyptian government may have played an operational role in the attack. YouTube videos of the terrorist strike raise a serious problem that only an Arabic speaker would detect: some of the terrorists are speaking in the Egyptian dialect of the Arabic language.

Indeed, one of the videos shot with a cell phone of one of the attackers emerged around the time four Americans were killed. It shows a mob approaching the American compound under siege, clearly telling the terrorists in the dialect of Upper Egypt: “Mahadesh, mahadesh yermi, Dr. Morsi ba`atna” — which translates to: “Don’t shoot, don’t shoot, Dr. Morsi sent us.”

The words “Mahadesh yermi” for “don’t shoot” are characteristically spoken in Egyptian Arabic, while Libyans from Benghazi would say, “Matermey” for “don’t shoot.”

“Dr. Morsi” refers, of course, to president Mohamed Morsi of Egypt. The name Morsi is Egyptian and does not exist in any other Arabic speaking country.

The Egyptian regime’s connection to Benghazi also helps explain why it denied U.S. the ability to interrogate Abo Ahmed, an Egyptian suspect in the terrorist attack."


7th July 2013, 12:54 PM
all the USI wants is an Egyptian administration that is subservient to Israel.