View Full Version : Matrix: Who is Edward Snowden

midnight rambler
8th July 2013, 07:43 PM

9th July 2013, 07:33 AM
Exactly how does a time-share in a black hole work? Good article though, well worth the time to read...

Hatha Sunahara
9th July 2013, 08:55 AM
......what Snowden has exposed could be called a limited hangout. A way to let a little steam off, a way to avoid the deeper issues.

Maybe it's a way to demonstrate to those who would lead resistance to the regime that they are powerless in influencing the masses. A demonstration of the inertia of the masses. A demonstration of the short memory span of the masses. Yes, they are spying on us, but what can we do about it? They're blackmailing our representatives in the government. So, we'll just turn on the cognitive dissonance, and act like it's nothing new, and we'll get used to it, and after a while, we won't even think about it. Why worry about something you can't do anything about?

Is that the message John Rappoport is sending us? That we are a herd, (or a flock) and that individually we are sheep, and we have to be led by 'authority' for our own 'safety' so that later they can fleece us and slaughter us? Is he hoping to get us to behave like lions and revolt against this tyranny? Or is he showing us how powerless we are? If it was the former, he would suffer the fate of Hastings, so it must be the latter. Right?


9th July 2013, 10:12 AM
I find nothing surprising about the fact that he only has a GED. It is my impression that organizations like the NSA, CIA, and FBI like to recruit people at as young an age as possible so they're more impressionable and less likely to have baggage.