View Full Version : Why NSA Spying Never Catches Israelis............. V

14th July 2013, 08:47 AM
Excelent video...........

How many Israeli Intel networks have the Western countries broken up since 911? The answer is zero. The Zionists have compromised these Western nations in a variety of ways… You cannot involve the Israelis in anything and have any security. The two are mutually exclusive. - “NSA spying never catches Israelis - Why not?” by Jim W. Dean, Press TV, July 11, 2013


14th July 2013, 10:08 AM
i have had 2 interviews with the US gov. for computer graphics work.

one interview was with an old guy who identified himself as career CIA, and a younger Jewish woman.

the second interview was with a younger guy (a telecom tech) who identified himself as CIA, and indicated co-workers, one NSA, one Jewish & probably Mossad.

i felt little kin-ship with them, but probably would have learned a lot if i had followed up.

no surprise here. the US gov. and most parts of all the many intelligence agencies are run by Jewish managers & Shabbas Goyim, all of them very pro-Israeli.

14th July 2013, 11:42 AM
It's evident that zio duals are managing the abc agencies within the US government especially the NSA, CIA and DHS. Israel specializes in high tech surveillance technology, and intelligence operations.