View Full Version : Doing Business With Military Occupation Governments

7th July 2013, 05:06 AM
1hr 35 minutes at the url shown:

Jack Smith and about the executor and the the foreign trust, on CIC.

Contracts in Motion, Episode126


Jack Smith & A caller.

[Regarding a court case]
Jack: You are arguing with them so you are obstructing and delaying a
settlement. They don't want to argue, they want a settlement.

Caller: Actually, I told the judge since there wasn't a verified complaint
against me I considered the matter abated and I was leaving the courtroom
and he held me in contempt for that. But then later dismissed it for cause
because there wasn't actually a verified complaint against me but that was
after the 89 days and 16 hours in prison. Awaiting my mental compensation.

Jack: Absolutely, you're crazy man. Don't you understand that everything
they're doing is the Spanish Inquisition? And under the Inquisition, you're
guilty until proven innocent. That's why everybody died in the Spanish
Inquisition. Because they were crazy enough to believe the patriots that
said oh they gotta prove that I'm guilty before they can do anything to me.
Are you kidding? When they invert the system, like they have done, then
you're guilty until you prove yourself innocent. So having a verified
complaint is insanity, under the common law that'd be perfectly okay.
You're not under the common law, you're under admiralty maritime and you're
before the Captains bench and you better prove yourself innocent on his boat
or you are going to the brig.

Caller: Right, the last time I went into court, I went out and picked a
fight with some friends neighbors who are particularly unruly and don't
really know anything. Not a real fight an intellectual one. So I get
charged up, a number of charges and I notice the titling of the courts were
slightly different. One was the third judicial district and the other one
was like the county court of the county. So I went in there and filed a
show cause, I had to withdraw the attorney that they attached to me because
I was stupid and contracted with the guy. I needed a show cause hearing so
I could find out who was making the claim so I could honor it. You know my
whole position was as you say. You want to be a friend to the court, you
want to walk into the court and you want to help, you want to settle the
issue. I want to be in honor. If I've got a claim made against me I need
to settle it. So I need to know who made it so I can settle this.

The judge kind of went round and round with me and threatened me with
contempt, gave the usual schpeal and stuff but then he basically kicked me
out of the court and told me he was going to mail me his decision. Well out
of the clerks record pages with some hand written notes in it saying that
I'd been found guilty, the state met the burden of proof. Naturally the
state didn't meet its burden of proof because it didn't actually bring any
evidence to the record to prove.

Jack: Don't make any difference, you're guilty because you didn't prove
yourself innocent.

Caller: It's not even a matter of being guilty. It's a matter of being
charged and not being able to discharge it.

Jack: Sure, the defendant is a debtor and if you show up as a defendant you
have no ability to settle a case anyway. It's impossible as a defendant to
settle a case except jail. That's the only way you can settle it.

Caller: I filed an affidavit of, I called it a declaration for an affidavit
of status and intent and I had three paragraphs on status and I had three
paragraphs on intent. The first one was common law the second one was
equitable and the third one was if either on of these can't be met then it
is dismissed. It kind of escalated. The judges kind of switched hands.
The prosecutors changed up about four different times. But in the end they
found me guilty anyway and charged up the document so that they could make
their money back.

Jack: Absolutely. That's the nature of the game.

Caller: And that's what's drawing me towards this process. A couple of
years back, I've known about it. I've known about it for a while but I
can't get past my Secretary of State and this the heart of the matter. In
this state, Nebraska, one of the younger states, also part of the Louisiana
Purchase which was made right about when Lincoln had borrowed a bunch of
money and then bought it from the French. For like 5 cents an acre. So
here it is years later and I'm finding some particular things that, I don't
know if anybody knows Louis Ceiling. He's into the statutes and stuff and
he wins a lot of his cases, because he goes in there and he shows on the
record that the laws that they've created aren't valid. They've done the
same thing in my state. The legislative bill that the criminal codes are
based on, it specifically states that you're protected form criminal
condemnation for victimless crimes without fault. And that's not what they
do. They do the exact opposite. So under the statutes the Secretary of
State has specific guidelines that they go by. One of them is that the same
person cannot be the debtor and the secured party. Now we all know that
you're not the same person. But how do I get pass them on that? That's
where I'm at, I'm stuck.

Jack: Okay you're at basically about maybe a six grade level on a college
position right now. You're starting up and you see certain things and you
know certain things by history and by law books and you assume and presume
certain stuff and you're still trying to argue it. The issue is from the
beginning status, status, status. If you haven't got the status you haven't
got a remedy. You said your Secretary of State. You gotta understand
something. States really don't exist anymore for anyone except the banker
elite. Your country is gone. Your remedy is private international law, and
the United Nations has all of the provisions there to establish the route
and the tools whereby you can create the status that you need in order to be
the creditor and settle these cases. But like everybody else you don't want
to give up the illusion that the United States is your country and your
nation and your here. It is not. Because in the Civil War, after the Civil
War, Congress created a corporation called the United States and it's for a
select few bankers and for Congress which is there for aids, which enforce
the banking system. Congress is the ultimate bank. Not the Federal
Reserve. And they didn't declare bankruptcy in 1933 of the corporate United
States they declared bankruptcy of all the peoples Social Security accounts
which is a trust, which is attached to your private birth certificate
estate. Your birth certificate estate, you are supposed to be the executor
and you're supposed to make the claim and you are the highest court in the
land if you do. But since you don't understand and know that, you've
abandoned your private estate you're operating under a public trust which
those courts are really executing. You as the trustee of the public social
security trust over which they have jurisdiction and you go in there and try
to make a claim that you are a secured party creditor or something and it's
the social security trust that the individual people that were bankrupt not
the United States. So when go in there as a trustee and try to operate to
protect yourself, you're the bankrupt trustee and you have no claim. You
need to go in there and understand that your executor of estate but in order
to do that you gotta remove the state and get it back away from the alien
property custodian. Now if any of this makes sense to you and you can start
doing that you are on the road to recovery. But if you still think this is
quote, "your government" and that you are trying to get it back, you are so
far in la la land you have no clue. Remember the Secretary of State in your
state and in the United States represents aliens and foreigners to the

The public states, are a war, military occupying government. Nebraska has
been occupied by the democracy since the Civil War and the people have been
overrun since the New Deal in the 1930's unless you go back and claim your
private estate. And there's a process you need to go through to do that.
And if you do it, and you do it right you could start getting a remedy by
not arguing with these people but getting the hell away from them and not
looking for them for anything in your life.

Caller: I have already pretty much got that mental outlook. In your opinion
do you think it would be possible properly lay a claim to that estate for
the informal probate process? Ex Parte application.

Jack: So that public probate is only for killing the straw man pubic side of
the social security estate. When I'm talking about becoming the executor,
it's the executor of the private estate. It never appears in public and
it's certainly not the social security trust fund. That they are probating
when the body dies and the probate court that they're going through as the
public assets which are puny and minuscule compared to the private estate.
So you don't want to go through their public probate court. What did I just
tell you about staying away from these bastards.

Caller: I guess I didn't take it as literally as that. What I'm trying to
do also is send and amended application to the social security
administration to indicate that I'm ineligible for the card. That's
revoking of the government franchise there.

Jack: Look that social security trust fund does contain assets and stuff,
but you want to incorporate it into your private trust. You just want to
get them out of the jurisdiction out of the public venue. That's all you
want to do. You don't want to shoot yourself in the foot and give them all
your assets. Your birth certificate estate was a gift from God when you
were created and born into this world. Why would you want to give it up?

Caller: Well it's not that I want to give it up. I want to remove the lien
that they gave to the Federal Reserve on it.

Jack: They didn't give a l. Look, your account is on the private side in the
Federal Reserve, they're your friends not your enemies.

Caller: But the Federal Reserve used my property to grant the United States
credit. The United States gave, I pledged that property to the United
States and the United States pledged that property to the Federal Reserve
don't they?

Jack: Hang on! The birth certificate create an estate.

Caller: Right.

Jack: Mom was the one that gave it up because she's feminine international.
They create an estate, the baby has no control over it because he's under
age. But dad should have stepped in and become the executor. So don't
blame mom. Blaming mom is like blaming Eve for sin. And we all know that
God blamed Adam because he was responsible. So if you want to blame anyone,
blame dad. Okay, he never stepped up and he never claimed to be the
executor and hold that position until you were of age to claim it. But then
when you were 18, you never stepped up and claimed executor so don't blame
mom or dad.

Caller: Right.

Jack: Now that estate is on the private side. That's exactly why the alien
property custodian handles that estate. They call him an alien property
custodian because the estate belongs to the people. The public government
does not have any people in it. It has persons in it. Entities, fictions.

Caller: Right.

Jack: And you gotta keep the fiction world separate from the real world.
That's the movie cool world. They can't exist together. So the estate is
private. When you applied for a social security number, you allowed them to
do an undertaking so that the public can now leach onto your private estate
to fund the public by your consent by opening a public trust. It wasn't the
birth certificate estate that screwed you up it was the social security
number application and the use for benefits.

Caller: Right.

Jack: Okay so you gotta unwind the process again. Okay you don't want to
use those public benefits anymore the social security estate now is going to
be incorporate back onto the private side. And you're going to move the
private estate from under the alien property custodian to an offshore
private entity, in which when you apply for the tax identification number
and do it properly, Internal Revenue Service will grant you an exemption.
Because you are going to be exempt as a private international. Not a U.S.

Caller: Right.

Jack: Once you've got that agreement with them you've got to understand how
to do an undertaking without go ahead and allowing them to use the private
estate for public purposes again. If you remember the movie about twenty
five thirty years ago Tarzan Greystoke. Tarzan's grandfather told him, do
not ever pledge any of your private assets to the public banking system.
Like a mortgage. So if you're going to use your private estate and want to
monetize that sucker, you're going to have to buffer it through a
foundation. And the foundation will be exempt and it will offer you an
exemption from tax purposes as a foreign private estate holder. The
foundation is the tool to maintain the exemption of the private estate.
You're not giving up your social security account. It's being rolled into
the private estate. And it's being put offshore out of their reach.

Caller: How do I own something that I don't technically have possession of?
I mean they've attached that account to me though. And I'm not actually
applying for the account, I'm applying for the card, the numbers on the

Jack: Look the card gets turned in to redeem the property. The card is
nothing more than, just like the birth certificate. It's nothing more than
the pawn shop receipt. How do you go get your assets back from the pawn
shop when they give you a pawn shop receipt?

Caller: Okay.

Jack: You turn it in don't ya?

Caller: Yes.

Jack: And you have to pay any debt which exists on the collateral. And then
they release the collateral to you. So you're gonna turn in your birth
certificate by way of the social cards. And you're gonna do a chargeback,
which is an accounting transaction and set-off all the debts and they're
gonna release the collateral by just the fact that they no longer have a
claim on it. There's nothing physical in their world at all. Their whole
world is nothing more than an illusion so everything is done with paper,
word, and electronics.

Caller: Okay I'm slightly lost but not to far behind. A foundation, could
that easily be called a trust?

Jack: Well the social trust, when you turn in the social cards and endorse
the back and authorize them to take whatever assets out of the estate that
are necessary to zero whatever the public benefits had been, it's called a
chargeback. You no longer owe the public anything and they no longer. You
no longer owe them and they no longer owe you.

Caller: Would I have to deposit the original certificate of birth with the

Jack: Yes and you're gonna have to have it authenticated and certified.

Caller: How do I get the original? All I can ever get is copies from the

Jack: No! They're never going to give you an original. You don't need an
original. All you need to do is get a contract with them. And if they
certify something isn't' that as good as the original because they're saying
I hold it and this is proof positive. The only one that can get a birth
certificate is the one who can claim the account. You can't go get a birth
certificate for anyone else other than your underage child or yourself.
Once you get a certified copy out of the records you gotta take it to the
Secretary of State and get it authenticated in the birth state. Then you
gotta take it to the Secretary of State U.S. And get it authenticated. And
when they endorse that thing it's on their full faith and credit. Which
means they're going to give back everything you are entitled too.

Caller: Yeah they have to. Or they're not honoring the U.C.C.

Jack: They always honor the law. You're the one that's always screwing up.

Caller: That's no doubt. I've been in and out of jail enough times to know

Jack: There you go well stop being stupid and start being smart.

Caller: I try. I'm trying. I'm putting one hell of an effort.

Jack: Yeah, get out of your brain that they are doing it wrong. Cause if
you've got the mindset that they are doing it wrong.

Caller: They're not answering my questions. When I ask these people
questions they're not giving me straight answers. They're not doing it
wrong. I'm not thinking that they're criminals or anything like that. They
know what they are doing.

Jack: Understand the following. Isn't a democracy a military overthrow

Caller: It can be yes.

Jack: Not can be, it is!

Caller: Okay in this case yes it is. It doesn't have to be.

Jack: That's why the army manuals at the end of the 1800's and 1900's told
you a democracy was the worst of all forms of government.

Caller: Well yeah. They're insidious.

Jack: It's a military overthrow. You have not state, you have no state it's
gone. The United States is gone. It's a corporation for gain and profit
under the military. Didn't Eisenhower warn you about the military
industrial complex?

Caller: Yes.

Jack: Isn't every Hollywood movie coming out this year telling you the same
thing? The zombies, the dead people, the strawman are taking over world and
the living are dying?

Caller: And I thought that was just brain washing us.

Jack: They are telling you the truth. Open your ears.

Caller: Okay.

Jack: If it's a military government, what are the first two things that the
military government does? They stop telling you the truth and they take
away your money.

Caller: So this wouldn't matter if I had more than one name attached to that
social security number? It's immaterial. The social security account is
theirs because it's the trust in the pubic. You gave up all your rights for
some benefits. Hale vs. Henkel. You have no rights, go straight to jail do
not pass go. Do not ask the military what you have to do to escape the
military. They are not going to give you any advice.

Caller: No they don't. Nobody does. Except you guys.

Jack: If they open their mouth they are lying to you, not everything is a
lie, just enough so that with the little bit of truth they tell you, you
will not have any clue as to what's happening, why it's happening and why
they are doing what they are doing. And as far as money is concerned they
replace the money with military war script so that transact or follow every
transaction to see who it is under their military system which may be trying
to overthrow them as a military usurper. They are there for self protection
first so that they can protect you from yourself cause you're incompetent.

Caller: Pretty insidious.

Jack: That's what it's all about buddy. So why do you think that they
people that are lying to you and self sustaining themselves are going to
teach you what you need to know to escape being controlled?

Caller: I was kinda hoping they were like me, honorable, honest, hardworking
you know your typical American.

Jack: They are very honorable and they're here to protect you from yourself
because you don't even know who you are or what you're doing. You are a
member of the insane asylum. And they're not going to tell the inmates the
truth because it rials them up.

Caller: Well that sucks. I was kind of hoping these people would give me
the keys to the kingdom.

Jack: Oh really! So what book have you been reading that says that they
heirs of the kingdom are going to be taught by the serfs and slaves how to
remain in the heirs of the kingdom is that the book you've been reading?
Why would the serfs and slaves teach the masters how to be masters? You're
going to a school that are teaching slaves how to be slaves.

Caller: I'm gonna need some time to think about that so I can turn it around
on you but for right now you are right. No I'm just kidding.

Jack: There you go my friend. Time is short people have got to wake up.
They're living in such illusions these days that they're in a self destruct
mode. It's world war z came out this weekend didn't it? Movies? World War
Z, Z stands for zombie. What is a zombie? He's brain dead. If he's brain
dead is he living? No. But he's wandering around, he looks like he's
alive. I'd say that's the majority of the three hundred million inhabitants
of the corporate military society known as the United States. They wander
around looking like they're alive but they are brain dead, they don't even
know who they are. And the problem with World War Z is the zombies are
overtaking the living people. Call the zombies, the debtors, call em, the
straw man. And the straw man mental capacity of people is outweighing the
mindset of the people that believe that they are not the strawman. They're
not the zombies they still have unalienable rights. And they are the
masters of they're own universe. But, if they've given away they're birth
certificate estate and they're not executors. They're not masters, they're
zombie slaves. And the problem is that the world is being taken over by the
zombie slaves faster than we have anyone acting like a living man or woman.
So we're under emergency mode. What part of Hollywood is not telling you
the truth?