View Full Version : Hilarious!! - The judge from Tryvon Martin Case and Chris Farley

12th July 2013, 08:08 AM

General of Darkness
12th July 2013, 08:11 AM
As soon as I saw her I thought of Farley. RIP brother he was a funny cat.


General of Darkness
12th July 2013, 08:13 AM
Wow there's a ton of pictures


12th July 2013, 08:15 AM
I love the internet.

12th July 2013, 08:37 AM
The Lord works in mysterious ways.

General of Darkness
12th July 2013, 08:43 AM
The Lord works in mysterious ways.

No kidding.


midnight rambler
12th July 2013, 09:53 AM
Chris Farley was better looking.

12th July 2013, 11:31 AM
OMG... http://i.myniceprofile.com/478/47831.gif

willie pete
12th July 2013, 12:10 PM

12th July 2013, 03:32 PM

12th July 2013, 04:19 PM
This, Courtesy of MSNBC, Is Trayvon Martin's Dead Body. Get Angry. (http://gawker.com/this-courtesy-of-msnbc-is-trayvon-martins-dead-body-753370712)A reader of mine sent me this photo last night. As the murder trial of George Zimmerman wheezes to its conclusion, the TV networks dutifully pipe in live pool video from the courtroom, as if it is force-fed to them and they have no choice but to excrete it, soft and undigested, into our living rooms, bedrooms, offices. Sometimes, the pool recorder or the networks' producers don't switch to a mundane image of lawyers being lawyerly quite fast enough, and we get to see snippets of the human cruelty, stupidity, and frailty that occasion trials such as this.
This is Trayvon Martin's body. These are the last skinny jeans he wore, cuffed once at the bottoms. These are his stylish kicks, his sockless ankles. There are Trayvon's taut neck, his slack jaw, his open eyes.
This is what happens. Not just when we input "black" and "teen" and "hoodie" and "night" into our onboard computers and output "DANGER," but also when we find the aftermath Newsworthy, and must consume it voraciously from start to finish, but insist that we cannot stomach seeing the bones and gristle on our plates.
This image has made its way to the internet on message boards and the like (https://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZiuUXJb1eeYiYxb_1xP8HOcBaWyz7Ji-faqUhMuJSxzVk8yoRrjY7jFwwMVijB6crAWuY4abFZS34KRfrO S5x5NZumCVa3B08UN6VqnRTU7TyYxyutxVwuMkaR0t-kGhRHwftfTJFimhCC2vu9h3mtZWXif99pkaPmXt1Ofirh_1JP-moewVkQUp_1U0xlBYz49sDyArZMnaFIU5-ZFBLpGP-X521ONXwsndWzF4s6iuiMqoB87bbrVq3ti78Pi5dC3MnxpXCHp uAAFEdIy8v1RAH4QBvBYN0MjeFiHLQvBpdir6--vWUPuYGZvvRbk3LSXzcAJpQwDrvo6L9MMA0pCOPfUsRKBlPUqv cYmTZZzew3GMgzKHys44vtFO3ReX21EALvbL-oeJcqC7Oa_1xk8efV4Zd0k7bLte5OOvnOLxZP49oCkdBLbi9k9 McuKAUKrj_1qpS7bn9F43QpEcNLOYkwzvbFFEmg8PHONzskE8o QL-Pin4R95w17hL2SFRT-T1IOM6jisx1moazN2L9_1b7do0e2seQoEhJp0Yp3pqi_1xfobe aMBmVXsX0CIgMOYOhHieWbLHTlMEbrPrzKJPkZjL_1K_1f7Egs 20WIE8Iyv6BfFnbIkSGDKGrtwyfxp-EEnHpbL_1Qx4jOPTDzwKycmCPQCOwLM26X6zCPUnwHcRhDWk1g wX6IQrvpP7xoERkQ6z_1lYmlBMh-3PgO7lkAwBwjU8HPTJ0UkNe4PrJtZKy96mk5qG793PZixHAfjW x-ohPHwO9jeGQc4ScPDRVJ5izqky5vArSgD6ldRN_1u_1TgY5xOH C2ttZDlkrJ1ur7nFfXpJ44NfZoMykGb8vAmq3OMYHTlkxy4TzT 46HX-yxcNsRlKEUbVAm8jTtXDqzTDyH3RbvxOB2DcY_1mxo36JWXOXC SH7s79bVWGV_1eJ9EGUOTWkwQbcZS6BDIN4POQicViAVLXhfge 1SscWgeYEnb1q1B_16MMWf8lMu199SBy6_1V_1E56vlMR7FvCb ioAk0aUZRseExwcRkiNP0lmo-WfA7ddCwBbLcQ0rhiWMhzcT9OiOIuQv34A-sSgFtMRmpl9v60q1ggkZv9P93IQLh-w670cKfq7jvJYwuV96UdLK_1nhPmqaB3O5rJpwYp1hy5vbuAfg grFpUzi6s4JRnh4TOzJI3SEohqqYGBgyTTJEOLsFA_1fUqUmfJ WG_1PZT4MZJCLODxIO9GH5XkCTDJM3s2rKI5U0mwW8ukIaB34R 6Ev46lUrb74nqPj1OpU9THYymGrKm8ySdNL36I1jvH1ymiRKCw fnodpPH6UUbQ&ei=1gbgUbbDK4-s4AOuxYCQDA&start=10&sa=N&biw=1371&bih=758), but not on any notable sites that I could find. The Huffington Post (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/25/trayvon-martin-crime-scene-photos_n_3497991.html#photos) and others have published some images of Martin's body—covered by a sheet—but none of his face.
I had a brief conversation by email and phone last night with the reader who wanted to send this to me, who felt compelled to save it, but seemed unsure why he had. Before he'd shared the image, I asked him what it showed. Was it newsworthy? He stammered. "It's... a dead black kid," he said, disturbed, hoping five words could convey many more. In email, he'd asked me: "What will you do with pic?"
To Trayvon's parents, Sabrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, I'm sorry that I feel compelled to share this photograph. Were I a slave to journalistic norms, I would say that it's somehow in the public interest to see him there. I would point out Florida's sunshine laws, and the TV network's incompetence, and argue the inevitability that this image would've gained a wider audience than it has already.
But those are rationalizations. They don't explain my motive: Good old-fashioned rage that this kid is dead because my home state empowered a dullard aficionado of Van Damme and Seagal movie cliches to choose his own adventure. Florida literally gave George Zimmerman license (http://licgweb.doacs.state.fl.us/weapons/) to make up neighborhood threats and invite violent confrontations, confident in the knowledge that he carried more firepower jammed down his sweaty fat waistband than every army on earth beheld before 1415.
I wish I were a better person than that, but I'm not. People come up short all the time, after all. I suppose it's a good thing I don't have a gun.

12th July 2013, 04:49 PM

That can't be Tryvon, where's the bag of skittles and the tea he was carrying???

midnight rambler
12th July 2013, 05:14 PM
That can't be Tryvon, where's the bag of skittles and the tea he was carrying???

He tossed 'em on the ground just prior to punching Zimmerman in the nose.

12th July 2013, 05:20 PM
He tossed 'em on the ground just prior to punching Zimmerman in the nose.

Sour puss, I was hoping someone would shop a bag of skittles and an ice tea into the picture LOL