View Full Version : GSUS 2013 Black Riots Thread

10th July 2013, 08:45 AM


http://files.myopera.com/crystalacey/Smilies_Emoticons/Popcorn_Eating_Smilie.gif Probably go to the jury on Friday so non-stop media Black Riot coverage might begin this weekend.

10th July 2013, 09:24 AM
Yes- I suspect strongly that it will get ugly in many places. We have already seen savage attacks without cause.

10th July 2013, 09:32 AM
Lookin like South Street during the NBA all-star game. Commence rioting on 3..2...1

10th July 2013, 09:41 AM
These malcontents will be a good excuse for HSA to equip and use deadly force in mass riot control exercises. They will also be the excuse for house-to-house searchers for weapons- without warrants.

We are in the fascist regime stage now. Those who speak out will soon be primary targets. The days of this forum are limited except for the history files of NSA.

willie pete
10th July 2013, 09:57 AM
it seems the pattern in the past though, when the negros have gone wild, is they loot and burn the neighborhood down for a few days then go back to their huts.....I'm not so sure a not-guilty verdict will provoke massive wide scale riots and mayhem, currently there are just too many armed citizens

10th July 2013, 10:03 AM

10th July 2013, 10:20 AM
it seems the pattern in the past though, when the negros have gone wild, is they loot and burn the neighborhood down for a few days then go back to their huts.....I'm not so sure a not-guilty verdict will provoke massive wide scale riots and mayhem, currently there are just too many armed citizens

I see two subsets of this group. One, the more logical, actually think that injustice is being done to blacks by the whites. Why? There can be many reasons for that. Maybe inferiority complexes. Maybe racial tension experienced. There are obvious differences in the races and feeling you got dealt a poor hand of cards makes the game a misery. So, the ego makes them blame the white guy as racist. These act like a child stomping his feet for attention.

The other group is largely just opportunistic savages. They will use any excuse to execute mayhem. They are emotionally charged and don't need any logical inputs. They aren't trying to achieve anything beyond the present joy of hurting others. Yes... joy. They enjoy hurting others.

10th July 2013, 10:30 AM
I see two subsets of this group. One, the more logical, actually think that injustice is being done to blacks by the whites. Why? There can be many reasons for that. Maybe inferiority complexes. Maybe racial tension experienced. There are obvious differences in the races and feeling you got dealt a poor hand of cards makes the game a misery. So, the ego makes them blame the white guy as racist. These act like a child stomping his feet for attention.

The other group is largely just opportunistic savages. They will use any excuse to execute mayhem. They are emotionally charged and don't need any logical inputs. They aren't trying to achieve anything beyond the present joy of hurting others. Yes... joy. They enjoy hurting others.

And then there are the white folks, rolling cars over, setting them on fire... In celebration of "the Super Bowl".

10th July 2013, 10:32 AM


10th July 2013, 10:36 AM
They arent going to do shit. I live in the state this is occuring and let me tell you, i think people OUTSIDE florida are more riled up about this.

Its heated, theres no doubt about it, I expect some beatings, muggins robbings and even some killings to happen because of the verdict, but not a mass scale, not blacks crawling through white town murdered and raping and pillaging. If anything, they will tear their own streets up, but I have a pretty good feeling even that wont have on a large scale.

Police throughout our state anyways are taking precautions, getting their riot response in order now and issuing statements to the effect. The armed white folk are doing the same. Its bad for tourism in a town that exist solely because of tourism. If they riot on a large scale, it will end badly for them.

10th July 2013, 10:45 AM
Black mobs go 'bang' on July 4th (http://www.wnd.com/2013/07/black-gangs-go-bang-on-july-4th/#Tg5eHkKkV3b3uiYf.99)
Something to get us in the mood while we wait for the Zimmerman jury. This black mob shit happened last week for no reason. Soon they will have a reason.


10th July 2013, 10:53 AM
And then there are the white folks, rolling cars over, setting them on fire... In celebration of "the Super Bowl".

LOL... yeah them smart white folk riot over the impotant stuff.

10th July 2013, 10:54 AM
Its heated, there's no doubt about it, I expect some beatings, muggins robbings and even some killings to happen because of the verdict, but not a mass scale...

Oh. You expect things to be normal after the verdict.


10th July 2013, 10:58 AM
Heimdahl... my alter ego... again disagreeing with me. It is tough to be the same person disagreeing with me.

FYI- One of the clowns in another thread claimed I was Heimdahl... and/or other jewsh fellas. I guess I need me a good sock puppet. Eh Book?

10th July 2013, 11:30 AM
Another turd on the pile of dreck:

www.chimpout.com (http://www.chimpout.com)

10th July 2013, 11:54 AM
These malcontents will be a good excuse for HSA to equip and use deadly force in mass riot control exercises. They will also be the excuse for house-to-house searchers for weapons- without warrants.

We are in the fascist regime stage now. Those who speak out will soon be primary targets. The days of this forum are limited except for the history files of NSA.
indeed,as in new orleans, they will ignore the black rioters and beat the shit out of old white ladys in upper class hoods...

10th July 2013, 12:26 PM
Another turd on the pile of dreck:

www.chimpout.com (http://www.chimpout.com)

Havent been here in a while...
That is what niggers naturally do when the "man" is not there as a deterrent. Go totally out of control. Again, if the UK had not colonized Africa hundreds of years ago Africans would have naturally died off as nature intended and the World would not be faced with this biological Global plague.

10th July 2013, 01:17 PM







10th July 2013, 02:01 PM

How about no more food stamps and no more child support for the fatherless little black babies spawned by a savage breed with multi-spawned mamas?

When the nigga wants to attack a white man, it is only just that his head get blown off. You wanna start a riot Mr Chimp? May it not stop until it is finished.

10th July 2013, 02:32 PM
I see two subsets of this group. One, the more logical, actually think that injustice is being done to blacks by the whites. Why? There can be many reasons for that. Maybe inferiority complexes. Maybe racial tension experienced. There are obvious differences in the races and feeling you got dealt a poor hand of cards makes the game a misery. So, the ego makes them blame the white guy as racist. These act like a child stomping his feet for attention.

The other group is largely just opportunistic savages. They will use any excuse to execute mayhem. They are emotionally charged and don't need any logical inputs. They aren't trying to achieve anything beyond the present joy of hurting others. Yes... joy. They enjoy hurting others.

This sums it up pretty good. I'd say if there was riots it would most likely be the opportunistic types.

All of this is all talk, and no action. Like Book's revenge video. That dude is all talk. It's inner city culture, and the guy who's quick to talk tough and make threats, is the first one to start crying when he's in the back of a patrol car. It's the quiet ones that are the biggest threats.

10th July 2013, 05:05 PM
Man, I'm so glad I'm somebodies alter ego... I was starting to think no one wanted me. Obscure, ancient nordic deities are just so common though, thats what gave you away, Spec....

10th July 2013, 07:07 PM
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQCp4eT2n8rVUm1CD3xnDaaQ8_vDvkZR kcl9Jwvte1z1sbucVUzxw


10th July 2013, 09:06 PM
Black guy gets it:


10th July 2013, 11:32 PM



10th July 2013, 11:40 PM



That"s pretty genius Book. I wish I had more Moose Tracks Ice Cream to celebrate. I love that stuff.

No, I'm not being sarcastic.

11th July 2013, 10:26 AM
That"s pretty genius Book. I wish I had more Moose Tracks Ice Cream to celebrate. I love that stuff.

No, I'm not being sarcastic.


https://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/sx/www.stormfront.org/fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/x968975_469307436489115_371247855_n.jpg.pagespeed. ic.icRD4uO-Sz.jpg

Hard for anyone not to be sarcastic about this case. Remember the Prosecutor's Star Witness?


11th July 2013, 10:47 AM
Black guy gets it:


I can't take seriously a man who plucks his eyebrows.

11th July 2013, 10:56 AM
I can't take seriously a man who plucks his eyebrows.

Who does that?

11th July 2013, 11:12 AM
I ain't gonna be a part of NO EYEBROW PLUCKIN...

11th July 2013, 11:26 AM
Confuscious say...."Better to be plucker than pluckee" ;)

11th July 2013, 11:54 AM
Who does that?

This guy and the guy in the video:


11th July 2013, 12:31 PM
This guy and the guy in the video:


What a queer. Okay I didn't watch the video.

11th July 2013, 01:11 PM
Confuscious say...."Better to be plucker than pluckee" ;)

Paulie said Meadow was pluckee. He's lucky he didn't get whacked by Tony.

11th July 2013, 02:07 PM
^ man I really have no clue what you are talking about. I should sign up for TeeVee.

Uncle Salty
11th July 2013, 03:52 PM
I don't think we see mass scale rioting. Maybe a few marches and memorial vigils.

With the Rodney King verdict, it was almost inconceivable that there would be a not guilty verdict. Everyone had watched the beat down and thought for sure some cops would have to be guilty of something.

But with this case, it's almost as a not guilty is expected, so there won't be the outrage from the not guilty decision. Just a lot of yapping about at least Trayvon had his day in court and the state did a shitty job of making its case.

I want riots. But then I love doom. I say bring it on. It is coming one way or the other, so might as well get it over with while I am still somewhat young and in shape to deal with it.

11th July 2013, 05:06 PM
don't know what to make of this "claim"-

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Claim: NBPP Busing Mobs To Florida For Zimmerman Riots (http://wwwwakeupamericans-spree.blogspot.ca/2013/07/claim-nbpp-busing-mobs-to-florida-for.html)

By Susan Duclos

QStarNews claims (http://www.qstarnews.com/a/articletemplate6.cfm?articlenumber=2715) that eyewitnesses are reporting that the New Black Panther party is busing in mobs of people to riot if George Zimmerman is found not guilty of 2nd degree murder in the death of Trayvon Martin.

Reports have come in from eye witnesses in Sanford, Florida that the New Black Panther Party, an extremist group that has called for the killing of George Zimmerman if he is found not guilty, is busing in thousands to that town. Sanford is the location of the trial and near the place where the shooting of Trayvon Martin by Zimmerman occurred. There have been threats of riots if Zimmerman is not found guilty and it is believed that the New Black Panther Party and other extremist groups will attempt to take advantage of racial tensions after a non guilty verdict by organizing riots.

Racial tensions are thick across the country over this case, with claims like the one above, public threats against "random white kids (http://twitchy.com/2013/06/27/ima-kill-me-a-cracka-death-threats-against-george-zimmerman-random-white-people-explode-during-trial/)," by Trayvon Martin supporters, if Zimmerman is found not guilty, new documents showing the DOJ had a behind-the-scene role (http://wwwwakeupamericans-spree.blogspot.com/2013/07/bombshell-documents-show-obamas-doj.html) in organizing the original 2012 protests against Zimmerman and theories that Obama is planning for a race war (http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2013/07/obama-plans-nationwide-race-riots-if-zimmerman-is-found-innocent-2678492.html) if a not guilty verdict is rendered.

Authorities are taking preemptive action in preparation for potential rioting in Florida and released a statement and video (http://wwwwakeupamericans-spree.blogspot.com/2013/07/broward-county-florida-prepares.html) to attempt to calm the racial tensions before the verdict, which is expected either this week or next.

Back in 2012, the New Black Panther Party had issued a wanted dead or alive poster (Shown below) on Zimmerman, and offered a bounty for Zimmerman (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/cnn-reports-black-panthers-offering-bounty-on-trayvon-killer-george-zimmerman/). If these reports are true, the situation just got exponentially worse and more dangerous.

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-us6mLG0b0Ws/Ud2q6eVnvgI/AAAAAAAAORY/wzTcXcN-Ifg/s640/Wanted.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-us6mLG0b0Ws/Ud2q6eVnvgI/AAAAAAAAORY/wzTcXcN-Ifg/s1600/Wanted.jpg)


11th July 2013, 05:19 PM
Niggers dont march, or try to be civilized. Go to a riot with a chimpout and tell me after how they cared about your sympathetic justice. If you come back alive I will listen.

11th July 2013, 05:46 PM
I don't think we see mass scale rioting. Maybe a few marches and memorial vigils.

With the Rodney King verdict, it was almost inconceivable that there would be a not guilty verdict. Everyone had watched the beat down and thought for sure some cops would have to be guilty of something.

But with this case, it's almost as a not guilty is expected, so there won't be the outrage from the not guilty decision. Just a lot of yapping about at least Trayvon had his day in court and the state did a shitty job of making its case.

I want riots. But then I love doom. I say bring it on. It is coming one way or the other, so might as well get it over with while I am still somewhat young and in shape to deal with it.

Uncle Salty just posted the most discerning comments in this thread.

1) Whitey Goyim demonstrated flacid Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street gestures until the weather became cold. Too busy lining up to buy the latest iPad from China and too distracted by jew Dancing With The Stars teevee to actually lift their obese asses off sofas. Be interesting to see if the millions of unemployed young blacks get off their sofas this time.

2) I have to admit for the record agreeing with his second point highlighted in red for pretty much the same reasons. Easy for me to say because I moved to Whitey Idaho decades ago and can watch the race riots on my HDTV while munching popcorn.


11th July 2013, 05:49 PM
I like popcorn is there any issue you have to post?

midnight rambler
11th July 2013, 05:56 PM
"Academic scholar" - what a hoot.


11th July 2013, 06:03 PM
"Academic scholar" - what a hoot.


That is sufficient to arrest the originators as: conspiracy to commit murder, inciting violence, abetting a felony.

Think them niggas will be arrested?

11th July 2013, 06:04 PM
Easy for me to say because I moved to Whitey Idaho decades ago and can watch the race riots on my HDTV while munching popcorn.

How long can we keep Idaho White?

midnight rambler
11th July 2013, 06:11 PM
"Academic scholar" -

If examples such as Trayvon pass as 'academic scholars' then I'm thinking black folks are in serious need of raising their standards. (as if we all didn't know and appreciate that fact)

12th July 2013, 04:38 PM
Zimmerman preferred patrolling the neighborhood rather than cuddle with his lonely wife.

We can't go out there and face Trayvon's mother with an acquittal.

Glad I don't have to cook for my kids tonight.

I've never felt more powerful in my entire life!

Wheel of Fortune starts in twenty minutes...

Think the angry Negros will accept manslaughter without rioting?

I'm hungry. Let's adjourn for the night.

Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok.

Jury deliberates Zimmerman case, breaks for the night

After presiding over 12 days of testimony and two days of closing arguments, Seminole County Judge Debra Nelson turned the case over to a jury sequestered since the trial began last month. They broke for the day without reaching a verdict.

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n237/XQuietThunderX/Emoticons/puter41.gif Zimmerman is fucked...

12th July 2013, 05:45 PM
If examples such as Trayvon pass as 'academic scholars' then I'm thinking black folks are in serious need of raising their standards. (as if we all didn't know and appreciate that fact)

Travon was a scholar according to the black standard of academic intelligence...

Smart Chimp Gets Speech Like a Human


This 25-year-old chimpanzee named "Panzee" understands more than 130 English language words.
Carolyn Richardson, Division of University Relations


- Human speech perception is not unique to humans, an educated chimp has just demonstrated.
- Early experience with language allows people to process and perceive speech.
- The last common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans likely had the capacity for speech perception.
A 25-year-old chimpanzee named "Panzee" has just demonstrated that speech perception is not a uniquely human trait.
Well-educated Panzee understands more than 130 English language words and even recognizes words in sine-wave form, a type of synthetic speech that reduces language to three whistle-like tones. This shows that she isn't just responding to a particular person's voice or emotions, but instead she is processing and perceiving speech as humans do.
"The results suggest that the common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans may have had the capability to perceive speech-like sounds before the evolution of speech, and that early humans were taking advantage of this latent ability when speech did eventually emerge," said Lisa Heimbauer who presented a talk today on the chimp at the 162


midnight rambler
12th July 2013, 05:58 PM
Travon was a scholar according to the black standard of academic intelligence...

Smart Chimp Gets Speech Like a Human


This 25-year-old chimpanzee named "Panzee" understands more than 130 English language words.
Carolyn Richardson, Division of University Relations


- Human speech perception is not unique to humans, an educated chimp has just demonstrated.
- Early experience with language allows people to process and perceive speech.
- The last common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans likely had the capacity for speech perception.
A 25-year-old chimpanzee named "Panzee" has just demonstrated that speech perception is not a uniquely human trait.
Well-educated Panzee understands more than 130 English language words and even recognizes words in sine-wave form, a type of synthetic speech that reduces language to three whistle-like tones. This shows that she isn't just responding to a particular person's voice or emotions, but instead she is processing and perceiving speech as humans do.
"The results suggest that the common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans may have had the capability to perceive speech-like sounds before the evolution of speech, and that early humans were taking advantage of this latent ability when speech did eventually emerge," said Lisa Heimbauer who presented a talk today on the chimp at the 162


Ok, I completely get it now.

12th July 2013, 06:24 PM
Zimmerman preferred patrolling the neighborhood rather than cuddle with his lonely wife.

We can't go out there and face Trayvon's mother with an acquittal.

Glad I don't have to cook for my kids tonight.

I've never felt more powerful in my entire life!

Wheel of Fortune starts in twenty minutes...

Think the angry Negros will accept manslaughter without rioting?

I'm hungry. Let's adjourn for the night.

Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok.

Jury deliberates Zimmerman case, breaks for the night

After presiding over 12 days of testimony and two days of closing arguments, Seminole County Judge Debra Nelson turned the case over to a jury sequestered since the trial began last month. They broke for the day without reaching a verdict.

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n237/XQuietThunderX/Emoticons/puter41.gif Zimmerman is fucked...

i'll take that bet

12th July 2013, 06:49 PM
How any thinking jury can spend more than 5 minutes on this is beyond me. All they have to do is consider what would happen if they were in Z's place or confronted by a Trayvon. Would they have to take a beat down hoping not to be killed? Do they think only cops are allowed to have guns? If so, may a cop shoot their dogs and ranscak their homes.

12th July 2013, 07:46 PM
How any thinking jury can spend more than 5 minutes on this is beyond me. All they have to do is consider what would happen if they were in Z's place or confronted by a Trayvon. Would they have to take a beat down hoping not to be killed? Do they think only cops are allowed to have guns? If so, may a cop shoot their dogs and ranscak their homes.

You really need to go on some blogs where TNB is posted. This is some serious shit going on where they are willing to kill any whitie over this verdict. This is really some SERIOUS SHIT!

Even if packing a couple weapons it is not going to help long term (longer than your bullets end).

You will be facing a jungle full of apes that have no regard of death because they can't recognize death of their own.

This is TPTB dream come true right now. Divide and concur.

If I can shoot straight I can handle most of a jungle myself, add in a few family members and a couple neighbors we be all right.

12th July 2013, 08:24 PM
couldn't we at least dress up in black-face and go shop-lifting or something ?

that would be a false-flag set-up, just like the ...

13th July 2013, 01:44 PM

midnight rambler
13th July 2013, 02:33 PM

See? This is a perfect example of resentful TNB which got her pal Trayvon killed (since he started the shit with GZ).

13th July 2013, 02:39 PM

13th July 2013, 02:58 PM
See? This is a perfect example of resentful TNB which got her pal Trayvon killed (since he started the shit with GZ).

actually, she feels about courts the same way most of us feel about US courts.

as far as her response to the very heavy scrutiny that has fallen on her - she's still a teenager.

but it sounds a little bit like us - to the NSA & other gov. agencies that may watch us - "fuck all you."

13th July 2013, 04:16 PM
as far as her response to the very heavy scrutiny that has fallen on her - she's still a teenager.

http://blu.stb.s-msn.com/i/2E/AF47046D39CFF173F31CD391F95_h316_w628_m5_cMNIPKeSK .jpg

Zimmerman prosecutor's star witness posts pic of her 'court nails' (http://now.msn.com/rachel-jeantel-witness-in-zimmerman-murder-trial-posts-pic-of-nails)
Yeah...she is just like us libertarian GSUSer who be hatin' on the government. We should invite her to join...


13th July 2013, 04:29 PM
Yeah...she is just like us libertarian GSUSer who be hatin' on the government. We should invite her to join...


OK everybody, let's see your nails :)

13th July 2013, 04:45 PM
Will Smith's son will play Trayvon

Danny Trejo will play George Zimmerman the "white hispanic" Neighborhood Watch guy

Jew Spielberg the Producer

Acquitted or convicted this movie will soon be made.


13th July 2013, 07:22 PM


First news clip in San Francisco of the Race Riots. Add more as they happen.


13th July 2013, 07:39 PM
Al Sharpton now calling for FEDERAL re-trial



13th July 2013, 08:13 PM

Too funny...lol



13th July 2013, 08:21 PM
Twitter flooded with violent threats:
Zimmerman might as well kill him self.. He will never have a normal life in America.
— a gangsters diary (@HEADLESSGANG) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/HEADLESSGANG/statuses/356233334831054849)

— $$$FAT TREL$$$ (@FATTREL) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/FATTREL/statuses/356233377919156225)

Whoever kill Zimmerman better not get NO type time. #OnMyMamma (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23OnMyMamma&src=hash)

— Free The Guys #FTO (@FvckJames) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/FvckJames/statuses/356233538917507074)

Somebody need to kill the judge Zimmerman… Zimmerman family… the judge family. Kill all them hoes. Fr
— Amber'Jayee (@BenniessGirl) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/BenniessGirl/statuses/356233510945689602)

Either way Zimmerman gone die…. In jail they gone kill that man… In these streets they gone kill that man
—  ¥OUNG $TEEBIE  (@DJBLAIRE) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/DJBLAIRE/statuses/356230238126084096)

So, I guess someone gon' take Justice in his own hands and kill Zimmerman.
— Love (@Heartlle) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/Heartlle/statuses/356231876379291648)

Zimmerman better enter witness protection
— Queen Elektra (@ShawtyHellaDumb) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/ShawtyHellaDumb/statuses/356232737490874370)

Zimmerman ain't lasting long in these streets
— Miah (@_Jamiahhhh) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/_Jamiahhhh/statuses/356232737667039232)

watch , Zimmerman gone die away . Soooo Ion Got No Worries!
— LyrikLOCO.♥ (@DollFacee_Lyrik) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/DollFacee_Lyrik/statuses/356231953252495360)

If They Say Zimmerman Not Guilty , Somebody Else Dying …. TONIGHT !
— My OWE Keeper (@BeCrystalClear_) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/BeCrystalClear_/statuses/356230019380555779)

George Zimmerman gon be safer in jail. I promise you. They gon fuck him up if he get off.
— Livieeeeeee ♡ (@Lea_Dimples) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/Lea_Dimples/statuses/356230389662101504)

Fuck Zimmerman get money
— «tae» (@TAEZUS) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/TAEZUS/statuses/356230803522453504)

I kinda want Zimmerman to be pleaded not guilty I haven't seen a riot in the U.S. in a while
— asshole (@yungtaddy) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/yungtaddy/statuses/356230803585372160)


13th July 2013, 09:35 PM

Golly. Think the FBI will soon arrest this negro?

#GZtrial (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23GZtrial&src=hash) RT @renestutzman (https://twitter.com/renestutzman): Not guilty.Shellie #Zimmerman (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Zimmerman&src=hash) in tears. GZ no visible relax. Shook def atty Lorna Truett's hand.
— Corey Dade (@CoreyDade) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/CoreyDade/statuses/356232070076432385)

Pro tip: If you want to kill someone in America and avoid jail time, make sure to kill a young black man.
— Matt Yglesias (@mattyglesias) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/statuses/356233340094918656)

Good job, Mr. Prosecutor. I'm sure that overreaching in your charges had nothing to do with this verdict.
— Hayes Brown (@HayesBrown) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/HayesBrown/statuses/356232474218606593)

Agreed. He's guilty as sin... RT @AKRNHSNC (https://twitter.com/AKRNHSNC): what a disgrace, I hope he never has a moment's peace for the rest of his life.
— Shonda Rhymes (@drgoddess) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/drgoddess/statuses/356232188515201025)

I don't cry often, but...
— shayla writes (@ShaylaDPierce) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/ShaylaDPierce/statuses/356232437543608324)

Only White life is protected in America
— Jasiri X (@jasiri_x) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/jasiri_x/statuses/356232429503127552)

Now you all know what a black child's life is worth in America.
— ProfB (@AntheaButler) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/AntheaButler/statuses/356232421890469889)

what will we say to all the young brothers?
— David Johns (@MrDavidJohns) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/MrDavidJohns/statuses/356233564876058627)

If a white teenager had been followed by an armed black man, this never would have happened
— Monica Potts (@MonicaBPotts) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/MonicaBPotts/statuses/356233568474775553)

Let us pray for mercy.
— Broderick (@HolaBrody) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/HolaBrody/statuses/356232418014928897)

So much for a post-racial America.
— BlackGirlNerds (@BlackGirlNerds) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/BlackGirlNerds/statuses/356232212426932225)

So it's okay to follow us at night and kill us? okay. great. thank you. fuck you!
— FlorenceBOOSIEHatch (@NFLGoodwitch) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/NFLGoodwitch/statuses/356232104507490304)

13th July 2013, 09:49 PM
Sign our petition to the Department of Justice today. (http://www.naacp.org/page/s/doj-civil-rights-petition?source=GZnotguiltyshareTWT&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=GZnotguiltyshareTWT&utm_content=share)

Can most of them even READ this petition?


14th July 2013, 06:11 AM
So any riots yet?

14th July 2013, 06:28 AM
I highly doubt the news media will report on the spate of revenge killings by blacks against whites that will be taking place.

14th July 2013, 07:06 AM
Small riots in Oakland.

14th July 2013, 10:14 AM
Small riots in Oakland.

But Oakland always riots.



14th July 2013, 10:29 AM
I highly doubt the news media will report on the spate of revenge killings by blacks against whites that will be taking place.

Exactly. Notice that the US Justice Department has never once considered black-on-white (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/27/white-student-union-taking-up-weekly-night-patrols-to-guard-against-black-on-white-crime-at-md-university/) attacks a violation of Whitey's civil rights.

14th July 2013, 11:34 AM
Here are a sampling of threats to go after the jury:

Niggas coming for that bitch ass jury too.

— Calypso (@fuvk_) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/fuvk_/statuses/356236201520402433)
Zimmerman got the least of worries the real crazy folks are coming after the the jury for making the decision
— God Hand ™ (@slayerofJUSTICE) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/slayerofJUSTICE/statuses/356241103399305218)
Fuck the system! Fuck the jury! Fuck the gov't && Fuck Zimmerman bitch ass! Most of all fuck them races ass mf'ing reporters on Fox news!
— Killer*Blu*Eyez (@Shawt_So_Smoove) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/Shawt_So_Smoove/statuses/356347815041056768)
Fuck George Zimmerman let's kill every jury bitch son and see how they feel
— #OsOaRrOgAnT (@illytre25) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/illytre25/statuses/356259607565447169) Calls to find out where the jury lives:

Show me the jury's faces. Give me those address'
— ☮ (@Aunzzo) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/Aunzzo/statuses/356233884221964289)

Where these jury hoes stay? Can we get they address? #HELLO (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23HELLO&src=hash)
— IG:droo2timezzz (@Droo_NoBlunt) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/Droo_NoBlunt/statuses/356239562906935297)

fuck Zimmerman's address. gimme ALL of the people on the jury address. fuck them.
— MK (@queenemkay_) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/queenemkay_/statuses/356239675431723008)

We Got ZIMMERMAN Address & We Need The JURY Address WE ON THEY ASS
— Everyday Is BlackDay (@BlackWorld_Shaq) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/BlackWorld_Shaq/statuses/356240296532656129)

— Geechi Liberache (@StonerTheo) July 14, 2013 (https://twitter.com/StonerTheo/statuses/356284197243060224)

14th July 2013, 11:59 AM
Tweet back that all the women on jury were black.

Celtic Rogue
14th July 2013, 12:11 PM
niggers, niggers, everywhere and not a mind can think! O0O0O0O0

Sorry to any black fellows... as niggers really do come in all colors! If these assclowns start anything I believe it will grow quickly. This could be the reason they wanted in order to shut down the net and declare martial law. I wonder how many people that tweeted threats will be looked into by the justice dept? Probs none!!! Its just how they roll!

14th July 2013, 11:25 PM

No rioting. Just a bunch of lip flapping now demanding that our Jew Government do something.


14th July 2013, 11:30 PM
We gonna burn all our EBT cards iffin you don't jail Zimmerman !!!

15th July 2013, 04:42 AM
We gonna burn all our EBT cards iffin you don't jail Zimmerman !!!

I nominate this post funniest post, ever. By God, where do you come up with this stuff? LOL.

15th July 2013, 04:52 AM
And there are some "white" nigger instigators pushing these mindless crowds. I have seen footage of them. They appear to be trained in rabble rousing and riot inciting.

15th July 2013, 06:33 AM
Whitey says Whitey is to blame and has to pay:


Check your White privilege at the door, RACISTS!!1!

15th July 2013, 06:40 AM
Whitey says Whitey is to blame and has to pay:


Check your White privilege at the door, RACISTS!!1!

Are these brain-damaged tools addled with white-guilt or bagel-eating ACLUesque agitators? Inquiring minds want to know. This Martin-Zimmerman case is an awefully weak impetus for starting up a new civil rights front.

15th July 2013, 08:31 AM
It is almost unbelieveable how stupid people can be. That dipshit white girl thinks she is doing a great service to humanity. I would love to have a little discussion with her in a public forum. If she is so anti-white, she needs to be destructed for being a racist. And if black culture is something to be applauded, why is it that they rely on whites to fund them? Let's shut off all social welfare programs and clean up the riots as necessary.

Gold Rules
15th July 2013, 08:54 AM
It is almost unbelieveable how stupid people can be. That dipshit white girl thinks she is doing a great service to humanity. I would love to have a little discussion with her in a public forum. If she is so anti-white, she needs to be destructed for being a racist. And if black culture is something to be applauded, why is it that they rely on whites to fund them? Let's shut off all social welfare programs and clean up the riots as necessary.

Smacks of agent provoketure ( sp ) to me & it wouldnt be the first time

I wonder what her passport would have on it?

15th July 2013, 09:02 AM
That dipshit white girl thinks she is doing a great service to humanity. I would love to have a little discussion with her in a public forum.


White idiots should wear a hoodie and stroll down their nearest Martin Luther King Blvd after dark. Wouldn't be long before the local "Neighborhood Watch' made them feel welcome.

7th trump
15th July 2013, 10:04 AM
Smacks of agent provoketure ( sp ) to me & it wouldnt be the first time

I wonder what her passport would have on it?
I actually happen to agree with spec on this one.............lets shut off the welfare to get a true understanding just where these thugs stand. Let the world see these lazy greedy savages afor what they are.

15th July 2013, 01:22 PM

White idiots should wear a hoodie and stroll down their nearest Martin Luther King Blvd after dark. Wouldn't be long before the local "Neighborhood Watch' made them feel welcome.

Now this would be an interesting social experiment.

White guy with a hoodie, a conceal carry weapon and a "justice for trayvon" sign walks down MLK at 2 am. When he shoots a couple of the local 'neighborhood watch' thugs who attack him, I wonder how the media would portray it. Media silence, more race baiting, or would the racial double standard finally be apparent to all the morons who are worked up right now.

Gold Rules
15th July 2013, 01:36 PM
I actually happen to agree with spec on this one.............lets shut off the welfare to get a true understanding just where these thugs stand. Let the world see these lazy greedy savages afor what they are.

OOOOOO dont missunderstand me I also agree with spec & you as well .....its just that some things are a little too weird & convenient

15th July 2013, 02:33 PM

Golly. Think the FBI will soon arrest this negro?

Golly. Think the FBI will soon arrest this negro?

Golly. Think the FBI will soon arrest this negro?

Golly. Think the FBI will soon arrest this negro?

Golly. Think the FBI will soon arrest this negro?

Golly. Think the FBI will soon arrest this negro?

Golly. Think the FBI will soon arrest this negro?

Golly. Think the FBI will soon arrest this negro?

Golly. Think the FBI will soon arrest this negro?

15th July 2013, 02:39 PM

15th July 2013, 02:47 PM
LOL... the feds will arrest a pimple-faced white kid playing a video game and joking about blowing stuff up.... but not the negro who makes a direct threat on the life of a.... welll.... uhhhh... sort of white guy.... that be ok.

15th July 2013, 03:15 PM
Or some white kids selling lemonade in their parents driveway.

16th July 2013, 12:31 PM
Lootin' For Trayvon (http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-zimmerman-protests-oakland-la-20130716,0,3377984.story)

Cuauhtemoc Negrete, 22, who was at the rally in Leimert Park, said he later was robbed and threatened by one of the rogue groups. He said he also saw people assaulted as they waited for a bus at Vernon Avenue and Crenshaw Boulevard.

He broke down in tears Monday as he expressed frustration over the protests. “Why does it always have to go down this road?” he said.

Other witnesses recalled chaos after vandals made their way inside a Wal-Mart (http://www.latimes.com/topic/services-shopping/walmart-ORSTB000070.topic) in Crenshaw Plaza, storming the store before security guards were able to close the gates. A short time later, Los Angeles Police Department (http://www.latimes.com/topic/crime-law-justice/police/los-angeles-police-department-ORGOV000939.topic) officers wearing helmets and carrying batons arrived.

Lali Castillo, 21, of Glendale said she saw people come inside the store and begin throwing merchandise -- mostly clothing -- onto the ground. Some tried to break open the glass jewelry displays on the first floor, she said. She and her family quickly got in their car and left.

http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/eating/eating-popcorn-smiley-emoticon.gif THIS AIN'T EVEN POPCORN WORTHY YET

16th July 2013, 12:37 PM


A South Side felon pleaded not guilty Wednesday to killing a baby and wounding her father during a March shooting in the Woodlawn neighborhood.

Koman Willis appeared before Judge Nicholas Ford Wednesday and pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder and aggravated battery, according to Cook County State’s Attorney’s office spokesman Stephen Campbell. Willis, of the 7800 block of South St. Lawrence Avenue, 32, is accused of shooting 6-month-old Jonylah Watkins and her father, Jonathan Watkins, on March 11 in the 6500 block of South Maryland. He surrendered to police May 26.

Jonylah was sitting in her dad’s lap in a vehicle when she was shot multiple times, authorities said. She died the next day at the University of Chicago Comer Children’s Hospital. Watkins suffered three gunshot wounds in the attack.

Authorities believe the shootings were in retaliation for Watkins allegedly burglarizing Willis’ mother’s home. A PlayStation video-gaming device was among the items stolen, police said.

Willis has been involved in dozens of drug-related court cases and has also been sentenced to prison for leading police on a chase, according to court records.


16th July 2013, 09:47 PM

17th July 2013, 06:08 AM

LOL. This ^^ should be a billboard alongside the highway going into the city. Watch out for the crazy wild animals.

17th July 2013, 06:16 AM

What is the difference between the pictures on the left and the right?

The baboons on the right don't run off with your goods after ripping it open.

17th July 2013, 06:45 AM
This guy deserves a medal- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXFi0l--NPI

Someone please embed. TIA

17th July 2013, 08:24 AM

17th July 2013, 08:51 AM
What is the difference between the pictures on the left and the right?

The baboons on the right don't run off with your goods after ripping it open.

If you had food, the baboons would have ran off with it.

Just different wants and needs between the two groups.

17th July 2013, 09:01 AM
If you had food, the baboons would have ran off with it.
Just different wants and needs between the two groups.

Now... which picture were you talking about?

20th July 2013, 01:45 PM

Second week demanding this devil be brought to justice...lol.


20th July 2013, 04:45 PM

They should contact their Congressman. Oh wait. Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. and his wife are on their way to prison (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/02/jesse-jackson-jr-new-sentencing-date_n_3536480.html).

