View Full Version : Snowden reveals Australia's links to US spy web

8th July 2013, 03:19 PM
http://www.theage.com.au/world/snowd...708-2plyg.html (http://www.theage.com.au/world/snowden-reveals-australias-links-to-us-spy-web-20130708-2plyg.html)


United States intelligence leaker Edward Snowden has provided his first disclosure of Australian involvement in US global surveillance, identifying four facilities in the country that contribute to a key American intelligence collection program.

Classified US National Security Agency maps leaked by Mr Snowden and published by US journalist Glenn Greenwald in the Brazilian O Globo newspaper reveal the locations of dozens of US and allied signals intelligence collection sites that contribute to interception of telecommunications and internet traffic worldwide.

The US Australian Joint Defence Facility at Pine Gap near Alice Springs and three Australian Signals Directorate facilities: the Shoal Bay Receiving Station near Darwin, the Australian Defence Satellite Communications Facility at Geraldton and the naval communications station HMAS Harman outside Canberra are among contributors to the NSA's collection program codenamed X-Keyscore.


The New Zealand Government Security Communications Bureau facility at Waihopai near Blenheim also contributes to the program.

X-Keyscore reportedly processes all signals before they are shunted off to various "production lines" that deal with specific issues and the exploitation of different data types for analysis - variously code-named Nucleon (voice), Pinwale (video), Mainway (call records) and Marina (internet records). US intelligence expert William Arkin describes X-Keyscore as a “national Intelligence collection mission system”.

Worldwide web

The documents published by O Globo show that US and allied signals intelligence collection facilities are distributed worldwide, located at US and allied military and other facilities as well as US embassies and consulates.

Fairfax Media recently reported the construction of a new state-of-the-art data storage facility at HMAS Harman to support the Australian signals directorate and other Australian intelligence agencies.

In an interview published in the German Der Spiegel magazine on Sunday, Mr Snowden said the NSA operates broad secret intelligence partnerships with other western governments, some of which are now complaining about its programs.

Mr Snowden said that the other partners in the "Five Eyes" intelligence alliance of the US, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand “sometimes go even further than the [National Security Agency] people themselves.”

He highlighted the British Government Communications Headquarters “Tempora” program as an example:

“Tempora is the first 'I save everything' approach ('full take') in the intelligence world. It sucks in all data, no matter what it is, and which rights are violated by it. ... Right now, the system is capable of saving three days' worth of traffic, but that will be optimised. Three days may perhaps not sound like a lot, but it's not just about connection metadata. 'Full take' means that the system saves everything. If you send a data packet and if makes its way through the UK, we will get it. If you download anything, and the server is in the UK, then we get it.”

Mr Snowden also argued that the “Five eyes” partnerships are organised so that authorities in each country can "insulate their political leaders from the backlash" when it became public "how grievously they're violating global privacy".

The Der Spiegel interview was conducted by US cryptography expert Jacob Appelbaum and documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras via encrypted emails shortly before Mr Snowden revealed himself publicly as the source of leaks of highly classified information on US signals intelligence and surveillance programs.

Another US NSA whistle-blower William Binney also recently disclosed that Australia was involved in the trial of an earlier US-designed Internet traffic interception and analysis program codenamed "ThinThread".

Other countries involved in the trials were the UK, Australia and Germany a decade ago. ThinThread was not adopted but Australia has also been directly involved with later collection programs codenamed "Trailblazer", "Turbulence" and "Trafficthief".


The US government has charged Mr Snowden with offences including espionage and revoked his passport.

He has been stranded at a Moscow airport for two weeks after leaving Hong Kong where the US Government has sought his extradition.

Three Latin American countries, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua, have now offered Mr Snowden political asylum after European Governments last week denied their airspace to a plane carrying the Bolivian president Evo Morales home from a conference in Moscow after the US State Department alleged that the former US intelligence contractor was on board.

Russian officials have publicly urged Mr Snowden to take up Venezuela's asylum offer. Venezuelan Foreign Minister Elias Jaua said on Sunday that his government had not yet been in contact with Mr Snowden.

Mr Jaua said he expected to consult on Monday with Russian officials. Mr Snowden is being assisted by the anti-secrecy organisation, WikiLeaks.

8th July 2013, 04:22 PM
So do you figure this out before you figure it out or after you have figured it or found out?

There is no way for you to escape if you connect to the Internet.

You know when you defrag your hard drive if ever.

It reads all your data.

Microsoft knows where all it's bootleg windows programs are and who is using them and everything.

During WW2...London had all the German codes cracked but has to throw soldiers away to fool the Germans into thinking they were winning to keep it a secret.

If you wish to have privacy...run from civilization into the wilderness.

Otherwise you are not hiding from your master...the days of hiding in plain sight are over.

The instant you connected to the Internet whenever that was...It was checkmate.

You all are ignorant of the computers you are using.

Satan gave them to you to play with.

You all are enslaved to them like you are enslaved to the banks and everything else you are enslaved to.

8th July 2013, 04:44 PM
So do you figure this out before you figure it out or after you have figured it or found out?

There is no way for you to escape if you connect to the Internet.

You know when you defrag your hard drive if ever.

It reads all your data.

Microsoft knows where all it's bootleg windows programs are and who is using them and everything.

During WW2...London had all the German codes cracked but has to throw soldiers away to fool the Germans into thinking they were winning to keep it a secret.

If you wish to have privacy...run from civilization into the wilderness.

Otherwise you are not hiding from your master...the days of hiding in plain sight are over.

The instant you connected to the Internet whenever that was...It was checkmate.

You all are ignorant of the computers you are using.

Satan gave them to you to play with.

You all are enslaved to them like you are enslaved to the banks and everything else you are enslaved to.

You = us!!

So, we are all enslaved morons, we already know that dipshit, such is the world we live in and that includes YOU! I usually parse your drivel and move on but your brand of BULLSHIT has gotten really, really old. Get off your high horse that's stuck in the mud and interact normally. I know that's impossible though because of the fiction that you are and you are incapable of anything that resembles a real human being.

8th July 2013, 04:47 PM
Bots are hard to change ways.

8th July 2013, 05:11 PM
Holt was murdered, because he was opposed to American bases such as Pine Gap being built on Australian soil


8th July 2013, 08:24 PM
I was reading some interesting bits and pieces recently about the background of the founding of the state of Western Australia and how it was different to many of the other colonies in Australia. WA is basically a Free state and was founded by freemen and not convicts, although there were convicts here. I found this information when I did a search on Western Australia Day.

Serpo, you would know that Aussies appreciate their public holidays and over here in the West we used to have one called Foundation Day. The foundation of the Western Australian state. Just recently this was changed to WA Day, without any major fan fare. I thought that curious.

To get to the point. As aprt of that I also came across some information about Harrold Hold. For everone else, Harrold Holt is our JFK of sorts. Whether he was even assassinated is up for debate.

Turns out he was the Prime Minister to oversee the move away from lawful money to fiat money. There was a huge debate about this and specifically what this new money should be called and if it should be decimalised. Holt advocated for the new money to be called the "Royal". After much debate and who knows what else, Holt caved in and the currency became the "Dollar" and not the Royal. Holt disappeared shortly after the bill passed through parliament.

Interesting angle...... same angle as JFK with his silver backed currency.

9th July 2013, 12:35 PM
And little by little all countries will turn against each other........I say that he is a plant.