View Full Version : White Race Suicide - Dr. William Pierce

8th July 2013, 05:41 AM

8th July 2013, 11:43 AM
please provide a brief synopsis...

8th July 2013, 11:53 AM
please provide a brief synopsis...

Basically, white people are better than anyone else, and we need to wage a race war against everyone else to save ourselves.

It's propaganda BS. TPTB are trying to get a race war going so they can sit back and reap the benefits from it, while we kill each other off.

We don't need to make it easier for them.

8th July 2013, 12:11 PM
down here in NM, hispanics generally regard caucasians as "white trash"...

in my view there is no superior race, races' positive/negative traits complete one another... we are all part of a social puzzle... it is sad to see that each race thinks of itself as a "victim of another one", this mindset is the result corrupt economics mainly.

8th July 2013, 12:19 PM
it is sad to see that each race thinks of itself as a "victim of another one",.

This in itself, is hypocrisy. As a white man, how can I claim I'm superior over black men....yet, at the same time cry that I'm a victim too?

If you are a victim, you are not superior, you are inferior. This is the pit a lot of black folks fall into. They claim whites are holding them down, then cry they are victims, then what do 'victims' deserve? Entitlements.

Too many victims in this world, imo.

8th July 2013, 12:20 PM
I was at Hangar 24 this weekend. A great group of white folks (some hispanics) having fun drinking beer, listening to live music. I saw the Hard workers and tax payers of America there. A hearty group, Caucasions, educated, well spoken. The best mix of humanity in the world. They are more evolved, strongly gentle, more refined than the hot-headed semite or the beastly african.

Their evolution is their downfall, they trust their leadership, their world being destroyed by zio agenda who have satan as their god. Mixing the races, pushing sensuality, narcotics, etc. on the gentiles.

This modern Greco-Roman world was developed & built by Caucasians. Philosophy, Mathematics, Aesthetics, Engineering, Architecture, Medicine, Education, etc.

One of my friends went up to Lake Tahoe this past week, he said they saw no blacks there until Saturday night at the casino, every black man had a white woman on his arm. Every one of them.

This particular friend of mine is finally waKING UP!

7th trump
8th July 2013, 12:57 PM
down here in NM, hispanics generally regard caucasians as "white trash"...

in my view there is no superior race, races' positive/negative traits complete one another... we are all part of a social puzzle... it is sad to see that each race thinks of itself as a "victim of another one", this mindset is the result corrupt economics mainly.

No not really Singular. Caucasians are different in just about all aspects from all the other races except in color from white asians. They are superior!
All races (colors) were created by God. God rested and afterwards formed and breathed life into the caucasian as that was the race that Christ would come through.
It is a race the world was to admire and show the world Christianity.

No other race has had the blessings as the caucasian has/had that has changed the landscape of the earth. Nor has any other race had the curse's as the white caucasian........these are just some of the identifiers as to who we are.
All the darker colored races, as time passes, are resorting backwards as satan's influence gains.
Africans in general are not scientists, engineers, nor are they easily turned from their selfish ways.
They all seems to like bling bling and resort back to tribal mentality.

8th July 2013, 01:33 PM
Their evolution is their downfall, they trust their leadership, their world being destroyed by zio agenda who have satan as their god. Mixing the races...

Exhibit A:

This in itself, is hypocrisy. As a white man, how can I...


8th July 2013, 02:17 PM
TPTB are trying to get a race war going so they can sit back and reap the benefits from it, while we kill each other off.

We don't need to make it easier for them.

So, in your opinion, the races just naturally get along with each other?

And what team is "we"?

8th July 2013, 02:33 PM
So, in your opinion, the races just naturally get along with each other?

And what team is "we"?

Good question.

I do think decent people, regardless of race, can naturally get along. But, I grew up in a diverse environment where I had friends of different races. I've worked in diverse environments too. Police academy comes to mind. We had blacks, Asians, Mexicans, whites, both men and women, working together just to pass all rigorous tests. There was a lot of camaraderie there.

I think a lot of racial tensions are pushed by the media. Look at the Zimmerman trial as an example. I think TPTB want people divided. Race is the easiest way to do that. Divide and conquer. When we focus on fighting each other, they get richer and more powerful.

It's just my opinion.

8th July 2013, 02:34 PM
And what team is "we"?


8th July 2013, 03:22 PM
This in itself, is hypocrisy. As a white man, how can I claim I'm superior over black men....yet, at the same time cry that I'm a victim too?

If you are a victim, you are not superior, you are inferior. This is the pit a lot of black folks fall into. They claim whites are holding them down, then cry they are victims, then what do 'victims' deserve? Entitlements.

Too many victims in this world, imo.

Here's more evidence:


Posted this before. Basically it's how a nation (Haiti) was run by White people and it was fine. Then it was given to Blacks and run into the ground. Whites came back and fixed things, and then gave to back to Blacks. Turned to shit again. Repeat. Same results. Repeat. Same results.

8th July 2013, 04:08 PM
Colin Flaherty is the author of #1 Amazon Best Selling Book: White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it. He is an award winning journalist whose work has been published in over 1000 news sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and others. He is a frequent guest in local and national media talking about racial violence. Thomas Sowell said ”Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities.” – National Review.


9th July 2013, 02:45 PM
down here in NM, hispanics generally regard caucasians as "white trash"...

in my view there is no superior race, races' positive/negative traits complete one another... we are all part of a social puzzle... it is sad to see that each race thinks of itself as a "victim of another one", this mindset is the result corrupt economics mainly.

correction (see bold): complement

9th July 2013, 02:52 PM
I meant that races complements each other...

take a human of each race and raise him within the SAME cultural parameters... and they will all get along fine... yes, one or two of them could appear smarter but race will not be blame for that. Racism is above all about $$. Right, it was a good thing to view Africans as savages to convince white masses that plunder and genocide was an ethical solution. Inducing superiority (while being worse than colonized savages) under those circumstances is a total hypocrisy.

okay now lets imagine: a white new yorker lost in the Amazonian jungle. I trust he will be very happy to come across a tribe that will rescue and teach him survivalist skills. Well, they could devour him as an evening meal too. :)

Intelligence also depends on the environment... IQ alone doesn't make it.

as a matter of fact, every race has genocided another one, several times, at some point... if the number of killings is the parameter of intelligence, I'd gladly bow out and embrace the no-man's land. I do not want to be associated with that mindset.

No not really Singular. Caucasians are different in just about all aspects from all the other races except in color from white asians. They are superior!
All races (colors) were created by God. God rested and afterwards formed and breathed life into the caucasian as that was the race that Christ would come through.
It is a race the world was to admire and show the world Christianity.

No other race has had the blessings as the caucasian has/had that has changed the landscape of the earth. Nor has any other race had the curse's as the white caucasian........these are just some of the identifiers as to who we are.
All the darker colored races, as time passes, are resorting backwards as satan's influence gains.
Africans in general are not scientists, engineers, nor are they easily turned from their selfish ways.
They all seems to like bling bling and resort back to tribal mentality.

9th July 2013, 03:02 PM
There is but one race ....humans .......

not counting the rat race of course

9th July 2013, 03:19 PM
No shock, the OP video was censored. Here it is again.


10th July 2013, 11:45 AM
Caucasians are different in just about all aspects from all the other races except in color from white asians. They are superior!

I suppose we should take your word for this or do you have anything in the form of evidence to back this statement up?

10th July 2013, 01:58 PM
please provide a brief synopsis...

Is it somewhere else other than Joo-tube?

7th trump
10th July 2013, 04:41 PM
I suppose we should take your word for this or do you have anything in the form of evidence to back this statement up?

Yeah...............read the Bible, particularly the book of Genesis.
You know..........the same Bible you used as authority in another thread.
The white Caucasians are Gods chosen. Its the same race Christ was coming through and hence why the Caucasian race.

And if that doesn't help get a copy of the manuscripts through Greens.
You can order a copy of the original manuscripts at http://www.shepherdschapel.com/index.htm

10th July 2013, 04:47 PM
Is it somewhere else other than Joo-tube?

actually I watched it yesterday... first there are racial clichés, one after another, that made me want to question the "mental age" of the speaker... then of course it was all about the zionists. Unfortunately if topic has to be about Zionism, I have seen many docs that have done a MUCH better job than this one... also the speaker seems to say that the white have been "conned"... his entire argument it seems, in this video, is based on "victimization" ... every race is playing this game, yawnnnn... waste of time.

Showing black savages is fine with me as it is reality... but how do we call dropping an atomic bomb on whatever country? ROFLOL... if masses applaud the idea, then they are as bad as our mason-zionist PTB.

If the white race is committing suicide: are whites behaving like sheep... how intelligent is this? What superiority? :) At some point, we all have to take responsibility for what it **IS** by acknowledging: yes, I was stupid, gullible, naïve, etc... and I want to stop the insanity and blame game now.

PS: my maiden name is "german" by the way. My father was an Alsatian.

10th July 2013, 04:50 PM
read the Bible, particularly the book of Genesis

Have perused your source and cannot uncover the word 'caucasian' anywhere. Could you help me out a little here?

10th July 2013, 05:17 PM
If the white race is committing suicide: are whites behaving like sheep... how intelligent is this? What superiority?

Either of your parents white Goldy?
