View Full Version : Oldest Ever Calendar found in Scotland Rewrites the History Books....... V

15th July 2013, 07:34 PM
Someday they will discover that the "old" that's supposed to be "new" is nothing more than a copy that comes from an older era in the past.......... and many of the things that we do today are based on something that happened in older times for which we have no written record, we are on a road that we do not recognise as a road but that is actually a road in our subsconsience.

New research carried out on an ancient site that was excavated by the National Trust for Scotland in 2004 has revealed that it contained a sophisticated calendar system that is approximately 10,000 years old, making it the oldest calendar ever discovered in the world.

The recent analysis on the site, which was carried out by a team of scientists from the University of Birmingham, used specially designed software to explore the relationship between the pits, the topography and the movements of the moon and sun.

Surprisingly, the results revealed that the pits appear to represent the months of the year as well as the lunar phases of the moon making this remarkable ancient site 5,000 years older that the oldest known calendar from Bronze Age Mesopotamia.

But this is no primitive or simplistic calendar. The pits were formed in a complex arc design in which each lunar month was divided into three roughly ten day weeks – representing the waxing moon, the full moon and the waning moon. It also allowed the observation of the mid-winter sunrise so that the lunar calendar could be recalibrated each year to bring it back in line with the solar year. The entire arc represents a whole year and may also reflect the movements of the moon across the size.

The incredible discovery shows us once again that our ancient ancestors were not as primitive as our history books tell us. Professor Gaffney, who headed the research term said: “The research demonstrates that Stone Age society 10,000 years ago was much more sophisticated than we had previously suspected. The site has implications for the way we understand how Mesolithic society developed in economic, social and cosmological terms”.


15th July 2013, 08:15 PM
There is no such thing as a "stone age" or a "bronze age" unless you susbcribe to the evolution religion and thus accept the so called "history" attached to it.

Man was made perfect on day one and if he never sinnned and was alive today, you would call him a "superman" physically and his IQ would be off the charts and as far as knowledge, he had it, including metalworking which was passed down.

Genesis 4:22 And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron...

Man has only gone in one general direction since adam...



7th trump
15th July 2013, 09:30 PM
There is no such thing as a "stone age" or a "bronze age" unless you susbcribe to the evolution religion and thus accept the so called "history" attached to it.

Man was made perfect on day one and if he never sinnned and was alive today, you would call him a "superman" physically and his IQ would be off the charts and as far as knowledge, he had it, including metalworking which was passed down.

Genesis 4:22 And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron...

Man has only gone in one general direction since adam...


Earth is millions of years old and so are we.
We all had angelic bodies that didn't get sick, felt pain or needed sleep. Actually we still have those angelic bodies. When we die our angelic bodies step out of the flesh bodies (the clay pot breaks).
Lucifer revolted and God destroyed the earth it once was leaving no trace of the ancient earth with all its Godly technology.
Since then we are to take our individual turns in the flesh as a testament to who we are going to serve......the Father or lucifer?
When this "testament" is all said and done, earth is rejuvenated back to what it once was...a tropical paradise having no oceans and with seasons.

16th July 2013, 03:54 AM
Sunrise occurs at 6 A.M.

Celtic Rogue
16th July 2013, 03:58 AM
There is no such thing as a "stone age" or a "bronze age" unless you susbcribe to the evolution religion and thus accept the so called "history" attached to it.

Man was made perfect on day one and if he never sinnned and was alive today, you would call him a "superman" physically and his IQ would be off the charts and as far as knowledge, he had it, including metalworking which was passed down.

Genesis 4:22 And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron...

Man has only gone in one general direction since adam...



And you call your self enlightened? Your veiw of history is ridiculous! But each to their own delusions. I still say that organized religion is a mental disorder. A disorder that stems from an insecurity of ones self. I dont need a god to live my life fully... I dont believe in the so called heaven or hell. I cannot tolerate any institution that uses the fear of torture and pain for eternity to force people to believe in what they are selling! But I will also fight for your right to believe in what ever you wish... as long as I do not have to be a part of your believes.

16th July 2013, 04:47 AM
This calendar is more advanced then the one we have today which bears no resemblance to natural cycles anymore .

16th July 2013, 04:59 AM
And you call your self enlightened? Your veiw of history is ridiculous! But each to their own delusions. I still say that organized religion is a mental disorder. A disorder that stems from an insecurity of ones self. I dont need a god to live my life fully... I dont believe in the so called heaven or hell. I cannot tolerate any institution that uses the fear of torture and pain for eternity to force people to believe in what they are selling! But I will also fight for your right to believe in what ever you wish... as long as I do not have to be a part of your believes.

breaking out of organised religion is the final frontier ,it is the most difficult thing and toughest assignment we may have in our life time

for some it is easy but for others it is very difficult as the conditioning is so deep

we may understand the truths about money and other things yet still cling to our religious doctrines

I blame no one for this ,although having the courage to break free is the answer

to find out that we are alone ,truly alone is scary

religion has controlled people not just while they are on earth but in the after life also , they have peoples souls

freedom is the realisation of our own spiritual nature and living it and no organisation on earth has brought this to people yet as they all want us to worship something

people still will be a catholic for instance knowing the riches they have ,the pedophilia ,the satanic carry on in the vatican ,the burning at the stake of witches ,yet people still cling to this religion when doing so means you must support this type of behavior .

reach your own god head as NO ONE ELSE IS GOING TO DO IT FOR YOU , not in a million years......sorry

16th July 2013, 05:34 AM
And you call your self enlightened? Your veiw of history is ridiculous! But each to their own delusions. I still say that organized religion is a mental disorder. A disorder that stems from an insecurity of ones self. I dont need a god to live my life fully... I dont believe in the so called heaven or hell. I cannot tolerate any institution that uses the fear of torture and pain for eternity to force people to believe in what they are selling! But I will also fight for your right to believe in what ever you wish... as long as I do not have to be a part of your believes.

If you cannot tolerate the fake concepts that you erroneously applied to this post as a straw argument, why then would you fight for someone's right to foist up what you cannot tolerate? That is just plain stupid.
BTW- you cannot destroy someone's right to believe something, nor can you protect it. It is unalienable. So I find your words ridiculous, grandiose buffoonery.

From the post of SOG, I see a verse from the bible. How did you conjure up an organized religion from that?

16th July 2013, 05:35 AM
This is a great find! Finally we are beginning to see the intelectual finesse of our ancestors. This would have been constructed some 2000 years after the last glacial maximum, not that long really when one thinks about it.

To think that hunter getheres had no knowledge of the procesion of the stars is foolish. Of course they did, how else would they time hunting and the migratory patterns of prey.

But again, its quite a large leap to claim that because they had a calendar they were by default traversing the universe like imortals.

They dug this thing with bare hands in the dirt, it is exquisitely primitive.

Celtic Rogue
16th July 2013, 06:59 AM
If you cannot tolerate the fake concepts that you erroneously applied to this post as a straw argument, why then would you fight for someone's right to foist up what you cannot tolerate? That is just plain stupid.
BTW- you cannot destroy someone's right to believe something, nor can you protect it. It is unalienable. So I find your words ridiculous, grandiose buffoonery.

From the post of SOG, I see a verse from the bible. How did you conjure up an organized religion from that?

I think my words say it plainly... I stand on my beliefs, I never once said I wanted to destroy anyone's right to believe anything. Oh and in my opinion the bible is an organized attempt to tell a story picking and choosing what stories fit their agenda.... nothing more. Its just too jewish for my tastes. Do you think that the bible is the word of god? Believe away as you wish...

16th July 2013, 08:35 AM
If including a verse from the bible in a post helps man on his decent from Adam.

It should be noted that the Bible was found at least half way down on the road to hell,

and only a sign of worse things to come from governing oneself by a fate of others scribblings.

16th July 2013, 09:44 AM
80% of the Bible is nothing more than a copy cat book from an ever older book or books, and remember that the Jew included themselves in the "holy" book when there was no actual Jews.


16th July 2013, 11:39 AM
80% of the Bible is nothing more than a copy cat book from an ever older book or books, and remember that the Jew included themselves in the "holy" book when there was no actual Jews.

And you know this horseshit from what?

Don't even try to pull that crap without some evidence..... and as old and crotchety as you are, I am quite certain you were not around before the Dead Sea scrolls were written.

Also, as you cite that 80% is copied... I bet you haven't read 1% of the bible.

16th July 2013, 12:26 PM
Spect is pissed off because the calendar was not found in Palestine with David signature hahahahaahh.

By the way, If you were to read more you would know that most of the Bible came from elsewhere.

"Ill never stop learning because I will never stop reading"... Ponce

About reading the Bible? I was interned in a catolic school for five years......Dominus Corpus Spiritus Santis, in il nombre dil padre dil figli dil spiritus sanis.........AMEN.


16th July 2013, 12:57 PM
in il nombre dil padre dil figli dil spiritus sanis.........AMEN.


Thank God for the spiritus sanis,

for without it, you'd just end up with the padre and his figli dil... :)

ps. this thread has been tagged by the one star bandit.

17th July 2013, 04:35 AM
Spect is pissed off because the calendar was not found in Palestine with David signature hahahahaahh.

By the way, If you were to read more you would know that most of the Bible came from elsewhere.

"Ill never stop learning because I will never stop reading"... Ponce

About reading the Bible? I was interned in a catolic school for five years......Dominus Corpus Spiritus Santis, in il nombre dil padre dil figli dil spiritus sanis.........AMEN.


You were in a catholic school for 5 years and you are still illiterate, yet you claim to be a bible scholar without having read 1% of it. You can be a fool all you want, but anyone who believes your crap is a greater fool.

FYI- I was in a catholic school 8 years and I still did not know the bible. I learned bible stories and superstitions but did not learn the truth. Seems like the only thing you picked up was corpus santa clausus.

This calendar in the OP is not a calendar but an observatory of the moon and sun.

17th July 2013, 04:54 AM
Priests used to mark the new moon as the calends ... the first day of the Roman month ... important because on that day debts came due and accounts were reckoned.

7th trump
17th July 2013, 06:21 AM
80% of the Bible is nothing more than a copy cat book from an ever older book or books, and remember that the Jew included themselves in the "holy" book when there was no actual Jews.


If my memory serves me correct most of the Bible was written by Luke, a medical doctor of that time.
Hence why you see medical terms used in the Bible.
You see God wasnt stupid to inspire the educated to compose a book of His Word.
One of the books that Luke composed is written in what is called "street Greek" or greek slang which throws a lot of people off........but it was left that way for a good reason. God could reach alot of people if the scripture was in a language that could be understood by a commoner. How many people were wealthy back in those days to get an education? Not many and why it remained written that way.
Yeah, sure a lot of the books are from different time frames and geographical location. Theres a good reason for it. To the Biblical scholar each and everyone of the books, even though come from different geographical and time, confirm each other. By doing so the Bible has more creditability to build faith for the beleivers. Gods path didnt change in time or location.
Theres more detail of what to expect of the end times in Mathew and Luke than there is in the book of Revelation.

If you would actually read the Bible Ponce those who claim to be jews and are not are revealed as so way before Christ personally addressed them. God warned us about them and their attempts in rewritting the Bible and history. They are nation destroyers and identity theives. So no we dont have an excuse to say the world went south because of them. That blame is directly on us for allowing it to happen.
Most dont even know this, but in the old testament its foretold by a thousand years that Christ was to walk the earth.
Its all in the Bible Ponce.....the past, the present, the future, your health laws, your moral laws, even how to protect yourself. He even tells you what the number 666 is so as not to be like the ignorant and get caught with your pants down.
You may not like how God says all this, but its all in the Bible Ponce.
Maybe you have some humbling to do before you accept God through Christ?
I hate churches Ponce and dont attend, but thats no reason to throw the baby out with the bath water.

17th July 2013, 07:59 AM

Silver Rocket Bitches!
17th July 2013, 10:06 AM
Nevertheless you do not reckon the days correctly and your calendar is naught but confusion. Consequently the gods load her with threats each time they get home and are disappointed of their meal, because the festival has not been kept in the regular order of time. When you should be sacrificing, you are putting to the torture or administering justice. And often, we others, the gods, are fasting in token of mourning for the death of Memnon or Sarpedon, while you are devoting yourselves to joyous libations. It is for this, that last year, when the lot would have invested Hyperbolus with the duty of Amphictyon, we took his crown from him, to teach him that time must be divided according to the phases of the moon.

- Aristophanes, The Clouds, 419 B.C.

17th July 2013, 10:06 AM

Enough said.

17th July 2013, 11:09 AM
Sorry about that.......it should have been "santis" instead of "sanis".

I never raise hell with those who "knows" more than me sooooooooo .........I say nothing.