View Full Version : Rusia and China vs US.....the winner will be?........by me........ V

8th July 2013, 10:20 AM
As far as I can see the only thing that the US has in their favor are weapons and not courage the same as the state of Israel does, we keep "liberating" smaller countries unde the orders of the Zionist......but......for how long will the world keep on accepting this?........what would the US do if China or Russia started doing the same thing?.......I have seen the way the South Korea trains its troops and it is not pretty so that the same thing is being done by North Korea and China.

I would be very alert about those containers coming in from China with plastic goods because those goods could be Chinese troops......and all that they would have to do is to open a front where the Russian troops could come in, I already know where and how.

We also have to many bases overseas in to many countries, what will happen to the US troops after they send off the few missiles that they have at hand?.......could they really defeat a wave of Chinese and Russian troops?.....will the US use nukes right here in the US to "protect" the American people against foreign invaders?.....that would make us a double victim..........make as well joing the invaders in order to save the lives of our loves ones.

We know that the US will NEVER be once again what they were fifty years ago and that it will take us GENERATIONS to be what we were therty five or forty years ago......meanwhile other countries would be heading generations ahead of us... why do I say this?..........simple.......EDUCATION, we no longer have schools (but for the power to be) and all that we now have are holding cells, that was the orignal reasons for school to start with, check your history.

They are taking away our shools, food, water and also telling us how many kids we can have... those who are supposed to "protect" us are actually killing us and now they have more power than ever thanks to our ILLEGAL president who is not even an American citizen.

Where the power to be were supposed the serve the people thay are now serving the bankers and where the laws in the books were protecting the people they are now commanding the people.....all that I can do now is to protect my "private property" against the invaders.....american invaders that is......I know that I will loose but at least I am not just sitting down waiting for every thing to become normal once again.......it will never be


OK, OK start raising hell with me.......by reading I am learning.......and so should you.

8th July 2013, 10:31 AM
Ponce- how long do you think you will be alive and walking this planet?

8th July 2013, 11:35 AM
Not long and happy I am, is not a matter of when I will die but rather........how I will die.........I can die like a rat, as many here are doing right now........or I can die like the big mouth Ponce hahahahahhahhahahaha.

Actually I wanted to live to be 132 years old to be able to see the changes that there will be in the future....but.... I have seen it and they is not worth my time to see them alive.


8th July 2013, 12:05 PM
Well... when people start talking about changes and event 20 years into the future, I think to myself, there ain't no way they will ever see them. I don't expect to live another 5 years.... more likely 3 unless I am cut short. I don't think any of my family or friends will be around in 4 years. I think the whole game is up soon.

But even if I am wrong, just what will our world look like given the current pollution? This world has been ruined for human life.

8th July 2013, 04:08 PM
But even if I am wrong, just what will our world look like given the current pollution? This world has been ruined for human life.

So very true.