View Full Version : Cops Shoots Unarmed Woman Motorist To Death For Rolling Up Her Car window
9th July 2013, 12:10 AM
9th July 2013, 12:39 AM
If it was my wife there would be a contract out
9th July 2013, 12:56 AM
Cops are above the law. They can murder anyone they want for sport. No one cares.
9th July 2013, 05:15 AM
Forgive me for being blunt in this man's time of loss, but here goes. You can see the man's reaction: "I love and trust the system, why did the system not know I loved and respected it?"
"It might have been an overreaction"?
9th July 2013, 05:18 AM
turns out many of the terrorists are the 'men in blue', aka PIGS.
9th July 2013, 05:40 AM
Forgive me for being blunt in this man's time of loss, but here goes. You can see the man's reaction: "I love and trust the system, why did the system not know I loved and respected it?"
"It might have been an overreaction"?
I agree.
People are so domesticated coupled with their love of Stockholm Syndrome, that they literally cannot see reality. It would be damn near impossible for this man to see his own 'Government' as anything other than a loving set of parents. For him to see the truth would require him to question his ENTIRE existence and to then actually take on the responsibility of being a human being which would mean he would have to judge right and wrong and act accordingly.
Most people wold rather die on their knees than to take on the only responsibility they have as a human: Use your own morals and values to judge peoples actions. If those actions are good, then do something about it, and if those actions are evil DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. This is the one single thing the 'Government' not only doesnt ever want you doing, they dont want you to even know you are capable of making this world a better place on your own.
If this happened as the witness says, i wouldnt even waste a penny on a trial for this low life COWARD. Why should innocent people have to pay for this clown to either stay home or sit in jail? Take this psycho (and ALL of his fellow gang members who will back him up no matter what) out of society FOR GOOD.
9th July 2013, 06:09 AM
Contracts can be traced. No words spoken means no conspiracy. No contacts means no knowledge.
BTW- this was over a year ago. Was there an update?
9th July 2013, 07:52 AM
The cop was sentenced to 3 years in prison for manslaughter.
9th July 2013, 08:16 AM
How could his arm be caught inside the window unless he was reaching in to do something illegal?
Regardless, the witness gave a different account. That bastard needs to get a dose of karma. I am sure he will find some friends in the big house.
Hatha Sunahara
9th July 2013, 09:50 AM
The bastard will not go to the big house. The system will protect him. And all like him. The system needs him and his kind to protect the system from its enemies, which is everybody who does not conform and obey. This guy is a tool, and a symptom of the larger problem. The masses have been conditioned over a long period of time to conform and obey and to 'respect authority'. That's the larger problem. Getting rid of him will not solve that problem. Getting rid of that conditioning of the masses will solve this problem. The system, unfortunately, regards those people who work toward 'de-programming' the masses are it's most formidable enemy and have a zero tolerance for them. They have to root out these 'terrorists', which is what the 'war on terror' (and all the surveillance) is all about.
9th July 2013, 01:05 PM
From the link .41Dave posted:
Soon after Harmon-Wright was arrested, it was revealed that he had a tarnished military record, a drinking problem, and a history of harassing Culpeper residents. The first two problems nearly kept him from getting the job, and no one at the Culpeper Police Department will say why they didn't.
They purposefully hire CRIMINALS to run their racket. Don't be naive and think this is the exception. THIS IS THE RULE.
I like how they use the oxymoronic propaganda term 'tarnished Military record'.... Is there any other kind? Lol
9th July 2013, 02:09 PM
The bastard will not go to the big house.
that's too bad. he deserves some TLC from Big Tyrone.
9th July 2013, 02:14 PM
3 years for murder?
9th July 2013, 02:19 PM
3 years for murder?
Yes hes a cop ,with an IQ set within certain limits .
Normal people get 30 years
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