View Full Version : STGReport responds to the government propaganda against him

7th July 2013, 11:41 PM
A few days a ago someone posted a thread that was very professionally done which attempted, albiet unsuccessfully, to make Stgreport look like they are hypocrites. Here is the response


If TPTB went throguh that much trouble to to make him out like a hypocrite and a "bad guy" you KNOW it's worth your time


Shout it from the rooftops

7th July 2013, 11:57 PM
I was about to post it myself:



Original post:

7th July 2013, 11:58 PM
Thanks Streetsofgold ,this clears things up.

We are in the fight of our lives at the moment and maybe of all time,

the banks/cabal , with the help of the ptb , against us the people.

good verse evil ,dark against light ,what ever you wish to call it we must do something..........................

8th July 2013, 12:01 AM
Honestly I don't think TPTB were the one who "exposed" Sean. The truth of the matter is there's a LOT of hate in the alternative media. Almost everyone is jealous of another and will put knives into anothers' backs. I'm guilty of it myself at times. I think this is because they know they can take each other down, but can't take TPTB down, so it gives them a sense of accomplishment.

8th July 2013, 12:04 AM
We have too ALL stand together because we all know who the enemy is and if we self destruct by fighting amongst ourselves then it just makes it easier for them .

They are hell bent on destroying us one way or the other.

8th July 2013, 12:16 AM
We have too ALL stand together because we all know who the enemy is and if we self destruct by fighting amongst ourselves then it just makes it easier for them .

They are hell bent on destroying us one way or the other.

yes when we start arguing about who is waging the most righteous fight then we have lost.

8th July 2013, 12:50 AM
here is something from sgt

Every picture you take is secretly encoded with your GPS location

by J. D. Heyes, Natural News (http://www.naturalnews.com/041068_metadata_internet_privacy_camera_phones.htm l):
If there is one thing you need to remember at all times in the Electronic Age, it is that privacy no longer exists. Every electronic device, every electronic communication, every electronic anything betrays your sense of privacy in every imaginable way, and that is also true of a seemingly innocuous item – the photo.
If taken with a smartphone – as many photos these days certainly are – then the government, as well as ordinary folk (including those who mean you harm) can use metadata embedded in that photo you just tweeted or posted on Facebook to find out your exact coordinates. That includes where you live, if that’s where you sent or posted the photo from, according to a new investigative report by McClatchy Newspapers:
The GPS location information embedded in a digital photo is an example of so-called metadata, a once-obscure technical term that’s become one of Washington’s hottest new buzzwords.


8th July 2013, 01:16 AM
Schaef (one of SGT's main critics) responds @6:20:


Twisted Titan
8th July 2013, 03:30 AM

8th July 2013, 05:08 AM
i've never hear of this person.

8th July 2013, 05:40 AM
This is why I warned not to jump to conclusions. The character assassination by the UNKNOWN clown who investigated SGT was a definite hit piece. Why? Who knows?

Now this last video looking for a face of Sean on his videos... why? Who cares! Annonymity is a nice thing when you need to work a job among lost Obamabots. What attack someone who speaks good words? That "RawDog" character is a rabid dog looking for meaty bones to chew on.

Some people are trying to teach others what they know and it is just that simple. No wild conspiracy. No effort to steal your wealth. And the response of some to those honorable words is to stone them. I won't shoot a fellow soldier in the back.

Twisted Titan
8th July 2013, 06:50 AM
And whats the moral of the story guys and gals?

Always strive to be a leader

If you are a follower its Only a matter of time before you are let down.

8th July 2013, 07:02 AM
SGT was heavily promoting Bix Weir and his fantasies about Sarah Palin and Ron Paul. He also worked hand in hand with Chris Duane telling his followers that those ugly rounds would be worth at least twice their spot value due to numismatic value.

I think he is either stupid or dishonest.

8th July 2013, 07:09 AM
SGT was heavily promoting Bix Weir and his fantasies about Sarah Palin and Ron Paul. He also worked hand in hand with Chris Duane telling his followers that those ugly rounds would be worth at least twice their spot value due to numismatic value.

I think he is either stupid or dishonest.

How many people here thought silver would go to $60 as it approached $40? I will raise my hand. I really thought it would keep going... but it reversed. Do I think it will go to $150? Yeup... I do. But it will take the destruction of the currencies.

Am I stupid? Maybe I am. I surely am ignorant of many things. Who here knows everything? Does your ignorance make you stupid or does that make unwise choices in light of available information?

8th July 2013, 07:24 AM
How many people here thought silver would go to $60 as it approached $40? I will raise my hand. I really thought it would keep going... but it reversed. Do I think it will go to $150? Yeup... I do. But it will take the destruction of the currencies.

Am I stupid? Maybe I am. I surely am ignorant of many things. Who here know everything? Does your ignorance make you stupid or is that you make unwise choices inlight of availabel information?

Did you believe those rounds of Chris Duane's would be worth at least twice the spot value? Did you believe Bix Weir's assertions that Sarah Palin would endorse Ron Paul and he would magically win the election?

I did not say anyone was stupid for buying silver.

8th July 2013, 07:33 AM
Did you believe those rounds of Chris Duane's would be worth at least twice the spot value? Did you believe Bix Weir's assertions that Sarah Palin would endorse Ron Paul and he would magically win the election?

I did not say anyone was stupid for buying silver.

I did not follow them.... or him. I listen and read and will look for patterns of wise assertions over time. Those never came up on my radar. So... no... I did not believe or even know about those assertions.

I just log away the predictions of people and when they are consistently wrong, I begin to disregard them. No big deal.