View Full Version : Anybody been Burned by a Citibank Visa Card ?

7th July 2013, 05:01 PM
I was thinking about applying for one.

Interest free for 18 months.

I've had one before, I just paid it off, it was interest free, a Chase Visa. It even performed as advertised !

I'm sort of shocked - that they didn't 'stick' me.

Anyway, just looking for feedback on the Citibank Visa.

I gather they suck your blood/ wallet dry if you make a mistake. No late payments, etc.

General of Darkness
7th July 2013, 05:03 PM
Read the fine print, if you're a second late on the payment the interest goes to like something insane.

7th July 2013, 05:30 PM
Read the fine print, if you're a second late on the payment the interest goes to like something insane.

i was late once on the Chase Freedom Visa, by a day. it was during the interest free period. they started out to bill me for a $25 service fee.

i went into the branch and said, "what's up with this shit ?" :) except i said it nicer.

they waived the fee.

with that card i got a $100 credit for signing up.

i couldn't get a straight answer from Citibank Visa about what would happen after i pay off the first charge, and then stop using the card.

so i asked, what is the fee for cancelling ? they said there is no fee for cancelling. maybe i should get that in writing.

once i had a BofA Visa and they charged me $30 for not using the card. i cancelled it, i believe by sending certified mail to the President's email address.

just saying that reminds me what a pain in the ass some credit cards are.

perhaps this is an example of temptation ?

7th July 2013, 05:45 PM
Shitty bank are evil,but we all know that

Silver Rocket Bitches!
7th July 2013, 07:14 PM
Fuck these banks. I refuse to be their customer no matter how much free shit they try to throw my way.

8th July 2013, 09:24 AM
10-15 years ago I got into dancing the "teaser rate tango" - AKA being a "deadbeat" :D You can only do it through 2-3 cards then djooz flag you as a playuh, and the offers stop coming. :(

With Credit Cards, Being a Deadbeat is a Good Thing (http://credit.about.com/od/usingcreditcards/a/deadbeatcredit.htm)
credit.about.com/od/usingcreditcards/a/deadbeatcredit.htm - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://s5-us4.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=4e43554f5a42746457564259566b7443586e34336 631413245684d41526c4531564442675031316654467065537 74e5a466c512f4b6e6f684e6934774c54554a4731304148683 477456c70444378496d50525938457751575541522b4168424 a4a7755515643554f4254302f4e6741714a51456b5031416c4 47768744f78773545796430656c3147546c414943484e4c4d6 752564530424749415175586c494346304e534178306855415 9484952357049423036534459665479645752554937626c306 14631347a4f567465487849694678306952774557635634684 377306547697871507a4d6b486b462f416745744f474a36495 26b4d6552385159456c6154447443434835574845343156777 0474d5142505744515252575552596c4174576955695767517 a42533461437a455a516c6b4e47786c4b57567751436941765 853594b426949714d315643513177484e313852645155724f4 3346a57456f574543784d445678566545686d5546677a66775 1415a4834464a42465642516f4f57304147427a6c6b&epile=4q6n41784q7n41334q4467784r6p38324q5335725n58 6o3q&edata=ee32d86a51554a3bc9fcf79798cd3ec9) - Highlight (https://s5-us4.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=credit+card+deadbeat+good+customer&rl=NONE&rid=OHLNRNNKKOMS&hlq=https://s5-us4.startpage.com/do/search&mtlanguage=english&mtpl=ff&mtcat=web&u=http:%2F%2Fcredit.about.com%2Fod%2Fusingcreditca rds%2Fa%2Fdeadbeatcredit.htm)
The credit card industry labels people who pay their credit card balances in full each month - deadbeats. This is one case where being a deadbeat is a good ...

Priceless: Do Credit Card “Deadbeats” Get a Free Ride? (http://priceless-the-book.blogspot.com/2009/05/do-credit-card-deadbeats-get-free-ride.html)
priceless-the-book.blogspot.com/ 2009/ 05/ do-credit-card-deadbeats-get-free-ride.html - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://s5-us4.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=4e43554f5a42746457564259566b7443586e34336 631413245684d41526c4531564442675031316654467065537 74e5a466c512f4b6e6f684e6934774c54554a4731304148683 477456c70444378496d50525938457751575541522b4168424 a4a7755515643554f4254302f4e6741714a51456b5031416c4 47768744f78773545796430656c3147546c414943484e4c4d6 752564530424749415175586c494346304e534178306855415 9484952357049423036534459665479645752554937626c306 14631347a4f567465487849694678306952774557635634684 377306547697871507a4d6b486b462f416745744f474a36495 26b4d65523851594670615144784f454456454451773053304 549504149464156776354533945563155785232556d5668747 a55774663574742534178687547576f4f54696779415767745 379454c44694a6b496c46555467564e4f6b6f594d5255754c5 36c764168384157533447444134634f6867304445453550517 05a4a6a685849774d424151746357784949416d45334a77746 955554d484146703655475a776556646544517059527851544 6673072&epile=4q6n41784q7n41334q4467784r6p38324q5335725n58 6o3q&edata=0cc8aba8006d27fcfd1b146aad514f2c) - Highlight (https://s5-us4.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=credit+card+deadbeat+good+customer&rl=NONE&rid=OHLNRNNKKOMS&hlq=https://s5-us4.startpage.com/do/search&mtlanguage=english&mtpl=ff&mtcat=web&u=http:%2F%2Fpriceless-the-book.blogspot.com%2F2009%2F05%2Fdo-credit-card-deadbeats-get-free-ride.html)
19 May 2009 ... In credit card industry parlance, a "deadbeat" is a customer who pays ... an additional 1 percent rebate on purchases, good for paying my home ...

Don't Be a Revolver; Be a Deadbeat! | Consumer Jungle (http://consumerjungle.org/jungle-talk/dont-be-a-revolver-be-a-deadbeat)
www.consumerjungle.org/jungle-talk/dont-be-a-revolver-be-a- (http://www.consumerjungle.org/jungle-talk/dont-be-a-revolver-be-a-)deadbeat - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://s5-us4.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=4e43554f5a42746457564259566b7443586e34336 631413245684d41526c4531564442675031316654467065537 74e5a466c512f4b6e6f684e6934774c54554a4731304148683 477456c70444378496d50525938457751575541522b4168424 a4a7755515643554f4254302f4e6741714a51456b5031416c4 47768744f78773545796430656c3147546c414943484e4c4d6 752564530424749415175586c494346304e534178306855415 9484952357049423036534459665479645752554937626c306 14631347a4f567465487849694678306952774557635634684 377306547697871507a4d6b486b462f416745744f474a36495 26b4d6552385159456c4852797865455456464646517552456 841634149594456644d5a797057536b4979566d597857426f3 95248556f444438465567644b54484a4b5552777a47436f695 4794564536a51736246454c546b31494f306b5a4d6752704c4 4346a4552744a5253784e555678544c525178583164674b674 d444e436b486430525357466862586b5948556d68684a6c303 d&epile=4q6n41784q7n41334q4467784r6p38324q5335725n58 6o3q&edata=1404a8dc7d9f8ca73c71443212bff629) - Highlight (https://s5-us4.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=credit+card+deadbeat+good+customer&rl=NONE&rid=OHLNRNNKKOMS&hlq=https://s5-us4.startpage.com/do/search&mtlanguage=english&mtpl=ff&mtcat=web&u=http:%2F%2Fconsumerjungle.org%2Fjungle-talk%2Fdont-be-a-revolver-be-a-deadbeat)
15 Nov 2012 ... This is a way the credit card companies can make more money off their customers. A “deadbeat” is someone who pays their balance in full ...

8th July 2013, 10:53 AM
I carry a $2000.00 or so balance (just for kicks and giggles)... been paying 0 percent since 2009. Flipping the amount from BofA, AmEx, Discover. Don't have a Citi-bank card.

8th July 2013, 11:12 AM
I carry a $2000.00 or so balance (just for kicks and giggles)... been paying 0 percent since 2009. Flipping the amount from BofA, AmEx, Discover. Don't have a Citi-bank card.

i thought they charge for account transfers.

8th July 2013, 11:31 AM
i thought they charge for account transfers.

There is like a 2 percent transfer fee... (40 dollars for 2000) and no annual fees. I just pay the minimums and could pay it off anytime... It is good for your credit rating too.