View Full Version : Yeah -- WiFi won't harm you!!!

12th July 2013, 11:02 AM
This subject has been here before, but good to see other things confirming it


Thursday, 11 July 2013

Five Danish high school students recently won an award for an experiment that proved beyond any doubt that mobile (WiFi) radiation is detrimental to the growth of plants.

The five girls took 400 cress seeds and placed them into 12 trays, then divided them into two groups, placing them in two separate rooms at the same temperature. The two groups were given the same amount of water and sun over 12 days, but one of the groups was also exposed to mobile (WiFi) radiation.

Foreign researchers are extremely excited for a biology project from five 9th grade girls.

Researchers from England, Holland and Sweden have shown great interest in the five girls' biology experiments.

Take 400 Cress seeds and place them into 12 trays. Then place six trays in two rooms at the same temperature. Give them the same amount of water and sun over 12 days, and remember to expose half of them to mobile [WiFi] radiation.

It is a recipe for a biology test so brilliant that it has attracted international attention among acknowledged biologists and radiation experts. Behind the experiment are five girls from 9b in Hjallerup School in North Jutland, and it all started because they found it difficult to concentrate during the school day:

- We all think we have experienced difficulty concentrating in school, if we had slept with the phone next to our head, and sometimes also experienced having difficulty sleeping, explains Lea Nielsen, who is one of the five aspiring researchers.

The school was not equipped to test the effect of mobile phone radiation on them. Therefore, the girls had to find an alternative. And the answer was Cress.

Six trays of seeds were put into a room without radiation, and six trays were put into another room next to two [WiFi] routers. Such routers broadcast the same type of radiation as an ordinary mobile.

The "healthy" cress without the influence of the router. Photo: The girls from 9b

Then it was just necessary to wait 12 days, observe, measure, weigh and take pictures along the way. And the result spoke was clear: cress seeds next to the router did not grow, and some of them were even mutated or dead.

- It is truly frightening that there is so much affect, so we were very shocked by the result, says Lea Nielsen.


The experiment secured the girls the finals in the competition "Young Scientists", but it was only the beginning. Renowned scientists from England, Holland and Sweden have since shown great interest in the girls' project so far.

The renowned professor at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Olle Johansson, is one of the impressed researchers. He will now repeat the experiment with a Belgian research colleague, Professor Marie-Claire Cammaert at the Université libre de Bruxelles, for the trial, according to him, is absolutely brilliant:

- The girls stayed within the scope of their knowledge, skilfully implemented and developed a very elegant experiment. The wealth of detail and accuracy is exemplary, choosing cress was very intelligent, and I could go on, he says.

He is not slow to send them an invitation to go on the road:

- I sincerely hope that they spend their future professional life in researching, because I definitely think they have a natural aptitude for it. Personally, I would love to see these people in my team!
No mobile by the bed

The five girls from northern Jutland have not yet decided their future careers. They are still very surprised by all the sudden attention.

- It has been such a roller coaster ride. I still cannot believe it, says Lea Nielsen.

And Mathilde Nielsen added:

- It's totally overwhelming and exciting. It's just not something you experience every day.

But there have also been other consequences of the cress trial, which is quite low-tech in nature.

- None of us sleep with the mobile next to the bed anymore. Either the phone is put far away, or it is put in another room. And the computer is always off, says Lea Nielsen.

http://www.dr.dk/Nyheder/Indland/2013/05/16/131324.htm (in Danish)
Original Article (in Danish)


12th July 2013, 11:21 AM
Such routers broadcast the same type of radiation as an ordinary mobile.

WRONG!!!! Wi-Fi Routers broadcast either 2.4Ghz, or 5.5Ghz. Mobile phones operate in the 700-800Mhz range. Not even in the same ball park. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe anyone should be placing a body part right next to these devices for long periods of time. However if you're going to have an accurate test at least use the correct spectrum to measure the results.

Six trays of seeds were put into a room without radiation, and six trays were put into another room next to two [WiFi] routers. Such routers broadcast the same type of radiation as an ordinary mobile.

Also have issues with this. Where was the other room? Was it adjacent to the room that had the 2 wifi routers? Or was it in another building? If it was in the same building, but just in another room the control seeds were still being exposed to Electromagnetic Radiation, just no where near the dosage of the seeds placed next to the 2 WiFi routers. EMR doesn't stop just because a wall is there, unless it was made of metal. Either way the test still shows the effects of too much EMR is not good for anyone. I have my wifi router upstairs in the computer room away from the main rooms that my family and guest occupy.

12th July 2013, 11:53 AM

GSM uses frequencies from 450.4–1,910 MHz. (and 1.91 Ghz is close to the same Freq as WiFi and is still considered to be a microwave)

If a smartphone can use wifi or bluetooth [I do not know, I do not own a personal tracking device that also makes calls] then it will TX on the fame Freq. as a WiFi router [which uses a band close to the the same freq that your microwave oven uses], or even worse -- the smaller wavelength of BT

12th July 2013, 12:10 PM

what were we talking about again ?

(just kidding)

i worked at Anritsu as a lab supervisor when they were developing the Vector Network Analyzer.

.5 to 46 GHz broadband tool that measured phase as well as amplitude differences.

if i had ever gone up to one of my co-workers and suggested holding a live 2 or 5 or 10 GHz radiator up to their ear, it would have shown up in my review as a black mark - at best.

i wouldn't be surprised if some of those guys still are not super-enthusiastic about conventional cell-phones, where the transmitter is next to your ear/ brain.

12th July 2013, 12:11 PM

GSM uses frequencies from 450.4–1,910 MHz. (and 1.91 Ghz is close to the same Freq as WiFi and is still considered to be a microwave)

If a smartphone can use wifi or bluetooth [I do not know, I do not own a personal tracking device that also makes calls] then it will TX on the fame Freq. as a WiFi router [which uses a band close to the the same freq that your microwave oven uses], or even worse -- the smaller wavelength of BT

American GSM spectrum operation range - 900 MHz or 1800 MHz band
Europe GSM operate in the 2100 MHz frequency band

Close is not close in wireless. Still hundreds of frequencies apart. It's all digital. So 2100mhz can be sub divided out like this 2100.01, 2100.02, 2100.03 etc. etc. That's EXACTLY how it works each user who has a mobile phone has purchased (leased in the U.S.) that portion of spectrum from the provider. No one else on that carrier will have that piece of spectrum. It would render the entire system useless if you had 2-3 people using the same wavelength.

Microwave ovens operate at a frequency of 2450 MHz with a power usually ranging from 500 to 1100 watts. Again it's all about power. A WiFi Router works in the 2.4Ghz (2400Mhz) range but with a set maximum input power of 100mw. That's no where near even a single watt of power.

And sorry, but 2100Mhz is NOT 2400Mhz. At least you're close to the ballpark, like in the parking lot of the ball park. But it's still a totally separate spectrum with different power ranges. Wireless routers are limited to 100mw, mobile phones have a limit of 1 to 2 watts. Mobile phones are 100's of times more powerful than a wireless router. So the test while impressive is still flawed.
Power ranges, spectrum's, and technology are completely off and non-comparison. It's like trying to compare an apple with an orange and wondering why the apple doesn't have the amount of vitamin C as an orange.

12th July 2013, 12:30 PM
June 29, 2013 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2013/06/29/open-letter-by-uk-doctors-on-health-and-safety-of-wi-fi-mobile-phones/)
Open Letter by UK Doctors on Health and Safety of Wi-Fi, Mobile Phones (http://memoryholeblog.com/2013/06/29/open-letter-by-uk-doctors-on-health-and-safety-of-wi-fi-mobile-phones/) 15 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2013/06/29/open-letter-by-uk-doctors-on-health-and-safety-of-wi-fi-mobile-phones/#comments) Letters (http://memoryholeblog.com/category/letters/) • Tags: environmentalism (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/environmentalism/), public health



From Safe Schools Information Technology Alliance (http://www.ssita.org.uk/)

Original letter (PDF (http://memoryholeblog.com/2013/06/29/open-letter-by-uk-doctors-on-health-and-safety-of-wi-fi-mobile-phones/uk-doctors-letter-wifi-ssita-26-june-2013/))
26th June 2013

Health and safety of Wi-Fi and mobile phones

We wish to highlight our concern over the safety of exposure to microwave radiation from wireless technology, particularly for vulnerable groups like children, pregnant women, the elderly and those with compromised health.

More… (http://memoryholeblog.com/2013/06/29/open-letter-by-uk-doctors-on-health-and-safety-of-wi-fi-mobile-phones/#more-5053)

12th July 2013, 06:06 PM
American GSM spectrum operation range - 900 MHz or 1800 MHz band
Europe GSM operate in the 2100 MHz frequency band

Close is not close in wireless. Still hundreds of frequencies apart. It's all digital. So 2100mhz can be sub divided out like this 2100.01, 2100.02, 2100.03 etc. etc. That's EXACTLY how it works each user who has a mobile phone has purchased (leased in the U.S.) that portion of spectrum from the provider. No one else on that carrier will have that piece of spectrum. It would render the entire system useless if you had 2-3 people using the same wavelength.

Microwave ovens operate at a frequency of 2450 MHz with a power usually ranging from 500 to 1100 watts. Again it's all about power. A WiFi Router works in the 2.4Ghz (2400Mhz) range but with a set maximum input power of 100mw. That's no where near even a single watt of power.

And sorry, but 2100Mhz is NOT 2400Mhz. At least you're close to the ballpark, like in the parking lot of the ball park. But it's still a totally separate spectrum with different power ranges. Wireless routers are limited to 100mw, mobile phones have a limit of 1 to 2 watts. Mobile phones are 100's of times more powerful than a wireless router. So the test while impressive is still flawed.
Power ranges, spectrum's, and technology are completely off and non-comparison. It's like trying to compare an apple with an orange and wondering why the apple doesn't have the amount of vitamin C as an orange.

Hey, you want to put a microwave radiator next to your head....fine, fill your boots. I'm not going to.

We talked about this before and OHL [I think] talked about running an experiment, but don't know where it went...

13th July 2013, 11:13 AM

what were we talking about again ?

(just kidding)

i worked at Anritsu as a lab supervisor when they were developing the Vector Network Analyzer.

.5 to 46 GHz broadband tool that measured phase as well as amplitude differences.

if i had ever gone up to one of my co-workers and suggested holding a live 2 or 5 or 10 GHz radiator up to their ear, it would have shown up in my review as a black mark - at best.

i wouldn't be surprised if some of those guys still are not super-enthusiastic about conventional cell-phones, where the transmitter is next to your ear/ brain.

That would be a cool job....

Even when using a 2M [144 Mhz] HT, I use a plug-in mic so my head isn't in the near field... Since UHF does not give me any advantage, I try to avoid the 70 cm band.

24th July 2013, 04:51 AM
2 hr podcast, more like 90 mins after you FF through the breaks. First MP3 link is the whole show, check the short_clip first to taste if ur interested.

12 July 2013, The Terrifying Truth About EMF/EMR Radiation, Paul Waddell, The Electric Epidemic! (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013.html)


Vinny's NUTShell: Paul Waddell www.safespace.net.nz (http://www.safespace.net.nz)

Electronic devices, we're surrounded by them at all times and the evidence for their saftey is scant to say the least!

Being one of only 3 qualified people in New Zealand that tests for EMF and EMR emissions the knowledge of just how dangerous this invisible electric epidemic is will blow your mind, if not your eye sockets, if not your power sockets then certainly this interview will blow your socks off!

It explains a number of simultaneous health epidemics, the cancer rate, mental illness, autism, heart disease, allergies and much more!

The most disturbing things about electricity pollution? Well not only is it everywhere, but it's invisible and nobody seems to be talking about it let alone connecting the dots.

The denial and fraud perpetrated by cell phone companies and electricity providers, coupled with the complicity of the media and governments mean that you MUST share this broadcast around with everyone you know!

http://www.weebly.com/weebly/images/file_icons/wav.png (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/___12_july_paul_waddell_emf_dangers_vinny_eastwood _show_2013.mp3)

12_july_paul_waddell_emf_dangers_vinny_eastwood_sh ow_2013.mp3

Download File (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/___12_july_paul_waddell_emf_dangers_vinny_eastwood _show_2013.mp3)

http://www.weebly.com/weebly/images/file_icons/wav.png (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/__hour_1_12_july_paul_waddell_emf_dangers_vinny_ea stwood_show_2013.mp3)

hour_1_12_july_paul_waddell_emf_dangers_vinny_east wood_show_2013.mp3

Download File (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/__hour_1_12_july_paul_waddell_emf_dangers_vinny_ea stwood_show_2013.mp3)

http://www.weebly.com/weebly/images/file_icons/wav.png (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/__hour_2_12_july_paul_waddell_emf_dangers_vinny_ea stwood_show_2013.mp3)

hour_2_12_july_paul_waddell_emf_dangers_vinny_east wood_show_2013.mp3

Download File (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/__hour_2_12_july_paul_waddell_emf_dangers_vinny_ea stwood_show_2013.mp3)

http://www.weebly.com/weebly/images/file_icons/wav.png (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/__short_clip_12_july_paul_waddell_emf__children_vi nny_eastwood_show_2013.mp3)

short_clip_12_july_paul_waddell_emf__children_vinn y_eastwood_show_2013.mp3

Download File (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/__short_clip_12_july_paul_waddell_emf__children_vi nny_eastwood_show_2013.mp3)

24th July 2013, 05:51 AM
It explains a number of simultaneous health epidemics, the cancer rate, mental illness, autism, heart disease, allergies and much more.

Most of if not all of those can be contributed more to a poor diet than EMF/EMR exposure. Vitamin C has been shown to increase cell and DNA resistance to radiation by 10's and 100's of times above average without damage.

I'm not saying there isn't health risk involved with EMF/EMR as there is plenty of evidence that there is. But when compared to everyday background radiation or even Radon exposure it's miminal. As with everything including modern life it's about quantity. Too much fatty food with starches and sugar you're asking for a heart attack. Too many vaccines before the age of 2, you're playing Russian Roulette with autism and allergies.

EMF/EMR is part of modern life. Even your processors in every single computational device known to man releases EMF. Find a safe, affordable, works just as good if not better than the original with no EMF/EMR replacement and you'll be a Trillionaire.

24th July 2013, 07:41 AM
Why we should all switch back to ethernet cables: Wireless internet poses serious chronic health risks (http://www.naturalnews.com/041082_wi-fi_wireless_internet_health_effects.html)

Saturday, July 06, 2013 by: Zach C. Miller
Tags: wi-fi (http://www.naturalnews.com/wi-fi.html), wireless internet (http://www.naturalnews.com/wireless_internet.html), health effects (http://www.naturalnews.com/health_effects.html)

(NaturalNews) While the proliferation of wireless devices has made accessing the internet more convenient and less obtrusive (no unsightly cables lying around), studies are now revealing the trade-offs that come with convenience. More specifically, the dangers that the widespread adoption of wireless technology has created in regards to our health. Simply put, most people underestimate the dangers of wireless technology to our health and well-being.

more: http://www.naturalnews.com/041082_wi-fi_wireless_internet_health_effects.html

24th July 2013, 08:20 AM
EMF/EMR is part of modern life. Even your processors in every single computational device known to man releases EMF. Find a safe, affordable, works just as good if not better than the original with no EMF/EMR replacement and you'll be a Trillionaire.

I'm betting this is why Spok had that funny jump suit.

There was probably silver woven into the fabric to deter the EMF.


24th July 2013, 09:14 AM
Yeah, but that's kind of my point. We ware drowning in RF. Yes, you can take Vit C to help, but not everyone knows this. It makes me cringe when I see parents buy their kids cell-phones. The younger you are, the more you'll be affected. Yes, there are other risks out there, but why take a risk on something if you don't have to? Yes, processors emit, but there's no antenna to ensure all EMF/RF possible is being transmitted. Plus, if your PC is in a [metallic] case, it's shielded.

When I was in college, there were kids replacing perfectly serviceable wired mice and keyboards with wireless ones. Their PC was 6 feet from their router and running WiFi. Why I asked... "Oh, those wires are so ugly" The legacy of Ed Bernays lives on.

Wireless speakers. wireless this and that. I'm just thankful I live in the country where my closest neighbour is 1/4 mile away. I cannot even see the closest cell-tower....

I dunno, I think all the major electronics manufacturers will be in the distant future having a "Major US Tobacco Manufacturer's" moment where they stand up and say, "I believe RF is not a health risk".

24th July 2013, 10:34 AM
Yeah, but that's kind of my point. We ware drowning in RF. Yes, you can take Vit C to help, but not everyone knows this. It makes me cringe when I see parents buy their kids cell-phones. The younger you are, the more you'll be affected. Yes, there are other risks out there, but why take a risk on something if you don't have to? Yes, processors emit, but there's no antenna to ensure all EMF/RF possible is being transmitted. Plus, if your PC is in a [metallic] case, it's shielded.

When I was in college, there were kids replacing perfectly serviceable wired mice and keyboards with wireless ones. Their PC was 6 feet from their router and running WiFi. Why I asked... "Oh, those wires are so ugly" The legacy of Ed Bernays lives on.

Wireless speakers. wireless this and that. I'm just thankful I live in the country where my closest neighbour is 1/4 mile away. I cannot even see the closest cell-tower....

I dunno, I think all the major electronics manufacturers will be in the distant future having a "Major US Tobacco Manufacturer's" moment where they stand up and say, "I believe RF is not a health risk".

I would much prefer wired connections to my router. But since the house I am renting Ethernet was never wired (my previous house I built and pre-wired it myself) so running cable now isn't an option. I mitigate the risk as much as I can. Before router was in the basement away from everyone. Here it's at the farthest room in the house. I've lowered the transmitting power down to just 71mw. So yes I do realize there are risk with all forms of radiation exposure. I also know that in order to live and function in the modern era, in some cases I require access to wireless technology. So I mitigate it as best I can, and add large doses of Vitamin C to my diet as well as exercise and try to eat as clean as possible.

That's about all any of us can do. T.V, Cell, Wi-Fi are present no matter where we go anymore. Limiting our own personal devices doesn't reduce the exposure unfortunately. Just to the signals that we broadcast ourselves.

As far as Processors emitting EMF, when was the last time you opened a computer? Most of the chassis anymore are plastic. So that steel chassis isn't going to reduce any of the EMF. Laptops, the processor sits underneath a plastic keyboard usually off center but no where near metal. So it emits EMF with little interference from hardware components. It's done for a reason, EMF reflection causes interference with the processor so they try to design it to be as clean as possible (EMF/EMR speaking).

24th July 2013, 11:01 AM
Student Science Experiment Finds Plants Won’t Grow Near Wi-fi Router (http://www.waldorftoday.com/2013/07/student-science-experiment-finds-plants-wont-grow-near-wi-fi-router/) http://www.waldorftoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Team_Karse_til_dr-dk-175x98.jpg By MATHIAS BOHN

Five ninth-grade young women from Denmark recently created a science experiment that is causing a stir in the scientific community.

It started with an observation and a question. The girls noticed that if they slept with their mobile phones near their heads at night, they often had difficulty concentrating at school the next day. They wanted to test the effect of a cellphone’s radiation on humans, but their school, Hjallerup School in Denmark, did not have the equipment to handle such an experiment. So the girls designed an experiment that would test the effect of cellphone radiation on a plant instead.

The students placed six trays filled with Lepidium sativum, a type of garden cress, into a room without radiation, and six trays of the seeds into another room next to two routers that according to the girls’ calculations, emitted about the same type of radiation as an ordinary cellphone.

Over the next 12 days, the girls observed, measured, weighed and photographed their results. By the end of the experiment the results were blatantly obvious — the cress seeds placed near the router had not grown. Many of them were completely dead. Meanwhile, the cress seeds planted in the other room, away from the routers, thrived.

The experiment earned the girls (pictured below) top honors in a regional science competition and the interest of scientists around the world.

According to Kim Horsevad, a teacher at Hjallerup Skole in Denmark where the cress experiment took place, a neuroscience professor at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, is interested in repeating the experiment in a controlled professional scientific environment.
This article originally appeared at dr.dk (http://www.dr.dk/Nyheder/Indland/2013/05/16/131324.htm) in Danish, to see this summary in English at source on mnn.com, just click here. (http://www.mnn.com/health/healthy-spaces/blogs/student-science-experiment-finds-plants-wont-grow-near-wi-fi-router)

24th July 2013, 11:07 AM

What I argued against a little bit earlier in the discussion. Not an equal comparison. Wi-Fi isn't in the same band as Mobile phones. They're close, but close is not close in Wireless technologies. Power Tx/Rx are also different. Mobile phones 1-2 watts (a lot for a hand held device) compared to a Wi-Fi router which emits a set maximum (at least for U.S. users) of 100mw.

24th July 2013, 11:10 AM
I'm going to argue that the wifi radiation is indeed very similar to the cell phone radiation in this case.

The reason is that these seeds are less than 1/20th of a wavelength at any of the frequencies involved here, so they should have comparable physical effects. Frequency bands only really start to have different effects when the wavelength becomes comparable to the size of the object it's interacting with, at least 1/10th the size or more.

Second, the effect of pathloss even in adjacent rooms could play a significant role. Lets say the router that was right next to the seeds was hitting them with -15 dBm. Lets say that in the other room, it was -65 dBm. That would be 100,000 times lower power. And -15 dBm could be what a 1 watt cell phone looks like 2 ft away as opposed to a 100 mW wireless router 6 inches away for example.

24th July 2013, 11:23 AM
I'm going to argue that the wifi radiation is indeed very similar to the cell phone radiation in this case.

The reason is that these seeds are less than 1/20th of a wavelength at any of the frequencies involved here, so they should have comparable physical effects. Frequency bands only really start to have different effects when the wavelength becomes comparable to the size of the object it's interacting with, at least 1/10th the size or more.

Second, the effect of pathloss even in adjacent rooms could play a significant role. Lets say the router that was right next to the seeds was hitting them with -15 dBm. Lets say that in the other room, it was -65 dBm. That would be 100,000 times lower power. And -15 dBm could be what a 1 watt cell phone looks like 2 ft away as opposed to a 100 mW wireless router 6 inches away for example.

Maybe in Europe, but the U.S. uses lower spectrum of bandwidth for mobile phones. :)

700Mhz to 1.8Ghz is allocated to U.S. Mobile phone users. Check for yourself http://www.ntia.doc.gov/files/ntia/publications/2003-allochrt.pdf

Straight from the horses mouth. 1.8Ghz is not close enough to 2.4Ghz. Now the European spectrum is definitely close to 2.4Ghz.

Quick note, 4G LTE (Verizon's network) operates in the old broadcast T.V. spectrum. 700Mhz to 800Mhz band. I can't remember how much they paid for that large piece of spectrum but it was a boatload.

24th July 2013, 11:29 AM
I would just take home from the seed thing that they don't like EMF radiation-- specifically wifi in their case. It's just a footnote that they initially wanted to experiment with cell phone radiation.

Regardless, what it needs now is repetition. Anyone with a wifi router at home can try it.

According to Kim Horsevad, a teacher at Hjallerup Skole in Denmark where the cress experiment took place, a neuroscience professor at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, is interested in repeating the experiment in a controlled professional scientific environment.

Wanna try it with cell phone radiation? Put a batch of test seeds very proximate to a cell antenna tower, and another batch far away somewhere.

24th July 2013, 06:51 PM
1.8Ghz is not close enough to 2.4Ghz

But it's still a microwave, and it is an equal comparison.

Listen, if you feel fine putting a microwave radiator next to your head.... fine. I'm just saying there is a danger, regardless of the frequency.

I've been building my own machines since 97-98, they are in metallic cases.

Why are you defending this so much?

24th July 2013, 08:00 PM
But it's still a microwave, and it is an equal comparison.

Listen, if you feel fine putting a microwave radiator next to your head.... fine. I'm just saying there is a danger, regardless of the frequency.

I've been building my own machines since 97-98, they are in metallic cases.

Why are you defending this so much?

Because too many people can't see the difference between 1.8Ghz at 1 Watt, and 2.4Ghz at 100Mw. The test is apples and oranges. Humans have been broadcasting radio waves for over 100 years now at various frequencies and wattage's. Can you guess how many frequencies your body passes through in a daily basis? Yet you're going to single out an EXTREMELY small slice of spectrum 700Mhz to 1.8Ghz and say it's bad? Really??? No problem with Satellite 3Ghz spectrum? What about terrestrial communication towers that dot every continent including Antarctica that range from 300Mhz to 30Ghz?
What about background cosmic radiation which is ionizing. Have a problem with Radon? Hell even beer emits radiation. Better not drink one. You'll get about 390 pCi/kg per beer, Brazil nuts 5,600 pCi/kg, recycled metal. Does your watch glow in the dark? There are literally millions of sources of radiation not with standing background (i.e. Natural EMF/EMR the source of which is our very own sun) as well as human created EMF/EMR and other sources of radiation.

I don't like it anymore than you. I'm pointing out the obvious as there are other things to be concerned with such as GMO's loss of rights, tyrannical governments. If you feel so compelled to target modern wireless communication infrastructure feel free to invent an alternative. Until then shutting off a wi-fi router or not using a mobile phone isn't really going to do you much good because of how prevalent and expansive wireless communication is. Plain and simple.

If you're concerned up your dosage of Vitamin C. Eat right, exercise and your body will benefit. Eat poorly, lack vital nutrients and it will succumb to the above with little ability to fight off cancer cells or infections.

Here I'll correct your title to the way I see it.

Wi-Fi won't harm you, anymore than anything else that is already in the environment. Want proof? Put those seeds next to a radio broadcasting tower broadcasting in the millions of watts. Let me know how it goes. :)

24th July 2013, 11:23 PM
Because too many people can't see the difference between 1.8Ghz at 1 Watt, and 2.4Ghz at 100Mw.

Buddy, you're still not getting it.

The 1800 MHz and 2400 MHz wavelengths are close enough to being damn near the same [one is 167mm long and the other is 125 mm long]. They both are still microwaves. Yes, we've been TX'ing for 100+ years, but one -- the wavelengths were longer then just like your radio transmitter example [FM at 100 Mhz is 3 metres long]... and two -- it makes a difference about the distance from the transmitter [same as your example it will be out of the far field - until recently not may people were exposed to near and far field radiation]. Having multiple transmitters in your house [cell phones, BT devices, WiFi routers, and so on and so on -- plus your neighbour's] you are then constantly sitting in the near and far fields -- even if it's at 800 MHz. [I]That is the problem.

Yes there are other things to worry about; but the long term affects for sitting in all this RF is still unknown. I don't need wireless, so I don't use it. Wired is actually better, except for mobility. My keyboard, mouse, ethernet do not need batteries, will not be affected by other things TX'ing and there's less path-loss.

Like I said before, if you want to stick a "personal tracking device that also makes calls" next to your head -- fill your boots. I'm not going to...

The purpose of this post is for info. If you don't want to heed it, fine, I don't care; but someone might like to know about it.

25th July 2013, 06:23 AM
Like I said before, if you want to stick a "personal tracking device that also makes calls" next to your head -- fill your boots. I'm not going to..

No where in any of my remarks have I suggested doing that. In previous post I've even said I recognize the inherit dangers of Wi-Fi devices and mobile devices. But I'm also enough of a realist to know that me not using Wi-Fi or a mobile phone isn't going to be any different than if I were. So you don't use a mobile phone, does that go for any of your fellow commuters to work? Or a co-worker, passenger in a car, fellow traveler on a train, etc. etc. Don't use a Wi-Fi router, what about your neighbors? Your town have City-wide Wi-Fi? Ever go to a restaurant that offers free Wi-Fi? etc. etc.

See where I'm going here? It does not matter if you use the said equipment or not. You're immersed in EMF/EMR daily whether you use the devices or not. I mitigate what I can with the technology, but also realize the dangers it poses. I'm just advocating not going all Don Quixote with it. :)

25th July 2013, 01:50 PM
Well, I do not know if I should even carry on. I'm not even sure if you know what a near & far field even is. What disturbs me is that your opinion is to an effect of, "Well, I'm around second-hand smoke all the time anyways, so maybe I should just take up smoking."

All the best to you bud.

25th July 2013, 02:01 PM
Well, I do not know if I should even carry on. I'm not even sure if you know what a near & far field even is. What disturbs me is that your opinion is to an effect of, "Well, I'm around second-hand smoke all the time anyways, so maybe I should just take up smoking."

All the best to you bud.

Yes I know what near and far field communication is. Guess we could keep going around and around in circles debating this. My opinion of the effects have been from reading the material and coming to the realization that there isn't shit I can do about it. I mitigate my risk by lowering the power on my Wi-Fi Router to below even the industry standard. But doesn't do a damn bit of good with my neighbor broadcasting at 2.4Ghz 180mw. Granted I'm not in the same house or even next to the device but I can still see nearly 70% of his signal in my home.

Like I said, doesn't do me any good to kill my wireless, or mobile device. I'm immersed in it in a daily basis as is. There's a Wi-Fi access point at my place of employment literally 20ft away. Disturbed or not of my opinion I'm just looking at the relevant facts.

26th July 2013, 01:07 PM
Yes I know what near and far field communication is.

No, not communication.... radiation.

I know what your saying too, and I don't lose sleep over it. Like I said before, my closest neighbour is 1/4 mile away and if I wanted to sniff any of their wireless traffic, I'd need a 20 dBi parabolic. I don't need wireless, so I don't use it. I have a home phone, my entire house is wired for Cat 5, I use a desktop, so no need for wireless mouse/keyboard.... Keeping my previous post in mind.... why "breath second-hand smoke" if I don't have to.

Have a good weekend

26th July 2013, 01:18 PM
No, not communication.... radiation.

I know what your saying too, and I don't lose sleep over it. Like I said before, my closest neighbour is 1/4 mile away and if I wanted to sniff any of their wireless traffic, I'd need a 20 dBi parabolic. I don't need wireless, so I don't use it. I have a home phone, my entire house is wired for Cat 5, I use a desktop, so no need for wireless mouse/keyboard.... Keeping my previous post in mind.... why "breath second-hand smoke" if I don't have to.

Have a good weekend

Thanks you too. My old house was wired for Cat5 (I wired it) but can't do this with the rental.. :( I live in a subdivision so yeah I can see about 15 AP's when I search for wireless.

26th July 2013, 01:31 PM
Thanks you too. My old house was wired for Cat5 (I wired it) but can't do this with the rental.. :( I live in a subdivision so yeah I can see about 15 AP's when I search for wireless.

in that situation, how protected are you against hacking by somebody with a van full of computer stuff in the parking lot ?

for example, if you use a credit card to buy precious metals over that wireless connection, how are you protected against someone picking up your credit card number ?

i promise, i'm not sitting in your parking lot with a van full of computer equipment. :)

26th July 2013, 01:36 PM
in that situation, how protected are you against hacking by somebody with a van full of computer stuff in the parking lot ?

for example, if you use a credit card to buy precious metals over that wireless connection, how are you protected against someone picking up your credit card number ?

i promise, i'm not sitting in your parking lot with a van full of computer equipment. :)

I use WPA2 AES encryption to encrypt my wireless traffic. As far as I know, that one has not been compromised yet. Another way is to completely hide your SSID. Looking for a needle in the haystack not knowing where the haystack is and also encrypting the data is probably the most secure you can be. But I admit to liking the convenience factor of just having my SSID populate the search field when I look for an Access Point. :)

26th July 2013, 01:41 PM
See where I'm going here? It does not matter if you use the said equipment or not. You're immersed in EMF/EMR daily whether you use the devices or not...


Children are doomed no matter what their parents do.

26th July 2013, 02:31 PM
I use WPA2 AES encryption to encrypt my wireless traffic.


26th July 2013, 02:34 PM
Another way is to completely hide your SSID.


26th July 2013, 03:02 PM

Children are doomed no matter what their parents do.

well, yes, but not because of EMI exposure in the case where a child doesn't live with a smartphone on their lap - next to their gonads - playing games for hours at a time.

EMI falls off as the square of the inverse ... get twice as far away from a radiator, it falls off 4 fold.

in other words, if a child doesn't live with a cellphone on their head or lap, what they are exposed to is 1/10 or 1/100 the signal strength of what the kid on the seat in front of them on the school bus, is exposed to.

Signal Strength matters, relative to biological effects.

all the details are being studied. we will be hearing about the results of those studies for at least a few generations.

26th July 2013, 06:13 PM

Yep, WPA2/AES still not cracked. Article describes brute force hacking it. I use a a random character generator to protect my Wi-Fi.

The only time you can crack the pre-shared key is if it is a dictionary word or relatively short in length. Conversely, if you want to have an unbreakable wireless network at home, use WPA/WPA2 and a 63 character password composed of random characters including special symbols.

Utility I use is KeePass to generator and store the key.

26th July 2013, 10:26 PM
EMI falls off as the square of the inverse ... get twice as far away from a radiator, it falls off 4 fold.

Good pick up, I forgot about that one

26th July 2013, 10:50 PM
I dunno, another thing that bothers me about cell-phones is that people just get so involved with them. They usually are not texting about anything important.... I see poeple walking around totally oblivious to what's going on around them.


27th July 2013, 12:17 AM
Before the CD of GIM1 by its joodeo-masonic owners,

GIM1 - WTF?!
http://noliesradio.org/images/wtc7small.gif (http://architects-engineers.org/)

...I'd posted a thread asking if there's something I can do about mitigating wifi EMR in my laptop usage. Physical/ethernet cable connecting wasn't an option, so I was thinking like: get another router or maybe access point which acts as my wifi transceiver, and put it some distance away from laptop, with ethernet connection to it. disable laptop's wifi of course.

Thread got many knowlegable replies, but I'm afraid I didn't act on any, and now thread's gone.

But I'm still reliant on wifi in my situation, no choice. So I'll pose the same question: is (prolly an access point) kept some distance away, a viable/easy option?

Or should I just not worry about it, as my 'nads are long since cooked already? :o:D

27th July 2013, 12:32 AM

The easiest and cheapest solution would be a wifi usb dongle. You can then buy a usb extension cable to have the dongle away from where you sit.

Example USB to wifi dongle (http://www.amazon.com/Medialink--150Mbps-Wireless-USB-Adapter/dp/B002RM08RE/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1374909949&sr=1-1)
10 ft usb extension cable (http://www.amazon.com/Mediabridge-Hi-Speed-Extension-A-Male-A-Female/dp/B001MT1EQM/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1374909971&sr=8-7)

You can find cheaper ones, I chose ones for you that had good reviews. Total cost for that stuff is $27.

To use an ethernet cable would be much more expensive and it's unnecessary.

27th July 2013, 01:25 AM

The easiest and cheapest solution would be a wifi usb dongle. You can then buy a usb extension cable to have the dongle away from where you sit.

Example USB to wifi dongle (http://www.amazon.com/Medialink--150Mbps-Wireless-USB-Adapter/dp/B002RM08RE/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1374909949&sr=1-1)
10 ft usb extension cable (http://www.amazon.com/Mediabridge-Hi-Speed-Extension-A-Male-A-Female/dp/B001MT1EQM/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1374909971&sr=8-7)

You can find cheaper ones, I chose ones for you that had good reviews. Total cost for that stuff is $27.

To use an ethernet cable would be much more expensive and it's unnecessary.

You kind of beat me to it, I was thinking the same thing; but with a powered usb hub in the middle to keep the distance greater...

But yeah, bang on....

27th July 2013, 01:27 AM
^ wow could be perfect!

Questions though:

- Is 802.11N the latest, & backwards compatible with G and the others I may encounter?

- on the bit/byte rate thing, your adapter says 1.5M bps. My firefox reports download speed in KB/sec, or KBps (not Kbps); and in my main hotspot, this speed tends to cruise in the lower hundreds but I've seen it in the high hundreds and even touch 1000 KB/sec. So am I correct to calculate that 1.5 Mbps would cap my d/l speed at 200 KB/sec?

Convert kilobyte/second to megabit/second (http://www.convertunits.com/from/kilobyte/second/to/Mbps)

How many kilobyte/second in 1 Mbps? The answer is 125.
We assume you are converting between kilobyte/second and megabit/second.
You can view more details on each measurement unit:
kilobyte/second (http://www.convertunits.com/info/kilobyte/second) or Mbps (http://www.convertunits.com/info/Mbps)

- That USB adapter is, itself, what contains the wifi transceiver? IE it's not just somehow enabling my laptop to use wifi, but actually using some physical hardware in my laptop, defeating my purpose of getting the transceiver EMR away from me? I can intuit the answer to this (it's designed for 'puters without wifi hardware, after all...) but just askin! My laptop does have a button to toggle on/off the wifi.

27th July 2013, 01:35 AM
You kind of beat me to it, I was thinking the same thing; but with a powered usb hub in the middle to keep the distance greater...

But yeah, bang on....

is there a max length for a USB cable, for attenuation or whatever? Could I not buy say, a 20' USB extention cable? Would I need a powered hub between two 10-footers to make that work?

27th July 2013, 01:43 AM
^ wow could be perfect!

Questions though:

- Is 802.11N the latest, & backwards compatible with G and the others I may encounter?

- on the bit/byte rate thing, your adapter says 1.5Mbps. My firefox reports download speed in KB/sec, or KBps (not Kbps); and in my main hotspot, this tends to cruise in the lower hundreds but I've seen it hit the high hundreds and even touch 1000KB/sec. So am I correct to calculate that 1.5 Mbps would cap my d/l speed at 200 KB/sec?

- That USB adapter is, itself, what contains the wifi transceiver? IE it's not just somehow enabling my laptop to use wifi, but actually using some physical hardware in my laptop, defeating my purpose of getting the transceiver EMR away from me? I can intuit the answer to this (it's designed for 'puters without wifi hardware, after all...) but just askin! My laptop does have a button to toggle on/off the wifi.

I believe 802.11n is the newest. I'm sure 802.11g will easily handle any traffic needs too.

I would disable your built-in wifi transceiver as you mentioned with the button and enable the remote transceiver in your control panel.

I don't know about windows, but in linux you can adjust your TX power with iwconfig. When you go shopping for a dongle, you can see if there's settings [for that device] that will allow you do that. Lower your TX power until your transfer rates go down, then bump it up slightly.

I'll look a bit for you tomorrow, as I'm off to bed.

27th July 2013, 03:00 AM
- on the bit/byte rate thing, your adapter says 1.5 Mbps. My firefox reports download speed in KB/sec, or KBps (not Kbps); and in my main hotspot, this speed tends to cruise in the lower hundreds but I've seen it in the high hundreds and even touch 1000 KB/sec. So am I correct to calculate that 1.5 Mbps would cap my d/l speed at 200 KB/sec?

whoopsy daisy! I looked again, your adapter says 150 Mbps - that's 100x faster than 1.5.


So 200 KBps x 100 = 20 MBps. yes MegaBYTES not bits. I had no idea wifi could go that fast-- way faster than most home ISPs provide! That would be 1 GB per 50 seconds?! Am I missing something, again?!

Convert kilobyte/second to megabit/second (http://www.convertunits.com/from/kilobyte/second/to/Mbps)

How many kilobyte/second in 1 Mbps? The answer is 125.
We assume you are converting between kilobyte/second and megabit/second.
You can view more details on each measurement unit:
kilobyte/second (http://www.convertunits.com/info/kilobyte/second) or Mbps (http://www.convertunits.com/info/Mbps)

27th July 2013, 05:31 AM
My firefox reports download speed in KB/sec, or KBps (not Kbps); and in my main hotspot, this speed tends to cruise in the lower hundreds but I've seen it in the high hundreds and even touch 1000 KB/sec.



27th July 2013, 08:01 AM
whoopsy daisy! I looked again, your adapter says 150 Mbps - that's 100x faster than 1.5.


So 200 KBps x 100 = 20 MBps. yes MegaBYTES not bits. I had no idea wifi could go that fast-- way faster than most home ISPs provide! That would be 1 GB per 50 seconds?! Am I missing something, again?!

WiFi has gotten pretty fast with the new standard. With 802.11n you can achieve 150Mps, but that's just the speed between your laptop and the wireless router. They're able to achieve that speed by using MIMO (Multi In Multi Out) they open up multiple channels within the 2.4Ghz spectrum you're using to achieve the increased throughput. They also have 5Ghz for increased speed, but since it's so high in frequency it doesn't really work well in a home because of walls, furniture etc. Quite honestly I don't feel safe of even turning on the 5Ghz so I leave it off on my router. For wired I run a Gigabit network which is 1000Mbs. The newest wireless standard that is in development is theoretically supposed to be able to achieve 1Gbps. 802.11ac

28th July 2013, 09:22 AM
your adapter says 150 Mbps - that's 100x faster than 1.5.

That's why I said 802.11g should be able to handle your internet traffic just fine...

28th July 2013, 05:27 PM
802.11n is backwards compatible to 11g and 11b. You'd rather have an 11n device, because it can connect to older wifi gear in addition to connecting to newer wifi gear. I don't even think new 11g-only devices are coming on the market anymore. It's like ethernet. 100 Mbps ethernet totally replaces and is backwards compatible with 10 Mbps ethernet, there is no reason to ever get a 10 Mbps only ethernet device.

28th July 2013, 06:25 PM
802.11n is backwards compatible to 11g and 11b. You'd rather have an 11n device, because it can connect to older wifi gear in addition to connecting to newer wifi gear. I don't even think new 11g-only devices are coming on the market anymore. It's like ethernet. 100 Mbps ethernet totally replaces and is backwards compatible with 10 Mbps ethernet, there is no reason to ever get a 10 Mbps only ethernet device.

I'd personally just get something that's used. Why pay for something new? There's so much usable HW out there still.

30th July 2013, 12:35 AM
I run wi fi as little as possible as it was all fun ect at the start but now I hate it very much.

Wi fi changes my awareness into a depressive dead state

My wife has been away for a week so I turn the wifi off and leave it off,when she comes back I have to turn it on and forget to turn it off over night. So today I am wondering why I feel a bit strange ect , as soon as the wi fi was turned off I felt and feel better.

I mean there is a big difference

I think it shreds the way our consciousness works on basically all levels, in another words it totally fucks people up.

This may not be obvious because we become used to this state and it is normal after a while.

I am beginning to see that wi fi ,especially in the home should be avoided ,minimized at the very least basically for the psychological health of your self and /or family

I mean what it does too our higher thinking ,self awareness ect is entirely destructive.

These are real waves affecting us physically ,mentally ,emotionally and it may not be readily perceivable .

30th July 2013, 12:47 AM
I always find that I feel good when I go to work but after a half an hour at home I am feeling pings and pangs. I kind of started thinking along your lines of thought about turning it off. I've got some other devices I can't connect except this way... although maybe I need to think on this for a while. I was laying awake last night, 3 am bothered by the cricket noise. A billion billion crickets chirping. So there is no gap in the noise just a kind of wave, ebb and flow, louder and a bit less louder. Maybe I will turn off the wifi tonight and see if that stops the cricket noise. I don't think it will I think thats something else being transmitted, perhaps cell phones or something. The noise of the day seems to drown it out but if I concentrate I can still hear it, even now when I am in a different location. There is no tower very close to home. Maybe 1km away is closest but its still enough.

I definately feel better when I am not there and there is no wifi running at work although it's a temp situation.

I would actually prefer to live in the sticks with none of this stuff. I am a radio operator and I do find that the radio community contains a very high percentage of weirdos. Not sure why. perhaps I'm not widely experienced in life or something, to know the regular level of weirdo-ness out there in the community. It is very high amongst radio people. They are weird to the point of being freaky scarey.....I think radio waves attract them somehow.

30th July 2013, 02:08 AM
I am now certain wi fi is bad for your health

The startling effects of WIFI (Wireless Appliances)

Posted on February 4, 2010. Filed under: Adrenal Fatigue (http://kimknight101.wordpress.com/category/adrenal-fatigue/), Anxiety and Stress (http://kimknight101.wordpress.com/category/anxiety-and-stress/), Chronic Fatigue (http://kimknight101.wordpress.com/category/chronic-fatigue/), Depression (http://kimknight101.wordpress.com/category/depression/), EM Radiation (http://kimknight101.wordpress.com/category/em-radiation/), Healing (http://kimknight101.wordpress.com/category/healing/), Mental Health (http://kimknight101.wordpress.com/category/mental-health/), Stress Relief (http://kimknight101.wordpress.com/category/stress-relief/) | Tags: EM Radiation (http://kimknight101.wordpress.com/tag/em-radiation/), Exhaustion (http://kimknight101.wordpress.com/tag/exhaustion/), Fatigue (http://kimknight101.wordpress.com/tag/fatigue/), Illness (http://kimknight101.wordpress.com/tag/illness/), Mental Health (http://kimknight101.wordpress.com/tag/mental-health/), Wi Fi Radiation (http://kimknight101.wordpress.com/tag/wi-fi-radiation/) |
By Kim Knight, Director of the Art of Health, Auckland, New Zealand
I’d like to share the amazing experience I had recently in realizing first-hand the detremental effects of WIFI (wireless internet and wireless office devices).
For several weeks *1 I had been feeling extremely de-motivated about work. Symptoms included feeling unclear, unable to think, complete (http://kimknight101.wordpress.com/2010/02/04/the-startling-effects-of-wifi-wireless-appliances/#) lethargy, verging on what I would classify as mild depression. I had been putting it down to all sorts of factors (I need a break… it’s Christmas…maybe I’m low in iron…the weather’s really muggy) even starting to contemplate maybe I was losing enthusiasm for my work and needed a complete job change! I even went to have my bloods checked just to see if something was really going on, and also booked a Journey process with a friend to see what ‘emotional’ stuff might be making me feel depressed.
Then one night I was sitting in my office, trying to summon up some enthusiasm to do some work, and I remembered an email I had received from a friend about a DVD he was showing on the effects of wireless appliances. And I thought to myself, “well, I have a wireless router (http://kimknight101.wordpress.com/2010/02/04/the-startling-effects-of-wifi-wireless-appliances/#) in my office, what if I were to switch it off?” ‘No, I’ll wait until I’ve seen the DVD’ I thought, and then immediately thought again, “no, why not just try it”?
So, I turned the unit off, and also unplugged the wireless keyboard and mouse. I kid you not when I say I felt better within 60 seconds. SIXTY SECONDS!*2
However, the truth was I felt better. *3 Within that time my head felt clearer, and it was like the air around me in the room cleared too. (Of course this makes perfect sense now that I understand about the ‘EM Smog’ that wireless devices immerse us in). Initially I thought I must be imagining the change, although I had not had any great expectations of results. And if I had had any expectations, I certainly didn’t think the effect would be so quick!
I was feeling so much better I was able to do my evening Qi Gong practice which I had slowly been losing enthusiasm for too over a number of days. It was as if I was a new person.
(Stats taken from the BBC Panorama Documentary below)
So then I sat down to watch the DVD and boy are the facts interesting:

France has just passed a law stopping the advertising of cell phones (http://kimknight101.wordpress.com/2010/02/04/the-startling-effects-of-wifi-wireless-appliances/#) to children
In Sweden EMF sensitivity (Electro-magnetic radiation) is recognized as a disability and the government will paint your house with anti-radiation paint if you need it.
If only one person in school in Sweden complains of the negative effects of EMF radiation from WIFI, it will be turned off and investigated.
Switzerland, Italy, Russia, China and other countries have exposure limits THOUSANDS of times lower than in other countries such as the UK.
In Salzburg (Austria) the government advises against WIFI in schools altogether.

The reality is we are living in what has now been called an ‘EM smog’. Whilst many people do not consciously notice the effects of this, ‘Electro-Hypersensitives’ do. This EM smog fills the air around us, penetrating every cell and affecting the functioning of our mind and body. Cell phones and WIFI have a similar frequency to microwaves, and we all know what happens if you end up inside one of them. And I’ve heard that having a WIFI router in your home is the equivalent of having a cell phone tower in your living room! Really?
Despite all the evidence of the harmful effects of radiation, the WHO (The World Health Organization, not the band) have stated that “there are no known adverse health effects from low level, long term exposure”. However, research has indicated that radio frequency radiation can cause changes in cognitive function (yes, I can definitely vouch for that), molecular changes in the cells, chromosome damage, decrease in short-term memory and cancer induction.
The bizarre thing is that ICNIRP, the international regulatory body that sets the limits for safe radiation, does not recognize the biological effects of radiation. Instead it bases exposure limits on a THERMAL effect: in other words, the radiation has to be so strong it has to heat your organs up before it is recognized as a problem! For goodness sake! (And there we are back at the microwave analogy again – remember all the poodles who didn’t fare too well when microwaves first came out?).
People may continue to dispute that cellphones and WIFI are harmful, but this morning I got up like a new person and spent all day in my office for the first time in 8 weeks. I got work done which I had been procrastinating on for ages. Even small tasks had felt overwhelming.
So I encourage you to consider the effects of EMF radiation if you cannot find the cause of your symptoms, and in particular to check your wireless devices. (And by the way, to check the ‘available wireless networks’ on your computer – you could be sitting in a soup of WIFI waves from the local cafe, business or neighbours too). Yes, my office now looks like spagetti junction with all the wires back in place, but boy it’s worth it.
You may also like to check out the following links:
New laws cracking down on children’s use of mobile phones are to be introduced in France amid growing fears that they may cause cancer and other diseases:
Cell Phones: just like Cigarettes ? (special video for teenagers) 6mn
BBC Panorama – WIFI a warning signal (30mn)
What your cell phone provider isn’t telling you (Dr Nick Begich) 30mn
*1 Note from above re length of effects:
Although I say several weeks, actually, afterwards, once my mind was clearer, I saw that this had been going on for much longer than 8 weeks. Infact, I had not been feeling great for a while, infact for over a year.
Six months previously I had been feeling extraordinarily and unusually tired and not sleeping well (which was unusual for me as I normally sleep well). I had even gone to see a naturopath and was contemplating supplements for adrenal fatigue. The interesting thing is, which I realized after my mind cleared, was that during that time I had re-arranged my bed furniture and my headboard was now next to the wall of my office, which meant my head was closer to the WIFI router.
Then, when I tracked back even further, when I asked myself “When was the last time I felt well?” the answer that came back was about 14 months ago, that was when I noticed myself going down hill. And then I asked myself, “And when did I get WIFI?” – I couldn’t remember exactly, I knew it was within the previous 2 years. So I looked it up (fortunately, I had printed out my WIFI password and the piece of paper was dated) and it was 14 months previous. It’s always easy to understand things in retrospect, and now that I look back, it seems pretty clear to me that as soon as that router was switched on, it started to have a negative effect on my body.
*2 Note from above re body responding in 60 seconds
This to me shows met yet again the amazing and natural self-healing abilities of the body. When we give it what it needs, it automatically heals. INSTANTLY. I have noticed this in Mickel Therapy – when you do what is right for your body, it will respond IMMEDIATELY. It is amazing and beautiful to watch and witness. Our main problem is that if we put ourselves (ie, our body) in situations which are adverse to the it’s natural functioning, it puts it into a constant state of stress, which means its using all its energy and effot to try and get back into a state of balance, which means it can’t fulfil its normal functions properly.
This is akin to saying the immune system is being put into a constant state of overload or red alert, which over-taxes its ability to do its job with normal ease. So we need to make sure that we are giving our body what it needs to function well. I hope that makes sense!
*3 Note from above re feeling better
One of the problems about not feeling well is that it’s often not until we feel better that we realize how unwellwe were actually feeling before. Unfortunately we acclimatize ourselves to not feeling well and then without realizing it come to think that’s normal! This is actually true for many things in life. What we get used to, we think is normal, and then we forget what normal actually is.
So it wasn’t until my head cleared, my energy picked up and I felt so much more uplifted that I realized how bad I had actually been feeling.
These are the symptoms that I now realize I was experiencing as a result of WIFI exposure. I am sure there may be many others, this is just my list!

Feeling low
Unable to concentrate or think clearly
Unable to get on with work tasks
Negative thinking, depressive thoughts
Not sleeping well
Feeling extraordinary tiredness
Not feeling well at home, especially in the office (where the router was) and feeling better as soon as I went out

These are the differences I am noticing now:

Feeling lighter and clearer in my head
Feeling ‘uplifted’ emotionally and mentally
Feeling happier
The ‘air’ in my office feels clearer
Feeling motivated


one day wi fi will be proven to be a health hazard

30th July 2013, 02:49 AM
I definately feel better when I am not there and there is no wifi running at work although it's a temp situation.

I would actually prefer to live in the sticks with none of this stuff. I am a radio operator and I do find that the radio community contains a very high percentage of weirdos. Not sure why. perhaps I'm not widely experienced in life or something, to know the regular level of weirdo-ness out there in the community. It is very high amongst radio people. They are weird to the point of being freaky scarey.....I think radio waves attract them somehow.

in the sticks you can still need wireless to escape from an abusive landline phone company. but you have choice about how to set it up.

i don't think the radio waves in the ham community cause any major wierdness - which is not to imply that the more independent minded folks have anything to apologize for.

one of the most 'normal' hams i have met wrote for the ham magazine, yet at work was one of the more psychopathic individuals - supported the terror war etc. hardly a recommendation.

i have known hams over the years. 30 years ago, they tended to be professional or amateur electrical engineers, because that knowhow was useful.

most hams have the transmitters some distance from where they sit. they are smart enough to not stick it next to their head.

30th July 2013, 09:40 PM
I probably should clarify, while I am a ham operator, also a CB radio user. CB is by far and away the most weirdo prone community I have ever come across, although the hams are a certain kind of class. Perhaps not phsyco like CB but still a bit weird IMO. The hams I met are very closed minded. I think thats mostly because of regulations. It's self regulated, but using extensive government regulatory documents. So nearly everyone is anal about regulations. I always have to have a chuckle about amateur radio. It's great and you can experiement so long as you do the same repetitive stuff amateur radio has done for 100+ years. I see none of the innovation that spawned wireless in the first place. It's become too narrow minded, much like medicine, law, science etc and it is it's own rules that cause this. Didn't explain that very well.

Anyway turning off my wifi didn't stop the billion billion crickets last night although there was a very big cricket in amongst them. Louder chirping with a different distinct pattern and a 2 chirp sign off. Haven't heard that before.

11th August 2013, 08:09 PM
Anyway turning off my wifi didn't stop the billion billion crickets last night although there was a very big cricket in amongst them. Louder chirping with a different distinct pattern and a 2 chirp sign off. Haven't heard that before.

Frequency turns up in discussion here. I figured the crickets I'm hearing is just a ringing in my ears. I wondered how you could generate some of these frequencies so I could hear what they sounded like: 432, 440 etc. My personal perference of 222. Anyway.

Found a link to a tone generator which is supposed to help you find your Tinnitus frequency. Not sure if mine is 222 but it might be somewhere around 4000.


I might play around with this and see if I can generate some of those frequency or vibration images.

12th August 2013, 01:33 AM
Anyway turning off my wifi didn't stop the billion billion crickets last night although there was a very big cricket in amongst them. Louder chirping with a different distinct pattern and a 2 chirp sign off. Haven't heard that before.

not to knock your observation about or enjoyment of the crickets.

but they are not a complex nervous system, or a complex physiology, compared to a human being.

some people are observing ill effects from wi-fi & related constant exposure to EM radiation at microwave frequencies.

i think there is some substance to their observations, but i don't know.

it may well affect human functioning, but the electro-chemistry of neurons, etc., is not a subject i know about.

12th August 2013, 09:23 AM
crickets is the closest sound that I can describe what I hear constantly. Some times it's in waves but mostly it's constant. Its most noticable in quieter places. Other noises drown it out but it's always there. I wondered if it was an RF/EMF emission. Maybe everyone/most people hear something like it? I've never asked anyone if they hear something. Maybe tinnitus is very common or only from an injury. I don't know. If it isn't caused by RF/EMF I can scratch it off the list.

I think EM radiation does affect you physiologically. You can actually feel it easily in some cases.

6th December 2013, 06:23 AM
prof James Tracy:

December 4, 2013 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2013/12/04/wireless-technology-a-looming-health-crisis/)
Wireless Technology: A Looming Health Crisis (http://memoryholeblog.com/2013/12/04/wireless-technology-a-looming-health-crisis/) 11 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2013/12/04/wireless-technology-a-looming-health-crisis/#comments) Home (http://memoryholeblog.com/category/home/) • Tags: censorship (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/censorship/), environmentalism (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/environmentalism/), news media (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/news-media/), public health (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/public-health/)
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR45NyDbAAeKHsJqe8rOSFRg0DwOE9pd RgTuUh2mBNVKVbU9rmT
By James F. Tracy

This story originally appeared here and at Global Research in July 2012. It was recently selected by an international panel of evaluators as Story Number 14 (http://www.projectcensored.org/14-wireless-technology-looming-health-crisis/) in Project Censored’s Top 25 Most Under-Reported Stories for 2012-2013. The article is featured in the new volume Censored 2014: Fearless Speech in Fateful Times (http://catalog.sevenstories.com/products/censored-2014-dispatches-from-the-media-revolution-the-top-censored-stories-and-media-analysis-of-2012-13) (Seven Stories Press, 2013).

Electromagnetic pollution is one of the greatest threats to human health today. Over the past several years this public health menace has only intensified with the rollout of “smart meters” that replace standard analog meters on residences and businesses throughout the nation and world.

More… (http://memoryholeblog.com/2013/12/04/wireless-technology-a-looming-health-crisis/#more-7293)

16th January 2014, 02:09 AM
I've had my wifi off for a fair while now. I did have it on for maybe 10 days when I had family staying. Where possible I still did turn it off. I also used 54mbps/G instead of 300. There is a noticeable difference IMO. I'm pretty keen to minimize my exposure to microwave RF where possible based on this experience. I feel more relaxed and less uneasiness which is an inadequate description. As I said I had it back on a number of days. I don't think you feel the effects of the RF right away. I think it can take some time, even an hour or two sometimes. Maybe its building up during that time.

26th January 2015, 04:31 AM
Why Are Cell Phone Towers Going Up on Public Schools All over the Country? (http://oneradionetwork.com/latest/why-are-cell-phone-towers-going-up-on-public-schools-all-over-the-country-article/)

skg (http://oneradionetwork.com/author/skg/) | Jan 14, 2015 | Comments 1 (http://oneradionetwork.com/latest/why-are-cell-phone-towers-going-up-on-public-schools-all-over-the-country-article/#comments) |

Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton
Activist Post (http://www.activistpost.com/2015/01/why-are-cell-phone-towers-going-up-on.html)

http://oneradionetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/dees-tree2-225x300.jpg (http://oneradionetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/dees-tree2.jpg)
Dees Illustration

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – Former CIA Director William Casey
This is a follow up to our last report (http://truthstreammedia.com/why-is-this-giant-cell-phone-tower-smack-dab-in-the-middle-of-an-elementary-school-playground/) based on a tip sent to us by a viewer who wanted to know how it was okay that the largest elementary school in Dallas put up a giant cell phone tower right on the basketball court next to the playground.

After we released the video, lots of people sent us tips from one side of the nation to the other.

These cell towers are being placed on school property — next to even preschool playgrounds and sometimes directly on the rooftops of the schools themselves — all over America.


With no long-term studies for safety, troubling health data (http://www.amazon.com/Overpowered-Dangers-Electromagnetic-Radiation-about/dp/1609805097?tag=permacultucom-20&linkCode=w13&linkID=FGBNVPA47LBE2NTM&ref_=assoc_res_sw_result_2) pointing to everything from cancer to negative impacts on the immune system to impairing hormone function — why?

Why is there such a concerted, nationwide push to place these dangerous towers right next to our growing children in the very buildings they spend all their time in during the week?

Well…there is one theory…but you aren’t going to like it.





Mind Control - Wires in the Brain .. .Deborah Tavares 01-07-2015 on the Rense Radio Network
StopTheCrime.net NEW (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5EJcBi6syfNf-YI9q0jdGw)

Published on Jan 18, 2015
Mind Control - Wires in the Brain . . .Global Alert
Deborah Tavares Interview 01-07-2015

26th January 2015, 05:02 AM
Here is a 3rd party investigation into smart meters.


26th January 2015, 06:49 AM
Here is a 3rd party investigation into smart meters.


Who pays for the smart side of a smart meter, the electric company or you?

Cell phones are interesting, because at this point its starting to look like a gimmik with "4GLite" variations available... do they actually increase frequency and battery usage with no real benefits to the user?

26th January 2015, 07:01 AM
Who pays for the smart side of a smart meter, the electric company or you?

Cell phones are interesting, because at this point its starting to look like a gimmik with "4GLite" variations available... do they actually increase frequency and battery usage with no real benefits to the user?

My understanding is that you are paying for the Wireless "ping" to report usage. It's anywhere from 250mw up to 1 watt. Which really isn't much but can add up over time. 1,000 pings at 1 watt is 1kw, which is 10 cents in my area.

4G LTE is faster and the newer chipsets with LTE built on the chip do conserve battery life. Frequency is different dependent upon carrier. Verizon has between 700-800Mhz spectrum (Old T.V. broadcast spectrum). I'm not sure what AT&T, Sprint, Cricket wireless, Boost mobile has.

26th January 2015, 05:52 PM
1,000 pings at 1 watt is 1kw, which is 10 cents in my area.

Should be easy enough to just short them their dime on the return bill,

tell them you'll email them a photo of the meter for free every month.

26th January 2015, 05:58 PM
still have no wifi running at my home or work place. Do still have a wireless keyboard mouse and you can feel the vibes from the keyboard. Will start to feel like burning after 5 - 10 minutes.

26th January 2015, 05:59 PM
Should be easy enough to just short them their dime on the return bill,

tell them you'll email them a photo of the meter for free every month.

If only it were that easy. :)

21st June 2015, 06:08 AM
Sofia Smallstorm interviews (http://aboutthesky.com/podcasts):

Larry Gust 6/4/15
I had the chance to meet Larry Gust, electrical engineer and building biologist, at a newly built house he was remediating for chemicals, EMFs and electric fields. The house was not far from Black Mountain (San Diego), crowned with cell towers blasting radiofrequencies for miles (see my blog post (http://aboutthesky.com/smallstorm-blog/406-cell-towers-on-mountains)). Special black shielding paint was on the walls and the windows were protected with Low-E glass. In this interview, Larry explains how our living spaces are pushing the limits of our biology -- from mites to molds, chemicals and electrosmog -- and what we can do about it. The toxins around us are multiplying and we are absorbing and accumulating more of them. Visit his very informative website GustEnviro.com, (http://www.gustenviro.com) where he can also be reached for consultations.

Listen here (http://aboutthesky.com/images/stories/audio/SSmallstorm_podcast_025_6-04-15.mp3)

21st June 2015, 07:39 AM
I had the chance to meet Larry Gust, electrical engineer and building biologist,

Yup. It is truly a fact. Nobody deriving their living from this stuff would ever tell a fib. Converting a belief to an occupation in commerce doesn't necessarily make the belief wrong but the one doing the selling now has an additional motive.

23rd September 2015, 10:21 AM
@ memoryholeblog:

September 23, 2015 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/09/23/israel-bans-wifi-in-kindergarten-calls-to-limit-childrens-exposure/)
Israel Bans WiFi in Kindergarten, Calls to Limit Children’s Exposure (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/09/23/israel-bans-wifi-in-kindergarten-calls-to-limit-childrens-exposure/) Reply (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/09/23/israel-bans-wifi-in-kindergarten-calls-to-limit-childrens-exposure/#respond) by James Tracy (http://memoryholeblog.com/author/truthgulag/) • News (http://memoryholeblog.com/category/news/) • Tags: environmentalism (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/environmentalism/), public health (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/public-health/), wireless technology (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/wireless-technology/)
Italian State of Tyrol Calls for Curbing Wireless in Schools
https://memorygapdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/dees_smart_grid.jpg?w=474 (https://memorygapdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/dees_smart_grid.jpg)
Environmental Health Trust
(http://ehtrust.org/eht-lauds-israels-ban-on-wi-fi-in-kindergarten-and-limits-to-childrens-wireless-exposures-in-schools-additionally-the-italian-state-of-tyrol-now-calls-for-limiting-wireless-in-schools/)Sep 22, 2015

Teton Village, WY — (SBWIRE) — As of this fall, Israel and Italy are officially recommending schools reduce children’s exposures to wireless radiation. The Israeli Ministry of Health has initiated a major public awareness effort to reduce wireless and electromagnetic radiation exposures to children. In similar action, the Italian State Parliament of South Tyrol voted to allow the application of the precautionary principle (http://kompetenzinitiative.net/KIT/KIT/progress-in-south-tyrol-applying-the-precautionary-principle/) to replace existing wireless networks whenever possible with wired networks or those that emit less radiation.

The Israeli Ministry of Health (MoH) recommendations are published in the Environmental Health in Israel Report 2014 (http://www.health.gov.il/publicationsfiles/bsv_sviva2014e.pdf) which states that

More… (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/09/23/israel-bans-wifi-in-kindergarten-calls-to-limit-childrens-exposure/#more-19766)

23rd September 2015, 06:05 PM
Anyone have any suggestions on how to block neighbor's WiFi from entering your home?? Below is my comment from over at MHB on my sister's situation:

amanda4321 says: September 23, 2015 at 3:02 PM (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/09/23/israel-bans-wifi-in-kindergarten-calls-to-limit-childrens-exposure/comment-page-1/#comment-97004)

My sister, who has Down Syndrome, is actually very sensitive to WiFi and it is turning her life (and my parents lives) into a nightmare. She recently got over having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, and it’s possible that the CFS made her more susceptible to becoming sensitive to WiFi (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/06/21/are-you-allergic-to-wireless-internet.aspx). Her first symptoms started in January, when her CFS was at it’s peak. At that time, she started having strange internal vibration sensations (strange symptom, but if you enter “body vibration sensation” into google, you find lots of people are trying to find the cause of this). As the year progressed, the vibrations continued, despite the Fibromyalgia and CFS getting completely cured. We couldn’t figure out what was causing this, but noticed that she felt best when driving around in a car, and that the symptoms returned upon entering my parents’ home. About a month ago, her symptoms dramatically worsened, to the point she had trouble staying in my parents’ home b/c the vibrations were so severe and were accompanied by loud humming and buzzing. It has gotten to the point where she is unable to sleep in their home and has to sleep in the car away from the house. We just found out that their next-door neighbors just got WiFi at around the time my sister’s symptoms worsened and keep it on 24/7. We are convinced this is the source of her problem. We also found out that a number of their other neighbors also have WiFi, but their houses are at a further distance, so their signal is probably NOT as strong. Unfortunately, my parents’ next door neighbors are quite attached to their WiFi and IPad and are only willing to turn it off from midnight to 8 am. Right now it doesn’t seem like there are any options for people in this situation. I saw a case where someone tried to sue their neighbor for the health problems their WiFi caused them, but the law sided with the neighbor who had the WiFi. My parents have looked into a temporary place for my sister to stay, but there really aren’t any options, as all hotels now have WiFi. At this point, they are going to try to purchase router guards for the neighbors. If that doesn’t work, they are going to have to spend a ton of money to tear apart a room in the house and install special shielding to protect from the WiFi signals.

Sorry for the long post, but I thought I’d share in case others are having similar problems–if you become hypersensitive to WiFi or other EMFs, it literally turns your life into a nightmare.

23rd September 2015, 07:00 PM
I agree. It can affect you. I've turned mine off for more than 1 year now. I've posted about it in this thread before. Was this thread got me motivated to do so.

I've still had problems when going home. As soon as I walked in front door I can feel the pangs in my abdomen.

My neighbors moved out about 1 month ago and no one new is in there yet. I've noticed things have become much better. I have been pondering on what I could put up against the joining wall between myself and next door to block the WiFi RF. Need some kind of copper impregnated wall paper of some sort.

Or maybe some fashionable wall art squares.

23rd September 2015, 08:12 PM
Anyone have any suggestions on how to block neighbor's WiFi from entering your home?? Below is my comment from over at MHB on my sister's situation:

amanda4321 says: September 23, 2015 at 3:02 PM (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/09/23/israel-bans-wifi-in-kindergarten-calls-to-limit-childrens-exposure/comment-page-1/#comment-97004)

My sister, who has Down Syndrome, is actually very sensitive to WiFi and it is turning her life (and my parents lives) into a nightmare. She recently got over having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, and it’s possible that the CFS made her more susceptible to becoming sensitive to WiFi (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/06/21/are-you-allergic-to-wireless-internet.aspx). Her first symptoms started in January, when her CFS was at it’s peak. At that time, she started having strange internal vibration sensations (strange symptom, but if you enter “body vibration sensation” into google, you find lots of people are trying to find the cause of this). As the year progressed, the vibrations continued, despite the Fibromyalgia and CFS getting completely cured. We couldn’t figure out what was causing this, but noticed that she felt best when driving around in a car, and that the symptoms returned upon entering my parents’ home. About a month ago, her symptoms dramatically worsened, to the point she had trouble staying in my parents’ home b/c the vibrations were so severe and were accompanied by loud humming and buzzing. It has gotten to the point where she is unable to sleep in their home and has to sleep in the car away from the house. We just found out that their next-door neighbors just got WiFi at around the time my sister’s symptoms worsened and keep it on 24/7. We are convinced this is the source of her problem. We also found out that a number of their other neighbors also have WiFi, but their houses are at a further distance, so their signal is probably NOT as strong. Unfortunately, my parents’ next door neighbors are quite attached to their WiFi and IPad and are only willing to turn it off from midnight to 8 am. Right now it doesn’t seem like there are any options for people in this situation. I saw a case where someone tried to sue their neighbor for the health problems their WiFi caused them, but the law sided with the neighbor who had the WiFi. My parents have looked into a temporary place for my sister to stay, but there really aren’t any options, as all hotels now have WiFi. At this point, they are going to try to purchase router guards for the neighbors. If that doesn’t work, they are going to have to spend a ton of money to tear apart a room in the house and install special shielding to protect from the WiFi signals.

Sorry for the long post, but I thought I’d share in case others are having similar problems–if you become hypersensitive to WiFi or other EMFs, it literally turns your life into a nightmare.

That special RF blocking paint and low-E glass should do wonders. My old house I installed the low e glass and couldn't get a signal more than 5 feet away from the front windows, now with no e-glass I can drive the car away and still get signal

23rd September 2015, 08:13 PM
Type RF shielding paint and you will find it.

23rd September 2015, 09:58 PM
there's also your wifi "smart-meter", emanating wifi radiation in all directions at all times... and I heard, can actually be used to detect movement around the house ala radar but I digress.

I heard one wifi/emf expert say you could at least ease the portion entering the house by either/and:

1. at the meter itself, putting around and esp behind it to the extent possible, some metalic blocker element, I guess sheetmetal or even a few layers of alum. foil.

2. even some blocker material on the inside wall opposite the smartmeter will be helpful. this could be unsightly but if you're clever you can disguise it with... let's say you have a few layers alum foil, sandwich that betwe en some paperboard (think, cereal box cardboard); adhere that to the wall somehow (glue, tack, nail whatever); spackle over the edges & maybe even texturize the face of it, then paint over with matching wall paint.

30th September 2015, 06:20 PM
just found this over at MHB:


March 27, 2015 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/03/27/tech-giants-poised-to-bath-earth-in-microwave-radiation/)

Tech Giants Poised to Bath Earth in Microwave Radiation 68 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/03/27/tech-giants-poised-to-bath-earth-in-microwave-radiation/#comments) by James Tracy (http://memoryholeblog.com/author/truthgulag/) • Documents (http://memoryholeblog.com/category/documents/), News (http://memoryholeblog.com/category/news/) • Tags: wireless technology (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/wireless-technology/)

International Public Health Coalition Says Planned Global WiFi from Space Will Destroy Ozone Layer, Worsen Climate Change, and Threaten Human Life and Health Global Union Against Radiation Deployment from Space (GUARDS)
(March 26, 2015)
https://memorygapdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/satellite_earth.jpg?w=474 (https://memorygapdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/satellite_earth.jpg)

Google, Facebook, and three other companies (here (http://www.google.com/loon/), here (http://thenextweb.com/facebook/2014/03/27/facebooks-connectivity-lab-looking-drones-satellites-lasers-provide-internet-access/), here (http://www.spacex.com/), here (http://www.oneweb.world), and here (https://www.outernet.is/en)) are gearing up to provide high-speed global WiFi coverage from space within the next three to four years. This would be an ecological and public health nightmare, according to a recently-formed international coalition: the Global Union Against Radiation Deployment from Space (GUARDS).

According to GUARDS, the extensive satellite networks required will endanger the ozone layer and significantly contribute to climate change. Rocket exhaust contains ozone-destroying chlorine, water vapor (a greenhouse gas), and aluminum oxide particles, which seed stratospheric clouds. Complete ozone destruction is observed in the exhaust plumes of rockets.

The New York Times (May 14, 1991, p. 4) quoted Aleksandr Dunayev of the Russian Space Agency saying “About 300 launches of the space shuttle each year would be a catastrophe and the ozone layer would be completely destroyed.”

At that time, the world averaged only 12 rocket launches per year. Maintaining a fleet of (ultimately) 4,000 satellites, each with an expected lifespan of five years, will likely involve enough yearly rocket launches to be an environmental catastrophe.

GUARDS’ second area of concern is WiFi itself. Although widely perceived as an unqualified good, WiFi operates using extremely rapid pulses of microwave radiation—the same radiation used in microwave ovens. And a parade of studies continue to be published and ignored implicating wireless technology in the die-off of forests, the demise of frogs, bats, and honey bees, the threatened extinction of the house sparrow, and damage to the DNA of the human species. It is vital to the continuation of life that large parts of the earth be spared from the incessant radiation that accompanies wireless technologies.

“The human body”, says Dr Gerard J. Hyland, of the University of Warwick, UK, “is an electrochemical instrument of exquisite sensitivity”, noting that, like a radio, it can be interfered with by incoming radiation. If a signal can operate a mechanical device, it can disturb every cell in the human body.

On February 7, 2014, the U.S. Department of Interior stated that “the electromagnetic radiation standards used by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) continue to be based on thermal heating, a criterion now nearly 30 years out of date and inapplicable today” in reference to guidelines governing WiFi radiation frequencies.

In 2011 the World Health Organization classified radiation emitted by cell phones, and other wireless commercial infrastructure such as WiFi and smart meters as a Class 2B possible human carcinogen, along with lead, engine exhaust, and DDT. Yet, the global WiFi projects would make this exposure ubiquitous and inescapable.

A recent letter sent by 88 organizations, representing over a million people, to the European Economic and Social Committee outlines how governments are betraying the public trust by ignoring the hazards of radio frequency/microwave (RF/MW) radiation.

Studies show wireless radiation can adversely affect fetal brain development, in addition to causing double-stranded DNA breaks and causing a wide spectrum of illnesses. GUARDS believes that continuing and expanding involuntary exposure of the public to this known toxin violates the Nuremberg Code of Human Rights for non-consensual experimentation.

GUARDS is an international coalition of diverse groups that have joined together in order to stop the implementation of global WiFi from space, which threatens all life on earth.


Human Health

The 1500-page BioInitiative Report on RF/MW health effects was published in 2012. The authors are 29 scientists from ten countries. They reviewed thousands of studies showing interference with chemical processes in the body, implicating RF/MW in a whole spectrum of alarming effects including genetic damage, cancer, immune dysfunction, neurological injury, and infertility. The report can be found at <www.bioinitiative.org (http://www.bioinitiative.org/)>.

The Letter of Notice sent in February 2015 to the European Economic and Social Committee by 88 organizations regarding the betrayal of public trust in ignoring the effects of RF/MW radiation can be found at http://www.radiationresearch.org/images/rrt_articles/EM-Radiation-Research-Trust-Letter-of-Notice-Served-on-Mr-Richard-Adams.pdf

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a committee of the World Health Organization, has classified RF radiation, including that emitted by wireless technology, as a class 2B carcinogen. <http://www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/pr/2011/pdfs/pr208_E.pdf>.

British physician Erica Mallery-Blythe has an excellent report focusing on Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), now estimated to affect five percent of the world’s population. www.iemfa.org/wp-content/pdf/Mallery-Blythe-v1-EESC.pdf (http://www.iemfa.org/wp-content/pdf/Mallery-Blythe-v1-EESC.pdf)

Department of Interior: “the electromagnetic radiation standards used by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) continue to be based on thermal heating, a criterion now nearly 30 years out of date and inapplicable today.” (http://www.ntia.doc.gov/files/ntia/us_doi_comments.pdf)


Studies show radiation from wireless technology harms the environment—both flora and fauna are affected (http://www.moef.nic.in/downloads/public-information/final_mobile_towers_report.pdf and (http://www.biolmedonline.com/Articles/Vol4_4_2012/Vol4_4_202-216_BM-8.pdf).

An October 31, 2014 presentation to the Manitoba Entomological Society, reviewing 91 studies on the effects of RF/MW radiation on honey bees, insects, birds, etc.: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mobilfunk_newsletter/0RUPGTI4qQY (https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21topic/mobilfunk_newsletter/0RUPGTI4qQY)

On ozone depletion and climate change from rocket exhaust: (http://www.eucass-proceedings.eu/articles/eucass/pdf/2013/01/eucass4p657.pdf).

Satellite Deployment Plans

The five companies seeking to provide global WiFi radiation include:

SpaceX: 4000 satellites, 750 miles high http://www.spacex.com/

OneWeb: 2,400 satellites, 500-590 miles high http://www.oneweb.world (http://www.oneweb.world/) and http://www.cnbc.com/id/102340448

Facebook: Satellites, drones, and lasers. http://thenextweb.com/facebook/2014/03/27/facebooks-connectivity-lab-looking-drones-satellites-lasers-provide-internet-access/

Google: 200,000 high altitude balloons (62,500 feet) (“Project Loon”) http://www.google.com/loon/

Outernet: Low-orbit microsatellites https://www.outernet.is/en (https://www.outernet.is/en/). Receive-only service to begin in 2015, two-way WiFi in four years.

30th September 2015, 07:10 PM
Type RF shielding paint and you will find it.

That sh*t costs a fortune, but, what is the price of ones life?

30th September 2015, 07:38 PM
That sh*t costs a fortune, but, what is the price of ones life? Other than fine holed steel with the holes smaller than the damaging wavelengths of possible RF energy

You are right!,

Copper is expensive , silver is more so but more conductive.

All do depend on a ground, but a totally enclosed any metal or conductive material without a ground can work without an earth ground, because the pulse will bleed off slower with out the ground.

We all mostly of us that live in areas that have very high or high population density's literally wade through RF energy fields,

Fact jacks!

Is it good?

Some wave lengths and levels no, long or short term depending on those same energy levels !

Long waves probably not so much, but the shorter the wavelength the risks become higher.

Microwaves as far as radio goes is the worse, but that also depends on the energy levels and frequency and time of exposure to that radiation.

Just like the sun !

And all other wavelengths of light that humans expose them selfs to that are artificial other than old school tungsten carbide lights put off uv.

The list goes on.

Wifi being dangerous, I am sure the potential risk rises with frequency or bands use for wifi, but the risk with all and anything is linked to the rule double the distance 4 four times less the risk.

Less than one gig in freq at low power (less than one watt) probably causes no harm, home electronics are all less or much less than one watt and no risk unless you keep any of those devices so close that you sleep and live right on top of them, because the law of double the size four time the area, that works with radio and most everything in life.

Trying to remember the name of that rule, works with optics, pipe size, and most everything else.


Found it!

Its called the


Which seems to apply to dam near everything , known or not !


8th January 2016, 04:28 AM
one newish article @ memoryhole blog, followed by two YT vids from The Richie Allen Show. First vid with Royal Navy guy gets into a couple items I'm unfamiliar with, incl @ 22 mins, the "Tetra Digital Radio System" and it's effect on cops' behavior & health; and incl near the end, his reco that you use "radiator foil" not kitchen/baking foil to block radiation:

January 4, 2016 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2016/01/04/google-moves-to-blanket-95-of-us-land-mass-with-microwave-radiation/)
Google Moves to Blanket 95% of US Land Mass with Microwave Radiation (http://memoryholeblog.com/2016/01/04/google-moves-to-blanket-95-of-us-land-mass-with-microwave-radiation/) 19 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2016/01/04/google-moves-to-blanket-95-of-us-land-mass-with-microwave-radiation/#comments)

by James Tracy (http://memoryholeblog.com/author/truthgulag/) • Documents (http://memoryholeblog.com/category/documents/), Guest Posts (http://memoryholeblog.com/category/guest-posts/) • Tags: public health (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/public-health/), wireless technology (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/wireless-technology/)
New Program Threatens Public Health, Group Warns FCC

Global Union Against Radiation Deployment from Space
stopglobalwifi.org (http://www.stopglobalwifi.org)
December 17, 2015

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C., 20554

Re: Informal Objection Under Section 5.95 to Application of Google, Inc., Application for Experimental License, File No. 0747-EX-PL-2015

Dear Ms. Dortch,

We are writing in opposition to the request by Google, Inc. for an experimental permit to blanket 88.6 – 99.6% of the land area of the continental U.S. with radiofrequency (RF) radiation. Due to the documented harmful effects of RF radiation exposure on human health and the environment, along with the fact this project violates the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, several sections of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, and International Human Rights Law in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, approval of this permit should be denied. Question 9 of the Google, Inc. FCC application asks if there will be an Environmental Impact from the project and the applicant has answered in the negative. We emphatically disagree.

More… (http://memoryholeblog.com/2016/01/04/google-moves-to-blanket-95-of-us-land-mass-with-microwave-radiation/#more-23509)


54 mins:

Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Researcher Barrie Trower Says That WiFi Is Killing Us And Quickly! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snpyyzZkK_M)



36 mins:
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jAA5IGKsBv4/mqdefault.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAA5IGKsBv4) 36:24

Josh del Sol: "The Smart Meter Roll-Out Is Terrifying And Must Be Stopped Now (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAA5IGKsBv4)

28th January 2016, 10:01 PM
Small victory?

Berkeley’s cell phone radiation warning law can go into effect, judge rules

All city had to do was delete: "This potential risk is greater for children."

After complying with a federal judge’s order on Wednesday (https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2699590-Jan-27-2016-Chen-Ruling.html), the city of Berkeley, California, will now be allowed to go forward with its cell phone radiation warning law, as it has cut out one controversial line. It is not clear when the new notice will go into effect.
Last year, the city passed a municipal ordinance requiring that a retailer provide, either in the form of a mounted poster or as a printed handout, this message:

The City of Berkeley requires that you be provided the following notice:
To assure safety, the Federal Government requires that cell phones meet radio frequency (RF) exposure guidelines. If you carry or use your phone in a pants or shirt pocket or tucked into a bra when the phone is ON and connected to a wireless network, you may exceed the federal guidelines for exposure to RF radiation. This potential risk is greater for children. Refer to the instructions in your phone or user manual for information about how to use your phone safely.
Berkeley Municipal Code § 9.96.030(A)

Shortly thereafter, the city was sued by CTIA (http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/08/mobile-industry-asks-judge-to-halt-berkeleys-rf-disclosures/), the wireless trade group, in an attempt to halt the law on the grounds that it was in violation of the First Amendment—the government was compelling speech by requiring retailers to display the notice. That language was based on warnings and notices already provided by the Federal Communications Commission.
The case (http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/06/wireless-carriers-sue-to-block-cell-phone-radiation-warning-requirement/), known as CTIA v. City of Berkeley, pitted two giants of the legal world against one another. On the side of the plaintiffs is Ted Olson (http://www.gibsondunn.com/Lawyers/tolson), a former solicitor general under the George W. Bush administration. Meanwhile, the defendants are armed with former presidential hopeful (http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/08/lawrence-lessig-exploring-us-presidency-bid-as-a-democrat/) and rockstar Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig.


9th March 2016, 05:46 AM
one newish article @ memoryhole blog, followed by two YT vids from The Richie Allen Show. First vid with Royal Navy guy gets into a couple items I'm unfamiliar with, incl @ 22 mins, the "Tetra Digital Radio System" and it's effect on cops' behavior & health; and incl near the end, his reco that you use "radiator foil" not kitchen/baking foil to block radiation:

another appearance ^ on UK's Richie Allen show; 34 mins:

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/J__MlInDM8U/mqdefault.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J__MlInDM8U)
Barrie Trower: "60% Of Todays Schoolgirls To Have Pregnancy Issues In Future Because Of WiFi!" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J__MlInDM8U)

5 hours ago

7th June 2016, 01:34 AM
Richie Allen Show again. Anyone know about the bio/wifi dots this lady touts? That part begins around 20:00, then again the last several mins of the show.
Many sellers: http://www.google.com/search?q=wifi+bio+dot+emf+radiation
Guest's site: http://emffreedom.com
bioDOT & related: http://www.newvoice.net/shop/emf-protection.html

Elizabeth Plourde "EMF Pollution Is Invading Our Cells, Killing Children & Causing Infertility!"


^ her prior visit a few weeks ago, mostly re sunscreen but touched on wifi I guess:

Elizabeth Plourde "Sunscreen Is Killing The Coral, Sea Life & Is Causing Skin Cancer, NOT The Sun!"

7th June 2016, 03:23 AM
can't say I know anything about those. I've had a bioflow wrist band for about 9 years, maybe 9. At least 8. I like it a lot. Good for knee joint pain. I found that it doesn't work for another joint, which is really only a problem at the change of the major cycles 2 times a year. I also found it is only happy on one wrist and not the other. Sometimes I have to give it a break for a week or so, but I always seem to have it with me even if not wearing. I also think it helps reduce morning after effects.

As a pendant I don't know, if it irritated you at the front it might work better at the back or maybe higher or lower on the torso. The idea of the wrist band is to re-orientate iron in the blood as it passes underneath. polarize?

the bioflow guys have phone dots and so on but I never got around to buying one. I do have a fuel line unit which I never installed. Still might one day.

7th June 2016, 05:35 AM
I can say I may have noticed better sleep without a wifi appliance in arms reach... but it's only a spotty & unscientific observation with other eating-drinking, how active that day, inconsistent hours etc variables mucking up the works.

Yawl know what a podcast radio show fiend I am, and I'm usu listening to one when winding down for sleep... and some of these pods depend on having a live net connection coz they only buffer a bit ahead as you play them. Then that EMF transceiving stays live all night, long after the show's ended & I'm sleeping.

Maybe I'll make a rule that bedtime listening can only be pre-downloaded audios; and the phone goes into "airplane mode" aka no wifi or cellular transceiving. Yeah I'll try that for a week or two and see if I notice any diff in sleep quality. :)

7th June 2016, 05:51 AM
I can say I may have noticed better sleep without a wifi appliance in arms reach...

I have an EMF detecting meter. I did a scan of my house and appliances. One thing I noticed is that alarm clocks (the LED kind) put out a crap ton of EMF radiation.

I haven't heard of many people discussing this online, but I think it's as big of a deal since people have their heads right next to these things while they sleep.


7th June 2016, 05:56 AM
I don't run wifi or BT. I use ethernet over power if I need data somewhere other than where it comes into the house. I have rf controlled adapters in wall sockets, powerboards in those, EoP and what ever devices I need into those. One button and it's all turned off when not needed. Android tv box in to monitor or tv for playback of video or audio. I carry the phone to and from the car when I get home or work and I put it down and I leave it there until I go someplace else or it rings. I hate phones so can easily ignore them.

I definitely feel better since turning off wifi. I have thought about and will probably get an RF proof box for the phone. I can't stop wifi from sources like other houses though. I have thought about lining the walls with some kind of faraday curtain.

on Shami's post, I moved my clockradio to the other side of the room for a while. Then I turned it off altogether. Now I rely on a watch which is hit and miss, but I never have to be anywhere on someone else's deadline.

7th June 2016, 07:13 AM
I have an EMF detecting meter. I did a scan of my house and appliances. One thing I noticed is that alarm clocks (the non-LED kind) put out a crap ton of EMF radiation.

Why do you figure a basic alarm clock without so much as an AM/FM radio (which should only receive-- not transmit anything), puts out big EMF?

And you say LED puts out less than... what, LCD & old fashion analog (neither which can be read in the dark anyway)??

7th June 2016, 08:01 AM
Why do you figure a basic alarm clock without so much as an AM/FM radio (which should only receive-- not transmit anything), puts out big EMF?

And you say LED puts out less than... what, LCD & old fashion analog (neither which can be read in the dark anyway)??

I made a mistake. I meant to say the LED ones put out more EMF. The terminology is a bit confusing. I mean like the kind in the picture I posted (the bright red or green text kind) -- those are the bad ones.

These kind put out less EMF:

This one is a battery powered one, and much more energy efficient.

7th trump
7th June 2016, 08:20 AM
I have an EMF detecting meter. I did a scan of my house and appliances. One thing I noticed is that alarm clocks (the LED kind) put out a crap ton of EMF radiation.

I haven't heard of many people discussing this online, but I think it's as big of a deal since people have their heads right next to these things while they sleep.


Its not the leds that are putting out the emf...its the inner circuitry.
EMF is directly related to current level.
LEDs are low power devices.
An LED clock radio uses .3v or .7v LEDs to make up the display at roughly 100ma or so of current for each LED. A regular light bulb is at 120v at .5 amp for a 60w bulb.
A standard silicon (.7v) LED uses roughly .07w...the emf field is barely readable if at all and I doubt would radiate more than an inch or two before the background EMF reads higher.

60w vs .07w....what do you think is putting out more emf a standard 60w light bulb (used for decades) or a group of small LED's making up the clock radio display?

7th June 2016, 08:53 AM
Its not the leds that are putting out the emf...its the inner circuitry.
EMF is directly related to current level.
LEDs are low power devices.
An LED clock radio uses .3v or .7v LEDs to make up the display at roughly 100ma or so of current for each LED. A regular light bulb is at 120v at .5 amp for a 60w bulb.
A standard silicon (.7v) LED uses roughly .07w...the emf field is barely readable if at all and I doubt would radiate more than an inch or two before the background EMF reads higher.

60w vs .07w....what do you think is putting out more emf a standard 60w light bulb (used for decades) or a group of small LED's making up the clock radio display?


I have no idea where it was coming from, other than my alarms were registering super high EMF levels and I was shocked since I was sleeping near them. I always would sleep on the opposite side of the bed, and had issues sleeping nearer them, and I never understood why up until that point.

7th trump
7th June 2016, 09:56 AM

I have no idea where it was coming from, other than my alarms were registering super high EMF levels and I was shocked since I was sleeping near them. I always would sleep on the opposite side of the bed, and had issues sleeping nearer them, and I never understood why up until that point.

Any audio device like a speaker is always going to emit EMF. A speaker uses current to oppose the magnet thats in the speaker which then pushes the cone out causing an audible signal (sound waves).
This is my opinion but I highly doubt a 60 hz signal or even straight dc current is harmful to the body. I believe EMF is harmful when its resonating frequency is closely that of our cells that make up the body.

26th July 2016, 06:44 AM
hostess Sofia Smallstorm; haven't listened yet; normally 1-2 hrs:

Veronica Ciandre 7/14/16

For those who still don't believe radio frequency microwaves (RFMW) have serious effects on the body, here's a woman who had no problems until 25 cellular antennas went up on her building, with 10 directly above her top-floor apartment. Let Veronica Ciandre tell you her story; not only did she become horrifically aged and debilitated in a matter of weeks, she had to seek refuge in other people's homes, all of which were full of frequencies. Veronica became so sensitive, her body could tell the difference between cell phones, WiFi, cell towers -- whatever kind of radiation was being deployed. However, she has recovered, and this part of her story is the most interesting: Veronica is the only person I have heard of who has put her body back in order, taught herself how not to react and fall apart. She was already a student of metaphysics and resolved to create her own guided healing by way of affirmations. A truly remarkable accomplishment that has bearing on all kinds of things we are all going through! Veronica's website is SOWEGrounded.com, (http://sowegrounded.yolasite.com) where you will find many recommended materials and elements of her personal journey through her ordeal.

Listen here (http://aboutthesky.com/images/stories/audio/SSmallstorm_podcast_051_07-14-16.mp3)

26th July 2016, 06:47 AM

26th July 2016, 04:40 PM
some one dumped a big ass wifi network router in my workspace yesterday. I tried to point out that the there was nothing wrong with the one that was there already except I had disabled it. er, some how the power pack disappeared.

within 10 minutes, thumping head ache and squirmy stomach. Unfortunately this new one is some how disabled now as well. Good news though. In case this one comes back to life and I can't get it relocated, I've spied a new workspace. There is about 1m of solid wall between there and the wifi. Going to need to shift some stuff and change the name on the door from "storage" but I think it will be worth it.

26th July 2016, 06:28 PM
I had the cable provider here call up and state that they were replacing my modem Not that it were deteriorated or even old (only about 1 year)

they are stating that the new one will provide better the new bandwidth available that all request for.

You can only imagine the conspiracies that run rampant in my head cause this is not typical Tico behavior to replace something that isn't broken or even severely dilapidated.

Regardless if I come down with the Zika virus or some kind of communicable clam cancer, you know what happened... :)

26th July 2016, 06:37 PM
Regardless if I come down with the Zika virus or some kind of communicable clam cancer, you know what happened... :)

You got laid?

Good news in my world. Got to work and no more router. Gone. nice. Now I just need to catch some of this Zika and the day will be a total winner. :cool:

26th July 2016, 06:42 PM
The wife looked at me funny when i told her that i was going to the hardware store to purchase materials so the the new modem could receive its own hermetically sealed yet breathable container i am building for it...

Anyway this is Not Tico like, here they place your vehicle on a shake plate during inspection to see if any old parts might fall out of it...

26th July 2016, 09:55 PM
Not to compete with your worldly router wifi stories but I dropped ours down to 10% and no one noticed. 5% just didnt work so I said I would reboot the thing. Only the wife uses it everything else is cat wired which I prefer, but the wife.... ipad stuff.

26th July 2016, 11:55 PM
yes good plan. It's only used here so they can get wifi on phones and tablets and not pay their own data. I found the dang router. Its in the workspace called storage. Anyway no signal where I am so I'm happy although I'm not sure where I'll be able to take my naps now.

20th November 2016, 10:40 PM
Why do you figure a basic alarm clock without so much as an AM/FM radio (which should only receive-- not transmit anything), puts out big EMF?

And you say LED puts out less than... what, LCD & old fashion analog (neither which can be read in the dark anyway)??

Dirty power? Apparently some device such as TV's create interference in the power running in a house/apartment building/circuit. Could be the small cheap devices like clock radios are conduits for that dirty power to get out. Poor or no shielding?

21st November 2016, 04:11 AM
Dirty power? Apparently some device such as TV's create interference in the power running in a house/apartment building/circuit. Could be the small cheap devices like clock radios are conduits for that dirty power to get out. Poor or no shielding?

Any device that has an oscillator depending on the frequency it is running at will produce rf, emi and or emf. All electronic divices use them, radios all tvs new and old use them, along with clocks. Tho their power levels are low most circuits have shielding of some sort to contain the interference. The old electron guns in older picture tubes can generate x-rays.

Which is why most old tubes had lead glass in them. The old picture tubes operated at very high voltages which increased their danger and potential radiation hazard.

Anything that takes Dc into a alternating current can be considered an oscillator in some shape or other.


The higher the operating frequency that an oscillator runs at the shorter the wave length and the radiation hazard increases (non nuclear)

WiFi mostly operates at or near microwave frequency's and that is where the potential danger is, which it is always good to keep one self's body as far away as you can from the transmitter, which as with cell phones, near impossible to do.

Double the distance the radiation will be four times weaker which if you look it is surprising how this law effects us in life, it holds through all or most of the science disciplines.


nutter one that applies which is basically the same thing.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square-cube (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square-cube_law)e

4th August 2017, 11:33 AM
New 5G Death Towers Causing Major Radiation Spike in U.S. cities ~ Ron Johnson Stranger Than Fiction News



4th August 2017, 12:09 PM
this "cindy garay (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-eREI-ZTEqrl4Shoc7hthw/videos)" vlogger I discovered a couple months ago, does a lot of conspiratorial vids plus she's joo-wise. The health/conspiratorial view of the current 5G rollout is one of her focuses; here's a handful of recent ones,

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/sZ14nh7NXUY/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLBcuNkrCkcbTLqjtWhdvk5sX7tW7Q (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZ14nh7NXUY) 22:13

MUST WATCH! : New Information on DEADLY 5G! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZ14nh7NXUY)

1 week ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T816DlfaXLE/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLCMM5a66KA2LGbc81MazFaON1OCnQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T816DlfaXLE) 22:39

More Danger's of WI-FI & 5G: Were LAB RATS & They Know it! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T816DlfaXLE)

1 week ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rRx4fS_ShIE/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLCZsJKIC5MJ18IWFumwRH00gHgFOg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRx4fS_ShIE) 17:30

How to STOP 5G, Sky-Net & Smart Cities! WE HOLD the Power Right Now! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRx4fS_ShIE)

2 weeks ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7ikVWoXDt1U/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLDksbEoxleuD4l9uFVacvNMlp_5yQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ikVWoXDt1U) 11:06

ISRAEL: is Behind Deadly 5G Technology : & The Extermination of Planet Earth! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ikVWoXDt1U)

3 weeks ago

4th August 2017, 02:32 PM
Most anxiety disorders are caused by the now ubiquitous microwave frequencies nearly every hominid on planet Earth is bathed in all day, every day. The inducement of anxiety and other mental health ailments via microwaves were fully-known back in the 1970s, but such facts have been as quietly buried as possible. We're talking about a hundreds of billions of dollars industry worldwide; mobile phones, WiFi devices of every kind and application, in nearly every building, in most vehicles, and pretty much unavoidable even in very remote parts of North America or Europe (low-intensity is pervasive planet-wide, due to Iridium, Inmarsat, and other satellite communications).

Don't assume that the rise of anxiety-based ailments and disabilities, and their treatment with pharmaceuticals are solely due to the love of money and "laziness" or "weakness" on the part of those suffering.

These rises in mental (and largely, physiologically-induced) ailments have come about with "common" microwave technologies. As 5th Generation ("5G") technology is deployed, you can expect both more of the same, but also an expansion into other types of mental illness, including truly pathological behaviors, for the currently-less susceptible folks. I've noted a lot of "forgetfulness' and "brain fart" stuff (e.g., completely leaving out words while communicating) happening on a much more common level in the last couple of years. Sure, we can say it's "just stress" or the attention-destroying aspects of technology, but I don't dismiss the possibility of microwave frequencies inducing this confusion and forgetfulness.

Report from the Defense Intelligence Agency commissioned in 1975, regarding the use of microwave warfare against humans:




4th August 2017, 02:55 PM


4th August 2017, 04:49 PM
SGT has a 5G video out. I haven't watched. It ia about an hour long



4th August 2017, 05:04 PM
What about fluoride?

4th August 2017, 05:10 PM
What about fluoride?

Fluoride is still the danger it's always been, for both damage to the essential Pineal Gland, as well as neurological, orthopedic, and (negative) dental effects.

But microwaves make that look like healthy vitamin supplements.

4th August 2017, 05:12 PM
Fluoride is still the danger it's always been, for both damage to the essential Pineal Gland, as well as neurological, orthopedic, and (negative) dental effects.

But microwaves make that look like healthy vitamin supplements.

What if they co-mingle on a subatomic basis? I don't trust anything.

4th August 2017, 05:19 PM
What if they co-mingle on a subatomic basis? I don't trust anything.

I'm not sure I follow. You mean nanoscale fluoride? Or something else? Fluoride ions "activated" by microwaves?

4th August 2017, 05:42 PM
Or something else? Fluoride ions "activated" by microwaves?

Could be something to consider in my mind. Why go after wifi instead of fluoride? Don't no anything about nano fluoride. Where can we see the effects of wifi and fluoride?

4th August 2017, 10:54 PM


There's no stopping it. Any more than "we" can stop genetic engineering and nanotechnology. Man is on a collision course with fate.

4th August 2017, 11:07 PM
4G LTE uses up to 2.6 [two point six] Gigahertz bands.

5G will use up to 39 [thirty-nine] Gigahertz.

None of these frequencies have existed on Earth prior to a few decades ago. They only existed light-years away from Earth in Quasars, Pulsars, and other astronomical phenomena. Even most high-power radars use frequencies below this level.

Goldissima isn't often right with things, but her assertion that "all is vibration" is factual. "Solid" matter is vibration at the fundamental quantum level. What are these frequencies - which man has never been subjected to in his history - going to do to us?

4th August 2017, 11:12 PM
Where can we see the effects of wifi and fluoride?

These are "verboten" topics, so the research money that is needed simply isn't available to give us scientific answers.

We can only infer from the available research materials, and from the phenomena and likely correlations that we can observe "anecdotally."

5th August 2017, 12:32 AM
What are these frequencies - which man has never been subjected to in his history - going to do to us?

Its hard to say. Even the globalists are exposed to this. Probably much more than the average redneck, since they are constantly using phones and get plenty of radiation when flying.

I'm not convinced that these frequencies are inherently bad. I'm open to the idea that they affect the brain in some way (causing anxiety as mentioned), but I really can't say definitively say so.

5th August 2017, 05:05 AM

old steel
5th August 2017, 10:21 AM
5G and IoT: Total Technological Control Grid Being Rolled Out Fast

Wake Up World (https://wakeup-world.com/2017/04/10/5g-and-iot-total-technological-control-grid-being-rolled-out-fast/?utm_campaign=Wake+Up+World+e-Newsletter&utm_content=Latest+Headlines+inc.+Morbid+Inequalit y%3A+Now+Just+SIX+Men+Have+as+Much+Wealth+as+Half+ the+World%27s+Population&utm_medium=email&utm_source=getresponse) April 10th, 2017
By Makia Freeman (https://wakeup-world.com/category/contributing-writers/makia-freeman/)
Contributing writer for Wake Up World (https://wakeup-world.com/2017/04/10/5g-and-iot-total-technological-control-grid-being-rolled-out-fast/)
Is 5G technology the basis for the Internet of Things, a complete and inescapable technological control grid designed to manipulate not just human activity but the human energy field?
For those who don’t know, 5G, which comes from the term 5th generation, is the latest wireless communication system that telecommunications companies are currently implementing. It is designed to allow faster downloads of more data, using the 28, 37 and 39 GHz bands, also known as millimetre wave (mmW) spectrum.
5G is being rolled out fast, right now, with Verizon testing it out in 11 U.S. cities and ATT also conducting experiments. Many people are encouraging the advancement of 5G based on their desire at all costs for convenience and speed (“give me my multiple gigabit downloads now!”) and yet, they are foolishly valuing speed over their privacy, their safety and their health.

5G is not merely an upgrade of wireless infrastructure; it is a giant leap towards the erection and installation of a total technological control grid. The agenda of this rollout is to cover the entire Earth – including rural areas – with a 5G electromagnetic blanket, so that its effects can literally not be escaped by anyone living on this planet.

Designed to work in conjunction with what former CIA head David Petraeus called the Internet of Things or IoT, the intent behind emerging 5G technology is to hook every single material thing on the planet, as well as humans themselves, onto a vast planet-wide web where everything and everyone become nodes on the network – connected by microchips which are nano-size and can be inhaled (like ‘smart’ dust).

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s Scary Speech

5G will penetrate material objects better: thanks to “brilliant engineers”, 5G radiation will be even harder to shield yourself against;
5G will be infrastructure-intensive: the plan is to erect even more radiating towers in every corner of the planet, adding a new meaning to the concept of electromagnetic soup;
5G will make tens of billions of dollars for its owners through “unanticipated and unintended” consequences (after this point, Wheeler slams his fist on the podium and says, “That’s damn important”);
5G is going to go ahead without the FCC waiting for governmental standards (Wheeler proudly proclaims that “unlike other countries”, the US cares about being “first out of the gate” (i.e. economically). He suggests we “turn innovators loose” rather than wait for committees to decide things. He defiantly declares that, “We won’t wait for the standards”);
5G will require the sharing of frequencies with the military;
5G is the technological basis for the IoT. Wheeler states that “hundreds of millions of microchips” will be in everything. (And if they get their way, they will be in everyone.);
All parts of the Earth will be covered, so there will be urban and rural radiation saturation.

This dark agenda – this Synthetic Agenda (http://freedom-articles.toolsforfreedom.com/synthetic-agenda-heart-new-world-order/), this Transhumanist Agenda (http://freedom-articles.toolsforfreedom.com/transhumanism-how-humanity-destroys-itself/) – to erect a total technological control grid is unfurling way too fast for comfort. We all have to wake up – and fast. With every year that passes, our technological evolution keeps outpacing our spiritual evolution. This can only lead to one thing: technology will fall into the hands of people with little or no scruples who will be happy to use it to further their own ends and enslave others.

Luckily, some people are waking up to, even people in positions of power such as a group of mayors in Ohio who have filed a lawsuit to stop 5G towers (http://www.naturalblaze.com/2017/03/lawsuit-stop-5g-cell-towers-everywhere.html) being erected in their counties, cities and municipalities.

This really is a race against time. If this technological control grid is rolled out in sufficient breadth and depth of reach, and intensity, it will seriously impact our ability to resist it, because it contains the capability to suppress that very resistance.

We are living the plot of a science fiction film – but it’s real life and the consequences are deadly. Will humanity be able to recognize the truth quickly enough? Will we be able to stop the insanity and the construction of networks that enslave us?


5th August 2017, 02:37 PM

The expected response from the Lodge's forum monitor.

The recently-posted analysis of the Method used by John Oliver is enlightening to understand the above "response."

5th August 2017, 02:40 PM
Its hard to say. Even the globalists are exposed to this. Probably much more than the average redneck, since they are constantly using phones and get plenty of radiation when flying.

They may not care, they may not know, and some of them may not be susceptible to it because they aren't really human beings.

We know that demonic phenomena are partially electro-magnetic. This may actually benefit their purposes.

5th August 2017, 02:51 PM

KI5NM knows sumpthing abt the radio spectrum.


5th August 2017, 02:59 PM
KI5NM knows sumpthing abt the radio spectrum.

Yes, we all know you're a radio operator, but not a health physicist.

If you'd like to explain how anything posted is not scientifically-sound, please do so. And please cite sources (that should be a hoot).

5th August 2017, 04:35 PM
Just listened to a recording made by Dr. Mercola where he presents evidence that the safety factor is off by 7 million.


By Dr. Mercola
Anxiety is the new depression, with more than half of all American college students reporting anxiety.1 (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/06/29/anxiety-overtakes-depression.aspx#_edn1) Recent research2 (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/06/29/anxiety-overtakes-depression.aspx#_edn2) shows anxiety — characterized by constant and overwhelming worry and fear — is now 800 percent more prevalent than all forms of cancer.
A 2016 report3 (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/06/29/anxiety-overtakes-depression.aspx#_edn3) by the Center for Collegiate Mental Health at Penn State confirmed the trend, finding anxiety (http://articles.mercola.com/anxiety.aspx) and depression (http://articles.mercola.com/depression.aspx) are the most common concerns among college students who seek counseling.4 (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/06/29/anxiety-overtakes-depression.aspx#_edn4) Data from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) suggests the prevalence of anxiety disorders in the U.S. may be as high as 40 million, or about 18 percent of the population over the age of 18, making it the most common mental illness in the nation.5 (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/06/29/anxiety-overtakes-depression.aspx#_edn5),6 (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/06/29/anxiety-overtakes-depression.aspx#_edn6)
Fortunately, there are many treatment options available, and some of the most effective treatments are also among the safest and least expensive, and don't involve drugs.
Anxiety — A Medical Condition Driven by Sociological Conditions?

Commenting on the featured video, Huffington Post writes:7 (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/06/29/anxiety-overtakes-depression.aspx#_edn7)
"A person with high functioning anxiety can look calm on the surface, but underneath that practiced veneer, their thoughts are churning. That's the message behind a new video from 'The Mighty,' in which a young woman describes the experience of living with the condition, which is characterized by persistent negative thoughts, restlessness and even physical symptoms like muscle tension …"

But what is at the heart of all this anxiety? What's causing all these persistent negative thoughts? Why the chronic restlessness? The New York Times addressed the rising prevalence of anxiety in a recent article, noting:8 (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/06/29/anxiety-overtakes-depression.aspx#_edn8)
"While to epidemiologists the disorder is a medical condition, anxiety is starting to seem like a sociological condition, too: a shared cultural experience that feeds on alarmist CNN graphics and metastasizes through social media …

'If you're a human being living in 2017 and you're not anxious,' [Sarah Fader, who has generalized anxiety disorder] said on the telephone, 'there's something wrong with you' … [I]t seems we have entered a new Age of Anxiety. Monitoring our heart rates. Swiping ceaselessly at our iPhones …

Consider the fidget spinner: endlessly whirring between the fingertips of 'Generation Alpha,' annoying teachers, baffling parents … According to data from the National Institute of Mental Health, some 38 percent of girls ages 13 through 17, and 26 percent of boys, have an anxiety disorder … Meanwhile, the number of web searches involving the term has nearly doubled over the last five years …"

United States of Anxiety

Kai Wright, host of the political podcast "The United States of Anxiety," attributes the current trend to the fact that we've been at war for over a decade and a half, have faced two recessions in that same time frame and have had to adjust to a swiftly changing digital landscape, which in turn has changed how we work and interact.9 (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/06/29/anxiety-overtakes-depression.aspx#_edn9)
"Everything we consider to be normal has changed. And nobody seems to trust the people in charge to tell them where they fit into the future," he says.10 (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/06/29/anxiety-overtakes-depression.aspx#_edn10) Andrea Petersen, author of "On Edge: A Journey Through Anxiety," interviewed students at University of Michigan for her book, some of whom revealed the internal pressure cooker was turned on far earlier than you might expect. In his Times article, Alex Williams writes:11 (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/06/29/anxiety-overtakes-depression.aspx#_edn11)
"One student, who has ADHD, anxiety and depression, said the pressure began building in middle school when she realized she had to be at the top of her class to get into high school honors classes, which she needed to get into Advanced Placement classes, which she needed to get into college. 'In sixth grade,' she said, 'kids were freaking out.' This was not the stereotypical experience of Generation X …

'In addition to the normal chaos of being a human being, there is what almost feels like weaponized uncertainty thrown at us on a daily basis,' said Kat Kinsman, the 'Hi, Anxiety' author. 'It's coming so quickly and messily, some of it straight from the president's own fingers.'

Indeed, Mr. Trump is the first politician in world history whose preferred mode of communication is the 3 a.m. tweet … 'We live in a country where we can't even agree on a basic set of facts,' said Dan Harris, an ABC news correspondent and 'Nightline' anchor …"

Beware of Microwave Exposure

We have had nearly an exponential increase in electromagnetic field (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/07/09/vickie-warren-on-effects-of-electromagnetic-fields.aspx) (EMF) exposure from devices like our cellphones and cordless phones, Wi-Fi routers, baby monitors, smart meters and cellphone towers, which may turn out to be a primary driver for this increase in anxiety and depression. How you say?
Good question. Due to the pioneering work of Dr. Martin Pall, we know that voltage gated calcium channels are over 7 million times more sensitive to microwave radiation than the charged particles inside and outside our cells. This means that the safety standards for this exposure are off by a factor of 7 million.
When the EMF from the above listed devices hit your voltage gated calcium channels, nearly 1 million calcium ions per second are released into the cell, which then causes the cell to release excessive nitric oxide that then combines with superoxide to form peroxynitrate, which then forms the dangerous hydroxyl free radical that causes massive mitochondrial dysfunction.
Guess which tissues have the greatest density of voltage gated calcium channels? Your nerves and tissues, like the pacemaker in your heart and, of course, your brain. When the channels in the brain are activated, it causes a major disruption in neurotransmitter and hormonal balance that can radically increase the risk for not only anxiety and depression but arrhythmias, autism and Alzheimer's.
I am going to be massively expanding on this in future articles and interviews but in the meantime, please watch or rewatch my video below to help start you on the process of protecting you from microwaves.
Do Fidget Spinners Work?

In his article, Williams touches on the popularity of so-called fidget spinners, originally devised as a focusing aid primarily for autistic children and kids with attention deficit or sensory sensitivity disorders. The toy is now being used by all sorts of people of varying ages. But do they really help reduce anxiety? According to psychiatrist Pilar Trelles at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, the spinners can be quite helpful.
Health Magazine quotes her as saying, "When someone is hypersensitive to the environment they might bite their nails, pull out their cuticles or pinch their skin. Fidget spinners offer a less harmful way to expend that nervous energy."12 (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/06/29/anxiety-overtakes-depression.aspx#_edn12) The fidget spinner falls under a stress management category called rapid stress management technique, recommended for use in conjunction with other forms of therapy.
That said, some schools have banned use of fidget spinners, on account that they distract teachers and other students. Medicine Net has also issued a warning that fidget spinners pose a choking hazard,13 (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/06/29/anxiety-overtakes-depression.aspx#_edn13) as the round metal bearings could come dislodged. A 10-year-old girl had to have a bearing surgically removed from her esophagus after she accidentally swallowed it.
Other Common Causes of Anxiety

While genetics (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/11/19/anxiety-depression.aspx), brain chemistry, personality and life events play a role in the development of anxiety disorders, stress is a common trigger. Anxiety is a normal response to stress, but in some people the anxiety becomes overwhelming and difficult to cope with, to the point that it affects their day-to-day living. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) explains how your brain reacts to stress, and how the anxiety response is triggered:14 (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/06/29/anxiety-overtakes-depression.aspx#_edn14)
"Several parts of the brain are key actors in the production of fear and anxiety … scientists have discovered that the amygdala and the hippocampus play significant roles in most anxiety disorders.

The amygdala … is believed to be a communications hub between the parts of the brain that process incoming sensory signals and the parts that interpret these signals. It can alert the rest of the brain that a threat is present and trigger a fear or anxiety response.

The emotional memories stored in the central part of the amygdala may play a role in anxiety disorders involving very distinct fears, such as fears of dogs, spiders or flying. The hippocampus is the part of the brain that encodes threatening events into memories."

A number of other situations and underlying issues can also contribute to the problem. This includes but is not limited to the following, and addressing these issues may be what's needed to resolve your anxiety disorder. For more information about each, please follow the links provided:

5th August 2017, 06:25 PM
Beware of Microwave Exposure

We have had nearly an exponential increase in electromagnetic field (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/07/09/vickie-warren-on-effects-of-electromagnetic-fields.aspx) (EMF) exposure from devices like our cellphones and cordless phones, Wi-Fi routers, baby monitors, smart meters and cellphone towers, which may turn out to be a primary driver for this increase in anxiety and depression. How you say?
Good question. Due to the pioneering work of Dr. Martin Pall, we know that voltage gated calcium channels are over 7 million times more sensitive to microwave radiation than the charged particles inside and outside our cells. This means that the safety standards for this exposure are off by a factor of 7 million.
When the EMF from the above listed devices hit your voltage gated calcium channels, nearly 1 million calcium ions per second are released into the cell, which then causes the cell to release excessive nitric oxide that then combines with superoxide to form peroxynitrate, which then forms the dangerous hydroxyl free radical that causes massive mitochondrial dysfunction.
Guess which tissues have the greatest density of voltage gated calcium channels? Your nerves and tissues, like the pacemaker in your heart and, of course, your brain. When the channels in the brain are activated, it causes a major disruption in neurotransmitter and hormonal balance that can radically increase the risk for not only anxiety and depression but arrhythmias, autism and Alzheimer's.
I am going to be massively expanding on this in future articles and interviews but in the meantime, please watch or rewatch my video below to help start you on the process of protecting you from microwaves.

Here's the researcher referenced above


17th September 2017, 08:43 AM
The Higher Side Chats, haven't listened yet,

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/laimYDrKZj4/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLCcovNlmzV0b89O4S360pKGaiQSag (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laimYDrKZj4) 1:17:50
Anthony Patch | Geoengineering, The 5G Conspiracy, & The A.I. Takeover (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laimYDrKZj4)

1 day ago

Richie From Boston with Max Igan (again); I listened, it's really all over the map on topics but always interesting. Ends abruptly, obviously some technical glitch.

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JIUi4gPL5dA/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLDO9lzBiPbcbRLH2W87np4Q_MTZBQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIUi4gPL5dA) 51:06
Max Igan 5G Weather as a weapon (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIUi4gPL5dA)

4 days ago

23rd October 2017, 02:40 PM
vlogger cindy garay,

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/g0EsY3PeD_w/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLDLENJXyu5yhLq_VJbGVviTwNFRqQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0EsY3PeD_w) 15:46
The BEST News in a Long Time & 5G & A.I. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0EsY3PeD_w)

4 hours ago

cindy garay (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-eREI-ZTEqrl4Shoc7hthw)4 hours ago (edited) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0EsY3PeD_w&lc=z23wyr3bvt3yf301aacdp4334ok5fkkih2ck03tc4ldw03c 010c)
Governor Jerry Brown & 5G-- https://www.planetizen.com/news/2017/10/95340-governors-veto-gives-locals-control-over-5g-infrastructure-california (https://www.planetizen.com/news/2017/10/95340-governors-veto-gives-locals-control-over-5g-infrastructure-california%C2%A0) More: Senate bill 649: https://www.rcrwireless.com/20171016/network-infrastructure/california-governor-jerry-brown-vetoes-small-cell-bill-tag4 (https://www.rcrwireless.com/20171016/network-infrastructure/california-governor-jerry-brown-vetoes-small-cell-bill-tag4%C2%A0) In Power video Must watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtIYFCjUTSo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtIYFCjUTSo)

this was in the sidebar,

What is 5G?
Techquickie 793,389 views (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQLY-WIkb0A)

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jQLY-WIkb0A/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLARxk-hOLjkHw_SUNORbjMQNTpjDw5:41 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQLY-WIkb0A)

13th January 2018, 03:14 PM
vlogger Cindy Garay; I still say: airplane mode + EMF radiation blocking pouch, turn those off when planning to make or receive calls.

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/w9VfJcH7vAM/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLDkX4xlGpd7WoeX-nqFONUH5E4C8g 22:38
What Every Cell Phone User Must Know & Solutions (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9VfJcH7vAM)

2 hours ago

7th February 2018, 03:32 PM
WIFI and 5G antidotes



7th February 2018, 03:47 PM
All about wave length and intestacy, the square law works, 5 gig ? as long methinks you do not sleep on a active router you may be good. Remember the square law. But for dam sure if they ever offer a standard higher than that, tho the higher the frequency the less that shit can penetrate walls, it will reflect back at you.

Conundrum, low freq= low data transfer

High freq=more data can be transferred in the same time period, but also less penetrations of walls,brick, and other shit.

One reason, 5g is super short range, but can do higher data transfer, it works in a clear line of sight only.

Square law is your friend.

Note, 5g is less safe , but again keep the shit away from your head, any higher standards, which will edge into microwave territory run from it. (it could cook you, depending on power level, or expositor.)

8th February 2018, 11:52 AM
With the Spectre - Meltdown exploits all routers and handheld device will automatically be tuned to 20G no doubt.

Well at the very least the select pensionados handhelds.

1st August 2018, 08:33 PM
Rense aired this Mon 7/30 night; repeating tonight, 56m: Download (https://www.4sync.com/web/directDownload/-pGRfZC1/8E2JmcaE.29b0536f2e94e450026230415a1d4b31)

Essential Encore!
The 5G Nightmare With Gary Holland
5G Tower Deadly Threats - Photos (https://rense.com/general96/5g-danger-are-enormous-and-being-implanted-all-around-us.htm)

5G Is An Israeli Creation
Of Mass Mind Control And More
Key Companies Involved
All Traceable To Israel (https://rense.com/general96/5g-is-an-israeli-creation-of-mass-mind-control.htm)

27th June 2021, 08:52 AM
Evidence for a Connection between COVID-19 and Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation from Wireless Telecommunications Including Microwaves and Millimeter Waves



27th June 2021, 12:27 PM
Evidence for a Connection between COVID-19 and Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation from Wireless Telecommunications Including Microwaves and Millimeter Waves




edit: video is in Spanish with English subtitles