View Full Version : State Rep. Monique Davis calls on Quinn and Emanuel to bring in National Guard

10th July 2013, 10:03 AM
State Rep. Monique Davis calls on Quinn and Emanuel to bring in National Guard
http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_content_width/hash/b6/ce/b6cea938cb08eb14feb2773cc4ed06fb.jpeg?itok=KytjAZp H

Rep. Monique Davis says it is time for dramatic action. Rep. Davis yesterday called on Governor Quinn and Mayor Rahm Emanuel to call out the National Guard to restore safety to the black community.
(@AmandaVinicky twitter feed)

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State Representative Monique Davis (D-27) thinks it is time for dramatic action in the streets of Chicago. In view of the street gun violence (http://www.examiner.com/topic/gun-violence) since July 1, in which over 100 individuals have been shot and 14 dead, Rep. Monique Davis says it is time for dramatic action. Rep. Davis yesterday called on Governor Quinn and Mayor Rahm Emanuel (http://www.examiner.com/topic/mayor-rahm-emanuel-1) to call out the National Guard (http://www.examiner.com/topic/national-guard) to restore safety to the black community.

In a press conference at the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield, CBS St. Louis reported (http://stlouis.cbslocal.com/2013/07/10/ill-rep-requests-national-guard-help-stop-chicago-violence/) that Rep. Davis said, "I am requesting with this press conference that Gov. Patrick Quinn order the Illinois National Guard (and) the Illinois State Police (to) come to Chicago and work with our mayor Ron (sic) Emanuel to provide safety for the children, especially."

The governor vetoed House Bill 183 and then made nine amendatory changes to House Bill 183 last Tuesday, using what he calls his "constitutional authority to address serious public safety issues." This call by Rep. Davis is on the backdrop of an overwhelming rejection of Governor Pat Quinn's amendatory veto of House Bill 183. The Illinois Senate voted 41-17 to reject Quinn's amendatory veto and the Illinois House had earlier voted 77-31. Both were far more votes than needed.

Meanwhile, the violence on the streets of Chicago continues. The legislative session calling for pension reform was basically a veto session. The resolution of the gun violence eludes the governor and the GA. The resolution of pension reform continues to elude the governor and the GA.

The bad blood between the Governor and the GA (http://www.suntimes.com/news/21236649-418/analysis-concealed-carry-pension-defeats-show-quinn-shooting-blanks.html?intcmp=emailheadlines) continues, reports veteran Springfield reporter at the Sun Times, Dave McKinney, as he is expected to announce today the "stripping out funding for legislative salaries in the one remaining Fiscal 2014 budget bill awaiting his signature."

Would he really do that, the governor was asked Tuesday by McKinney? Quinn paused uneasily and refused to rule it out: "We’ll be working on that this week."
The governor's race has begun. In earnest.

The Chicago City Hall Examiner attempted to reach the governor's spokesperson to comment on the Rep. Davis call for the National Guard. The spokesperson did not respond to the inquiry.

Send John Presta an email and your story ideas or suggestions, johnpresta@att.net (johnpresta@att.net?subject=Story%20ideas%20or%20s uggestions).
John is the author of an award-winning book, the 2010 Winner of the USA National Best Book award for African American studies, published by The Elevator Group, Mr. and Mrs. Grassroots. Also available an eBook on Amazon. John is also a member of the Society of Midland Authors and is a book reviewer of political books for the New York Journal of Books. John has volunteered for many political campaigns. John is an unpaid volunteer and social media advisor at Robin Kelly for Congress.