View Full Version : Obama wants everyone spying on everyone to spy on each other as well ....hahahahah...

10th July 2013, 03:27 AM
Obama wants everyone spying on everyone to spy on each other as well {0}....hahahahah..............this is too much I cant take anymore hahahaha



10th July 2013, 11:08 AM
Every Government worker should turn in a report ON HIM, They should say he's acting suspiciously like he does NOT have this country and the constitution at his best interest. That would shut down the program real fast

10th July 2013, 11:43 AM
Every Government worker should turn in a report ON HIM, They should say he's acting suspiciously like he does NOT have this country and the constitution at his best interest. That would shut down the program real fast

that would make a good petition for the whitehouse.gov website.

it could turn real embarassing real quick - for F'Obama.