View Full Version : Strange story from Vetrans Today Secret Space War III: Marduk Lands in Africa ?

9th July 2013, 01:13 PM
Occasionally a good rumor is entertaining as well as distracting from the often negative barrage of daily world news which is usually slanted to indicate the demise of populism which is far from true. This article involves a story which I certainly hope turns out to be just a funny rumor. The problem is that the source for this story has very deep Intel connections and usually is right on the money.
And there are certain background details which create many more questions than they answer.
And it is these questions which seem quite remarkable in scope and themselves generate many more questions and raise new issues.


9th July 2013, 01:28 PM
Several years ago I attached one of my vision mono to my telesco and was able to see beyond the stars and saw, what to me was a star war scenario......it lasted for about ten minutes...after it was over I called Palomar to asked them if the have seen anything special on that night..... the guy who answered the phone said "YOU SAW IT" and I answered back "what?" and he hesitated for a few sencond and said "The comet beyong Plut"...... I new right away that he was covering something up and full of it, so that may answer was "Yes that's it, thank you " and hung up the phone

Remember that we do have a "Space Command" composed of company of "Space Marines".....a la "James Bond movie" so that to me anything is possible........only that we are not supposed to know about it...........the space command was found by a hacker who got into the Pentagons comp.........I believe that he got seven years in jail.


9th July 2013, 01:46 PM
the hacker is still in England as they havnt let him go

9th July 2013, 02:20 PM


7th trump
9th July 2013, 02:21 PM
Several years ago I attached one of my vision mono to my telesco and was able to see beyond the stars and saw, what to me was a star war scenario......it lasted for about ten minutes...after it was over I called Palomar to asked them if the have seen anything special on that night..... the guy who answered the phone said "YOU SAW IT" and I answered back "what?" and he hesitated for a few sencond and said "The comet beyong Plut"...... I new right away that he was covering something up and full of it, so that may answer was "Yes that's it, thank you " and hung up the phone

Remember that we do have a "Space Command" composed of company of "Space Marines".....a la "James Bond movie" so that to me anything is possible........only that we are not supposed to know about it...........the space command was found by a hacker who got into the Pentagons comp.........I believe that he got seven years in jail.


Well Ponce its written in Revelations there war in heaven between Michael and his angels and satan and his angels. Space is the heavens.

9th July 2013, 03:20 PM
Space is the heavens.

It might also be the volume occupied between your ears.

7th trump
9th July 2013, 05:42 PM
It might also be the volume occupied between your ears.

Well you've demonstrated the vacum between yours all to well with all that legalese circular talk that has absolutely no evidence of a foundation in the law.
You've made it pretty evident you cant read 12usc 411 to interpret it correctly.
Jeez a third grader can understand there's three sections to 12usc 411....apparently you don't know what a semicolon is for.

Btw, are you ever going to answer the simple question if a $1 gold piece is equal to 100 US cents?
Never mind palani...........you'll never answer that question because everyone knows if you do you've just admitted to being a fool.

9th July 2013, 05:44 PM
Don't create thread drift.

7th trump
9th July 2013, 05:45 PM
Don't create thread drift.

You're really going to go there aren't you.

9th July 2013, 05:48 PM
Don't create thread drift.


9th July 2013, 07:02 PM
Why do you guys always fuck my threads up> What The Fuck!



No Lifes.

Parade killers.

Again, assholes.

9th July 2013, 07:15 PM
Why do you guys always fuck my threads up> What The Fuck!



No Lifes.

Parade killers.

Again, assholes.

Umm, hate to break it to you, but this isn't your thread. Just saying.

Oh, and back to the OP, why are we even discussing Duff? What is gained?

7th trump
9th July 2013, 07:54 PM
Why do you guys always fuck my threads up> What The Fuck!



No Lifes.

Parade killers.

Again, assholes.

What osoab said!
Anyway, I was replying to Ponce to tell him the Bible reads there is a war between Michael and his angels and satan and his.
There's a relation to the OP in a way to what I said is written in the Bible and what Ponce witnessed.
I do believe what Ponce witnessed is Michael and satan at war with each other. Why wouldn't God have technology far beyond what we humans have invented. The Bible says we would notice this war in the heavens, maybe not all humans would notice, but its written its noticeable.
Besides theres nothing new under the sun anyway. Earth was once far more advanced at the time Lucifer revolted. Its written that cities inhabited the earth and the people in them were wiped for this current earth age we are in the flesh for, testament.
More evidence of this first earth age that got wiped out http://news.msn.com/videos/?ap=True&videoid=2c95f7ec-184e-8e60-1111-83ad85c3fa0d&from=en-us_msnhp

Everything was mainly on topic until palani stopped in and instigated. I made one reply and followed by another to end it.
If you haven't noticed when I post in a thread I'm usually responding to palani to get him to show the documentation of proof so everyone can realize without any documentation what palani says should be taken with a grain of salt.
He of course is having a difficult time with me holding his feet to the fire.

10th July 2013, 05:44 AM
What osoab said!
Anyway, I was replying to Ponce to tell him the Bible reads there is a war between Michael and his angels and satan and his.
There's a relation to the OP in a way to what I said is written in the Bible and what Ponce witnessed.
I do believe what Ponce witnessed is Michael and satan at war with each other. Why wouldn't God have technology far beyond what we humans have invented. The Bible says we would notice this war in the heavens, maybe not all humans would notice, but its written its noticeable.
Besides theres nothing new under the sun anyway. Earth was once far more advanced at the time Lucifer revolted. Its written that cities inhabited the earth and the people in them were wiped for this current earth age we are in the flesh for, testament.
More evidence of this first earth age that got wiped out http://news.msn.com/videos/?ap=True&videoid=2c95f7ec-184e-8e60-1111-83ad85c3fa0d&from=en-us_msnhp

Everything was mainly on topic until palani stopped in and instigated. I made one reply and followed by another to end it.
If you haven't noticed when I post in a thread I'm usually responding to palani to get him to show the documentation of proof so everyone can realize without any documentation what palani says should be taken with a grain of salt.
He of course is having a difficult time with me holding his feet to the fire.

Why don't you PM your buddies instead of fucking up everyones threads? Or stay in your own threads so we don't need to see you 2 children bicker back and forth?

10th July 2013, 06:50 AM
Why don't you PM your buddies instead of fucking up everyones threads? Or stay in your own threads so we don't need to see you 2 children bicker back and forth?
In what world do you live where your shit doesn't stink?

Your post is a thread drift.

I am tired of reading about your intolerance. Grow up and start acting as if you actually mattered.

10th July 2013, 09:07 AM
It should be "what Ponce could have witnessed" after all even I don't know what I saw.....but...something very interesting was that one of the lights was moving million of miles in a spect second in the form of a square, it would move and stay in place for exactly six seconds and then move again and again .....I called him the "commander" and with the other moving lights in a closer space....this was happening just next to the four stars with a handle.

I'd better stop waching Star Trek or someone is going to shoot me with a phaser hahaahahahah.


10th July 2013, 10:06 AM
In what world do you live where your shit doesn't stink?

Your post is a thread drift.

I am tired of reading about your intolerance. Grow up and start acting as if you actually mattered.

Good, put me on ignore... douche.

10th July 2013, 11:32 AM
Good, put me on ignore... douche.

Will you do the same fucktard?

10th July 2013, 11:43 AM
Everything was mainly on topic until palani stopped in and instigated.

The space between your ears is supposed to be your brain. Anything you see, feel, hear, taste or smell gets processed in this space and you come to conclusions (beliefs) based upon these inputs. The universe gets created in this space or doesn't exist at all.

Of course if you choose to take my comment as a negative observation on your intelligence that is your choice after all.

10th July 2013, 11:50 AM
gtfo this thread you girlie lil @ssholes! go have a hissy elsewhere.
that said, its coincidental that THREE, count them THREE ex us presidents secretly went to africa.....hmm

10th July 2013, 12:06 PM
gtfo this thread you girlie lil @ssholes!

Hardly being civil. Who died and left YOU in charge?

THREE ex us presidents secretly went to africa
If they went SECRETLY then how come YOU know about it? Looks to me like they went PUBLICLY.

I guess this just goes to show that you don't know your bunghole from an anthill.

10th July 2013, 12:28 PM
Will you do the same fucktard?

You must have really big muscles.

Why in a bad mood, break up with CampAssman?

10th July 2013, 01:35 PM
Come on ladies....go and get your nails done or something............