View Full Version : The Joo Haters Are Closet MUSLIMS- Right HERE

8th July 2013, 04:42 PM
Ever wonder why the Joos are blamed for everything by certain people? Ever wonder how it did not matter what the thread topic was, that sooner rather than later, one of these darlings would project pictures of some fine heimies and declare the world unsafe because of joos? Their ploy is to use truths about globalists and banksters while sliding in a pernicious mindset: all Jews are devils and all Christians are deceived.

I bet you may have even been caught up in their spell of associating the zionist global elite with all Jews and christianity. There are many false christian leaders- no doubt. And there are many wicked jews setting up debilitating sin traps for all the goyem. Certainly true.

But what if these fine trolls are demon spawn hucksters who would NEVER say a bad thing about Islam? What if a child could be raped and sliced open because a moslem man was doing his Mohammaden duty with that child, yet these trolls would never speak against such heinous acts?

Would you get a clue? Would you see these devil minions for what they are?

8th July 2013, 04:50 PM
Jews spammed Islam and the angry mooselems due to MSM in their world. I think the Jews are behind all organized crime/wars.

8th July 2013, 05:09 PM
Jews spammed Islam and the angry mooselems

I have no idea what that means.

due to MSM in their world. I think the Jews are behind all organized crime/wars.

What Jews started the Revolutionary War? How about the Zulu wars? And the Amazonian tribal wars?

So the Jews control the Italian mafia? You wanna wear cement shows? They won't like having to share their cut with the Joos.

Let's understand one thing. The devil is the usurper of authority in this world, gaining it from the concent of men. The devil uses all vises and infiltrates any possible institution to destroy man. Those who comply become minions of the devil. It is not the Jews that are behind all evil, but the devil.

General of Darkness
8th July 2013, 05:12 PM
Spectrism. Are those your words

midnight rambler
8th July 2013, 05:15 PM
All that hate is going to eat you up inside (if it hasn't already).

8th July 2013, 05:16 PM
evil mooslims spawned from jooz... the people of the book.

...two wongs don't make a white

8th July 2013, 05:20 PM
I think this begs a question.
Is a jew the mindset or the blood of the mother?
Is a Zionist in the blood or in the action due to the mindset?
And Tay Sachs for European Jews but not for Zionists...what's up with that?:rolleyes:

General of Darkness
8th July 2013, 05:44 PM
I think there are jews and there are zionists. I think both are fucking scum except for a few "honest" jews, i.e. Bobby Fischer. I will say the same for the crypto jews like our politicians. In a nutshell they are a mafia organization that are soulless. Look the Khazars converted to judism just to avoid war, they have no honor, they are demons wrapped around the appearance of a human body. These are my WORDS and anyone that thinks differently is either with them, fucking retarded or in denial.

8th July 2013, 06:01 PM
There are many false christian leaders- no doubt. And there are many wicked jews setting up debilitating sin traps for all the goyim. Certainly true.

Wicked Pat Robertson - Israel's Zio-Stooge

Wicked John Hagee - Israel's Zio-Stooge

Besides Zio-Christians Robertson and Hagee...please name all those other "many" false Zio-Christian leaders so we can shun them.

:D Great thread Spectrism! Please also name all those "many" wicked jews that are setting up debilitating sin traps for all us goyim!

8th July 2013, 06:04 PM
There are very bad people in all cultures...what sets the Jews/Zionists apart, is their disproportionate positions in high power...their affect in our lives and of the world.
...and not all Jews are bad people...but there sure are a lot of bad people that are Jews!

I don't waste any energy outing Muslims...they are no way near the threat of the Zionist Jews.

General of Darkness
8th July 2013, 06:18 PM
I don't waste any energy outing Muslims...they are no way near the threat of the Zionist Jews.

You can't give the muslims a pass. In Oslo alone they're the cause of 100% of the rapes etc. The jew as we've seen the video, promote this. What people need to understand is that they hate the white race, even though they might have blue eyes and blonde hair they are jews to the core, and their allegiance is to their fellow jews regardless of the suffering they push. I think their weak link is that there will be another pogrom and that might be the last because this planet has become very small, and I don't think it can survive with jew/zionist ideology. They alone destroyed the last century, especially in white countries.

8th July 2013, 06:22 PM
What Jews started the Revolutionary War? How about the Zulu wars? And the Amazonian tribal wars?

So the Jews control the Italian mafia? You wanna wear cement shows? They won't like having to share their cut with the Joos.

> What Jews started the Revolutionary War?

the power behind the throne, the English Jew banksters and their figurehead King George, together poured aggravations onto the colonists which resulted in the War.

as far as those other things - it's not our job to educate you about history.

the Zulu wars ? you mean, like, Vimeo vs. Youtube vs. Zulu ?

8th July 2013, 06:30 PM
Bash Jews. Bash muslims, blacks, Mexicans...what's left? Oh yes, white guys. Wait, that's us. Got it.

We forgot Asians though. We need a thread about them.

8th July 2013, 06:42 PM
Driller? the Jews gave money to both sides in the revolucionary war to be on the winning side as they did by giving money to Herr Hitler in 1923....in this case the gun backfired.


8th July 2013, 06:42 PM
In Oslo alone they're the cause of 100% of the rapes etc.

the primary reasons Muslims are in Oslo is because the Israeli Jews turned the Mid-East into a living hell.

of course, the English were part of that, via the Balfour Declaration. and the US is also to blame, for the Mid-East being a living Hell, that encourages Muslims to emigrate if they simply want to live somewhere peaceful.

if you were a Muslim in the Middle East, you would have the same incentive to emigrate to a semi-peaceful country, like Norway or Sweden or Finland or Australia or the US. if you had a family, that incentive would be that much greater.

8th July 2013, 06:43 PM
Would you see these devil minions for what they are?


8th July 2013, 06:45 PM
I bet spectrism believes the official 9/11 narrative.

Btw.. Mohammed (pbuh) was the last prophet. There wont be any other after him.

8th July 2013, 07:07 PM
You can't give the muslims a pass. In Oslo alone they're the cause of 100% of the rapes etc. The jew as we've seen the video, promote this. What people need to understand is that they hate the white race, even though they might have blue eyes and blonde hair they are jews to the core, and their allegiance is to their fellow jews regardless of the suffering they push. I think their weak link is that there will be another pogrom and that might be the last because this planet has become very small, and I don't think it can survive with jew/zionist ideology. They alone destroyed the last century, especially in white countries.

It's Jewish wars that have paved the way for all the immigrants. Most of the Muslims in Norway are here as a result of Jewish wars. Foreigners are doing the rapes, not Muslims. To rape is not an Islamic act. We have all sorts of crap in this country. Gypsies, Nigerian whores, eastern European thieves etc. It's just to simple to blame it on the Muslims. Miscegenation will continue in spite of a ban on Muslim immigrants simply because the Jews want it, need it and crave it. It's a biological question, not a religious one.

I've studied the immigration debate closely and let me tell you, it is formed entirely by Jewish likes and dislikes. It's always oggabogga scary muslims oggabogga but not a word about the other groups that are a bigger leech on society. Ultimately the guilty part is the politicians and what has formed their opinions and that is the false ideologies given to them by the you know who.

We also have this Orwellian newspeak when it comes to the immigration debate.. they even classify Swedes, Germans and Danes as "immigrants" in order to make the statistics look better. It's a sick condition and nothing like what you have in America where your problems are related to a couple of groups of people e.g Mexicans. We have some of everything, but since the Muslims are visibly different in terms of what they eat, clothing etc they are also the ones easiest to point the finger at.

Don't let the Jews fool you by defining the problems with immigration in Norway. They will always tell you it's the Muslims because they perceive them as the enemies of Israel, but at the same time considers us whites as "romans" and thus responsible for ruining their shitty temples. So they want us all dead.. and to them there is nothing worse than a white Muslim.

They want to set us up against each other.. that's all there is to it. They need fuel for the bullshit wars in the middle east.

I hate it when the "norwegian" jews come as a group from their hideouts as rats to target newspaper articles with a comment section on it in order to manipulate the idiotic public. They are really the worst of all the immigrants by far. They stab us in the back and at the same time claim that it's beneficial.

I'm against all the wars in the middle-east and against most forms of immigration to Norway.

8th July 2013, 07:08 PM
By saying "the Jews heaters" the Zionist are trying to integrate themselves with the Jew of the Bible....... It would be nice if you people would stop using the word Jew and call them for what they are ZIONIST, that would end the confusion...thank you.


8th July 2013, 07:12 PM
Remember what the hero of the west said.

The only religion I respect is Islam. The only prophet I admire is the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). -Adolf Hitler


Spectrism probably believes in the holocaust as well as 9/11.

Also.. to believe that we have a substantial amount of Muslims on this forum is as paranoid as it gets (probably a neurological issue). I've seen this type of thinking over and over with Zionist Jews. They just can't seem to understand that there are other people than Muslims who have a dislike for Jews.
They act like this with certain other subjects as well, such as the holocaust. Try to sit down and debate with them and you will quickly see that they have no interest and instead want to derail the subject and in the process try to make themselves to appear as "above" discussing such matters.

Sick bastards... The greatest disease of the west. Almost all of them should be deported.. their blind followers as well.

General of Darkness
8th July 2013, 07:39 PM
Bash Jews. Bash muslims, blacks, Mexicans...what's left? Oh yes, white guys. Wait, that's us. Got it.

We forgot Asians though. We need a thread about them.

The problem with you Pete is you're a nice guy, an actual decent human being. You will look for the best in people which in my heart of hearts seems commendable, but the reality is that people have become assholes and I you give the fuckers a pass. I do consider myself a rational human being and a kind human being. I've got hundreds of examples of my kindness, and humanity, but at the end of the day I am who I am. I'm logical, and grew up learning to think for myself and make decisions and to literally re-engineer things.

Once your thought process recognizes the future for what it is, whether right or wrong, and then understands what it took to get there, THEN you're on the right path.

Adding 30 million illegal Mexicans to American society or 20 million Africans to Europe only hurts the indigenous people does it not? And when you ask yourself who promoted it, who pushed it and try an figure out why, it really should be self explanatory.

Even though I think you need a kick in the nutz some times, and I've been a prick towards you, I've only done it out of frustration because I know you're fighting yourself because the answer is right in front of your face.

Sometimes you just can't see the forest through the trees. And I've been there. Good luck everyone.

General of Darkness
8th July 2013, 07:45 PM
To rape is not an Islamic act.

Prove it?

8th July 2013, 07:46 PM
Why don't you prove otherwise. That it's allowed in the Qur'an.

General of Darkness
8th July 2013, 07:48 PM

or this.


While these FACTS are only shown to what the MUSLIM does, it was his master, the jew that pushed their entrance into white countries that made it happen.

8th July 2013, 07:51 PM
This is all Jewish propaganda. In their demented minds brown skin = Muslim. Again.. crap like that only feeds the hate against Muslims which again gives white flesh cannon fodder for the wars.

You cant find a non-msm source like say a verse in the Quran that allows these types of acts? Well you cant, because it's not allowed. That a perpetrator comes from the middle east or Africa doesn't automatically mean muslim.

Focusing on Islam is contra-productive and beneficial for the Jews. It is not beneficial for Europeans.

Congolese immigrants don't rape white women?

General of Darkness
8th July 2013, 08:09 PM
This is all Jewish propaganda. In their demented minds brown skin = Muslim. Again.. crap like that only feeds the hate against Muslims which again gives white flesh cannon fodder for the wars.

You cant find a non-msm source like say a verse in the Quran that allows these types of acts? Well you cant, because it's not allowed. That a perpetrator comes from the middle east or Africa doesn't automatically mean muslim.

Focusing on Islam is contra-productive and beneficial for the Jews. It is not beneficial for Europeans.

Congolese immigrants don't rape white women?

GTFO brother. You've either lost your mind or someone has hacked your account

8th July 2013, 08:19 PM
No. This one sided Muslim only focus when it comes to immigration is purely Jewish and narrow minded.

Why do you think they made it look like Muslims did 9/11?

General of Darkness
8th July 2013, 08:29 PM
No. This one sided Muslim only focus when it comes to immigration is purely Jewish and narrow minded.

Why do you think they made it look like Muslims did 9/11?

Oh no sweetly don't change the subject. I'm looking at YOUR injection about the muslims. The only thing that concerns me is white society. Now you chew on that for a few and decide it you want to go DOWN THAT ROAD, that muslims are civilized. We know that they, like the negro and mestizo is being used against white society by the jew to destroy white civilization.

8th July 2013, 09:00 PM
If you were concerned with white society then you would realize that Islam stands for family values, ban on usury, ban on freemasonry und so weiter. All the things that Jewry feeds of in it's process to destroy our civilization. It's really an all or nothing game for them, they are absolutely dependent on twisting the immigration debate so that the anger is directed where they want it to go.

You are positioning yourself amongst those who use meaningless phrases about Israel like how they are the "only democracy in the middle east".. groups like EDL which is a branch of JDL. We have the same crap here as well. NDL.. all they scream about is Muslims. Not at all concerned with jewish racemixing propaganda, media control etc. No, it's only the muslims that are a problem to the west. All else is just fine and dandy.

General of Darkness
8th July 2013, 09:12 PM
If you were concerned with white society then you would realize that Islam stands for family values, ban on usury, ban on freemasonry und so weiter. All the things that Jewry feeds of in it's process to destroy our civilization. It's really an all or nothing game for them, they are absolutely dependent on twisting the immigration debate so that the anger is directed where they want it to go.

You are positioning yourself amongst those who use meaningless phrases about Israel like how they are the "only democracy in the middle east".. groups like EDL which is a branch of JDL. We have the same crap here as well. NDL.. all they scream about is Muslims. Not at all concerned with jewish racemixing propaganda, media control etc. No, it's only the muslims that are a problem to the west. All else is just fine and dandy.

Again you don't refute my statements but only make statements. When did you convert to Islam? Because that cock is really far down your throat. And you're also bring out the pro-Isreali sentiment so you're all over the place.

8th July 2013, 09:24 PM
Why exactly does the Jews dislike Muslims?

Because they don't accept homosexuality.

Because they don't accept Usury.

Because they don't accept secret societies.

Because they promote family values.

Because they are surrounding Israel.

And you General is a jew tool. Perhaps you agree with spectrism the jew that the "Joo haters are closet muslims" too?

General of Darkness
8th July 2013, 09:37 PM
Why exactly does the Jews dislike Muslims?

Because they don't accept homosexuality.

Because they don't accept Usury.

Because they don't accept secret societies.

Because they promote family values.

Because they are surrounding Israel.

And you General is a jew tool.

You can say all you want, but you and your muslim ilks ACTIONS are what define you. And the jews ideology is what gets you and your scum into Europe.

8th July 2013, 09:54 PM
My ancestors were here long before the Jews came with their multiculturalism. I'm blonde and blue eyed FYI.

And what exactly are my actions General? Speaking the truth about the jews and their hypocrisy? Showing you that your hate against muslims is narrow minded and beneficial for the jews?

8th July 2013, 09:56 PM
General? remember that for the Jews it is legal to have sex with a three years old because later on they will be virgins once again......... raping them is like having prikle? in the eye and nothing more..... and it is in their holy book. For the boys it is legal for a woman to have sex with a young boy as long and he is nine years old.


8th July 2013, 10:45 PM
Focusing on Islam is contra-productive and beneficial for the Jews.

Exactly. Spectrism's intent when he started this very thread.


9th July 2013, 12:23 AM
The Fact is God did give the Jewish people a special blessing that other people don't have. HOW THEY USE it...is a whole different story. Do some Jews ABUSE their abilities? Like a tendency to making money? Of course, but to label them ALL as some of you guys do it just as bad as saying ALL Negros are.... Or ALL Italians are... or ALL Germans are .... It's flat out ridiculous.

The Jewish people and the Jewish nation is a testimony to the Bible, what it says about them, their good, evil and even the world's hatred towards them are there to show you that the Bible is God's word as only he could have preserved them (and their culture) as long as they have been and their tiny little spec of land that they have....again (1918,1948) is another testament to this. It defies logic. If you didn't know better (sarcasm) you would think the world revolves around the Jew, of course, in a way, it does because God set it up like that and some of you Gentiles resent it. I understand but as with everything else God says, resenting what God has put in place will do you no good...in the end.

On a personal note, the Nation of Israel has always had a tendency to worship one particular "god" other than the Lord God and his name is Baal, the symbol on their national flag, just happens to be, by "coincidence" THE symbol FOR Baal, another testament to the Bible and what God said about them.

The Jews play a vital role in the coming Anti-Christ one world system which WILL happen, there's no stopping that as God said it's going to happen, by all means we can resist tyranny but in the end, after the tribulation period (Daniel's 70th week) the believers (neither Jew NOR Gentile) win.

Won't you join us? Trust the Lord Jesus Christ today, one day the nation of Israel WILL be saved...but not yet, only individuals are, now

9th July 2013, 12:59 AM

9th July 2013, 04:49 AM
A couple of follow ups. First, I see the rant continues, how everything is the fault of the joos. It is amazing that those dirty joos have so much power. I have a plumbing leak. I bet someone can point out how it is because of the joos.

Next, I see a few apologists for islam and yet a couple of them still have not come clean with their endorsements. Islam is based entirely on the false words of their one "prophet" Mohammad. By its very nature and being, it is against christianity and judaism. Christianity recognizes the Messiah that the Jews rejected. That Messiah was the last priest and prophet of the old testament, passing on His Spirit to those who would come after. He made it clear that there is no way to the father YHWH except through Him. The sacrificial Lamb of God was the only escape from judgment.

The Jews rejected that Messiah as a nation, although individuals have been washed in that blood and are now spotless. Because of this, and because there is still time for those yet living to repent, all of Israel (meaning the Church, not the nation/state) can be saved if they surrender to the real Messiah.

Those devoted to Mohammad and islam are in a very sorry state. They have rejected the Messiah as did the Jews, but have gone a step further. They have replaced the Messiah with a false god and commit heinous acts claiming allah is greater (than the God of Abraham). Ever hear "allahu akbar"? The mind-numbed minions repeat this incessantly as their feasance and appeal to a false god for salvation. Very few will be able to see the devil they worship for the reality it is. Very few will come out of that beast.

So we read here from Norweger the good points about islam. Yes, they do reject some of the controls of the zionist global monsters. Good for them. I do applaud that. But by their fruits we will know them. We see all sorts of culturally-acceptable brutalities committed by Taliban and religious leaders in all the moslem countries. The koran is a book of ambigous sayings that are used mostly to destroy others and wipe out competiton. If we look at the life of the one prophet- Mohammad, we see a man who was a murdering jackal, rapist pedophile and land pirate. He is the pattern after which moslems follow. There should be no surprise that islamic countries are savage.

9th July 2013, 07:12 AM
So we read here from Norweger the good points about Islam. Yes, they do reject some of the controls of the zionist global monsters. Good for them. I do applaud that.


Me too. Palestine remains Palestine because of their bravery against the jew invaders.


9th July 2013, 07:14 AM
By its very nature and being, it is against christianity

The conclusion is, both were created as divide and conquer programs.

9th July 2013, 07:33 AM
Ever wonder why the Joos are blamed for everything by certain people? Ever wonder how it did not matter what the thread topic was, that sooner rather than later, one of these darlings would project pictures of some fine heimies and declare the world unsafe because of joos? Their ploy is to use truths about globalists and banksters while sliding in a pernicious mindset: all Jews are devils and all Christians are deceived.

I bet you may have even been caught up in their spell of associating the zionist global elite with all Jews and christianity. There are many false christian leaders- no doubt. And there are many wicked jews setting up debilitating sin traps for all the goyem. Certainly true.

But what if these fine trolls are demon spawn hucksters who would NEVER say a bad thing about Islam? What if a child could be raped and sliced open because a moslem man was doing his Mohammaden duty with that child, yet these trolls would never speak against such heinous acts?

Would you get a clue? Would you see these devil minions for what they are?

Spectrism, your premise here seems to be that, yes, there are wicked Christians and wicked Jews, but we shouldn't judge all Christians or Jews by the wicked ones. However.. We MUST judge all Muslims by what the most wicked among them do. The wicked Muslims are proof that ALL Muslims are evil. But the wicked Christians and Jews are just aberrations and in no way proof that all Christians and Jews are evil.

You have fallen into the old tribalist fallacy of judging your own by their highest ideals and judging the "other" by the worst acts of their putative members.

9th July 2013, 08:26 AM
Besides Zio-Christians Robertson and Hagee...please name all those other "many" false Zio-Christian leaders so we can shun them.
:D Great thread Spectrism! Please also name all those "many" wicked jews that are setting up debilitating sin traps for all us goyim!

Here yuh go:



Why exactly does the Jews dislike Muslims?

Because they don't accept homosexuality.
But they sodomize little boys in private... that is just fine per Mohammad.

Because they promote family values.
But they murder women in "honor" killing and force women to live lesser than dogs.

Spectrism, your premise here seems to be that, yes, there are wicked Christians and wicked Jews, but we shouldn't judge all Christians or Jews by the wicked ones. However.. We MUST judge all Muslims by what the most wicked among them do. The wicked Muslims are proof that ALL Muslims are evil. But the wicked Christians and Jews are just aberrations and in no way proof that all Christians and Jews are evil.

You have fallen into the old tribalist fallacy of judging your own by their highest ideals and judging the "other" by the worst acts of their putative members.

Wrong. I stated that the foundational core principles of islam make it impossible for adherents to that cult/religion to do good. The principles are deeply flawed and can only mislead the followers. So, anyone DEVOTED to islam is already a lost case. Moreso, since it is not just an ambivalence but a fully negotiated deal of selling the soul to a false god.

9th July 2013, 10:52 AM
Here yuh go:



But they sodomize little boys in private... that is just fine per Mohammad.

But they murder women in "honor" killing and force women to live lesser than dogs.

Wrong. I stated that the foundational core principles of islam make it impossible for adherents to that cult/religion to do good. The principles are deeply flawed and can only mislead the followers. So, anyone DEVOTED to islam is already a lost case. Moreso, since it is not just an ambivalence but a fully negotiated deal of selling the soul to a false god.

Islamic law condemns sodomy, as it condemns rape. So called "honor killings" are also contrary to Islamic law. The laws of Islam acknowledge rights of women that were not granted in the UK until the middle of the 20th century. What you point to are crimes committed against Islamic teachings, not results of Islamic teaching.

There are many Muslims who have little understanding of their religion, and follow cultural practices that are utterly contrary to Islam out of ignorance. This ignorance is the source of such "honor killings".

If you think Islam allows these things, please present your proof, from sources recognized as accepted by the majority of Muslims.

I assume from your various posts that you consider yourself a Christian. Why do you not follow your own faith when it comes to Muslims? Why to you preach hate and imply the need for violence instead of attempting to save them? Why do you dismiss Luke 6:27-28 in another thread as "another zionist ploy"? Why do you dismiss the clear meaning of biblical text when it fails to align with your own ideas? Do you consider the Bible in error?

The fact is, TPTB strive very hard to sow hatred amongst mankind. By keeping us busy hating each other, fighting each other, they dissipate our strength and we become easily controlled. If we are busy hating and fighting blacks, immigrants, mexicans, whites, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, westerners, etc. etc. we won't wake up to our real enemies. That tiny group that seeks to own the entire planet, and eliminate most of us "useless eaters". When anyone perpetuates propaganda designed to foment hatred of the "other" whatever "other" that may be, you are working for TPTB.

I just realized that the photo is of Louis Farrakhan. Did you not know that The Nation of Islam cult is no more Muslim than the Unification Church is Christian? Their beliefs and teachings are quite different from Islam.

9th July 2013, 11:50 AM
Islamic law condemns sodomy, as it condemns rape. So called "honor killings" are also contrary to Islamic law. The laws of Islam acknowledge rights of women that were not granted in the UK until the middle of the 20th century. What you point to are crimes committed against Islamic teachings, not results of Islamic teaching.

There are many Muslims who have little understanding of their religion, and follow cultural practices that are utterly contrary to Islam out of ignorance. This ignorance is the source of such "honor killings".

If you think Islam allows these things, please present your proof, from sources recognized as accepted by the majority of Muslims.

I assume from your various posts that you consider yourself a Christian. Why do you not follow your own faith when it comes to Muslims? Why to you preach hate and imply the need for violence instead of attempting to save them? Why do you dismiss Luke 6:27-28 in another thread as "another zionist ploy"? Why do you dismiss the clear meaning of biblical text when it fails to align with your own ideas? Do you consider the Bible in error?

The fact is, TPTB strive very hard to sow hatred amongst mankind. By keeping us busy hating each other, fighting each other, they dissipate our strength and we become easily controlled. If we are busy hating and fighting blacks, immigrants, mexicans, whites, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, westerners, etc. etc. we won't wake up to our real enemies. That tiny group that seeks to own the entire planet, and eliminate most of us "useless eaters". When anyone perpetuates propaganda designed to foment hatred of the "other" whatever "other" that may be, you are working for TPTB.

I just realized that the photo is of Louis Farrakhan. Did you not know that The Nation of Islam cult is no more Muslim than the Unification Church is Christian? Their beliefs and teachings are quite different from Islam.

The question is, what is the FINAL AUTHORITY for a Muslim? Is it "Islamic law" OR is it "The Koran"?? Why would a Muslim choose one over the other? Who decides EXACTLY what a Muslim is to believe IF Islamic law DIFFERS from what the Qu'ran Koran (however you want to spell it) says?

Bible Christianity (never to be confused with Roman Catholicism) is superior in EVERY way


9th July 2013, 12:36 PM
I assume from your various posts that you consider yourself a Christian. Why do you not follow your own faith when it comes to Muslims? Why to you preach hate and imply the need for violence instead of attempting to save them? Why do you dismiss Luke 6:27-28 in another thread as "another zionist ploy"? Why do you dismiss the clear meaning of biblical text when it fails to align with your own ideas?

All great questions. Spectrism will never honestly answer one of them because he is too busy hatin' on all us goyim who question his so-called "Israel".

:) Christian Love and Jesus he never heard about...lol.

9th July 2013, 01:21 PM
All that hate is going to eat you up inside (if it hasn't already).


Don't get Spectrism too riled up.


9th July 2013, 02:02 PM
I prefer not to waste the time providing valuable arguments when all I get back is stupidity. I started this thread to bring out the islamists. So far, I would say it is pretty successful.

I see a few morons ALWAYS blaming the joos and christians for things. When it comes to moslems, they NEVER give a peep. This got me thinking... they are islamist shills.

Look at Amerika. We now have a mosque at ground zero and the highest building is a minaret. We have a muslim president who is not even a legal citizen.

Any of you who dare defend the koran as a good book are so deceived that you cannot hold a logical discussion. There are many websites to inform you if you had the interest.

9th July 2013, 02:34 PM
Jews and Muslims suck.

This is difficult to understand?

9th July 2013, 02:56 PM

Look at this pic of Jewboo. He is playing the devil's advocate because of his hate for the Jews.

It must have been 20+ years ago that I first wondered why the muslims hate the jews so much. Local islamists like the aforementioned shill would tell you it is because of how evil they are and how badly they treat the Palestinians. That is not the truth.... or not the whole truth. Sure there have been atrocities and brutalities committed by this israeli govt. But the venomous hate goes back many hundreds of years.... even thousands.

It is a human greed and jealousy bred hate. And it is far more. There is a demonic element to this. The islamists are demonically inspired to hate the jews... and christians. In history, some have escaped the bondage of islam, as some have escaped the bondage of hinduism, buddhism, etc. But we are in an age when there is being unleashed a torrent of demons who will ride these allah worshippers and vishnu worshippers.... and even bible worshippers.

Picture this: face-eating zombie demonic possession, but in the religious realms. Many of you reading this are going to be in that category and won't even know it until far too late. Some of you are already there. You are carrying demons who bristle at my words. My message to them is: time is short and your rage is limited. Yashuah ha Maschiach is soon to set things straight. You are bound by time.

9th July 2013, 04:21 PM
the newcomer to G-S.us could get the idea that the members here are hate-filled.

i don't think that is accurate.

i think people here are just more honest.

9th July 2013, 05:11 PM
I prefer not to waste the time providing valuable arguments when all I get back is stupidity. I started this thread to bring out the islamists. So far, I would say it is pretty successful.

I see a few morons ALWAYS blaming the joos and christians for things. When it comes to moslems, they NEVER give a peep. This got me thinking... they are islamist shills.

Look at Amerika. We now have a mosque at ground zero and the highest building is a minaret. We have a muslim president who is not even a legal citizen.

Any of you who dare defend the koran as a good book are so deceived that you cannot hold a logical discussion. There are many websites to inform you if you had the interest.

Only Jews are stupid enough to believe that the gay Obama is a Muslim.

Go home to Israel. You are not worthy to live in the west.

Jesus (pbuh) was a prophet, he was a Muslim, he fought against Judaism.

9th July 2013, 05:28 PM
Only Jews are stupid enough to believe that the gay Obama is a Muslim.

Go home to Israel. You are not worthy to live in the west.

Jesus (pbuh) was a prophet, he was a Muslim, he fought against Judaism.

Obama is a Chameleon. He is whatever he needs to be.

He may secretly practice a religion, but if it is a religion of Principle, he keeps that part well-hidden.

if you judge Obama by his actions, Obama is Jewish.

i'm sure he has plenty of resumes from Gentile's that he could use in the job assignments for his administration, but time and time again, he puts Jews in the major positions.

e.g. Penny Pritzker as Commerce Secretary, Jack Lew as Treasury Secretary.

Obama is a member in good standing (for a Shabbas Goyim) of the Tribe/club.

The Muslims that I have been known personally have been very principled with a 10 commandments sort of thinking. Going out with a Muslim woman is a little bit like going out with a very Puritanical Christian woman. If they are serious about their religion, they stick to a "no sex before marriage" approach.

Some of them are also steadfast about covering their body. I know a Muslim woman who swims for exercise. She works as a programmer and is from Egypt. She wears some kind of 1-piece wetsuit, like a 1 millimeter triathlete's wetsuit.

Personally, I don't have a problem with Muslims. I don't think they are bad or scary or any of the things we are told by the MSM that they are.

However, I understand that some people don't like them, and/or consider Islam to be a diabolical thing.

personally, i don't think i'm any better because i call God, "God", and not Allah.

i observe that sometimes people like to imagine that their religion is better. sort of like rooting for a sports team.

from the Muslims i have known, they revere Jesus as a Great Prophet, but consider Mohammed to be the author of the Koran so he is Poobah #1 in their world.

9th July 2013, 05:29 PM
I started this thread to bring out the islamists. So far, I would say it is pretty successful.


Damn. You cleverly exposed me and PatColo. While PatColo is at the airport in disguise buying us one-way tickets back to Iran, I'll quickly delete both our accounts here at GSUS and wipe our fingerprints off this keyboard at Starbucks. I'm going to miss your wonderful American coffee...

http://www.islam-deutschland.info/forum/images/smiles/muslim_man.gif Peace be upon you Spectrism. Watch out for all those joo haters...

9th July 2013, 05:46 PM
You are carrying demons who bristle at my words. My message to them is: time is short and your rage is limited. Yashuah ha Maschiach is soon to set things straight. You are bound by time.


:rolleyes: Oh. You're one of those.

General of Darkness
9th July 2013, 06:09 PM
Well the problem I have is that jews are a mafia organization and use their "religion" to hid behind it. The muslims are just insecure bullies that are shown to be violent and rapist. I'm a math guy, and the math doesn't lie.

I will say this, none of this can continue for much longer, maybe 100 years or so. But as humans go we're done. I honestly don't give two fucks about someones religion, that's YOUR business, but when you want to pray in the middle of the street when I need to get somewhere, we've got a problem. Or when qualified friends get passed over in the movie industry because they're not kikes, we've got a problem. OR WHEN ISRAEL BLOWS UP THE TWIN TOWERS TO START A WAR AND TAX ME TO PAY FOR IT, yeah we've got a problem.

Life is no longer simple, and psychopaths are ruling us and they're only feeding the fire for additional psychopaths. At the end of the day, the only solution is going to be a massive culling of the herd. I just wish there would be a way for them not to win and their head on pikes. That's all for now I need to train my dogs.

9th July 2013, 06:24 PM
Damn. You cleverly exposed me and PatColo. While PatColo is at the airport in disguise buying us one-way tickets back to Iran, I'll quickly delete both our accounts here at GSUS and wipe our fingerprints off this keyboard at Starbucks. I'm going to miss your wonderful American coffee...

http://www.islam-deutschland.info/forum/images/smiles/muslim_man.gif Peace be upon you Spectrism. Watch out for all those joo haters...

Ahhh... Starbucks doesn't provide computers. You are probably at a Nigerian scam cafe. Here you are...


9th July 2013, 06:27 PM
Ahhh... Starbucks doesn't provide computers. You are probably at a Nigerian scam cafe. Here you are...


Nice catch! Book, care to explain what starbucks provides computers in your area?

You are not going to try and tell us we inherited a bunch of money, are you?

9th July 2013, 06:33 PM
Only Jews are stupid enough to believe that the gay Obama is a Muslim.
Go home to Israel. You are not worthy to live in the west.
Jesus (pbuh) was a prophet, he was a Muslim, he fought against Judaism.

What is the inscription on Omamba's ring? I bet you wish you had one like it.
Where do you live? Norway? You want to judge where I am worthy to live? That is just a real hoot from a clown with his nose up Mohammads dead ass... FBUH. You stick with Mohammad and you will stand with him on judgment day to see what a real God says..... and your allah will not be around to pull your sorry ass out of the fire.

I will be going home to Jerusalem.

9th July 2013, 06:33 PM
There are many websites to inform you if you had the interest.

Spectrism's Website (http://www.yeshuahamashiach.org/)

:D You maintain that website by yourself or have help Spectrism

9th July 2013, 06:37 PM
Spectrism's Website (http://www.yeshuahamashiach.org/)

:D You maintain that website by yourself or have help Spectrism

What's the weather like in Idaho, Book? Can you look out side your starbucks café and tell us?

Let me guess...the weather is lot like the weather in....Nigeria!

Take your scams elsewhere.

9th July 2013, 06:37 PM

:rolleyes: Oh. You're one of those.

Actually no. They spell the name Yahshuah incorrectly as a derogatory lesser form rather than as "YAH" which connects to YHWH. It is also evident that they think they are being special by not writing out GOD... instead using the "ever so humble" G-d. That nauseates me. And the demonic symbol is not my style. Nor wood (would) I necessarily use a cross as that is questionable.

But this shouldn't surprise you.... being wrong that is. I suspect by what I read from you hear that you are wrong most of the time in your daily living.

9th July 2013, 06:42 PM
Does it bother you that the Holocaust is a hoax?

9th July 2013, 06:46 PM
Does it bother you that the Holocaust is a hoax?

So, which are you... sunni, shiite or some other fine sect? Does it bother you that muslim is killing muslim or would prefer them to concentrate on beheading peaceful and harmless christians?

9th July 2013, 06:48 PM
Does it bother you that the Holocaust is a hoax?

9th July 2013, 08:39 PM
Does it bother you that the Holocaust is a hoax?

Prove it or shut up. You think the nazis did not mark and murder jews? Prove it. I can show you piles of photos and footage to verify it did happen.

So when did you convert to islam and from what?

General of Darkness
9th July 2013, 08:54 PM
Prove it or shut up. You think the nazis did not mark and murder jews? Prove it. I can show you piles of photos and footage to verify it did happen.

So when did you convert to islam and from what?

Damn, when did you become a Zionist? Something is going on, I feel like we're getting data minded. Anyone else feel that?

9th July 2013, 08:59 PM
Damn, when did you become a Zionist? Something is going on, I feel like we're getting data minded. Anyone else feel that?

This forum has been infiltrated by muslim shills for a long time. Part of the demonic schtick is to bash jews. Its a good ole sucker punch they are setting you up for. Anyone who acknowledges the wholesale murder of jews in nazi Germany is suddenly a zionist?

9th July 2013, 09:02 PM
Damn, when did you become a Zionist? Something is going on, I feel like we're getting data minded. Anyone else feel that?

I've felt the stench a long time. He just went out and officially announced it that's all. Just couldn't cover his snakeskin anymore.

9th July 2013, 09:08 PM
Prove it or shut up. You think the nazis did not mark and murder jews? Prove it. I can show you piles of photos and footage to verify it did happen.

So when did you convert to islam and from what?

I don't care about your phoney doctored yad vashem photographs and photos of Russians with typhoid-fever.

It's funny when you talk about demonic possession because its obvious that you have some yourself. Probably your subhuman DNA that makes you susceptible to it along with your neurological damage where you see enemies behind every corner. e.g Obama the muslim, closets muslims at g-s.us.

Maybe Bush was a Muslim too? Do you have any other batshit insane belief systems you want to inform us about?

Obviously you believe that Muslims did 9/11 and thus that all the bs wars in the middle east are justified. That explains why you started crying like a little girl when i posted a video showing Americans get killed. "Oy vey we cant have anything that might cause people to protest against the wars on behalf of jewry"

You guys are so simple minded, so easy to see through.

Yeah go "home" to Jerusalem, wobble your head against the ruins of that Roman Temple.

9th July 2013, 09:25 PM
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Meanwhile, when a crowd of many thousands had gathered, so that they were trampling on one another, Jesus began to speak first to his disciples, saying: "Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

9th July 2013, 09:57 PM
The Muslims shot JFK....I think anyone with half a brain could see they had every reason want him dead. And did you guys read the 911 commission report?

Clearly they (the Muslims) had the most to gain by flying planes into those buildings, and paying an expert crew to demolish wt7. Not to mention the wmds they gave to Saddam, record crops of opium from Afghanistan since we enlightened the country.

And hey get this, you know that fiat monetary system, taxing structure and dubious trade agreements that have stripped America and its workers of much of this countrys wealth?.....yup Muslims. Ohh it doesn't just just boil your blood how they just rub it under your nose like they do.
Clearly the Muslims

9th July 2013, 10:00 PM
I can see that the Zionist have entered our domain.....let's see for how long they will stay here with their bull shit.


9th July 2013, 10:46 PM
Follow the money and you will see the bankers don't care for the likes of you and me.
They pillage and plunder, murder and kill. But if you point it out your just a Muslim shill.
Crying they are the victims, they let false tears fall to the ground.
whilst they reach in your pockets for your last golden crown.
The temple's tax is paid in silver coin for no small price it is bought with sweat and blood
The money changers are back who will rise up and put them back in the mud

10th July 2013, 01:36 AM
The Muslims shot JFK....I think anyone with half a brain could see they had every reason want him dead. And did you guys read the 911 commission report?

Clearly they (the Muslims) had the most to gain by flying planes into those buildings, and paying an expert crew to demolish wt7. Not to mention the wmds they gave to Saddam, record crops of opium from Afghanistan since we enlightened the country.

And hey get this, you know that fiat monetary system, taxing structure and dubious trade agreements that have stripped America and its workers of much of this countrys wealth?.....yup Muslims. Ohh it doesn't just just boil your blood how they just rub it under your nose like they do.
Clearly the Muslims

Is this a joke ...hahahaha

are you a Zionist Roland ,we eat them for breakfast here and they still taste awful.

10th July 2013, 01:37 AM
To me its the satanists or us................fuck all that other shit

the satanists are in whatever race/religion you care to name

this is no joke ,our lives are at stake, so if you want to argue about something please make it worth while

all zionists are regarded as satanists

10th July 2013, 02:16 AM
Is this a joke ...hahahaha

are you a Zionist Roland ,we eat them for breakfast here and they still taste awful.

I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic.

10th July 2013, 02:37 AM
I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic.

Im sorry but I dont understand sarcasm too well

I am sick of this stupid in fighting about this or that crap

It is the luciferin (Obamas religion)/satanists /zionists that are to blame and they could be your next door neighbor ,anything else is just noise.

10th July 2013, 04:30 AM
I don't care about your phoney doctored yad vashem photographs and photos of Russians with typhoid-fever.

It's funny when you talk about demonic possession because its obvious that you have some yourself. Probably your subhuman DNA that makes you susceptible to it along with your neurological damage where you see enemies behind every corner. e.g Obama the muslim, closets muslims at g-s.us.

Maybe Bush was a Muslim too? Do you have any other batshit insane belief systems you want to inform us about?

Obviously you believe that Muslims did 9/11 and thus that all the bs wars in the middle east are justified. That explains why you started crying like a little girl when i posted a video showing Americans get killed. "Oy vey we cant have anything that might cause people to protest against the wars on behalf of jewry"

You guys are so simple minded, so easy to see through.

Yeah go "home" to Jerusalem, wobble your head against the ruins of that Roman Temple.

OH YEAH! Thanks for reminding me. YOU were the bastard that enjoyed seeing Americans killed.

Let all on this forum understand what a piece of work this Norweger is. You want to align with this Mohammad worshipping allah bowing happy-murder-Americans devil, go right ahead. You were warned.

I have been very open about my beliefs and background for many years. You have this Norweger whose sole purpose here (as is Jewboo's) is to attack Jews and make the muslims look good. Shame on some of you... and even old fools... for falling for that.

10th July 2013, 04:33 AM
To me its the satanists or us................fuck all that other shit

the satanists are in whatever race/religion you care to name

this is no joke ,our lives are at stake, so if you want to argue about something please make it worth while

all zionists are regarded as satanists

Exactly right! This is what I have been saying. I made it clear that I am against the zionist global elite, the fake christian leaders and the muslim devils. So the muslim devils here start calling me a zionist. And the illiterate clowns like Ponce are unable to see the truth.

Damn... many people here are willfully stupid.

10th July 2013, 05:09 AM
I don't care about your phoney doctored yad vashem photographs and photos of Russians with typhoid-fever.

It's funny when you talk about demonic possession because its obvious that you have some yourself. Probably your subhuman DNA that makes you susceptible to it along with your neurological damage where you see enemies behind every corner. e.g Obama the muslim, closets muslims at g-s.us.

Maybe Bush was a Muslim too? Do you have any other batshit insane belief systems you want to inform us about?

Obviously you believe that Muslims did 9/11 and thus that all the bs wars in the middle east are justified.

Bush and many other secret society members all answer to the devil. They are owned by Satan. In like manner, Islam is a society denying the Messiah and a tool of the devil. You assemble straw arguments on my behalf and then knock them down, as a fine deceiver would do.

That explains why you started crying like a little girl when i posted a video showing Americans get killed. "Oy vey we cant have anything that might cause people to protest against the wars on behalf of jewry"

You go from one false argument as your foundation to an insult which shows you to be a murderous thug. You would not answer your origins. Are you American? You seem to have one allegiance: allah. That makes you a moron.

You guys are so simple minded, so easy to see through.
Yeah go "home" to Jerusalem, wobble your head against the ruins of that Roman Temple.

And you have no idea what I meant. Nor, do you care. You are too busy assembling false arguments and ascribing them to me.

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Meanwhile, when a crowd of many thousands had gathered, so that they were trampling on one another, Jesus began to speak first to his disciples, saying: "Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

You want to quote Yahshuah? Maybe you should listen to the words of Yashuah.

Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

That rules out Mohammad- the land pirate and murdering pedophile.

10th July 2013, 05:30 AM
That rules out Mohammad- the land pirate and murdering pedophile.

And the Jews.

10th July 2013, 05:36 AM
And the Jews.

Yes- the jews as a nation / people have generally rejected Messiah. But then, so has most of Amerika now too.

AS in the days of Noah... only pockets of true believers will make up the remnant. This is one of the signs for the end of the age. The whole world has turned from YHWH and His only-begotten Son.

10th July 2013, 05:42 AM
God begets not, nor is he begotten (Qur'an, 112:3)

10th July 2013, 06:20 AM
God begets not, nor is he begotten (Qur'an, 112:3)

You misquoted your own book.

1. Say: He is Allah, The One;
2. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
3. He begetteth not, Nor is He begotten,
4. And there is none Like unto Him.

You put yourself under "Allah". He is not the same "God" that I worship. You worship a beastly god who thiks of you as mere dogs. My Father YHWH thought so much of us that He gave His only begotten Son to live and die and be resurrected so that some might return to fellowship with Him. There is only one excape from the condemnation we have and it is in the only-begotten Son of the Father.

You cannot have a Father unless there is a son.

10th July 2013, 06:27 AM
The only reason why you believe in that fictitious Jesus the jew story is because it feeds your chosenite ego. Jesus (pbuh) was no edomite bastard. He was an aryan muslim.

Out of all the christian/jewish sects out there messianic jewry must be one of the dumbest.

10th July 2013, 06:59 AM
The only reason why you believe in that fictitious Jesus the jew story is because it feeds your chosenite ego. Jesus (pbuh) was no edomite bastard. He was an aryan muslim.

Out of all the christian/jewish sects out there messianic jewry must be one of the dumbest.

Why would you call Jesus fake and then put your pbuh crap next to the name?

You are dead wrong. Chosenite? You are freekin clueless.

I am not a messianic jew. Your unbounded hatred sees jews everywhere. Take off your jew glasses.

10th July 2013, 07:17 AM
I am not a messianic jew.


Oh. You are a "Christian" who carries the Torah and dreams of moving to Jerusalem.


10th July 2013, 08:56 AM
Oh. You are a "Christian" who carries the Torah and dreams of moving to Jerusalem.


Time for you to put on your rubber nose Charlie.


10th July 2013, 08:59 AM
Rev 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
Rev 21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

10th July 2013, 09:16 AM
The question is, what is the FINAL AUTHORITY for a Muslim? Is it "Islamic law" OR is it "The Koran"?? Why would a Muslim choose one over the other? Who decides EXACTLY what a Muslim is to believe IF Islamic law DIFFERS from what the Qu'ran Koran (however you want to spell it) says?

Bible Christianity (never to be confused with Roman Catholicism) is superior in EVERY way


Islamic law cannot differ from the Koran. The sources of Islamic law are the Koran and the hadith (verified sayings and actions) of Muhammad. It's kind of structured like this. The Koran is the source, the hadith explain and elaborate on the Koran, and the Sharia (Islamic law) summarizes these.

So I could also have said, the Koran condemns sodomy, rape, and mistreatment of women.

7th trump
10th July 2013, 10:21 AM
Rev 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
Rev 21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Christ hands over the keys to this new earth and heaven to the Father who is setting up his thrown in Jerusalem when this "testiment" is over.
The center of the universe is going to be Jerusalem.

10th July 2013, 10:29 AM
Rev 21:1
Rev 21:2



When you gonna get around to reading this part in your bible Spectrism?


10th July 2013, 10:36 AM


10th July 2013, 10:55 AM
When you gonna get around to reading this part in your bible Spectrism?


Please explain what you mean.

10th July 2013, 11:40 AM
the Father who is setting up his thrown in Jerusalem

Maybe you meant to say 'throne'?

10th July 2013, 12:42 PM
Maybe you meant to say 'throne'?


Now we're starting to link up with the "Brotherhood throws children off the roof" thread...


10th July 2013, 01:57 PM

Now we're starting to link up with the "Brotherhood throws children off the roof" thread...

Look ... maybe he meant to write 'thrown'. How do I know unless I ask?

10th July 2013, 03:49 PM
Thanks Horn.....at the end I went to other of her sites and found out that she had a wonderful sorrow smile and with eyes that could make you cry....like the Hilton girl who has lonly eyes.....money can't buy happines.


10th July 2013, 04:12 PM
Yes love thy neighbor.............http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/318/1/2/hot_neighbor_mowing_the_lawn_by_mr_e2-d4g8bgd.jpg

10th July 2013, 04:29 PM

Look at this pic of Jewboo. He is playing the devil's advocate because of his hate for the Jews.

It must have been 20+ years ago that I first wondered why the muslims hate the jews so much. Local islamists like the aforementioned shill would tell you it is because of how evil they are and how badly they treat the Palestinians. That is not the truth.... or not the whole truth. Sure there have been atrocities and brutalities committed by this israeli govt. But the venomous hate goes back many hundreds of years.... even thousands.

It is a human greed and jealousy bred hate. And it is far more. There is a demonic element to this. The islamists are demonically inspired to hate the jews... and christians. In history, some have escaped the bondage of islam, as some have escaped the bondage of hinduism, buddhism, etc. But we are in an age when there is being unleashed a torrent of demons who will ride these allah worshippers and vishnu worshippers.... and even bible worshippers.

Picture this: face-eating zombie demonic possession, but in the religious realms. Many of you reading this are going to be in that category and won't even know it until far too late. Some of you are already there. You are carrying demons who bristle at my words. My message to them is: time is short and your rage is limited. Yashuah ha Maschiach is soon to set things straight. You are bound by time.

So disagreeing with you = demonic possession?

You seem to have your historical facts wrong. When the Christians were purging the Jews with the Holy Inquisition, to where did the Jews flee? They fled to the Muslim ruled lands, where by and large they prospered. Large Jewish communities existed in many Muslim countries until after the founding of Israel. Even after 1948, the Mossad had to "encourage" many of those communities to emigrate. If this "venomous hate" you refer to has existed for so long, how did the Jews find safe haven with the Muslims from the Inquisition? Why do the Jews themselves describe their time under Muslim rule in Spain as a "golden age"?

If Muslims are "demonically inspired" to hate the jews and the Christians, why does the Koran itself say the opposite?

"Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians -- whoever believes in God and the Last Day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor shall they grieve" (2:62, 5:69, and many other verses).

"...and nearest among them in love to the believers will you find those who say, 'We are Christians,' because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant" (5:82).

"O you who believe! Be helpers of God -- as Jesus the son of Mary said to the Disciples, 'Who will be my helpers in (the work of) God?' Said the disciples, 'We are God's helpers!' Then a portion of the Children of Israel believed, and a portion disbelieved. But We gave power to those who believed, against their enemies, and they became the ones that prevailed" (61:14).

Are there misguided Muslims who are consumed by hatred for Jews and Christians? sure there are. Just like there are misguided Jews and Christians consumed by hatred for Muslims and each other. Lumping people together into groups and then declaring those groups to be non-human, evil by nature, unsalvageable, devil inspired, etc, etc. is what allows people to then commit atrocities. after all, they aren't committing atrocities against real people, are they? Just devils in human form, evil incarnate. Makes it easier to fire those drone missiles into a wedding party, or detonate that car bomb, or invade their country.

You should ask yourself, who benefits from all of us hating each other?

10th July 2013, 04:44 PM
You should ask yourself, who benefits from all of us hating each other?

Why the Jews of course.

10th July 2013, 04:52 PM
Why the Jews of course.
You look at yourself in a mirror lately? Why do you hate yourself?

10th July 2013, 05:58 PM
You look at yourself in a mirror lately? Why do you hate yourself?

Common Palani, settle your issues with Cebu in the forum and get over it.

You can't keep turning posts into your issues, we've got bigger fish to fry.


10th July 2013, 07:59 PM

Be there or be square, get your tickets today!

10th July 2013, 08:05 PM
Be there or be square, get your tickets today!

Just get it over with.

Peasants shouldn't fight with peasants!

10th July 2013, 08:53 PM
But I'm a pleasant peasant. No show & I got bored talking to myself. Next time I will pick up a few beers for the event.

11th July 2013, 04:13 AM
Common Palani, settle your issues with Cebu in the forum and get over it.

You can't keep turning posts into your issues, we've got bigger fish to fry.


Countering gossip in the same venue that it was created is 'turning posts'?

If you carry fiat money in your pocket then you are subscribing to 'jewish' politics. How can you be accusing some obscure religious group of all the worlds woes when your actions mirror their actions and by doing so you express your approval?

These comments are not directed to Cebu alone but to any of the membership who does not recognize these principles.

7th trump
11th July 2013, 06:01 AM
Countering gossip in the same venue that it was created is 'turning posts'?

If you carry fiat money in your pocket then you are subscribing to 'jewish' politics. How can you be accusing some obscure religious group of all the worlds woes when your actions mirror their actions and by doing so you express your approval?

These comments are not directed to Cebu alone but to any of the membership who does not recognize these principles.

Hahahahahaha.........subscribing to jewish politics huh.........hahahahahahahaha!

Palani is incompetent to what semicolon's are used for when reading 12usc 411 and yet has the audacity to questions everyones principles based on his misconception.....lol!
Go back to bed and sleep it off!

11th July 2013, 07:17 AM
Palani is incompetent to what semicolon's are used for when reading 12usc 411

Amazing!!! Is it 'throne' or 'thrown'?

And yet YOU believe you are competent in the art of punctuation when you lack competence in basic spelling?

7th trump
11th July 2013, 07:32 AM
Amazing!!! Is it 'throne' or 'thrown'?

And yet YOU believe you are competent in the art of punctuation when you lack competence in basic spelling?
Still at playing your slick lawyer games huh?
I never said I was competent with spelling did I!
Nope, I never said that.
I know my spelling is off at times, but how I spell doesnt effect or change my point.

What I said was you dont understand what a semicolon is used for when reading 12usc 411 to comprehend its actual meaning.
Basically you are using one part of 12usc 411 that doesnt belong to support a baseless position. You mingle everything together when there are semicolons used for seperation so as to not do what you are doing.

So tell us palani what are semicolons used for?

11th July 2013, 07:44 AM
What I said was you dont understand what a semicolon is used for when reading 12usc 411 to comprehend its actual meaning.

As long as you are devoted to thread drift then here is 12 USC 411. Kindly point me to the semicolon you are referring to.

Federal reserve notes, to be issued at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the purpose of making advances to Federal reserve banks through the Federal reserve agents as hereinafter set forth and for no other purpose, are authorized. The said notes shall be obligations of the United States and shall be receivable by all national and member banks and Federal reserve banks and for all taxes, customs, and other public dues. They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, or at any Federal Reserve bank.

11th July 2013, 08:20 AM
You should ask yourself, who benefits from all of us hating each other?

Winner by knockout, in the challenger's corner hailing from the land of 31 posts, .41Dave.

General of Darkness
11th July 2013, 08:27 AM
This thread has been circular.

7th trump
11th July 2013, 10:18 AM
As long as you are devoted to thread drift then here is 12 USC 411. Kindly point me to the semicolon you are referring to.

What a pathetic circular post not worthy of a response after you've been shown with colors twice in previous threads.

11th July 2013, 12:22 PM
This thread has been circular.

this thread has more circles than Super-Spirograph.

11th July 2013, 12:25 PM
Looks to me like you guys are having all the fun, so let me joing you......

If to be a "JOO" hater I have to be a Muslim then count me in as a triple Muslim, Saalam Aleikum.


11th July 2013, 12:30 PM
Looks to me like you guys are having all the fun, so let me joing you......
If to be a "JOO" hater I have to be a Muslim then count me in as a triple Muslim, Saalam Aleikum.

I already knew that Ponce. You would kiss the devil's ass if it meant turning your back on a jew. And. look at this big "joo".....



11th July 2013, 12:36 PM
Saudi Arabia and Israel are sisters Septicsm. All of the Islamic world hates the Saudi-Arabian wahabis.

11th July 2013, 01:01 PM
What a pathetic circular post not worthy of a response after you've been shown with colors twice in previous threads.
As you have broached the subject again perhaps it behooves you to point out A SINGLE SEMI-COLON IN 12 USC 411. THERE ARE NONE!!!!


The one feature he has hung his entire lifes philosophy on turns out to be NON-EXISTENT.

willie pete
11th July 2013, 01:11 PM
Looks to me like you guys are having all the fun, so let me joing you......

If to be a "JOO" hater I have to be a Muslim then count me in as a triple Muslim, Saalam Aleikum.


the muslims have hated the jews since the beginning, and the feeling is mutual, I find that ironic too seeing how they're related to each other...go figure

11th July 2013, 01:25 PM
Saudi Arabia and Israel are sisters Septicsm. All of the Islamic world hates the Saudi-Arabian wahabis.

Ishmael and Isaac were brothers... half brothers.

11th July 2013, 01:30 PM

General of Darkness
11th July 2013, 01:37 PM
I don't think this thread is providing any value to the forum and the conversation is circular and it's getting close to banning material. I would suggest it being moved out of General Discussions.

11th July 2013, 01:39 PM
This thread is hanging by a thread...........................

General of Darkness
11th July 2013, 02:01 PM
This thread is hanging by a thread...........................



11th July 2013, 02:02 PM
Larry, Moe and Curly were brothers.

11th July 2013, 02:14 PM
Larry, Moe and Curly were brothers. and jewish

11th July 2013, 03:18 PM
And now Dr. Joyce Brothers is dead.

11th July 2013, 04:34 PM

it's a Dead Thread with Dreads.

11th July 2013, 04:38 PM
thread has turned ZOMBIE................http://littlewolfblog.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/zombie2.jpg

7th trump
11th July 2013, 05:00 PM
As you have broached the subject again perhaps it behooves you to point out A SINGLE SEMI-COLON IN 12 USC 411. THERE ARE NONE!!!!


The one feature he has hung his entire lifes philosophy on turns out to be NON-EXISTENT.

Checkmate slam dunk huh?
I detect you already know your defeated and hence why the response from you.

Here stupid.....let me explain this once again in front of everyone reading so they get an idea just what kind of conspiracy whackoo you really are.
Since you admit you don't read the law we can start at a point of opening Title 12. When you click on the following link http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/12 you'll see this.

•CHAPTER 4—TAXATION (§§ 531–561_to_570)
•CHAPTER 5—CRIMES AND OFFENSES (§§ 581–591_to_599)

Now notice you are referring to section 411. See the parenthesis off to the right hand side of each chapter?
That lets you know what chapter you can find section 411, providing you can count.
We see section 411 is in chapter 3 (federal reserve system). Chapter 3 contains sections 211 -522 and 411 falls somewhere in the middle.
So naturally we want to go to chapter 3 and find section 411.
I've provided the link for you palani http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/12/chapter-3 .
You should see this.


Section 411 happens to be located in Subchapter XII (very first section).
Lets click on it shall we?
And we see this.

§ 411. Issuance to reserve banks; nature of obligation; redemption
•§ 412. Application for notes; collateral required
•§ 413. Distinctive letter and serial number of notes; cancellation of notes unfit for circulation; accounting; apportionment of credit among Federal Reserve banks
•§ 414. Authority of Board of Governors respecting issuance of notes; interest; lien
•§ 415. Reduction of liability for outstanding notes by depositing notes and collateral and payment of notes of series prior to 1928; reissue of deposited notes
•§ 416. Withdrawal of collateral deposited to protect notes and substitution of other collateral; retirement of notes; payment of notes of series prior to 1928; recovery of collateral; reissue of deposited notes

Gee what do we have there staring you right in the face Palani?
Ahh yes....its the title to section 411 explaining what section 411 consists of.
It consists of three separate parts all separated by you guessed it Palani a semicolon
What do all of us see that you are foolishly and purposely ignoring grasshopper?
What's that first part about?
Here let me tell you what that first part, of three, is about.
Its about the purpose of FRN when they are issued to banks and banks alone....not people that you claim are banks you two bit whackoo twit.

11th July 2013, 05:05 PM
thread has turned ZOMBIE................http://littlewolfblog.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/zombie2.jpg

I rest my case....................................

7th trump
11th July 2013, 05:19 PM
Hey palani today I was talking with another one of your co-conspiracy nutcases that also follows the whackoo David Merrill Vanpelt.

He claims the banksters have written legislation to which the the income tax is imposed.
I laughed and asked him to find the section in the reserve act that imposes the federal income tax on labor.
Guess what happened palani................................he couldn't find it.
Want to know why?
Its because the banksters cant and don't pass laws.....he couldn't find it because it doesn't exist!
It doesn't exist period!
Hey and you know what else palani it doesn't exist in Title 26 (Internal Revenue) either.
But if you go to merrills website he sure will bedazzle the hell out of you to think it does exist secretly behind closed doors from the public.
And if you don't believe him he'll tell you he's correct because he has relatives who played important roles in the American Revolution.
Who gives a rats ass if the conspiracy nut has ties to the revolution?
It doesn't help except verify hes a whackoo who thinks just because he had relatives in the revolution he must be right regardless of his unfounded theory.
And you follow this guys advise.....and pass it around....geee...... that doesn't help your creditability.
You cant read nor comprehend laws and you buddy up with this whackoo!

11th July 2013, 05:46 PM
Hey palani today I was talking with another one of your co-conspiracy nutcases that also follows the whackoo David Merrill Vanpelt.

He claims the banksters have written legislation to which the the income tax is imposed.
I laughed and asked him to find the section in the reserve act that imposes the federal income tax on labor.
Guess what happened palani................................he couldn't find it.
Want to know why?
Its because the banksters cant and don't pass laws.....he couldn't find it because it doesn't exist!
It doesn't exist period!
Hey and you know what else palani it doesn't exist in Title 26 (Internal Revenue) either.
But if you go to merrills website he sure will bedazzle the hell out of you to think it does exist secretly behind closed doors from the public.
And if you don't believe him he'll tell you he's correct because he has relatives who played important roles in the American Revolution.
Who gives a rats ass if the conspiracy nut has ties to the revolution?
It doesn't help except verify hes a whackoo who thinks just because he had relatives in the revolution he must be right regardless of his unfounded theory.
And you follow this guys advise.....and pass it around....geee...... that doesn't help your creditability.
You cant read nor comprehend laws and you buddy up with this whackoo!

7TH I think you are a real dick, and It would take a bit for me to change my mind. But this thread hands off would have me watching your back.


But I would based on substance.

7th trump
11th July 2013, 06:24 PM
7TH I think you are a real dick, and It would take a bit for me to change my mind. But this thread hands off would have me watching your back.


But I would based on substance.

Ok...I'm a dick!
But I'm a brutally honest dick.
So brutal that I care about what others read about a theory that can get them into a shit ton of financial trouble if they take the advice of someone who cannot procure any evidence the theory is founded in the law.
To be honest, you really have to be disciplined to not allow yourself to let a conspiracy interpret the law for you. Its so easy to blame the inability to comprehend law on a conspiracy.
Being, and remaining unbiased is discipline when you don't like what you're seeing or hearing. I went through this discipline when I took off the conspiracy theory cap for actually learning the truth.

You know if we want to return this country back to what it once was we cannot afford the direction of misinformation or even disinformation leading it.
I've asked palani many times to provide the "who's" and "whats" and "hows" but all we get are cocky non-answer circular responses.
I would still buy palani a beer if I ever met in a bar.

11th July 2013, 06:31 PM
Its about the purpose of FRN when they are issued to banks and banks alone....not people that you claim are banks you two bit whackoo twit.
Possibly you hold a drivers license and fail to see that it is only issued to COMMERCIAL entities?

Perhaps you hold a fiat dollar bill and fail to recognize that you do so as a Federal Reserve Bank?

What else have you missed because your event horizon is a small circle over your geographic position?

You are a bank when you deal with federal reserve notes. Get used to the idea. It is part of being involved in commerce.

Why do you go to work at John Deere every day? Commerce.

What do the Feds excel at controlling? Commerce.

What did your momma do when she informed on you to the Bureau of Vital Statistics? Entered you into COMMERCE.

11th July 2013, 06:33 PM
today I was talking with another one of your co-conspiracy nutcases that also follows the whackoo David Merrill Vanpelt.

I doubt you were actually talking with anyone. Most probably sending him a written note.

11th July 2013, 06:36 PM
I've asked palani many times to provide the "who's" and "whats" and "hows" but all we get are cocky non-answer circular responses.
Who ... ME
What ... The subject is removal of a commercial yoke or eliminating a pierced ear
How ... DON'T HANDLE FRNS .. They will get you into a world of trouble, son.

There ... that task is done. Now you may stop carping on the subject.

11th July 2013, 06:37 PM
this thread hands off would have me watching your back.

Let's make a deal? 7th will scratch your back in exchange for a little quid pro quo? Now who is the JEW in this picture?

7th trump
11th July 2013, 06:39 PM
All of what you say palani about frn's is what the judicial system calls "hear-say" (basically its your personal unfounded opinion on a subject).
It doesn't hold any water in any legality whatsoever without a foundation in the law or a provable "fact".
They also call it "baseless", "unfounded" or "frivolous".

11th July 2013, 06:41 PM
All of what you say is what the judicial system calls "hear-say".

You just don't get it do you ? I have never SAID anything.

7th trump
11th July 2013, 06:47 PM
You just don't get it do you ? I have never SAID anything.

And you want people to listen to you about your theories huh?
Go sleep it off!

7th trump
11th July 2013, 07:13 PM
Possibly you hold a drivers license and fail to see that it is only issued to COMMERCIAL entities?

Perhaps you hold a fiat dollar bill and fail to recognize that you do so as a Federal Reserve Bank?

What else have you missed because your event horizon is a small circle over your geographic position?

You are a bank when you deal with federal reserve notes. Get used to the idea. It is part of being involved in commerce.

Why do you go to work at John Deere every day? Commerce.

What do the Feds excel at controlling? Commerce.

What did your momma do when she informed on you to the Bureau of Vital Statistics? Entered you into COMMERCE.

I work at John Deere, but not for John Deere.
Drivers license are issued to "US citizens" only.
You have no proof having reserve notes in your pocket makes anyone a "bank".
Only fools who cant comprehend the statutes believe they are a bank.....besides by law all banks must be chartered.
Where your charter papers if you think you are a bank?
See....even in your delusional state of believing your a bank you still cant procure charter papers....you make no sense!

12th July 2013, 04:43 AM
And you want people to listen to you about your theories huh?

What people do after they receive NOTICE is not my concern now is it?

Drivers license are issued to "US citizens" only. Really? Isn't this covered by Art III of the Louisiana Purchase Treaty of Cession?


Where your charter papers if you think you are a bank?
You might have a slip of paper similar to the following?


7th trump
12th July 2013, 06:09 AM
What people do after they receive NOTICE is not my concern now is it?

Really? Isn't this covered by Art III of the Louisiana Purchase Treaty of Cession?


You might have a slip of paper similar to the following?


Getting permission from the state to travel is not a right.......its a privilege that can be revoked.
And why are you using a Treaty for Louisiana at the time it was a territory.

Here you go Palani trump these court cites.

“There is a difference between privileges and immunities belonging to the citizens of the United States as such, and those belonging to the citizens of each state as such”.
Ruhstrat v. People, 57 N.E. 41 (1900)

“The rights and privileges, and immunities which the fourteenth constitutional amendment and Rev. St. section 1979 [U.S. Comp. St. 1901, p. 1262], for its enforcement, were designated to protect, are such as belonging to citizens of the United States as such, and not as citizens of a state”.
Wadleigh v. Newhall 136 F. 941 (1905)

“...rights of national citizenship as distinct from the fundamental or natural rights inherent in state citizenship”.
Madden v. Kentucky, 309 U.S. 83: 84 L.Ed. 590 (1940)

“We have in our political system a government of the United States and a government of each of the several States. Each one of these governments is distinct from the others, and each has citizens of it’s own...”
United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875)

“...he was not a citizen of the United States, he was a citizen and voter of the State,...” “One may be a citizen of a State an yet not a citizen of the United States”.
McDonel v. The State, 90 Ind. 320 (1883)

“That there is a citizenship of the United States and citizenship of a state,...”
Tashiro v. Jordan, 201 Cal. 236 (1927)

"A citizen of the United States is a citizen of the federal government ..."
Kitchens v. Steele, 112 F.Supp 383

You have a long way to go to reach that plateu you think you are standing in.

7th trump
12th July 2013, 06:17 AM
What people do after they receive NOTICE is not my concern now is it?

Really? Isn't this covered by Art III of the Louisiana Purchase Treaty of Cession?


You might have a slip of paper similar to the following?


Yeah its like you to pass information without verifying its validity and abandoning anyone afterwards who might beleive you.

12th July 2013, 06:31 AM
its like you to pass information without verifying its validity
What gives a NOTICE validity is your response to it. I could claim to have a flying pig and publish NOTICE of this and if nobody responds to it timely then all lose the ability to respond later.

NOTICE is what is given you by the county weed commissioner that he considers certain plants to be destroyed and if you don't do it then he will hire it done and bill you. These NOTICES come out annually in the county paper. They become LAW because nobody ever opts out of the contract offer contained in the NOTICE.

12th July 2013, 06:40 AM
Getting permission from the state to travel is not a right.......its a privilege that can be revoked. The permission might be revoked. The right cannot.

why are you using a Treaty for Louisiana at the time it was a territory. Ha

Here you go Palani trump these court cites.

I'll choose to respond to just one in the interests of time economy

“We have in our political system a government of the United States and a government of each of the several States. Each one of these governments is distinct from the others, and each has citizens of it’s own...”
United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875)
On or about June 20th, 1948 Harry S Truman passed into law a bill while congress was on a major recess. The Affect of that bill was to apply federal court districts over each of the several States. He had no authority to sign any bill into law while congress was not sitting. Immediately afterward he called congress back into emergency cession with no emergency and began administrating to the several States as if they were subdivisions of the federal government. He did so without protest from any of them. So you see anything that happened in 1875 applies only to 1875. Why are you introducing old dicta that might have applied once but NOT apply NOW?

You have a long way to go to reach that plateu you think you are standing in. And you have dug yourself a hole to squat in that will never allow you to see daylight.

7th trump
12th July 2013, 07:44 AM
What gives a NOTICE validity is your response to it. I could claim to have a flying pig and publish NOTICE of this and if nobody responds to it timely then all lose the ability to respond later.

NOTICE is what is given you by the county weed commissioner that he considers certain plants to be destroyed and if you don't do it then he will hire it done and bill you. These NOTICES come out annually in the county paper. They become LAW because nobody ever opts out of the contract offer contained in the NOTICE.

Your logic doesnt make sense.
Notices are not law.
Notices are just that..... a notice for you to obey an already existing law such as destroying certain plants that are by law illegal to posses.

12th July 2013, 07:50 AM
Notices are not law.

NOTICES create estoppel and laches. NOTICES are the basis for ALL pleadings in court these days. I did not create this system but as long as it is being used against me then I might as well use if FOR me.

7th trump
12th July 2013, 07:52 AM
The permission might be revoked. The right cannot.


I'll choose to respond to just one in the interests of time economy

On or about June 20th, 1948 Harry S Truman passed into law a bill while congress was on a major recess. The Affect of that bill was to apply federal court districts over each of the several States. He had no authority to sign any bill into law while congress was not sitting. Immediately afterward he called congress back into emergency cession with no emergency and began administrating to the several States as if they were subdivisions of the federal government. He did so without protest from any of them. So you see anything that happened in 1875 applies only to 1875. Why are you introducing old dicta that might have applied once but NOT apply NOW?

And you have dug yourself a hole to squat in that will never allow you to see daylight.

So you cant discern a privilege from a right.....doesnt surprise me!
The rest of your post is just your attempt at putting square pegs in round holes to prove point that doesnt have a meaning or purpose.
And by your own words....what Truman did in 1948 stays in 1948....your theory is not a oneway street that only you can go down......so what was your point?
Or didnt you think what is good for the gender is good for the goose?
Nice attempt.........but maybe you should rethink your theory before posting it.

12th July 2013, 08:32 AM
So you cant discern a privilege from a right.

No. That is your lack of reading comprehension kicking in. Didn't I tell you a privilege may be revoked while a right may not? What is not discerning is YOU. I have no cure for that. Seek help.

7th trump
12th July 2013, 09:52 AM
No. That is your lack of reading comprehension kicking in. Didn't I tell you a privilege may be revoked while a right may not? What is not discerning is YOU. I have no cure for that. Seek help.

So which is it....a privilege or a Right?

I beleive I know why you answer a question with a question leaving the person doubting themselves is because its you whos confused.
A right cannot be revoked but you say the privilege can be.
What you are telling everyone here is every American has a right to travel, but the privilege can be revoked.
So which is it Palani?
I already stated only US citizens can be issued a drivers license where as in those court cases The People are not.

You are confused with jurisdiction because you dont understand that a "US citizen" is politically different than The People.
The People dont ask for permission where the US Constitution says they are king. Kings dont ask themselves for permission.

12th July 2013, 11:25 AM
So which is it....a privilege or a Right? Driving is a commercial activity and all commercial activities are subject to licensing. That makes it revokable and therefore driving is a privilege.

Traveling on the other hand is a right. But then you relinquish this right voluntarily when you involve yourself in the political process. Your agreement to relinquish this right comes when you call yourself a 'citizen'. It is one of those things you gave up when you submitted yourself to the political process. And so it has been for a couple millenia at least if you care to study the tracks left in the books available to us.

That doesn't leave you much wiggle room does it? Being involved in the political process certainly includes 'the People' doesn't it? By claiming to be one of them you have brought yourself down a peg or three.

12th July 2013, 11:58 AM
Driving is a commercial activity and all commercial activities are subject to licensing. That makes it revokable and therefore driving is a privilege.

Traveling on the other hand is a right. But then you relinquish this right voluntarily when you involve yourself in the political process. Your agreement to relinquish this right comes when you call yourself a 'citizen'. It is one of those things you gave up when you submitted yourself to the political process. And so it has been for a couple millenia at least if you care to study the tracks left in the books available to us.

That doesn't leave you much wiggle room does it? Being involved in the political process certainly includes 'the People' doesn't it? By claiming to be one of them you have brought yourself down a peg or three.

Can we discuss this in a thread dedicated to citizenship, legal shackles and lawful living?

12th July 2013, 02:14 PM
Can we discuss this in a thread dedicated to citizenship, legal shackles and lawful living?

Are you suggesting that all of these things are not connected to a concept called 'JOOS' or 'MUSLIMS'? Didn't you know that everything is interconnected. Read my sig line.

12th July 2013, 02:52 PM

12th July 2013, 02:56 PM
whats the score and who is winning


12th July 2013, 03:40 PM
Hey Ximmy? did you know that that cartoon (Spy vs Spy) is from Cuba?...by a guy by the name of Proibas (from the 1950's), at one time in the army those from ICS just to wear them on their lapel but the brass made them take them off.