View Full Version : Zimmerman "Profiled" Trayvon

15th July 2013, 09:32 AM

Too funny. Trayvon looked like all the other niggers who recently broke into homes in that White neighborhood.

That "profiling" is a hate crime and violated poor innocent Trayvon's so-called civil rights.

Actual photo of Trayvon buying his Skittles that night

One of thousands of other niggers "buying" Skittles who look just like poor innocent Trayvon


midnight rambler
15th July 2013, 09:46 AM
What's being so conveniently overlooked is that innocent lil' Trayvon the angel walked at least 1.5 miles (round trip) IN THE RAIN to buy Skittles and the watermelon favored ice tea most likely to be used for his codeine cocktail concoction known in the hood as 'purple drank' or 'leak'. Someone would HAVE to be highly motivated to walk 1.5 miles in the rain to get a 'snack'.

Twisted Titan
15th July 2013, 09:58 AM
And to that

Guess what was found not to far from Trayvons body in the bushes?

A slimjim / prying device.

When you look at the above pic of TM it could have easily been concealed on him and when GZ was following him TM thought he was a cop and tossed in the nearest bush after exchanges when He found out Zimm wasnt a cop you can more easily see him want to go hogwild

Twisted Titan
15th July 2013, 10:02 AM
The defense manage to get that and several other key pieces of evidence supressed.

The odds are higher then a kite

The innocent skittles run was actually a run to case houses in the area

midnight rambler
15th July 2013, 10:06 AM
The defense manage to get that and several other key pieces of evidence supressed.

The odds are higher then a kite

The innocent skittles run was actually a run to case houses in the area

Probably a combination of making a 'leak' run while casing houses...IN THE RAIN.

15th July 2013, 10:14 AM

Holder Calls for Dignified Discussion on Zimmerman Verdict (http://stream.wsj.com/story/latest-headlines/SS-2-63399/SS-2-277103/)

By Devlin Barrett

Attorney General Eric Holder, in his first public comments about the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial, called for a dignified discussion of the issues surrounding the case, and a better effort to combat the “mistaken beliefs and stereotypes that serve as the basis for these too common incidents.’’

Mr. Holder’s remarks on the case came during a previously scheduled speech in Washington before the Delta Sigma Theta sorority’s convention.

Mr. Holder, in a written version of his remarks, gave no indication whether he thought the federal probe of Mr. Zimmerman would result in new charges, but said “this tragedy provides yet another opportunity for our nation to speak honestly about the complicated and emotionally-charged issues that this case has raised. We must not – as we have too often in the past – let this opportunity pass.’’


The shooting of teenager Trayvon Martin by Mr. Zimmerman in Sanford, Fla., has prompted angry debates about gun laws and race – Mr. Martin was black, Mr. Zimmerman is Hispanic. Even as he called for a national discussion of tough issues, Mr. Holder didn’t explicitly mention race or guns in his comments Monday. He is due to speak to the NAACP on Tuesday in Orlando, where he will more fully address the case.

He called on the country to work together “to prevent future tragedies and to deal with the underlying attitudes, mistaken beliefs and stereotypes that serve as the basis for these too common incidents.’’

He urged a national discussion to be conducted “with the same dignity that those who have lost the most, Trayvon’s parents, have demonstrated throughout the last year,’’ he said. The Justice Department, he said, “will continue to act in a manner that is consistent with the facts and the law.’’

Legal experts have said it will be difficult to build a winnable case against Mr. Zimmerman, given the legal thresholds in federal civil rights and hate crimes laws. The Department, Mr. Holder said, will “address community concerns and promote healing… We will never stop working to ensure that — in every case, in every circumstance, and in every community — justice must be done.’’

:rolleyes: "mistaken" stereotypes