View Full Version : breaking news on glenn beck!

9th July 2013, 08:12 AM
i listen to asshat for entertainment on occasion. he has brad thor on right now, breaking a huge story. huge. a group of bankers went to jekyll island in the early 1900s and colluded to form an organization known as the federal reserve. this is going to be huge, just huge, when people find out about it.

9th July 2013, 08:20 AM
fer the chuckle.

9th July 2013, 08:38 AM
were they Jewish bankers ?

Did they give themselves the ability to print money ?

the contrast in effort is striking. a bankster sits in an air-conditioned office and creates ballpark $5 Billion in Treasury notes for that day's auction. pulls in high-6 figures as a government employee, pulls in 7 figures as a private sector employee, for one day's mostly sweat-free work.

meanwhile, a small-scale gold miner will trudge through mud & muck for 3 hours to recover 1/4 ounce of Gold, if they have a good spot. 1 hour for set-up and breakdown. 1 hour each way for transportation. 1 hour of panning to recover Gold from the concentrates. minus gas costs.

so the miner, usually Gentile, works 8 hours to recover $300 worth of Gold, at today's prices. $37.50 an hour - except he's still paying off the dredge & other mining equipment.

the bankster, often Jewish, works a few hours (if you can call that work) on the day's business, and spends the rest of the day schmoozing & promoting the tribe's business. maybe takes a call from Abe Foxman to talk about the ADL's "anti-Semitism on the Internet" campaign.

i don't call schmoozing work. conservatively, the bankster makes $2000 for 4 hours work - $500 an hour.

the Fed banksters have quite a Shylock Scam going for themselves.

Twisted Titan
9th July 2013, 09:55 AM
Yeah Chad

Next thing ya know you be saying they planned to make free money cost money and only a handful of people control it.

Tell me another one Chaddie

9th July 2013, 12:29 PM
Beck dosnt miss a trick............................