View Full Version : kaminski "trayvon lunacy"

Large Sarge
14th July 2013, 03:54 PM

14th July 2013, 03:59 PM
"Also critically needing to be discussed is the new phenomenon that is sweeping cities across the United States called "the Knockout Game", in which gangs of unruly black teenagers seek hapless white victims to beat up. To win the game, the object is to render unconscious the unsuspecting victim with one punch, and examples of this new and sadistic social phenomenon are plentiful.

And a further enlargement of the discussion of racial understanding in this country (not to mention the world) would be to discern how America's social infrastructure has been ravaged and destroyed by the inexplicable inflation of the U.S. population by unregulated immigration, particularly by the porous border philosophy practiced by the Obama government which has allowed crime rates to skyrocket in the southwestern border states and residents to flee their property in fear for their lives.

This policy, which included the now-infamous Fast and Furious fiasco in which Attorney General Eric Holder deliberately facilitated the delivery of automatic weapons to Mexican drug gangs, and was never charged for it, gives life to the claim that government officials in the U.S. do not obey the very laws they are supposed to enforce, and are actually working to destabilize the country.

These larger questions are the legacy of the Trayvon Martin incident, which are definitely not being addressed as the media wallows in kind of kumbiyah shoulder shrugging, mask their disappointment that they couldn't put George Zimmerman in prison and set a precedent that black hoodlums would be free to roam white neighborhoods and not be challenged for their suspicious presence in locations where they simply shouldn't be.

A simple glance at the police report of any newspaper in the United States should suffice to tell you why they shouldn't be there.

After all, Zimmerman, the captain of his neighborhood's security watch, challenged Martin because he was walking in the rain at night between houses wearing a hoodie in a place he shouldn't have been. Shortly thereafter, Martin was slamming Zimmerman's head on the pavement.

My opinion is not about racism, it's about criminality, and the prudent prevention of it.

And it's about a fairly recent trend in which black criminality is generally underplayed by media throughout the United States, creating the consensus notion that life in the black community is a lot more peaceful than it actually is.

There are large sections of America where ordinary law-abiding citizens should not go, murderous and decaying crack zones in practically every American city where crime is rampant and life is nasty and short. Detroit probably is the best example; the police there have publicly announced that they can't protect anyone in large sections of the city.

And even since they passed strict new gun laws in Chicago, the murder rate has skyrocketed."

oh, good. let's move there ! /sarc

why doesn't Google put a server center there ? let the Jewgle-ites hang with the homies.

14th July 2013, 04:05 PM
Chitcago did pass a conceal carry law though. Not the best but better than nothing. This WILL thwart crime so a sence but the DOJ and the jews in charge will use every effort to make them examples just for defending their lives.