View Full Version : Is a black thing................... V

12th July 2013, 08:37 AM
On July 8, police in Cincinnati, Ohio arrested a group of black youths after a four day campaign of hunting down and terrorizing whites in the city’s downtown section during the Independence Day holiday. Have you heard this story in the news? I doubt you have.

A recent report tells us that Cortez Baker, 16, Randolph Jones, 16, and Kentrelle Aldridge, 16, were charged with several counts of robbery and assault. More charges are likely to come.
Surveillance tape shows the criminals beating and robbing at least 4 different people in the Queen City’s downtown section. It is likely that there were more, too.

But what is worse, Cincy police report that the scumbags told them that they thought it was a “game.” Captain Paul Broxterman told WLWT TV 5 News that you could “equate” this incident to “a pack of lions hunting down a wounded zebra.”

An alert bike cop is credited with identifying one of the creeps and he led police to the other two. All are from Kelly Youth Services, a Cincinnati group home for troubled children.

One of the victims told reporters in Cincy that he tried to stay within view of a surveillance camera as the three beat and robbed him.

Now, imagine how the media would be treating this story if it were three white kids hunting down black people “like a wounded zebra” and beating and robbing them. We would never hear the end of the story, would we?

Not likely. If it were the other way around race-wise we’d have a national media feeding frenzy with Je$$e Jack$on and Al $harpton flooding the river city with race-hustlers and opportunists. In fact, I’d bet this story would have replaced the Zimmerman story as the main news story…. if only it were whites attacking blacks. But since it was blacks attacking whites, we hear crickets in the media.

What do you think? Would this be national news otherwise? And why do you think it has gone totally unnoticed outside Cincinnati?

Video........ http://www.fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/media-blackout-gang-hunts-whites-in-cincinnati/50442

General of Darkness
12th July 2013, 08:59 AM
https://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/sx/www.stormfront.org/fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/x968975_469307436489115_371247855_n.jpg.pagespeed. ic.icRD4uO-Sz.jpg

12th July 2013, 11:26 AM
https://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/sx/www.stormfront.org/fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/x968975_469307436489115_371247855_n.jpg.pagespeed. ic.icRD4uO-Sz.jpg

This is an insult to Finona! And what does "I heard wet grass" mean? Mamboni is flummoxed.

12th July 2013, 11:49 AM
the thing claims she could hear trayvon rolling around in the wet grass. she "heard a wet grass sound" through the phone.

12th July 2013, 12:04 PM
the thing claims she could hear trayvon rolling around in the wet grass. she "heard a wet grass sound" through the phone.



Celtic Rogue
12th July 2013, 01:34 PM
He smells like wet grass!


12th July 2013, 01:38 PM
he couldnt smoke the wet grass..........................

12th July 2013, 01:43 PM
It's a black thang to want to be white...

...some liberals and black activists have resorted to the old standby excuse: blame white “racism.”
This line first came to prominence in the 1960s, during the famous “Brown vs Board of Education,” which was a school desegregation court case in America. Part of the proceedings including a film of an experiment conducted by black activist Kenneth Clark. Black children were shown two identical dolls, one dark-skinned and the other white-skinned. When asked which one they preferred, almost all chose white doll. This was presented to the court as “evidence” of racial stereotyping which segregation had caused, and was pivotal in persuading the court to order desegregation (the events are detailed outlined in Carleton Putnams’s book, Race and Reality). The argument was that black children aspired to be white because of “racism” and segregation, and that if they were allowed to mix freely with whites, this sense of self-inferiority would vanish. The interesting part is that this experiment was conducted once again in 2007 in New York City by a young black filmmaker, Kiri Davis. Using identical props, young black kids at a school in the city were asked to choose the “best” doll. Six decades after desegregation, the results were identical.
http://marchofthetitans.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/white-doll.jpgThe black children said that the white dolls were better and that the black dolls were bad. They even identified themselves with the black dolls, when specifically asked. The video, which unintentionally also reveals many other racial psychological insights, can be seen here. (http://youtu.be/YWyI77Yh1Gg) In other words, sixty years plus of desegregation has not done away with the black desire to be white – and this is nowhere better reflected than in the huge hair relaxer and skin lightener business. The blame for a “desire to be white” can therefore no longer be put at the door of “segregation” (i.e. white people’s fault.)