View Full Version : Excellent thread on the Mike Hastings events.

General of Darkness
10th July 2013, 11:11 PM
Yeah I know it's GLP. But you can find some gems there, and this is one of them.


10th July 2013, 11:47 PM
I guess the key to all of this is deep throat. Who were the sauces and where are they now?

spooky tv show correlation. We often assume that it is the perps who are putting this stuff out there so they can laugh at us or rub our face in it. Perhaps this is not exactly what is happening. Perhaps it's the good guys trying to squeeze this stuff out to warn us but no one is able to work it out before hand.

I appreciate the premise that he may have been on to the next big event. I think it's likely. That would put us back into some significant holi day periods for some "religions".

edit: deliberate typos.