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6th July 2013, 02:14 PM
JPMorgan Mimics The Goldman Sachs View Of An Improving Commodity Outlook

http://b-i.forbesimg.com/timtreadgold/files/2013/07/300x1941.jpg (http://www.daylife.com/image/0ffuc7q5KP8bG?utm_source=zemanta&utm_medium=p&utm_content=0ffuc7q5KP8bG&utm_campaign=z1) A man speaks on a walkie talkie as he faces the Vale Rio de Janeiro, the largest bulk carrier in the world, at the harbor of Rotterdam, on January 10, 2012. The ship is 362 meters long and has 386.000 tons of iron ore on board intended for the German car industry. (Image credit: AFP/Getty Images via @daylife)

JP Morgan has joined rival investment bank Goldman Sachs in calling a turn in the depressed mining and commodities sectors but there is a third and more significant reason for investors to wake up to the change, the price of hiring heavy-haul shipping is rising rapidly.
Not a common topic for most investors, the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) is a measure of the cost of renting the sort of ship used to carry large tonnages of coal, iron ore, wheat and other dry cargoes, and is generally seen as an early indicator of an emerging economic trend because shipping is a common-thread connecting worldwide commerce.
After the index plunged from an all-time high of 11,793 in 2008 to a 16-year low last year of just 647 it has been rising strongly over the past few months, closing at 1171 last Friday, a measure which equates to a 65% rise since January.
The prime reason for the increase in the cost of renting a ton bulk carrier of the sort that plies the route between Brazil and China, or Australia and Japan, is that forward orders for iron ore and coal have risen after a depressing start to 2013.
Secondary reasons for the rise are that the five tough years after 2008 saw several ship owners collapse, and with those failures came a sharp decline in orders for new ships which means a shortage of bulk carriers could emerge in the next few years.
It is the combination of a possible ship shortage and growing confidence in the commodities outlook which is underpinning the stronger BDI which takes its name from the Baltic Exchange, a London-based shipping exchange.
Whatever is driving the BDI higher it is likely that both investment banks, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, have factored in the index rise when arriving at their conclusions that the commodity-worm is turning.
Goldman Sach’s views were reported here last week with the key comment being: “We are not forecasting a return to expansion, but we believe the sector is starting to look interesting.”
Stocks (http://www.forbes.com/stocks/) high on the Goldman Sachs watch list are BHP Billiton (http://www.forbes.com/companies/bhp-billiton/) BHP -0.46% (http://www.forbes.com/companies/bhp-billiton/) and Rio Tinto (http://www.forbes.com/companies/rio-tinto/) RIO -1.38% (http://www.forbes.com/companies/rio-tinto/).

JP Morgan’s view which reached clients this week represent an increase in the optimism noting that its new-found enthusiasm represents its first “overweight” call on commodities since 2010.
“Though we may be a little early, we do not think we are very early,” JP Morgan said. “We would rather be premature in our pretend portfolio than you be late in your real portfolio.”
http://b-i.forbesimg.com/timtreadgold/files/2013/07/300px-JP_Morgan_logo.jpg (http://commons.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:JP_Morgan_logo.jpg)

Like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan argues that most commodities have fallen far enough and for long enough to force involuntary production cuts.
JP Morgan said it had recommended an underweight position in commodities as an asset class in November, 2011, but that view had changed.
“We move to recommend a net long, overweight exposure for institutional investors (in commodities) for the first time in more than two years,” JP Morgan said.
