View Full Version : The Conquest Of The World by the jews Maj. Osman Bey

13th July 2013, 06:03 PM

Only 71 pages and spot-on.

13th July 2013, 09:57 PM
On GIM we were posting a lot of books, the thread Agnut opened is one of those books,
this one I don't think I have seen, Scrib used to be a great source till it was destroyed,
usually if you did a search you could find the banned book you were looking for and the
uploader would have cherry picked related books, I got some great downloads from this,
Masonic, Occult, Eustace Mullins, Antony Sutton, Reed, Kardel, Juri Lina, Coleman, etc etc
on GIM I posted Green Mountain Boys account from Scrib, same name on both sites,
and I posted some books, Awoke later on posted those same books independently,
it took about 2 days for the trolls on GIM to get Green Mountain Boys account on
Scrib taken down. I have told this story a few times as a reason to be careful.
Scrib is not a good source these days, torrents are and bookos is , a Russian site.

Right now I am looking for this, I have it in German only.


This is a good source, lots of old out of print banned books, no copyright, etc.


Good cherry picked books,
TalmudTimmy - TPB (http://thepiratebay.org/user/TalmudTimmy/)

Judaism Discovered - Michael Hoffman II (download torrent) - TPB (http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5344825/Judaism_Discovered_-_Michael_Hoffman_II)

Crypto-Judaism and the Spanish Inquisition (download torrent) - TPB (http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5303456/Crypto-Judaism_and_the_Spanish_Inquisition)

If you sort your books properly, this means no downloading everything in one spot.
You can do searches using AdobeAcrobat8.0 on whole files for one name, etc .
You don't have to read all the books in their entirety.

We were posting books like this to show people on GIM where skyvike is coming from.
And to piss him off. He knew that, but others on GIM learned slowly after the purges.



Plug the names in the sources and you can find the books that matter.

I just did some cherry picking for everyone. No bombardment, 100 books, etc.

Every single one of you here should have these books.

If you have not read the Protocols or Henry Ford's book ,
what can I say, LOL !

Book and Awoke had good links too. Lots of related out there.

PINAY , good find, covers everything in one book.

13th July 2013, 10:26 PM
What's the name of Fords book? I want that for my kid.

13th July 2013, 10:34 PM
What's the name of Fords book? I want that for my kid.


Henry Ford told us what to do, " round up 50 of the worlds richest Jews, AND IT WILL ALL END "

Close to exact quote, but we are way beyond 50 now or 100, ROFL !

Learn Ford's story and about his paper he started outing the criminals.



Book linked to this 10 times, hoarder was posting this early on gim,
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. - Bible Believers (http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/przion1.htm&sa=U&ei=ciziUefeCZTUyQHIgYEo&ved=0CCAQFjAB&usg=AFQjCNF6hcPp5tDcbuwVozmJnlvRr6MZHg)

Read it, it is a short read but complicated ideas, they have been enacted and are being enacted again. Pros wrote it, not noobs, read it again after more study, and again, and again .

Russia was their experiment, they learn and adjust, the Rabbi's are the keepers of this knowledge.

On Masons, two books, don't waste your time on shit,

Read Jim Shaw, The Deadly Deception

Learn who William Morgan is, read his book, William Morgan was a member of GIM
to send skykike a message, that is MJK aka FRED I believe, I was Eustace Mullins
for a reason as well.

You can easily find all of the above and these are must reads, cherry picks by Magnes.

Most are short reads.