View Full Version : Paid with CASH.............................busted

12th July 2013, 03:09 PM
Man Has Home Ransacked by Police for Paying Cash (http://www.brotherjohnf.com/archives/198116)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/603957_434339549984783_2102005208_n.jpg (http://www.lewrockwell.com/2013/07/joseph-t-salerno/mans-house-ransacked-by-cops/)
lewrockwell / By Joseph T. Salerno / July 12, 2013
Of the many crimes that have been committed by governments against their citizens in their global war on cash (http://mises.org/daily/6370/The-International-War-on-Cash) (also here (http://mises.org/daily/5968/Laundered-Money)), perhaps this is the most bizarre. Here is the story (http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vg.no%2Fnyheter%2Futrolige-historier%2Fartikkel.php%3Fartid%3D10118319)
It all started one Saturday morning when Jarl Syvertsen, a 59-year-old disabled Norwegian man, purchased a PC, TVs, and washing machines for 80,000 kroner (roughly US$13,000) which he paid in cash. The store immediately alerted the police about the large cash payment. On Sunday a male and a female police officer appeared on Mr Syvertsen’s doorstep. Upon seeing them, Mr. Syvertsen at first feared that something may have happened to his mother, who is 86 years old and resides in a nursing home. But the police were there with a warrant to search his home, charging that the cash he had spent was money that “came from a criminal offense.” In fact, the money was actually part of an approximately one-million dollar advance on an inheritance he had received. Mr. Syvertsen attempted several times to explain to the officers where the money had come from and to show them a letter confirming that fact, but they would have none of it and proceeded to invade his home and his privacy. Eventually the police realized their error and left his home.



General of Darkness
12th July 2013, 03:27 PM
SO cops are cunts worldwide. They've probably reduced their standards there also.

12th July 2013, 03:31 PM
America leads everyone else follows....................

12th July 2013, 04:26 PM
Norway is way more corrupt than America.

12th July 2013, 11:11 PM
Norway is way more corrupt than America.

At least you've got a lot of beautiful women there to ease the corruption blues. :)

I shouldn't complain, there's a lot of babes here comparative to most places in the states..

13th July 2013, 04:28 AM
What is my recourse when cops violate my rights like that?

If the courts don't help, use your imagination. Violation of rights is like causing death. Think about that. What are my God-given rights? Life, liberty and private property. I have the right to live peaceably and without undue searches, detainment, and property siezure.

If cops try that with me, they had better have a real good back side story in a timely manner.

13th July 2013, 04:42 AM
What is my recourse when cops violate my rights like that?

You could write a letter to King Harald V and inform him of your dissatisfaction with the performance of his employees. Inform him if he insists upon retaining power in this manner that you intend to divest him of his office.

13th July 2013, 05:30 AM
^ makes perfect sense, HAIL DouchBag!

13th July 2013, 08:31 AM
You could write a letter to King Harald V and inform him of your dissatisfaction with the performance of his employees. Inform him if he insists upon retaining power in this manner that you intend to divest him of his office.

How would a Norwegian "king" be of any interest to me?

13th July 2013, 09:02 AM
How would a Norwegian "king" be of any interest to me?

Your statement ... " ...when cops violate my rights like that?". The OP was a Norwegian issue so what I suggested was a Norwegian response.

If you want to change the conditions you will have to be more specific.

13th July 2013, 10:39 AM
Your statement ... " ...when cops violate my rights like that?". The OP was a Norwegian issue so what I suggested was a Norwegian response.

If you want to change the conditions you will have to be more specific.

You must be a little more flexible to understand that not all people live in Norway. And that similar things are happening in other countries. And that I am not the OP.

13th July 2013, 10:52 AM
You must be a little more flexible to understand that not all people live in Norway. And that similar things are happening in other countries.
People who use fiat money are chargeable for that offense. That is true in the U.S. of A. as well as much of the world where paper money is spent like real money.

Get it thru your head. Holding paper money is a criminal act whether it be 1 kroner or one dollar. In the U.S. of A. having possession of $500 or more is evidence that OTHER crimes are involved (such as drug dealing). Numerous people have had 'their' cash confiscated and had extremely difficult effort required to get it back if they got it back at all.


13th July 2013, 11:10 AM
People who use fiat money are chargeable for that offense. That is true in the U.S. of A. as well as much of the world where paper money is spent like real money.

Get it thru your head. Holding paper money is a criminal act whether it be 1 kroner or one dollar. In the U.S. of A. having possession of $500 or more is evidence that OTHER crimes are involved (such as drug dealing). Numerous people have had 'their' cash confiscated and had extremely difficult effort required to get it back if they got it back at all.


As stupid as your answers sounds, I expect that will be the answer. The use of the world's money will mark you as being one of their minions.

13th July 2013, 11:14 AM
America leads everyone else follows....................

Hopefully when the Amerikan Empire falls, these kinds of things will go away....

13th July 2013, 11:20 AM
As stupid as your answers sounds, I expect that will be the answer. The use of the world's money will mark you as being one of their minions.
I believe once Adask on his radio program commented upon knowing a 'patriot' who was raising all sorts of constitutional issues in a court. The judicial actor instructed the bailiff to empty the defendants pockets and several fiat dollars made their appearance. Adask said the judicial actor issued a contempt and threw the miscreant in the pokey for a while.

You don't get to use constitutional arguments when you are acting outside the constitution.

As stupid as it sounds holding someone elses debt note in any manner causes you injury ... it affects your right to raise an issue that you would otherwise be correct in raising.

13th July 2013, 11:34 AM
i'm impressed, negatively. NORWAY ?!

13th July 2013, 01:31 PM
It does get closer to home


A Tennessee man was charged and jailed by police Friday after he used an old $50 bill to pay for goods at a Quik Mart store.

“A clerk at Quik Mart, South Cannon Boulevard, notified police after the marker used to detect counterfeit bills didn’t check as real.” reports David Melson of the Shelbyville Times-Gazette.

“The front side of the bill was off center and it didn’t feel like a normal bill, it did look to be counterfeit,” officer Brock Horner said in his report.

The man, Lorenzo Gaspar was taken to jail by the officer, but was released after a sergeant noted that old bill are still legitimate legal tender but do not “check” with modern cash markers.

Two separate banks declared the bill to be real after studying it. Mr Gaspar was released from jail with an apology and told to change the note for a newer traceable one.

It’s a good job Mr Gaspar wasn’t caught using gold or silver as a form of currency, despite the US Constitution declaring that the precious metals are legal tender, the feds consider it a heinous crime punishable by jail time.