View Full Version : 50 plus MPG cars not allowed in the U.S. or Canada

13th July 2013, 11:09 PM
50 plus MPG cars not allowed in the U.S. or Canada Jim Stone, July 12, 2013
Permalink (http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/50plus.html) Americans get guilt tripped by their own government for driving huge gas sucking cars. Americans are called wasteful, and are often shown graphs of how much energy they use compared to the rest of the world. But what if the problem is not the American people, but those who govern them? The following report is intended to be a wake up call for the American people. There are no tricks here, such as quoting imperial gallons, referencing tiny cars, electric cars, or even hybrids. These cars are straight up 50 plus mile per gallon winners which are banned for sale in the U.S., and if you think you can bring one home, think again, in America such cars are allowed a 30 day visit upon crossing the border, after which if they are found on American soil they get impounded and if not immediately shipped out of the country thereafter they are destroyed. The U.S. government quotes as a reason for such behavior that said cars are "not up to American standards". But what about Europe, where they are allowed? European standards are every bit as high as American standards, (BMW vs Ford) but with a simple quote from the government, American people will turn their nose and say if it is not up to American standards we do not want it here. But under all of this is a damning reality - there is nothing wrong with these cars other than the fact that they are too efficient and will reduce corporate profits as a result.
Lets get started http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/urbancruiser.jpg With a combined mileage of 52.8 U.S. mpg and an even higher highway mpg, the Urban Cruiser SUV crossover by Toyota, which is a European version of the Scion XD features front wheel drive for the ultimate mileage and if you are willing to sacrifice and get the 4 wheel drive version, you will suffer in life with a combined mileage of 48 mpg. Al Gore is not happy with this one, so you can forget about it in the U.S.

http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/quashquai.jpg With a highway mileage of 56 mpg per U.S. gallon, the Nissan Qashqai SUV crossover would be sure to make any carbon tax junkie shiver with dread. Fortunately the American version delivers only 26 highway mpg (22 combined) so the local carbon tax tyrant can rest easy. I would like to ask HOW ON EARTH the difference could be so huge. True, the ultimate mileage is compliments of a diesel engine but that cannot account for such a severe mileage cut. The American version has got to be intentionally detuned to deliver horrific comparable mileage. And that is not the end of it, on E85 fuel which is rapidly being forced on the American people, the mileage drops to an amazingly low 18/23.

Here's a good one http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/bluemotion.jpg With 78.5 imperial miles per gallon highway, the 1.6 blue motion TDI Volkswagen Passat wagon is definitely forbidden in America, where in the smaller American gallons it would deliver a carbon tax blood curdling 65.4 highway mpg. I never laughed at the 70 mpg carburetor even as a kid. How would that do you on vacation? And even city fuel mileage comes in at over 50 miles per U.S. gallon. Ever see National Lampoons vacation? The car is THAT big. They are flat out banned in America, and if you manage to get one into the states, you will be allowed 30 days to leave with it or it will be impounded and crushed. I looked into this topic, and when it comes to cars like this they really are banned even if purchased elsewhere and really will get taken by the government if you do not get them out of the country on time. Take a look at what an American who rented one of these in Europe had to say (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBnlXGvA1Wk) when he got home and could not buy one even though they are manufactured in America and shipped out of the country.
And now, the punch line
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBnlXGvA1Wkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBnlXGvA1Wk http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/290mpg.jpgThis is the 261 MPG volkswagen I mentioned a few months ago. Yeah, that station wagon delivering 65 U.S. MPG looks pretty good for an American family, but 261 mpg is pretty tempting. Perhaps I'd spring for it, and certainly if I managed to get one into Mexico it would not get crushed. But don't even think about approaching the U.S. border with this one, if 65 MPG from a large station wagon will get your car taken away by the FED, this bad boy would land you in prison. It ended up getting ridiculed for only achieving a combined mileage of 160 MPG in U.S. gallons (192 combined in Imperial gallons), (http://autofixx.com/2013/after-testing-vw-xl1-hybrid-falls-short-of-claims-averaging-only-160-mpg/) but come on now, at that point, WHO CARES. Even at 160 MPG combined, which means the highway mpg is well into the 200's, this particular car exposes the fuel mileage lie so harshly that there is absolutely no recovery or hiding from the truth, even Europeans are getting scammed at 65 mpg while Americans are getting more than raped.
How long are Americans going to continue to tolerate a government that can't even be honest about fuel economy, all the while that same government back stabs the American psyche with illusions of wastefulness? http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/renault1.jpg I now feel stupid about even mentioning that 64 U.S. mpg Seat Toledo (http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/holytoledo.html)I did a big write up about earlier. The only reason why I thought that car was remarkable is because I myself had been fooled, that station wagon mentioned above is a whole lot better. And that is not even the best there is. If you take the time to wade through all the censorship, you will eventually discover that there are over 20 full sized cars, including 10 SUV's that get combined mileage figures over 50 U.S. MPG, and that's not counting econoboxes. Even Renault has a 4 door hatch back that gets over 80 combined imperial MPG and pushes well over 100 imperial mpg on the highway. (http://www.nationwide-cars.co.uk/cars/renault_megane_diesel_hatchback_d55025.asp) ( Megane expression pictured here.) This equates to 65 US MPG combined, 85 mpg highway, and though it is not a full sized car, it could hardly be called an "econobox".
Americans need to stand up and demand the government to stop censoring search results to prevent Americans from learning the truth elsewhere. Americans need to stand up and call the government on the carpet over the lies that "40 MPG can be achieved in the future" all the while even American car companies such as Ford are producing 65 plus MPG cars for sale on foreign markets right on American soil. It is time to end the lie, and tell these scamming frauds in our government to STICK IT.
If there is any "conspiracy" you could use to wake Americans up, it is this one, these cars are real and not just a bunch of blurry UFO photos. You cannot let the truth slip away on the basis of "the cars not being up to American standards", especially when those standards are forced to include having always on cell connections to every car that can be used to commit murder when the government deems fit as they did in the case of Hastings. There is nothing better about American "improvements" or "standards" that is in any way more beneficial to the people than the European counterparts, and forcing every car to give the government the option to murder via wire is an "improvement" every American can certainly live without. I'd take a fuel economy improvement over that ANY DAY.


14th July 2013, 03:04 AM
Bretton woods made the USA the supply of inflation and the rest of the world the demand for it.

Consumption of resources to create US Dollars for export in exchange for goods and services and raw materials imported ultimately into US land fills.

I think the constant guilt trip causes people to consume more trying to escape the pain of it...the rich of course can buy all the latest an greatest green washed products to get the maximum benefit from their guilt trip escape plans.

The poor gobble down massive amounts of cheaply produced yummy tasting poison in massive quantities trying to escape deflation with inflation and are turning into fat walking tumors...The sick and the dying supply the medial care industry with massive demand and this translates into massive amounts of debt inflation.

I live in Canada and most of my paycheck is in US Dollars from dumping massive amounts of resources into the USA...but I'm paid in Canadian dollars.

All the currencies of the world are like this...A portion of their value is due to US Dollar imports from exports out.

Prior to the collapse in 2008...the Euro bottomed in 2001 and from there up till late 2007 it gained strength compared to the US Dollar.

The supply of US dollars began drying up in 2005 and by 2008 the global banking system which requires constant inflation to sustain existence began collapsing and all the bubbles around the world began popping.

like the Greek bond bubble...excess US dollars in the USA were used to by euros and then buy Greek bonds to drive rates down and cause their economy to boom...ode to joy...the reward for being good and joining the euro zone.

All the insiders that know what is going on place bets on the bonds that extract more yield to feed into the multiplier effect.

Until the line signers in the USA ran out and the supply of US Dollars buying euros to then buy Greek bonds stopped and rates rocked up and imploded Greece. poof.

Cars that burn more gas are required since 51% of a barrel of oil is gasoline and if you don't burn it off in cars...you have to store it up.

Lets say you figure out a way to eliminate gasoline...but you still require the other 49% of the barrel of petrochemicals to sustain civilization.

You then have about 10 million barrels of gasoline a day of waste being produced...Lakes of toxic gasoline to store somehow or get rid of.

40,000 tons of fluorosilic acid is recovered from phosphoric acid plants per year in the USA which is a massive pile of toxic waste by product that is added to the water supply to get rid of it.

It helps to stop cavities according to the dentists.

14th July 2013, 06:03 AM
Two different standards are at work. The reason these cars are permitted in Europe and elsewhere is that these other places have written their pollution standards on the basis of emissions per gallon consumed.

In the U.S. the standard is based upon emissions per mile driven without respect to how much fuel is consumed to drive that mile.

The result is as shown above. Non-U.S. models consume less fuel and pollute less per gallon while U.S. models consume more fuel and pollute less per mile.

14th July 2013, 09:14 AM
methinks you are confounded. Non US consume less fuel per mile and pollute more per gallon. US consume more fuel per mile but shit less per gallon. US only care how much crap per gallon.

14th July 2013, 09:20 AM
I thought the US emissions were based on the pollution per volume of exhaust. Basically if it is clean coming out the tail pipe it doesn't matter the volume of exhaust that is actually exiting the tail pipe.

So if one cubic foot of exhaust from a Hummer has x particulate and one cubic foot from the Volkswagen has x+5 particulate the Volkswagen isn't allowed. problem is the hummer makes 12x more total exhaust.

14th July 2013, 12:07 PM
methinks you are confounded. Non US consume less fuel per mile and pollute more per gallon. US consume more fuel per mile but shit less per gallon. US only care how much crap per gallon.

As usual Palini is wrong, the answer is in the video.

14th July 2013, 01:04 PM
If these cars were allowed in the U.S. gas would have to be 7 or 8 bucks a gallon to generate enough tax revenue for hiway maintenance.

midnight rambler
14th July 2013, 01:15 PM
I think it's part of the Agenda 21 conspiracy to get us out of our cars and jammed into the cities to the degree that one doesn't 'need' an automobile (or can afford one).

14th July 2013, 01:23 PM
looks like the oil companies are higher up on the Jew-SA totem pole than the car companies.

14th July 2013, 04:34 PM
I have a couple inquiries to friends in the UK about this issue and what the difference is between the efficiency. I have a Honda that's getting 34mpg, should be 27 rated freeway but I am unable to increase it farther as is. The fuel ratio is like 14:1 in all scenarios, IE: downhill etc which is a wast of fuel but if you cut the fuel it will over heat and melt the pistons. If I could retrofit an older style distributor I could gain a bit by utilizing the vacuum advance for those downhill endeavors. No Deals, seems like you cant mix and match unless you retrovert to the old engine style which wont just simply bolt in the the body/frame/transmission without a total custom redo. This is not a racecar so based on a mileage aspect it seems to be a waste of time except the ability to get 60+mpg. To think I get a whopping 70MPG from a scooter that tops out at 50.... It's all a scam.

14th July 2013, 05:34 PM
As usual Palini is wrong, the answer is in the video.
No .. I stated what I believe is correct and it hasn't been proven wrong. I can't help it if you can't read.

14th July 2013, 10:18 PM
If my payday is derived from selling you 1 Barrel of oil a day for 100 Dollars a barrel.

If you cut your demand to a half a barrel of oil...I will have to double the price to obtain a payday.

You all can cut back all you want but until you can figure out a way to exist without oil...The more you all cut back the higher the price will go.

14th July 2013, 10:40 PM
If my payday is derived from selling you 1 Barrel of oil a day for 100 Dollars a barrel.

If you cut your demand to a half a barrel of oil...I will have to double the price to obtain a payday.

You all can cut back all you want but until you can figure out a way to exist without oil...The more you all cut back the higher the price will go.

the diesel engine was invented to run on peanut oil, then adapted to sunflower oil.

production is about 25 gallons of sunflower oil per acre. about 1/3 of that is consumed in the process of removing the oil, if you use a small scale press costing about $8000.

so it can be done but it's only cost-worthy if you have a few acres of land and the water to go with it. not to mention the time.

15th July 2013, 06:56 AM
I have a couple inquiries to friends in the UK about this issue and what the difference is between the efficiency. I have a Honda that's getting 34mpg, should be 27 rated freeway but I am unable to increase it farther as is. The fuel ratio is like 14:1 in all scenarios, IE: downhill etc which is a wast of fuel but if you cut the fuel it will over heat and melt the pistons. If I could retrofit an older style distributor I could gain a bit by utilizing the vacuum advance for those downhill endeavors. No Deals, seems like you cant mix and match unless you retrovert to the old engine style which wont just simply bolt in the the body/frame/transmission without a total custom redo. This is not a racecar so based on a mileage aspect it seems to be a waste of time except the ability to get 60+mpg. To think I get a whopping 70MPG from a scooter that tops out at 50.... It's all a scam.

Apparently my response to this post really PISSES cebu off.