View Full Version : Silver Production Cost per Ounce $21, $22 - but it's selling for $19 ?!

6th July 2013, 03:02 PM
I was trying to figure out the $18.90 closing low for the week, and the talk of $17.50 per ounce Silver in Dan Norcini's last Metals Wrap.

I was thinking, well, the production cost is $17 or $18.

I know the market is controlled by paper Bullshit, but some of that is derived from producers making contracts to sell their production.

So I just looked up Silver Production costs.



Silver is selling this weekend for over $2 below the cost of Production.

I dare say, that is a BARGAIN !

Decline in Ore Yield, Ounces per Ton, Probably Metric Ton (1000 kilograms, 2200 pounds)

David Morgan on the subject -

7th July 2013, 04:26 PM
Except the highest percentage of silver mined comes from mines mining other stuff and silver is a by product.

Still this is important information because if primary mines shut and why wouldnt they if they are running at a loss ,then it would create a silver shortage.

Every dollar oil goes up will make this situation worse.