View Full Version : Dog vs Racoon........Ponce was the looser.......V

16th July 2013, 03:05 AM
It is now 0300 hours..........half an hour ago my dog woke me up barking like mad, after looking for him for ten minutes I finally found him under the house and he would not come out.......I thought that his collar was cought in something so I cralled down there, he keep on facing the same dirrection and when I got closer to him with my 1'000,00 high power flashlight the fight began, him vs a BIG racoon.......he finally came out and I was sofocating with all that dust........I came out and locked him in the garage and I took a bath by my smaller water tank, happey to say that the water was still warm from yesterday's heat.................I left the door to my inner fence open for the racoon to go away....otherwise he will be my dog's meal for a whole week.


General of Darkness
16th July 2013, 06:13 AM
Had the same problem a few months ago. I feel for ya.

16th July 2013, 06:36 AM
They say racoons have a natural attraction to silver. Any truth to this?

German Shepard we used to have would corner coons on top of a fence post a couple times a year and then keep us up all nite ♦with the barking. Always had to go down and knock it down with the .22 and then the dog would finish it off.

I can imagine a Jack Russel terrier wouldn't know when he is outclassed.

16th July 2013, 08:08 AM
The problem was that with my bad knee I had a hell of a time crawling down there and whey they started the actual fight the dust flew everywhere, including in my nose, lucky for me the water in my smaller water tank was still warm...........meanwhile, the dog in the garage destroyes all my paper work that I was keeping in there and them made a nest with them......he is lucky that I no longer have the temper that I used to have long ago.


Hatha Sunahara
16th July 2013, 08:55 AM
I've read that cats and raccoons get along ok. I don't believe it. A year ago my cat disappeared. I've seen at least a half dozen lost cat posters on utility poles in my neighborhood in the last year. Last week, I found a pile of fur next to my driveway, and there was a fabric cat collar in the pile. Yesterday, I saw the rear half of a dead cat on a neighbor's lawn. People assume it's a coyote that preys on neighborhood cats, but I think there are some aggressive raccoons killing the cats. I have a new cat now, and I keep him indoors.


16th July 2013, 09:40 AM
I just inspected all around my inner fence and found no holes.....so......how the hell did he get inside? I believe that he got out last night and so did dog out of the garage.......so......is the racoon dog meat for the next week?.........remember that he had two dead racoons under the house last year or was it year before last?